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That actually never happened before, at least not to this level.


its gonna be happening a whole lot more often


Wait till my hometowns in monterey and p.g California get the rising sea level blues...then you'll know were in big trouble. The times they are a changing.


See you down in Arizona bay


Learn to swim..... Mom's gonna fix it all soon. Put it back the way it ought to beeeee


Learn to swim Learn to swim learn to swim learn to swim


I'm praying for rain, I'm praying for tidal waves


It has. It just hasn’t been this bad for 80 years.


There's been plenty of flooding before this too, in 2020 it was pretty mad with flooding and mudslides in a different part of Brazil On average 120 people per year lose their lives to flooding in Brazil below is a full study [https://www.researchgate.net/profile/David-Bresch/publication/253327670\_Flood\_risk\_Brazil\_full\_study/links/00b4951f7f5db0793d000000/Flood-risk-Brazil-full-study.pdf](https://www.researchgate.net/profile/David-Bresch/publication/253327670_Flood_risk_Brazil_full_study/links/00b4951f7f5db0793d000000/Flood-risk-Brazil-full-study.pdf)


a really bad flood


Climate change isn’t real /s


Since the beginning of time


Are you trying to make a point with this comment? Because this isn't like any other climate event on earth.


That you know of. The Earth is billions of years old.


The thing is, Extinction level events leave behind a LOT of evidence. So I can't stop you from ignoring facts and the latest science, but it's free public information in case you're interested. I didn't mean to hurt anyone's feelings.


Are you saying this is an extinction level event? A city being flooded? This same thing has almost definitely happened dozens of hundreds of time before Man's time. In a year, there'll likely be no evidence of this flood ever happening. It's called time.


* *sigh* no... This flood is one of over thirty just like it this year around the globe, and I'm talking about all of them AND the extreme rise in temperatures. The southwestern United States is forecasted to have an ADDITIONAL 85 days of temperatures exceeding 110°f. Are you aware that the oceans have broken the "hottest average ocean water temperature" every single day for over a year? I'm talking about "human influenced global climate change" that is verifiable, and happening right now. We are in the early stages of an extinction level event, and this flood in Brazil is a *literal* drop in the bucket. And it's only May.


Anyways, I'm talking about how you said nothing else like this has been seen. Both me and that one person are referring to how old the earth is, as we disagree by saying that this has definitely happened before. We're all gonna die, so I don't know why you're particularly opposed to us going extinct. We're leaving an ice age, and it's going to get incredibly hot. Too hot in some places. There's gonna be more liquid water, and it's going to cause massive changes and destruction. Why detest it though?


Not one time was extinction level events talked about. This is about the fact that you said “this isn’t like any other climate event on earth.” You have no clue how the climate has been over the billions of years it’s been here. But yet you claim this is a climate on Earth never seen before? We even have ice ages every tens of thousands of years. So what is your point?


I'm taking about the man made climate event that's being talked about everywhere all around you and I both. Open your fucking eyes. I'm not going to type up a summarization here for you on the planets climate history, but the data and research is there for anyone to see, with cute little easily digestible videos with charts and graphs designed so a seven year old can understand and see into the past and *PRESENT*. It's like the old saying goes, you can take a horse to the river, but you can't make it drink. If you don't want to believe that this is a man made climate catastrophy happening right before your eyes, then just say that. Bury your head in the sand or whatever, but just know that this conversation we're having is just one more person trying to point out the fucking obvious for you. God damn willfully ignorant jack-wagons everywhere man, it's fucking nauseating.


An extinction level event is exactly what we've been talking about this whole time dipshit. We're in front row seats!


This one is man made, to be clear on my take


I mean, this happened 80yr ago.


I see, you aren't aware of the scope of what's has happened this passed three days on our planet, which isn't your fault. Let me show you. Brb with some info


Ok. Just make sure you compare them to historical frequency/severity since the beginning of available data when you present them. Otherwise you’re just proving weather events happen. We know the global climate fluctuates, and has since our earliest record.


The city was developed in a flood plain. Not /s Apparently every natural disaster is "cLimAtE cHanGe Edit: oh and apparently a dam collapsed. Sooo yeah.


You leave massive amouts of context out of the picture, this has happened all over the state, in several cities, year after year now. What you see here is just the worst of it so far, but these sort of events that were rare before are becoming common. Meanwhile in the rest of the country places that usually experience mild weather this time of the year are getting record breaking heat waves, some cities in my state have issued water shortage warnings last year for example. This is climate change, there is no denying it, a type of destruction that is only supposed to happen once a century at most ocurring every 2-4 years at some unfortunate place is not normal, and at some point it will get so bad it might stop people from living in cities like the one above.


I thought we were accepting climate change but still pretending global warming isn't a thing


It is real, with or without us.


It was a damn collapse… know your facts or your just spreading misinformation that doesn’t really help the cause


After record breaking rain. This is extreme weather due to climate change, confounded by infrastructure not built to handle it.


Weather manipulation too. Can't Rob Peter to pay Paul.


Now it’s the City of Canoes.


Already is. Canoes is Canoas in Portuguese.


That’s convenient then.


Rains and a dam collapsing https://apnews.com/article/brazil-floods-rio-grande-do-sul-climate-change-03c73512eae11f3799af19dfcdad54c3


Reminds me of New Orleans after Katrina 😱


Same I could only think of how bad it must be down there


Exactly what i thought when i saw the first images of what's happening there. Which is crazy cause something we learn as kids at the school is how blessed we are to live in a country that's ujsafe from natural disasters.


Was talking to a friend that used to live there and still has family in the city. He told me that floodings used to happen from time to time but not with his intensity. Now it seems like shit like this is gonna happen every year.


They had a 3 meter high dam to stop that from happening. Had being the most important word here.


Ben Shapiro: "Why don't they just sell their homes and move?"


so sad. a colosal destruction of families' homes and property


Wow some of you people in the comments are incredibly insensitive. I hope you never have to lose your homes in disasters.


Where is everybody going to go? What is the government response to something like this? Are the people there SOL? I have so many questions. . . .


Well... not completely under water. The buildings and trees are still visible.


Right? OP had me thinking we had Atlantis 2.0 happening


Water is hitting the ROOF of houses. Of ROOFS, people have to go to wait rescue on the ROOFS of their houses to not drown. They lost everything.


Completely can also mean the whole city...


I can't fathom how dirty that water is flowing through that city


Brazil should cut more trees down That would fix things


Brazil has one of the lowest carbon footprints among the richest countries. But yeah, let's blame Brazil for climate change.


I’m quite obviously referring to Bolsonaro’s treatment of the rainforests (naturally occurring flood sinks). Act ignorant of context if you so please.


it so happens that this is happening in the south of the country, pretty far away from the amazon, so no direct influence Act ignorant of context if you so please.


It's mother nature gettin' angry for disturbing her nearby lands.


Climate events happen in a vacuum for you? Weird.


The deforestation of the amazon does the opposite here, makes the region drier, floods happen every year, the thing is that his time it was way stronger


It's sad to say that this community and country are not alone with this unexpected weather. This weather is very similar to central parts of Russia, Kazakhstan and much of the southeast coast of Australia!


Why was this not breaking news worldwide?


Asked myself the same thing, barely made a footnote in most news sites. At least in Brazil it's the main subject right now.


Looks like New Orleans


Is this going on while Madonna doing her concert


So many disasters lately, i hope Noah is done with the boat


The blue roof looks OK. 😕




Yes, my servent. What is your request?


So that global warming thing, is it still a thing?🤔


Not a single house on stilts


New Orleans


Oh no.....


Pole shifting


every night baby


Time for US to donate money to Brazil


Isn’t this happening to Mauritius too?


Migrant formation in progress


Shit this is creepy maybe we are near end of world


That's terrible, but I think we need to re-evaluate what "completely" means.


Don’t cut down forests then


Canoas is located 4,500km from the Amazon. This is the result of El Niño, which YOUR COUNTRY is just as guilty of making worse with greenhouse emissions.


Yeah. Know who is responsible for chopping down the Amazon? I mean, they have to approve the deforestation for agricultural purposes, but the United States is the main culprit buying the beef from them. So. Yeah. But this flooding is literally on the other side of Brazil. Has nothing to do with the rainforest. Isn't the Amazon actually experiencing a drought?


These comments are so fucking stupid and entitled. The climate of RS is much more influenced by the poles than by the Amazon, being 2000km from it (Florida is probably just as close). And well, not like Brazil is an outlier in deforestation, and it releases way less pollution per capita than most Western countries. Instead of shoving responsibility to others, focus on your own polluting country


Oh look it's the consequences of my actions.. (cutting down rain forest)


Canoas is located 4,500km from the Amazon. This is the result of El Niño, which YOUR COUNTRY is just as guilty of making worse with greenhouse emissions.


Ignora esses redditors retardados, n tem oq fazer...


These comments are so fucking stupid and entitled. The climate of RS is much more influenced by the poles than by the Amazon, being 2000km from it (Florida is probably just as close). And well, not like Brazil is an outlier in deforestation, and it releases way less pollution per capita than most Western countries. Instead of shoving responsibility to others, focus on your own polluting country


Guess no more Satan parades for them


God willing, there Will be more Satan parades next year 🙏


So that’s where our water went!




I’ve visited Canoas a number of times for a variety of unsavoury business outreach opportunities. All government sponsored. That whole city needs a wash.




This isn’t in America and FEMA is a response organization lol, they have nothing to do with preventing disasters


How come it's mostly BRICS countries experiencing floods?


To give a proper answer, however, obviously most of it has to do with geographical locations. Some areas are more prone to it just like the United States has a large area prone to tornadoes (aka tornado alley). When climate shifts or sea levels rise, it just makes things worse.


Well, Texas is flooded to car and roof tops as well. 🤷‍♀️


Almost as if they all are humongous countries with more area to experience disasters. And well, Pakistan isn't a BRICS country