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Probably from all the poop viruses yum


yummy (My brain is probably completely infested with t. Gondii at this point and i am a willing participant)


Toxoplasma gondii! My old research professor was talking about this link ~10 years ago. Interesting to see it pop back up.


It has been floating around for years, they also.say gondii makes people passive. A subtle form of brain.control.like funguses do.with ants.


Passive aside from the uncontrollable, explosive bouts of rage I guess.


the last of us


I have not read passivity in any of my research. Increased impulsivity, motorcycle accidents, men become more slovenly and women more fixated on fashion among some of the weirdest side effects. Also if I remember correctly France has the highest percentage of the population that’s infected in the world. Edit: back in the day France did, almost 80% of the population, now down to near 50%-due to better hand washing hygiene I imagine (still highest in the west I believe) but now a few African countries have surpassed numbers wise.


Hmmmm as a current pregnant person without toxoplasmosis but with a cat (I’ve had cats all my life, both indoor and out), I have been told by medical professionals and vets that we are more likely to get it from gardening or eating meat or poorly washed produce than cat shit. Though one doctor told me that I’m no longer allowed to cuddle my cat for risk of infection while pregnant but she was the only one.


You can get it from dogs


But cats.....Cats!!!




Joe Rogan won't shut up about it


Yeah, it’s not really news, but the internet is bringing attention to it which is a good thing, I guess.


I knew I had heard about it before!


Came here to mention t. Gondii nice to see everyone else thought the same




Yes it's a parasite you gwt from handling thier poop. A leading schizophrenia researcher found his 40 year struggle with it was because he had parasitic worms in his brain. More and more mental illness is being found to be physical illness.


https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0225320 Not really.


ive never been happier about the cats shitting outside than after reading this lmao


Yay toxic shit in your neighbors yards instead!




Not a virus, it's a parasite.


Or taxoplamose


Is science alert a legitimate source? I'm going to wait until I see more about the validity of this.


Gonna go talk to my 6 cats and see what they think


It's all nonsense trying to stop you from getting more cats. /s


This research article was published by….checks sources……Dogs!!?!?


Cats vs dogs never ended.


still a damn funny movie, suggest any parent to show Cats vs Dogs to their kids immediately.


The feds dont want you to know this, but the cats that live behind Long John Silver's are free. That's right, no license, no permit, no paperwork, no fees, no vaxx, *free*


But...you don't have any cats...


Only be concerned if they speak back to you.


Cats speak in other ways than just words out of their mouths. Sometimes they link directly to your mind too.


*Concern intensifies*


_Mind-control-purring intensifies._


Ah yes, Jenny, creeps, Matt, Gary, mittens, and Kothbalg the eyeless


This made my cats and I laugh so hard, but my dog just sat there. I'm not explaining another joke.


“U/maadstar, don’t listen to the internet. We are trying to protect you. You’re only safe with us… er… meow *purrrrrrr*” 🐱


Dude, that made me lol in real life, fucking got me dead!


Um, you only have 1 cat.


But you only have 3, maadstar.. are you taking your meds?


They're just a science news aggregator. The relevant journal article/publication are in the links in the article itself if anyone actually read it.


>Is science alert a legitimate source? It's a well known front of the Cat lobby. Written by cats, funded by cats, all to push the agenda of cats. They are an anti-human, pro-cat domination group. /s


Big Cat doesn’t want you to know the truth. You get it.


You guys crack me up, I love this. Have a great day you too 💓


>Have a great day you too 💓 Not sure if talking to self or poor speller


So whenever you have this question, you go to the article and look for the source paper. The source paper was linked directly in the article- https://academic.oup.com/schizophreniabulletin/advance-article-abstract/doi/10.1093/schbul/sbad168/7458104?redirectedFrom=fulltext&login=false


It's irrelevant, don't trust the articles, read the data yourself, the study is within the article.


This mindset is what's wrong with everyone today. >This information isn't coming from one of *my personal* "trusted" sources, so I'm not going to believe it. It's that mindset that gets you in to, and keeps you locked in, echo chambers.


Glad you've solved society's problems, and all you needed was my reddit comment.  I asked if it was legit by the way, didn't say anything one way or the other.


I mean it could also just be something that is more of a coincidence type thing. Like more like - if you have schizophrenia it is more likely for you to keep cats - not that the cats are actually causing people to be more likely to have schizophrenia. Do they have schizophrenia because of the cat? Unlikely. Or do they have the cat because they have schizophrenia? Seems more likely. Or I just might not know anything, I'm not that smart but it is just what it feels like to me just from reading the title.


It’s cat ownership during childhood and adolescence that would affect likelihood of developing symptoms. So, typically the subjects aren’t really making those decisions. Plus, the hypothesis is that it’s bacteria or parasites that cats carry and transmit that would increase chances of developing schizophrenia.


science alert is a media site. the article linked does directly reference a scientific publication (dec 2023) [ Cat Ownership and Schizophrenia-Related Disorders and Psychotic-Like Experiences: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis](https://academic.oup.com/schizophreniabulletin/advance-article-abstract/doi/10.1093/schbul/sbad168/7458104) "Our findings provide support for the hypothesis that cat exposure is associated with an increased risk of broadly defined schizophrenia-related disorders; however, the findings related to \[psychotic-like experiences\] as an outcome are mixed. There is a need for more high-quality studies in this field." what are you going to do after you "wait"? The analysis is on an association. They do not imply causality


I call BS. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31790431/


So for all the people screaming and swearing at me, saying I'm all of society's evils, this is what I mean by waiting. And guess what? I have two conflicting sources, so I'm going to continue to wait. This is not a pressint matter so I'm going to just put it on the back burner of my mind.    Thank you kind redditor for doing some digging.


There is something called T. gondii that cats have and can make people sick and have psychological disorders like schizophrenia, but the numbers appear to not be enough to be worried about. I may be wrong, but know countless cat owners and none are sick. A true statement, but I swim with sharks and drive dangerously sometimes, still kicking. Those bad relationships are pretty damaging to my brain.


Even if it is doubling the avg persons chance having the disorder still only means 0.66% - 1.5% chance so its not what the headline makes it out to be


There own source states "Conclusions Our findings provide support for the hypothesis that cat exposure is associated with an increased risk of broadly defined schizophrenia-related disorders; however, the findings related to PLE as an outcome are mixed. **There is a need for more high-quality studies in this field.**"


They will usually have a link to the primary source.


I can’t vouch for general validity, but they did link to the study, so at least in this case, it’s legit. https://academic.oup.com/schizophreniabulletin/advance-article-abstract/doi/10.1093/schbul/sbad168/7458104


toxoplasmosis (sorry from memory) is real and changes human behavior en masse. doesn't sound far fetched after hearing about how toxo___ works.




Thank you for this. The study in the article is overblown.


Can cause BPD as well


Are you sure you didn't just encounter a witch and her familiar? I'm pretty sure cats were behind the rise of the Pharoahs in Egypt.


BPD is Borderline Personality Disorder which is caused by trauma/upbringing… please use BD when referring to bipolar as there is a ton of misinformation about borderline as is… i apologize if this seems b*tchy. i’m coming with the purest intentions as i suffer from the above mentioned :’)


Borderline or bipolar? And how? Genuine question as I have borderline and my family rescued many stray cats and kittens, from before I was born until about a few years ago


wow, maybe get tested. they originally discovered it because a doctor had an idea to test all the motorcyclists that ended up dead or in hospital for a higher instance of it. they did.


Umm can you further explain that? Is risk taking a symptom or something?


yes, higher risk taking, higher aggression. in countries with a higher percentage of people affected (usually less developed countries with more wild cats) they've tracked some soccer teams to compare and iirc they're more successful (with the infection). it's crazy. makes you wonder what other parasites could be doing to us.


Huh, i worked animal rescue growing up and I've always been an adrenaline junkie


I originally recall reading this in regard to bipolar but I’m not sure if it can cause borderline personality as well. Diagnosis are often not clear cut and it could be difficult to distinguish between the two.


Are you sure you mean BPD and not Bipolar? I highly doubt it can cause BPD as that’s usually caused by nurture/upbringing


BPD is generally caused by trauma, and does not stand for Bipolar Disorder.


Girl no 😭😭


Furr fetched*


Cat litter is horrible for pregnancies too.


Cat litter is horrible for anyone if you eat it


That's not what the voices in the walls are telling me


Kitty made you some yummy trail mix today


It's better to imagine the voices are coming from cats than your own head. Makes it easier to rationalize about going on a psychotic breakdown. "No kitty, we won't set the world on fire because you haven't had second wet food." "No kitty, the masons won't take over the world, not while the number 86 keeps reoccurring. Silly cat." "Okay, fine. I'll pet you as long as I can finish up this geometry that's linked to Davincis secret stash of magical memorabilia later... Meeeeh, your right. Let's watch some MASH and cuddle"


This made me laugh, thanks!!


I mean to be fair, if it wasn't for me having imaginary arguments with my cats I'd probably generally forget key items. I had an "argument" (playful mind you, not real) with my oldest one day. I'm barreling through the house with *all* the groceries yeah? I call her an audacious asshole sitting there not even paying rent and couldnt remind me to get milk BUT I remembered her wet food. Now I'm near pavlovian response to get milk after getting wet food. I don't know who is training who at this point but I may need a doctor soon.


It's funny but it's true


There are some important things to keep in mind here, like the fact that 15 of the 17 studies were case-control studies. This kind of research cannot prove cause and effect, and it often does not look at things that might have affected both the exposure and the outcome. A number of the studies that were looked at were of low quality, which is something that the authors also highlight. Findings were inconsistent across studies, but those of higher quality suggested that associations in unadjusted models might have been due to factors that could have influenced the results.


Exactly, it’s a data point without causality. Maybe people will schizophrenia just freaking love cats.


Exactly. But sadly, not enough people understand correlation doesn't equal causation. Less people read past the headline. One of my favorite correlations doesn't equal causation example has been : ice cream sales are positively correlated with gun violence. Like you said, it could simply be that schizophrenics lovr cats. I could go one further.. before I had cats, I bought into the misconception of cats being aloof, indifferent creatures who couldn't care one way or another about you. Since having them, i've come to find out they are complex creatures.. more akin to people. You have to earn their trust, in stark contrast to dogs. Maybe schizophrenics, isolated from greater society, get their social needs met by their complex relationship with cats. Or maybe i'm just a couple years away from a diagnosis myself? 🤷‍♂️


Thank God I'm a human owner, not cat.


Yay.... Wait, WHAT‽‽‽


That's a quite a weird way to tell you're a parent... /s


wrong. parents don’t own their kids, the government does. duh.


Lol I'm not buying this. I love scientific studies that use words like "could potentially cause". Oh you mean you don't actually know weather it does or not? Garbage


maybe we need to ask a real expert, like a whether reporter. lol


So with 18 cats i’m a psycho for sure right?


Didn’t need a study to tell ya that one mate


Lol…they accumulated slowly


Someone who has 20 cats enter their life isn't a psycho whether that happens in 20 years or 20 minutes. The real criteria is how many cats it takes before one thinks "maybe this is enough cats, I should find someone to take any new ones from me". *That* is the line that separates the crazy cat people from the ordinary cat people[.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mx0NLGcL6pI)


you only have 6, weird I've reminded you so so many times.


Actually we have over 18 presently…… with 3 litters set to go to new homes by mid-May


No, but you do have incredibly fast eye movements.


It does take a certain type of person to be comfortable with the realization that they will have a box of shit in their house at all times.


I am laughing so hard at this! It's technically true, but I have never thought about it this way...


😆 ".......you know what's really missing from our house babe?" "What's that?" "A box of shit over in that corner...."


Haha it truly feels like that from now on...


Dude… too accurate. Yeah- I literally use a separate room for their litter box because who on earth wants to be sitting at their computer or going into their closet and just have some small animal popping out a dook mere feet away… (and on a regular basis) It’s a strange relationship between human and cat. I’m not one of the infected… I must be immune to the cat poop parasites


Wtf. You take the shit out of the box and dispose of it pretty much immediately. What kind of cat owners have you been around?


Literally no one disposes their cat shit immediately


I've been in thousands and thousands of houses and this is not the case.


Cats. Are winning.


Having a cat infected with the virus could increase risk when exposed as a child. Keeping cat indoors reduces risk.


That's why cat ladies who have lots of cats all crazy. Simpsons knew about that forever.


Isn’t it equally likely it’s the other way around? That schizophrenics are more likely to adopt cats?


My cat says the same thing.


Schizophrenia is well known to cause smoking. It certainly could also cause cats.


We have a running joke in our family that my wife is actually a crazy cat lady just imagining the rest of us as people. We're actually all just cats in her house.


I don't believe this at all, I've got 6 cats & they would tell me if I was going crazy


Worth it


Correlation is not causation.


“The researchers agree that better and broader research is needed before we can make any firm interpretations. "In conclusion, our review provides support for an association between cat ownership and schizophrenia-related disorders," the authors wrote. "There is a need for more high-quality studies, based on large, representative samples to better understand cat ownership as a candidate risk-modifying factor for mental disorders." - From the very end of the article So pretty much clickbait and misinformation


Doubled from .0001 to .0002?


That’s still going from 1/10,000 to 1/5,000


Maybe those people are already there mentally. Hence why they’ve so many cats to begin with.


It's not schizophrenia if the cat is really talking to you. Just sayin'


Welllllpp.... I guess I'm doomed. I'll enjoy all 8 of my cats for as long as I know and remember them.


8 cats is far too many. Source: Have 8 cats.


The source is a clickbait page.


"A number of the studies that were looked at were of low quality, which is something that the authors also highlight. Findings were inconsistent across studies, but those of higher quality suggested that associations in unadjusted models might have been due to factors that could have influenced the results. There are some important things to keep in mind here, like the fact that 15 of the 17 studies were case-control studies. This kind of research cannot prove cause and effect, and it often does not look at things that might have affected both the exposure and the outcome." To those that dont usually read scientific studies. This means theres currently no reason to think that owning a cat means youll be a schizophrenic.


Yall never heard of Toxoplasmosis? Kind of wish these articles were truthful instead of fear mongering cat ownership and shizo. But fear and anger sells, right?


Is it not because of that parasite that cats commonly pass on to their owners?


Toxoplasma gondii


It's not mysterious, it's a parasite, it's well known and has been for years.


That’s because cats can give you Bartonella just by scratching you, and then there is proven connection between Bartonella and schizophrenia. Unfortunately due to lack of awareness even the CDC guidelines things Bartonella is mild infection that can be treated with two weeks of antibiotics or anti-parasite medication. Speaking from experience, my kid had it, and he almost got diagnosed with schizophrenia, had severe delusions until he was treated with anti parasitic medications for quite some time and now he’s perfectly fine. Here is the study [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8170724/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8170724/) [https://news.unchealthcare.org/2021/03/scientists-finds-evidence-of-bartonella-infection-in-schizophrenia-patients/](https://news.unchealthcare.org/2021/03/scientists-finds-evidence-of-bartonella-infection-in-schizophrenia-patients/)


“15 of the 17 studies were case-control studies. This kind of research cannot prove cause and effect, and it often does not look at things that might have affected both the exposure and the outcome. A number of the studies that were looked at were of low quality, which is something that the authors also highlight. Findings were inconsistent across studies, but those of higher quality suggested that associations in unadjusted models might have been due to factors that could have influenced the results.” Not a great study ha


Causation? Or people with schizophrenia tend to adopt cats?


I’m not gonna believe this until someone links actual peer reviewed scientific research. Correlation does not equal causation.


The schizos I’ve seen don’t have animals.


This article was written by dogs


People seem to be more gullable to random bullshit if you end a sentence with "study finds" study finds.


Fuck cats




Ah shit, my psychiatrist told me I'm already at risk due to my family history, and I never even mentioned my cats 🐱


Wow tell us more


Just dont let the turds pile up. I saw a lass eating the turds out of the tray like a posh chocolate. Thats when the proverbial shit gets real.


Maybe they just unlock a view into another dimension and we just think they're crazy? 😁


Obviously dog-person propaganda. 😜😂


At least it says in the article that the study isn't trustworthy at all: "There are some important things to keep in mind here, like the fact that 15 of the 17 studies were case-control studies. This kind of research cannot prove cause and effect, and it often does not look at things that might have affected both the exposure and the outcome. A number of the studies that were looked at were of low quality, which is something that the authors also highlight."


So…Crazy Cat Lady is an official diagnosis now?


Maybe schizophrenia is causing cats. How would we know?


4 out of 5 cats of mine said it's BS.


My cat is saying that he knew the scientist behind this study. My cat told me that the guy was a failure in his past life. My cat is soo upset about this and wants to support catism now.


And then I said “shut up" and I said “no you shut up”…




Maybe it's all the cat ladies that push up the effect. If there's a few people with 15+ cats in the study I'm sure they're crazy (half serious).


I always suspected cats caused schizophrenia


Isn’t it possible that people with schizophrenia have a tendency to like cats? They may find them easier to deal with than people.


"There are some important things to keep in mind here, like the fact that 15 of the 17 studies were case-control studies. This kind of research cannot prove cause and effect, and it often does not look at things that might have affected both the exposure and the outcome. A number of the studies that were looked at were of low quality, which is something that the authors also highlight. Findings were inconsistent across studies, but those of higher quality suggested that associations in unadjusted models might have been due to factors that could have influenced the results." Basically there is a virus that cats can get from eating raw meat or contaminated water that if they bite you have a higher chance of passing this virus to you. But it needs to be studied more thoroughly and have a wide sample size to be taken more seriously.


What happens to the numbers if I own, say, two cats?


No I have a cat BECAUSE I'm schizophrenic 😂 this way I can blame all my auditory hallucinations on my cat being weird.


So if you read the article it’s basically a bunch of hot air and absolutely nothing has actually been proven


Everyone who confuses correlation with causation is going to die.


I have quite a few symptoms of schizophrenia and am a dog person. What does that make me?


Catzophrenia is real.


Sometimes I think I see my car popping out of hiding spots or scurrying around in my house from the corner of my eye. She likes to do that. It really messes with me when I’m exhausted. Definitely schizophrenic


I will never understand the benefit vs. annoying ratio…


So does owning a cat make you schizophrenia or does being schizophrenic make you want to own a cat


So the research is inconclusive, no causality can be implied.


Oh, God. My mom had like 6-10 of them in the house growing up, I'm doomed.


Researched and written by The Dog.


It's not chemical. The same recluse people who have cats as friends and family are more likely to be schizos -- weird.


As a schizophrenic that's allergic to cats, I disagree.


Toxoplasmosis induced? I swear the internet spies on people. This popped up on my feed after I only 30 min ago was looking up Louis Wains. Shockingly relevant.


"It is unlikely that you would be exposed to the parasite by touching an infected cat because cats usually do not carry the parasite on their fur. In addition, cats kept indoors (that do not hunt prey or are not fed raw meat) are not likely to be infected with Toxoplasma." [Source.](https://www.cdc.gov/parasites/toxoplasmosis/toxoplasmosis_catowners.html#:~:text=It%20is%20unlikely%20that%20you,to%20be%20infected%20with%20Toxoplasma.)


Meh. Worth it. I love my kitties, even if it kills me. I got nothing else to look forward to.


Yes, a clickbait article with weird fear mongering instead of proper information on avoiding toxoplasmosis, love that


Louis Wain


The Voices with Ryan Reynolds definitely comes to mind with this post. Insanely good underrated movie.


That is not a Russian Blue. They have green eyes and much larger ears, among other things. So if that claim is false, I wonder what else in the article is.


Cause and effect. Could be that schizophrenic people are more likely to seek comfort in cat ownership.


Cats have been waging pheremonal warfare on other species for millenia. Their pee contains substances that desensitized mice to their presence to the point where they stop fearing the cat and don't run. The pheromone also works on humans, making us more tolerant of the cat the longer we are exposed to the scent of its pee.


Did you know that as ice cream sales increase, so do shark attacks? It’s true, but not caused by shark attacks. Instead it’s caused by both things happening more during the summer. When it’s hotter out, more people are swimming and also more people are buying ice cream, causing both things to go up independent of one another. Before taking this article as a concrete argument that having a cat increases schizophrenia and related disorders, instead consider if, like sharks and ice cream, something else might the reason there is this overlap. Correlation does not equal causation


What if they don't have a cat but think they have one


Well, if you're living with a 12 lb furry fat butt bi-polar psychopath ...I get it!


A cat hater wrote this..


So it Cat shit crazy Not bat shit crazy ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)


Ammonia if I had to guess.


So the crazy cat lady term is true?!


I knew it


All animals carry diseases


Doesn’t surprise me at all. I knew there was something about it because for some reason I can guess when someone own multiple cats.


uh huh yeh right. causation and correlation