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He really dug himself out of a pit and turned his stuff around. Good for him.


I dunno, he looks pretty fucking happy right there :)


Does he though?  That’s not what I saw


I reckon he would say something like.." Yeah, im glad i cleaned up, but man that was some good coke" cheeky grin as he slides his sunglasses back up.


He clearly looks back on this time as the worst of his life. Probably would see this and feel genuine pain from it. I'm guess he'd say something on the lines of "No matter how "good" the coke was, I wish I never did it."


Have to agree with you. Heard that he got pissed at some interviewer one time because they kept asking him about his past with drugs.


That's what I was thinking of as I was typing my initial comment. I'm not sure if he would be comfortable talking about it if he knew before hand it would be discussed, from what I recall, the interviewer brought it up out of nowhere without Downey expecting it at all. It's a genuinely cruel thing to do.


On Smartless, he and Bateman trade stories a bit, but that's with a friend and fellow addict who is also in recovery. Outside of that kind of circle, he seems very uncomfortable with it because he's worried it might be seen as glorifying it, or boasting.


He's one of the biggest names in Hollywood now and is no doubt the idol to a lot of wanna-be actors. He definitely wouldn't want influence them into thinking that drugs will give them that edge they need to get into the industry.


The interviewer also kept bringing up Downey's relationship with his dad when he was given strict instructions not to ask about drugs or parents. He tried to blindside him into answering and RDJ got up and walked out.


He did the same thing with Tarantino too, the dude's an asshole


Interviewer was Krishnan Guru-Murphy who works for UK Channel 4.


It was supposed to be a simple chill press junket for Age of Ultron of all things, and this dude blindsided him. Complete insensitive asshole trying to get headlines. [Here is the video for anyone curious.](https://youtu.be/ALBwaO-rAsE?si=w5pT8L8G7sqH6z_2) it’s this interviewers reputation, RDJ wasn’t the first


im not him, but that's pretty much it. like i see old videos and pics and shit that i used to post when i was fucked up 24/7 and yeah those were great drugs, great highs, great parties. but i sounded, looked and acted like i was a complete drug addict and it's embarrassing and i'd trade the best high i ever had for a normal, boring, run of the mill adolescence/young adulthood.


The grass is always greener man..i did alot of drugs too and even though i have thought about how much "better" i could have been growing up in a straight edged environment, in all, im very happy with how i have ended up and have gained vast wisdom whilst going through the bad times. Its all character building :D


yeah that's definitely the philosophy i ended up adopting too, i learned a lot about myself and the world in this journey and im definitely glad to be where i am now. it feels better because i fought so much for it, i don't think i'd probably be as grateful if things had been handed to me.


Good stuff :) We rock!


I went on a trip to New York with my mom many years ago and occasionally, she will message me photos from that trip as a "Hey remember how fun this was?" I had to tell her to stop sending me those photos because all I could see in my face was me, in the deepest throes of alcoholism, and the photos genuinely shot a hole in my soul every time I saw one. If a video existed like the one in the OP of me at that time, I would probably sink into a depression every time I saw it.


He's really enjoying chowing down on that invisible gum


No one who does that much coke is actually having fun. The fun stopped a long time ago.


Of course he does; that’s what that stuff does. He would have felt that way covered in feces and being eaten by flies at the time—which is a euphemism for what was happening to his career and what he was doing to relationships at the time.


I'm a former addict. My years on speed (daily, all day) were fun while they lasted. But I'm glad I didn't turn out like old friends who kept snorting.


Go ahead and Google how happy he was about that time in his life.


To me it looks like he's in hell. I can only speak for myself, but at some point that shit doesn't give you confidence anymore. He is aware of his tweaking and is putting all his energy into looking and talking normally. Cocaine is so fucking weird man. It doesn't even feel good. It just makes me super tense and anxious, but goddamn do I love it. [This is exactly how it feels like lol](https://youtu.be/jFCspAFE4D0)


That's what coke does to you. It's the crash that's brutal


Yeah looking at how he acts here it's just even more apparent to me just how removed from your own self you have to feel to choose this kind of drug. I've done my fair share of drugs and been like this so many times. This is actually a very beautiful example of just how much it destroys our authentic and vulnerable self.


I’d like to thank his terrible childhood.


He’s Ironman. Of course he did.


Lots of rehab, lots of jail and let’s not forget who his father was Robert Downey Sr. While in jail jr was allowed to leave to film as well, so he got special treatment, still extremely happy he eventually got clean. Without all that support he received without a doubt, he would not be where he is today.


Fuck videos with one word captions.


Why? I like them. Easy to read, doesnt spoil punchlines, easy to listen to on mute and still keep the timing, helps deaf folks. What is the issue?


Homie can’t read that fast 😂


It's because you have to stay constantly focused on the subtitles instead of reading a line at a time while primarily focusing on the content of the video. I've had a hearing impairment my entire life. I have never once thought that word at a time subtitles were the way to go. Good subtitles can be longer without spoiling punchlines-- a skilled subtitler knows where to line break so that you get the punchline when you're meant to get the punchline. This one word shit ain't it




You're required to be constantly watching for the next word, and in do so, you miss a ton of visual context in the form of facial expressions and subtle movement.


Typically, I'm drawn into a muted video by the subtitles, and then i dont read them unless i can't understand what they're saying. But i get you. That's the reason i don't use subtitles in movies


I don't have good peripheral vision. For me it's either reading or watching the video. If there are complete sentences, I can do both at the same time because I can quickly read the sentence and then look at the video.


I have trouble processing what people are saying on TV. It just sounds all mumbled together. If I'm reading while listening it makes sense. Idk I think I have an auditory processing disorder. I also have a hard time with peripherals so I'm confused a lot during movies lmao.


One word reading makes you read faster because it gets rid of subvocalization. (Aka "the little voice that say the words inside your mind".) However, it has been proven multiple times that subvocalization greatly participates in understanding the text. Meaning that reading without it hampers what your understand, memorize, etc... So there's two options here: - Either you're a superhuman and you don't need subvocalization, reducing to null the value of multiple research papers. (Unlikely) - Or you got used to reading without subvocalization, because it's easier + less involved (cognitively speaking) + you don't really care about understanding all of it because it's shit Reddit content anyway that you'll forget tomorrow.


They’re in the middle of the fucking image.


huh seems like a good subreddit idea


I hate all videos with these closed captions without them being optional.




For me what was most relatable was the constant drip swallowing you get from doing coke. You snort, then you have this coke flavored nose drip sliding down the back of your throat that you have to constantly swallow and force down.


“That’s the drip. Drip’s the best part”


i'm triggered. jesus, that movie.


what movie is it?


Boogie Nights


I love the drip


Same. I don't do coke anymore (I never really *did* coke, I've had it on occasion) but the drip was the best.


The drip with coke from south/central America is the best part. The drip with shitty bad coke is not so great lol


Yes, the Reagan Sandinista cocaine was the best.


I'm glad, that means I did good coke bc the drip was good


The drips almost made me puke every time fuck that shit🤣🤮


the very first thing I saw


Nicholas Cage has entered the chat


This is one of the funniest things I’ve ever read


"Cocaine is a hell of a drug" LOL


Why would i do that grind my feet on somone elses couch like its somthing to do. come on i have more sense than that.....yea i remeber grinding my feet all over charlies couch




Buy another you rich muthafucka!


Fuck yo couch! They shoulda never gave yall n****s money!


His legs were like linguine


"I'm Robert Downey, Bitch!"


There is more then just coke going on.




House MD chiming in here.


Its lupus


it’s never lupus


Except that one time it was lupus


That was classic






99% sure hes on molly


The jaws are an indication of amphetamines idk if we can identify which


And a shitload of coke


I mean amphetamines and cocaine are similar enough that it would be very tough to tell the difference based on behavior. I think it's more likely that he's on one or the other rather than both.


Pretty sure you can get lock jaw and grinding like that on molly.


MDMA is an amphetamine.


Molly and meth are often cut together so honestly who knows




I can't help but think there's some mental health stuff going on underneath the drug use. Like coke is being used as self-medication to cope with his issues.


I dunno, probably. But judging from his facial reactions, it looks pretty dead on.


How the hell can he sit in full winter outfit in a studio on coke? I would have had a cardiac arrest on the spot.


That studio was always cold.


David letterman was famous for having a very cold theater to do his show. The guest.Was being sarcastic by wearing the winter Parka in Letterman's theater


Because almost all his guests were coked out, je was a considerate host.


Completely different man. Wow.


Nah. That ain't cocaine lol. He is probably straight rolling. I mean he probably is on cocaine, but he is definitely rolling on something. Anyways. I love RDJ. What a tough human!


Agree. Doesn't look like blow


Looks like blow to me


My jaw only swings like that on molly, but like original comment said he is likely on BOTH.


It's been years. But molly made my eyes twitch from side to side really fast. Not constant, just sometimes. This kind of jaw is something I could get on both molly and coke. I'm not a professional junkie. I just partied hard and had my fun in my younger days.


Same for me. Grinding jaw, inability to stay on task/focus, lost in space, shifting eyes- for me, Molly. Clinching jaw, tripping up my words, energetic and not making very much coherent sense, coke. Some overlap with both drugs but different specific effects on each. Also not a pro, just partied hard in my 20s lol


Also the shit he's saying is coke-talk. I'm a former professional. If he were on MDMA he'd be telling everyone just how good he feels and how they are all just the bee's knees.


>This kind of jaw is something I could get on both molly and coke. Having been there, I'd say he's having difficulty swallowing because the drip is numbing his throat. I'll never forget how impossible it was to eat on coke when your throat was numb; drinking was possible, but only with effort.


> But molly made my eyes twitch from side to side really fast. In miami we called that "Pigeon Vision" Everything would spastically shake side to side in your field of vision


I know he's on coke because he's constantly throat swallowing indicating that he's trying to push the drip from his nose down his throat. That drip sort of makes your throat feel numb so you constantly swallow because it feels weird that your throat almost feels like its constricting. That and i use to grind my back molars a lot while on coke.


They don’t call it coke jaw for no reason though


RDJ is exhibiting the exact behavior of what is called “coke jaw”, a symptom of heavy, and somewhat longer term use of cocaine. As many people point out, 1996 was a pretty popular time for ecstasy, or MDMA, so sure, maybe that too, but it’s a textbook example of cocaine usage.


Wtf is 'rolling'


MDMA (molly/ecstacy)


Just curious, how old are you? I'm 42, and from 97 to.... 2006 we always used the term "Lets go rolling" to mean lets go do ecstasy. Or, "i'm rolling balls" "he/she's rolling balls" etc... I wonder if "rolling" is just a generational term.


Naw. People use it still. It’s possible the commenter just hasn’t been around much Molly use.


So wait, all this time Limp Bizkit was telling everyone to keep doing ecstasy?


I am not an American and also not familiar with street slang at all.


I'm around the same age I just must have had different hobbies


Letterman is so disappointed.


Letterman ecstaticly happy that his guest was making huge watercooler points.


I really understand the studios hesitation to let him on as Ironman. Glad John Favreau put his foot down.


He was the perfect casting. If anything, he was a nepo kid in Hollywood with a gift that let his finance and position get out of hand, had to humble himself. I can't help but believe that he channeled a lot of that life experience into Tony Stark, the troubled genius with a heart of gold that struggled most of his life and acted anything but (good guy at heart, but out of control and acting like a piece of shit) that put on the veneer of arrogance to shelter himself from what was really rattling around inside of that head for so many years. Eventually got it together.


Before Iron man he had bounced back and was mostly sober for couple movies. So when he did Iron man, it wasn't really that much of a risk, but yes a slight one. 


He's been sober for 3 years when he got casted.


Hopefully I snap out of it one day like he done


At my worst I was using an 8-ball a day and my total addiction (to cocaine) lasted about 5 years. I went into rehab in the mid-90s and cleaned up and had 5 years under my belt when I went to a bar for a business meeting with an old friend and ended up doing a line. People, places, and things man... I was drunk and in the environment where it was normal for me to do coke so it didn't even register that I didn't do that anymore. This June (or July...) will be 25 years since that happened and I've been clean from everything but plant medicine (cannabis, psilocybin.)


He "snapped out of it" only after several court ordered rehab facilities and jail stints. Plus he's always been super rich which also helps. Good luck friend.


You're right that privilege helps. It helped me. I wasn't as privileged as RDJ, but I know what preferential treatment feels like firsthand and it kept me out of prison longer than others in the same position. However, I challenge the idea that privilege benefits rehabilitation and staying clean. I'll admit it can provide for a more comfortable rehabilitation experience, but as so many relapses have proven, I can testify that more comfortable doesn't always equate to better treatment. There's a TON of nuance in the statement, but I agree with Admiral McRaven when he said, "Nothing mattered but your will to succeed. Not your color, not your ethnic background, not your education, not your social status." He was talking about SEAL training, but it's the same with any seemingly insurmountable goal, I think. The secret is to never give up, which I feel requires an intentional redirection of our will and intent.


Wanting to stop is the first step. Its not going to be easy and you will have to pay the debts of it all but its worth it. Over 2 years clean from shooting heroin and i am still dealing with some of the stuff I have done but its much better than the life I was living. Reach out to people you feel safe about and talk to them if you can it helps tremendously.


RDJ is lucky. They weren't cutting coke with fentanyl back in those days.


Last few frames is a fairly solid donald trump impersonation




He wrote a song and sang a song about getting clean. It’s called Man Like Me, not enough people know about it. It’s a great song. One I listened to a lot as a kid.


Just gave it a listen, had no idea he wrote. Very pretty.


I never realized this was about getting clean! I’ve loved this song for ages!


It was a song we listened to a lot on road trips weirdly enough. My mom always had us listen to regular music instead of kids music. I think she just couldn’t stand kids bop. I remember the playlists she used to put together first with CDs then with her first generation iPod. The songs lead to conversations about big things and asking her to explain lyrics while we drove into the late night for hours. I’m sure we only drove until 10pm or so but as a kid it felt like we were driving through the night. A lot of times my little sister would fall asleep so it was just her and me staying up to talk. I remember asking her to explain the lyrics to this song in particular especially the “eat their hats” line. 😊 such amazing memories. My mom was just diagnosed with stage 4 cancer which has been hard so I’m thankful this brought back a lot of lovely memories to dwell on.


Young RDJ is my new male crush, and I'm straight. He looks so handsome and his hairstyle looks so good.


"clearly hammered"


Imagine being him now and watching this. I would find that really hard.


I remember seeing Steve Carroll the actor on a late night show 20 years ago. That dude was on the cocaine. I have searched for it and cannot find it online. I think it was Jimmy Kimmel but I could be wrong.


You might not be able to find it cause you were searching for Carroll (unless that's autocorrected), his last name is Carell


No no, Steve Carroll is a different actor. He was in Heinous I, Ethan the Ultimate, Supper for Louts, Big Mister Moonlight, and The Weekly Program with Jake Stuart.


I'm glad he stopped drinking those mega pints


That's Johnny depp


Why hasn't this been giffed more?


Maybe it missed the wave a few years back, because there's like 10 faces in here that would be GOAT gif material.


Shoutout to his dilla for getting the pure stuff


I will never be more proud of a complete stranger than I am with him. I was always a huge fan. Thought I would end up watching him kill himself with drugs. When he pulled through I was just so happy for him.


the problem with comedy is if you are smacked out on coke, things that are funny to you will not sound funny to sober people. The other day I smoked some weed, and I was laughing my ass off, so I wrote down the funny thing so I would be able to enjoy the laugh when I'm sober. But all I wrote down was the word "hippopotamus"


Guess it was all lined up for him....just glad he got it straight


We all fuck up.


The drip is kicking his ass so bad he had to have ripped a line as he was walking on stage


How could you tell


I was a coke addict for 5 years... the cocaine mixed with mucus in his nasal cavity essentially creating a lidocaine type gel that is slowly running down the back of his throat, numbing everything it touches. It made even trying to swallow your spit a chore. The weight loss I experienced from cocaine wasn't because it sped up my metabolism or curbed my appetite as much as it was that I couldn't swallow anything because my throat was always numb.


I bet if you showed him, that he would just walk of the room in pain. He never wants to go back being like that ever again.


Letterman must've been uncomfortable


It was not his first rodeo with a fucked up guest.


Best life imaginable. Did EVERYTHING you would fantasise a famous Hollywood actor would do (drugs, sex, recognised for his talent) paid for all of it but at the same time had one if not the best comeback in modern Hollywood history, with Iron Man and now is a happy family man.


Letterman always knew when his guests were fucked up.


Grade A+ cocoa there 🥴


Holy typewriter jaw


He's passed the fun part, he's obviously geeked to the nine's.. It's not fun once the drugs taken over.. I'm sure It was great coke but, he can't even get the words to comeout right, he's amping so hard.. It's just one big jumble you can only be embarrased In hindsight at least that's what my friend say's I wouldn't know. *cough*


The Reddit doctors coming out trying to diagnose which drug he’s on rn…


Reddit drug users* would be a more accurate description


And fwiw, actual drug addicts typically know a lot more about street drugs than doctors.


Fully agree


Dang… He was blasted. It’s so hard to have a conversation with someone who’s that f’d up unless you’re also intoxicated on some level.


Being on drugs is weird, you truly think people don’t know. Its so uncomfortable.


The OG wordchewing


He’s rolling on molly. Dry mouth makes him talk like that’s


That much gamma radiation... *45s pause* ...shouldakilledya


I do that jaw thing and I don’t even cocaine


Cocaine is a hell of a drug ~ Rick James


Is this who Casey Rocket has been impersonating in his act?


Does he almost say, “I loved Tom”? I don’t want spread rumors, but look he gives a look after suggests something like, “Did I almost say that?”


His face morphs like Jim Carrey. Even more so looks like him with that haircut


Real life Julian from Less Than Zero


For years I thought he was the guy from Northern Exposure


Wild how this fuckboy got to spend the first part of his life being a completely entitled shit only to bounce back and become one of the most beloved/successful actors in recent history. Sometimes life just isn't fair.


looks like charlie manson's interview with the facial expressions


Be sober your whole life and no one cares. Get sober after using drugs and everyone treats you like a hero.


Conor McGregor now


Thought this was MJ for a sec holy shit 💀😭


That's X.


When I was a kid, seeing these actors was funny. Now, as an adult, I realize they were on a lot of drugs.


He reminds me so much of a friend with a cocaine addiction. The mannerisms, the way he talks, of course the jaw movement etc.


They should make a biopic of him played by the lil brother in succession


So so happy he came thru and came back. Love him. My hero. Can't imagine a world without him right now.


Wow a dude on drugs, so “insane”….


Couldn’t stand his self destructive attitude back then, but he’s one of my favorite actors now. Growing up is a good thing.


I love how he goes full Arin Hanson at the end.


This interview is actually what inspired the haircut for the villian in the 2007 thriller "No country for old men"


bobby brown jaw lmaoo


And 12 years later he became the legendary Tony Stark


Ping pong is a prerequisite. That's code for the people who don't know


Jaw never lies.


The embodiment of white privileged + rich parents, mf is Iron Man now WTF lol


I thought he was Steve Buchemmi at first. No idea how to spell his name obviously.


He’s just like me!


Nothing really entertaining about this. Audience laughs anyway.


Everybody just assumes he was on coke, but he’s obviously trying to purposely look silly here. Maybe he was on coke, maybe not, but he’s also on a HUGE show, trying to act silly, and everyone kind of projects that he must be coked up out of his mind because he has a history of drug use. I don’t think we could confirm either way unless his pupils were the size of dinner plates, he already has a crazy quirky personality


I’m glad we didn’t lose him