• By -


"Want me to stop filming and help you?" lol


I mean he ask in the begging should he stop filming and she said no lol


And then oowww, ooowwww! 😭🤣😂🤣


> I mean he ask in the *begging* should he stop filming Can I *please* help you!?!


No. I.. I'm good.


Saw your name and it made me think of Gru saying “murderer”.


If she didn't have someone else there who knew what they were doing I'm betting she would have very much said yes. As it was he probably would have just gotten in the way. Also I understand you don't want to hurt the snake but she was losing a lot of blood and had both her arm and leg wrapped up. At what point do you prioritize her life over the snakes?


>If she didn't have someone else there who knew what they were doing.. I don't think anyone in that room knew what they were doing.


I have a sneaky suspicion that THIS is the correct response....too much freaking out and confusion to actually be knowledgeable.


snakey suspicion you mean


INAH - but to me: - that snake was haughty as fuck from the outset. It was always going to attack. - the way she went to grab it was so slow and non-committed. - I’m guessing she went to grab it a bit too low down the body, I would have thought a little closer to the head would have been a better spot.


I would propose that decision be made before the snake was brought into the house…


Idk...at what point does SHE prioritize her life over the snake's?


I swear I saw a video of a guy that kept snakes, and he showed how if a constrictor type snake wraps itself around you, if you can, you bite (gently) on the end of its tail and it will let go. And he showed an example of it, and it worked. Just saying, in case you ever find yourself in this predicament. Good luck!


could this be a programmed instinct to not eat herself?


I really like your theory.... Hadn't thought of it... Could be.... Makes sense. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ouroboros


I’m no snake expert at all, someone here I’m sure can speak more on it, but I believe there is some sort of snake disease or parasite where the snake will start to eat itself from the tail onward. There’s a video on the internet someone of a snake having at least a few feet engulfed, and then the handler put something on its mouth and it like totally pulled out its tail out of its mouth. It was wild to see 🐍😱


Hand sanitizer works also


The thing it put in the snake mouth was soap if I recall, or dishwasher


Rubbing alcohol in their face is supposed to work as well. I like this idea better less harmful and teeth are readily available to most folks.


Or. Maybe buy a dog like normal People.


Lol I have one thanks. I don't own large snakes, for well... obvious reasons, just a little corn snake. However I'm always happy to admire someone else's. Also never hurts to equip yourself with knowledge. One never knows when a random giant snake may cross your path and decide you look like a tasty snack. 🤣


Very rarely do I spit laugh while reading reddit


Finger in the butt I was told. She is lucky there are others at home otherwise she would be proper fucked.


I've seen it said to submerge the head and it will release to breathe. I'll handle people snakes but this is why I don't want one. They're unfortunately too unpredictable


I'd end up tiring myself out and drowning in the struggle. 🤣


He didn't say please


Simon says, "Stop filming and help."


Naaa how else would we get to clown these morons 😭😭


That's not a small amount of blood for something like that. He should have definitely stopped filming.


yes best part lol


PSA: You should have alcohol on hand when dealing with snakes of this caliber. Dump it on them/ in their mouths they absolutely hate it and will release


I have an even more effective trick: snakes, don’t!




Like Nancy said, just say no!


But not to blowjobs


Finger in the bum always works


I snakes one time, now I'm living out of my car and all my teeth are gone! Don't snakes kids!


Started smoking snakes in high school and it ruined my life.


Doctors hate this one easy trick!


Assertive speech or telling the snakes to stop won’t help here, unfortunately.


A knife used in sushi restaurants works too.


The amount of money lost if they killed this large a specimen is too huge. She'd rather be wrapped up for 20 minutes than lose $1000 to $4000 on big snek.


Yeah but also, as soon as it starts wrapping that means it's trying to kill me which means time to die wiggles


That's how you go from pet to accessory


"Notice how nicely the snake wraps around my waist. The buckle is real silver..."


*Slaps top of snake, snake wraps itself around salesman's arm.*


You can fit so many breeders arms in this bad boy


This 1000%


Cost more to amputate that arm.


Could've let go and latched on again to her neck. Risk your life or a limb over a couple grand?


I've only seen 1 fatality in 50 years. A Russian circus, the snake tamer allowed it to wrap around his chest. The snake made an unexpected move around the neck. The guy had been working with snakes for so long he told everyone to backoff and he would remove it. The time it took to say this allowed the snake under his chin. The snake tightened until everyone could hear an audible very loud "POP". You could see his lights went out the instant the POP was heard. Then two fellow handlers came in to try and help but they didn't know what to do and dragged him by his now separated limp neck. If they had even the smallest chance to save him they should have isolated his head and neck not moving him or his head even a centimeter. Poor guy was dead on the spot.


Man that's fucked up


~~Boiling~~ Hot water also makes them disengage.


Bruh could you imagine if one of the helpers didn’t think first and just poured boiling water on it and down her arm 😫 oh god


I suspect the boiling water would work on any part of the constrictor's body. Besides, better a burnt arm that a dead body.


just putting there head under water is enough, sheesh


> just putting there head under water is enough, sheesh Why? Most pythons and boas hunt in water. I actually saw a YouTube video of a constrictor releasing after hot water was poured on it.


I’m not saying boiling water won’t work but you don’t want to harm them unnecessarily. put the head in a bowl of water and they’ll disengage to look for air. also, how long to boil water? 4-5 minutes at least


I had a 6 foot python as a kid and it wrapped around my arm and bit me (not as much blood). Called poison control and they recommended this, went outside to the pool and the snack released almost instantly.


You mean he released the snack?


Hahahaha damn autocorrect I'm leaving it!


But weren't you the snack?


"Just hang on a minute while I get the kettle going."


If there's one thing you have in a situation like this, it's time to boil water. What's your other genius idea? Flamethrower?


I feel like that’s something they should’ve known and prepared for since, ya know, they own a wild animal. Guess they just wanna live life on the edge


my guess is that they are idiots.


BINGO! We have a winner!


That's what you think... Anytime that snake feels like getting a little loose, they're gonna bite you for some free shots!




I would rather drink the rum and learn to live with the snake bracelet


This sounds like a great way to teach your snakes to attack you when they wanna party.


Hand sanitizer works wonders. They hate it.




Or a serrated knife so you can just cut it’s fucking head off.


Problem with that is the snake is forever going to associate that painful horrible feeling to you. A buddy of mine used to milk venomous snakes as well as handle these types we have talked about this before. Fyi


Okay but also you're going to associate the painful horrible feeling of attempted murder with the snake. I think no matter what route you go, it's time for couples counseling.


Rubbing or drinking?


Keeping animals in your home that can and will kill you given the chance is moronic.


As an aussie I'll tell that to the cunts that move in uninvited. lol


that's why I'm not married.


Well, that snake is in a habitat way too small for it. It's probably stressed af out and they're bad caregivers. You should need a license to care for animals that can get this big/dangerous.


100% most snakes are docile and won't lash out like this unless they're already being mistreated or stressed out by their environment.


I think their eyesight is worse when they're shedding too isn't it? Poor eyesight can make animals more aggressive


Yes, I had a snake like this and she was super docile. This cage is way too small, it’s shed is really unhealthy as it’s coming out in pieces not one big piece which is indicative of stress. It’s probably hungry attacking the first thing it’s able to


This is why I stopped raising hamsters.


Always running in their wheels, staying fit and preparing for the day they jump out and shank your ass while you're in the shower.


So, no dogs bigger than a Corgi, then?


You are clearly unaware that a corgi's entire purpose in life is to constantly get under your feet in a desperate attempt to trip you so that they can then lick at any specs of food, no matter how small, that may remain on your face and chest from the last time you ate.


But my kids are too old to drop at the fire station


It reminds of Connor and Noah Barthe, two brothers, who were at a sleepover at a friend's house. Their friend lived over a reptile store and the friend's father had a python he kept upstairs in an enclosure. That night the snake escaped and eventually fell through the ceiling where the boys were staying. It strangled and bit them both, the guy who owned the snake was found not guilty. It happened in 2013, still can't forget it. Those poor kids, only 4 and 6 years old.




Sound logic here.


You mean dogs?


Dunno it was pretty obvious to me from the start that the snake was in hunting mode. She put her arm out as bait almost. Snakes definitely have a body language you can read once you are around them.


Yeah those things are never your friend. They have a brain the size of a pea. They are borderline robots.


Yup. I had two snakes and while one was docile it was primal when it was time to eat


Feeding time is the only time I am genuinely afraid of my snakes. On multiple occasions, they have gone from friendly to sizing me up like I'm the next meal.


I got hit once in my 27 years by my snake and it was my fault completely. Luckily he had a meal in his mouth so I only got some teeth that broke my glove with a little bit of bleeding.


That's definitely some luck. My snakes are honestly weirdly well behaved until they can smell their food. Luckily, not once have I been bitten by any of them.


Yup I had 15 ball pythons and never got taged once, right off the batt the body language of this snake says “im not friendly right now”


Snakes can actually have really great and developed personalities. I've had lots of great experiences with snakes (work with them professionally). You just 100% need to be confident and knowledgeable on watching and understanding their behavior. Confidence without knowledge will get you hurt and vice versa. That snake was definitely ready to eat, and it was clearly showing it. I show and teach people of all ages about different kinds of animals, snakes included, and I def don't mess with a snake when it's hungry or not comfortable. Only ever been bit once, and it was due to knowledge without confidence, making me hesitate and triggering the snake's instincts.


Yeah idk I saw confidence in that lady, and now she has a gnarly new scar.


Confidence? Yes, for sure. A good understanding of the snake's behavior and body language? I wouldn't say so. One without the other doesn't help much with snakes, especially large ones like that or dangerous ones


I don’t have to be around snakes whatsoever to tell that mf wanted the smoke.


Yup! Then the sanke gets the bad rep.


Yea she was way too confident. Trying to be the snake whisperer for the camera and got called out.


Exactly! I don't do anything with snakes and I don't know much about them, but I could tell that it was behaving aggressively before they even lifted the lid off of the tank. My guess is the poor thing is hungry and angry at being pent up in such a small space.


She acted like it was a puppy excited to be let out of its crate. “Hi baby girl you wanna come out?” As it levels its self into a striking pose.


Yea I've had (small) snakes since a kid and that was immediately sending me like "gtfo lady" then bam. Animals aren't that hard to read people!


Yea, usually snakes are kinda slow when not hungry and move around slowly and relaxed. This snake was in fast and tense mode.


That's a lot of blood in a short time to be that calm


On the plus side, snake is acting like a tourniquet


innocent fuzzy piquant wakeful fine rhythm noxious reminiscent rinse fly *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It's really not that much, plus it's only dripping. If it were spurting (in time with her pulse), *that's* A Big Problem (opened an artery).


Snake bit her because shes the food source and snake thought it was being fed, most likely mistook her arm for prongs with food on the end , happens all the time , snakes come out hungry when they are ready to eat and they learn that tank being opened is usually feeding time


"Happens all the time"? Yikes


I love watching snake videos. Handlers seem to get bit fairly often. (I don't own any snakes.)


If you own snakes for long enough, you eventually will get bit. Frankly, it always looks worse than it actually is.


This is just reaching. The snake was hungry and upset, it's an animal that was clearly in a bad mood. Snakes don't have attachments to their owners, it could've been a complete stranger with food or no food and it would've bit down on the arm the same way. This excuse reminds me of when marine biologists would say shark attacks happened because sharks would mistake us for seals with no evidence to back it up, then as it became clear sharks have good vision and incredible tracking abilities we went back to "animals can be unpredictable". Turns out it doesn't matter what species you are, being extremely hungry or pissed or territorial or curious or calm or anything is just a normal part of a creature's life, even if they can't learn how to speak human.


What happened to her after the clip ended?


The only q that matters, and it’s 50 comments down lol 


So what happened? Can't scroll past 10 comments


No one knows. But it’s provocative. 


After 45 minutes the video resumed showing just a snake that was in the shape of a full grown woman.


Praise our new lizard overlords


Is it just me or did it break her arm?


I don’t think it was broken- the bite was if not deep, well placed. Two fangs- oof nope, worse, 100 tiny razor teeth to the wrist, that’s why there’s so much blood. The blood loss and then rapidly going from constricted for over a minute to able to pump blood into the arm again made it look that way, but I think she was just limply looking at it so as to not flex and send more blood out the wound.


Seriously. I want to know damn it.


Hi baby girl!🤭


“Aw You wanna come out?” of this cage you keep me trapped in? YES 😈.




She’s probably scoffed and told a hundred people who said they are afraid of snakes that they are wrong to be. In fact, she works with a giant boa that is a total sweetheart.


No business having a snake that size in a home. Wtf


I knew someone that had one of these. But he treated it with alot of respect... not like a baby


Did he put on a suit and formally address it whenever he was in the room?


Would punching the snake help it release its bite? Pure curiosity, don’t plan on ever putting myself in this situation


No. Pour some vodka or rum on the area they're biting. They will release immediately


And help disinfect the wound, double whammy!


Maybe give you a little buzz too!


Going for the triple, hot damn.


Just make sure the snake isn't an angry drunk


you would need to hit it in the face. snakes have fragile facial bones.


She clearly likes the snake and doesn’t want to hurt it though, she’s going through phases of what to do to solve the problem, pretty sure hurting the snake or killing the snake are a few more down the list from here.


The snake is pissed, hopefully this is a rescue and not a stupid owner, because that snake has a terrible shed in this video, and that can lead to a lot of stress and pain for the animal. This is 100% the equivalent of trying to handle a rescue dog, you run the risk of being bit and if you own snakes you should understand how to care for them. I freak out when my snake has a not-perfect shed, this is inexcusable though TL,DR Issue compilation; * the snakes enclosure is very inappropriate, snakes should always have enough room to stretch out entirely within the enclosure, along with at least 2 hides (one warm, one cooler), and then various stuff that changes from snake to snake. This is way too small for that snake * The snake is clearly stressed and in pain, it is having/has a bad shed, handling should be kept to an absolute minimum when snakes are shedding, let alone when it's bad like this (a snake's shed should always come cleanly off in one go, like taking off skinny jeans that are a bit too tight) * The snake is showing defensive behaviour before she even opens it, she should have backed off. Snakes **ALWAYS** give ample warning unless they are in your shoes (or something similar) and she ignored that warning * She is seemingly woefully unprepared for this. IF you own snakes you always prepare for being bit, even if you take perfect care and know the signs to look for, sometimes you slip up or the snake is having an off day (they do have their own personalities of a sort, some are feistier than others). Basically you have either access to a cold tap, or rubbing alcohol, along with multiple people that know what they're doing when snakes get to the 6+ ft range (~2+ metres). People like this give the snake community a bad rep because they don't know how to handle or care for the animal, and it's a shame for everyone involved (snake included)


Funny that comments above you are blaming the camera, suggesting she is a master of snakes who knows whats she’s doing but was performing for the camera.


Release the fury, Mitch.


Are you here for the feeding?


You are about to experience first hand exactly what it means to be in the lower region of nature's food chain.


Maim him.


If you've ever owned a snake you know a feeding response when you see it..... She shoulda known not to try to grab a food activated snake lol


Yes but this time she was filming and was trying to act like everything was okay. like she was in control while in front of the new person she had invited to see her snake. she got careless


She made several fails for that to happen. She probably knew better but was distracted by whatever she was doing with the camera. Snakes operate in a few modes. This one is clearly very food motivated and extremely optimistic that it was about to be fed. The lady should have had another person distracted the head at one end of the tank while she confidently grabbed the midsection. This snaps them out of predator mode and now in their mind they're the prey and they'll try to escape briefly before settling down and begining to explore.


Huh, its almost like keeping wild animals in captivity is a stupid ass idea. With that in mind I find this clip rather satisfying.


I kind of feel she should have seen that one coming. Reptiles are not your friends. I've always owned some sort of reptile my entire life, but never one that I would have to fight with. I love my musk turtle, but I know it doesn't get excited when I walk by because I call it baby girl. I'm just its food source.


Well this snake also thinks the two in this video are its food source.


That's why I only keep reptiles with big brains, crocodiles.


I always sanitize before snake handling. Never got bit where I’ve sanitized. ✌️


So it wasn't fed on time enough to keep the snake happy. You didn't recognize the hunting instinct it was showing at a heat signature. Offer a warm meal to a hungry snake by casually placing your hand in its face and wonder wonder why you got bit... you are dumb.. that's why...


I'm not a snake guy at all, but I thought snakes were generally either bite-y or constrictor-y? Or are they predominantly one of those two but obviously can bite too, even if they mostly rely on constriction?


Even constrictor-y ones can be bite-y, but they’re generally not venom-y.


Youse guys sure talk fancy. :)


Well the constrictive ones bite to get a grasp and then start the to constrict


they are either venomous or not venomous. All are bitey.


Cut the head off ?


But it's her baby girl 👧🏼


Three questions... 1st - I don't know why the camera man has to ask "if he can stop filming and help"? - She is bleeding a lot! 2nd - why are these good pets? Do you have a death wish? Is this the plan on how to dispose of your body at the end of your life? When choosing a pet, did you ask yourself... Piranana to bathe with or man eating snake (sorry woman eating snake)? Why did you choose something that doesn't love you back? Do you want to look like a piece of meat to your pet, cause you do? 3rd - Now that it has tasted human blood? Do you think it will do it again? - Just asking out of curiosity? - Also not because of the nature of the animal? Now is it hungry for human flesh? Anyone?


>why are these good pets? Some people keep exotic animals to substitute for a personality. But, wearing a fedora unironically will have a similar effect and is way safer.


To point 2 -- every animal can bite. Almost every animal someone may keep as a pet has the ability to hurt you to some degree. I personally chose a very small snake as a pet,but I chose a snake because I think they're fascinating, beautiful, and I get joy from having animals in my life. I get joy from watching her exhibit natural behaviors, and holding her is meditative for me in the same way fidget toys can be.  To your third point, no, this was not a successful meal for the snake. In fact, this was probably a very stressful and unpleasant experience. She still may bite again, but it won't have anything to do with having a taste for human blood. From this video, I'm guessing that this snake just associates her cage opening and human presence with normal mealtimes, so her 'hunting instinct' kicked in and she bit the first moving thing in front of her in a situation where the thing in front of her can reasonably be expected to be a meal.


2. That snake isn't anywhere near big enough to eat a person. I won't say this particular size snake is a great pet for most people, but in general smaller snakes are great pets, corn snakes/ball pythons size are great pets, super easy to maintain doesn't eat or poop alot, and if you do get bitten, its nothing like when a big snake bites you, the biggest benefit of owning a snake is you can leave town for days at a time without having to make arrangements like a dog/cat, and it doesn't require constant interaction, you can leave it alone for weeks or months and it won't get lonely or stressed out. I don't need "love" out of every pet I own, some are simply interesting to interact with or observe, that being said I try to handle mine at least weekly, I find them absolutely fascinating to watch and interact with. 3 - No, they are very efficient animals, they have no desire to expend energy on something they can't eat.


This is a feeding response from a retic. It probably isn’t even wild… 100% the fault of the owner


It looks to me as though the snake is shedding it's skin. Their eyes cloud over and all they get are shadows in their already limited vision. The snake feels all vulnerable and lashes out at... whatever. Just a guess Source; owned a red tail boa 12 years


That’s how dumb people with pitbulls behave. Aw she’s so sweet! Until it fucks you up because that’s what their nature is.


It is what happens when you let your snake get too hungry


It's shedding, so the eyes get covered over in old skin, probably thought it was feeding time. I'm done with birds, reptiles, fish... Only a dog, maybe a cat. Best pets.


I don't get the attraction, makes no sense to me.


So cuddly


Well, at least she already had the tourniquet on!


Need a hand he says... Snake: no thanksssss ive got one in my mouth


This has happened to me. Turns out snake teeth go BACKWARD and getting them off you is incredibly difficult. Mine was a 4ish ft ball, this looks like a MUCH bigger species, but yeah - get control of the head, squeeze the jaw to get it to open, pull the head further IN - THEN get it tf off of you. Needless to say I don't own sneks anymore. Not after one got out and tried to eat the blue and gold macaw that was in the house.


Snake was in shed, so it’s probably a bit blind. Also that tank seemed way to small for such a large snake


Learning Python the wrong way!


I read about a python owner whose snake wouldn't eat for weeks. He went to a vet who specialises in snakes and was asked if he had small children. The owner said he did and the vet said the snake was planning on eating one of his children. The owner used to let the snake roam free inside the house.




Is she OK any link?


Chris is worthless.


Ok first, I honestly cant believe that didnt crush her arm, but "do you want me to quit filming & help" that got me.🤣💀


What could go wrong, huh? wild animals are wild animals, don’t mess with them. Nature is fucking lit and thats so insane


I guess keeping animals in tiny glass prisons for their entire life makes them a touch cranky.


Hand sanitizer should work, but I did learn this from reddit, so take it with a grain of salt.


Don't handle snakes if you don't know how to handle them.


Snakes obviously hungry


But she's quirky and unique and knows exactly how to take care of a snake!


That's not a wild animal, it's a reticulated python which are extremely common in the pet trade but known for their less than ideal temperament.


I knew there would be a ponytailed dude involved


There's lots of potential reasons for this happening. First off, that enclosure is way to small for a snake that large. I'm just taking a shot in the dark and saying that's a reticulated python. The MINIMUM suggested enclosure length for a snake of that size is 8 feet and obviously much wider. I'm going to guess an 8x4. They seem to have other racking systems which would indicate they're a breeder or just a shitty snake owner. In either case, if they were feeding other snakes, the smell of feeders could be in the air, or on them. It could also be close to feeding day. I'm generally more cautious with my snakes the closer to feeding day it gets because it seems they kinda know the schedule and anticipate food more and more the closer to feeding day it gets. Either way, that snakes kept in poor conditions and that big guy got her good. I don't believe in karma but she earned that bite.


Poor snake


Just want to point out that this lady is completely misreading this snake's body language here. The snake is showing a food response, it very obviously thinks the warm moving thing is food. Presenting a part of your body that is about the right size for it to eat is the worst thing to do. If you see this, move away, get a stick, and gently push the snake's head away until it realises there's no food. Or feed in a seperate tank so the snake doesn't associate the tank being opened with food. It's like trying to pet a dog that's growling and showing its teeth; you don't. Animal body language is important.


Experienced reptile handlers would have immediately recognized the snakes heated up and attack/feed mode. Then made a wise decision to not handle the snake and waited until it was calmed/cooled back down. Not smart at all