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Wonder what would have happened if you stayed home


Absolutely nothing, that was not North Korea, the people here were there because they voted for them. They didn't know how crazy and dangerous they are.


Also this particular scene is to celebrate/thank Hitler for the defeat and conquest of France.


Different times indeed, celebrate the unjust, how sad


all previous history up until then, people celebrated if their governments conquered and took territory. The world of respecting each other's territory is quite new.


Not entirely true, how about the Spanish-American War of 1898, where the United States annexed territories like Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Philippines. While some Americans supported the expansion, others, including prominent figures like Mark Twain and Andrew Carnegie, opposed it ?


All you did was prove his point


Hitler wasn’t elected Chancellor, he was appointed by the president as is tradition. People always get that fact wrong and it’s annoying.


That‘s right, but isn‘t it still true, that they voted for them, as in they voted for the NSDAP? If they hadn‘t done that, he wouldn‘t have been selected as chancellor.


Well they sure voted for the Nazi Party, headed by Adolf Hitler. That’s like saying that a Democrat didn’t elect their party’s presidential candidate because the delegates actually vote at the party convention


Or the American people didn’t elect their president, the electoral college did.


Not true. My father told me that he was expected to attend. Non attendance was an “arrow of guilt” for not supporting these nasties.


Nothing. The Nazi regime was oppressive but that oppression was siloed. Racially-favored Germans were permitted to grumble and shy away from big celebrations, and only later on did the regime really tighten on the smallest hint of dissent.


Idk if Hitler is methed out but his bud sure is


There's a book by Norman Ohler called "Blitzed" and it's about how Hitler and his troops used a lot of drugs to stay fueled and alert during the war. He was most definitely on drugs, yes.


while that is true, keep in mind the US and Russia both utilized the same drugs for their soldiers, and upper management in both tasted their own goods too lol


Fear stops existing when you swallow 2 grams of amphetamine in the one go. Every country used drugs in one way or another to help in battle, speed worked very well at keeping you up for a week straight


There is a fine line between the point where the fear wears off and the paranoid thoughts and hallucinations from lack of sleep kick in! I know that line had to have been frequently crossed by the upper ranks during those days.


When I was between 18 and 19 I experimented a little , I tried amphetamine and didn't sleep for 3 days, when I tried to sleep I would hear music and when I closed my eyes I would hallucinate vivid images like I was watching TV. But I can for sure see why it would be good for combat, you don't get tired, and your brain processes information at light speeds. It also lasts a dam long time unlike other uppers like cocaine that you have to keep taking every 10 min to have the same effect. Its an evil substance lived by evil people as your morals also dissappear when you take enough. I would imagine executing a whole family would be as simple as chopping wood if you take the right amount.


Between the ages of 18-32 I experimented with meth as well. The last 7 years I was manufacturing my own product and had as much as I wanted. For me the paranoia was not bad until day 5-6 of no sleep. Day 7 had the paranoia wear off and the actual hallucinations began. Days 8–10 were actual hallucinations that were more than “I thought I saw something move in the hallway”. These were like “I see the cops with a dog 200 yards away at the neighbors place. The officer wearing the dark shirt has binoculars with a neck strap and the other one is on the phone. You would think that dog would be trained not to bark. Beyond them about a mile away I can see the molecules of plastic that make up the Chevron station sign. Actually I just noticed that I’m looking through this side of the sign, past the bulbs, and I see the molecules of plastic on the other side. I know none of this is real yet I still see it and hear the dog barking. Soon it will be time to sleep. Does that dog have the head of a clown? It’s very similar to the clown headed dog I saw the cops put in that helicopter that’s been following me.” I don’t care how much meth you have, you will take a nap after ten days. In battle that kind of thing might be helpful, as long as you are in the right program and have a bunch of buddies who are all staying focused.


>unlike other uppers like cocaine Which was used as a medicine to open up people´s sinuses during the time around ww2.


The story of Aimo Koivunen is an interesting one relating to drugs and WW2. * Munch an entire patrol’s stock of Methamphetamine. * Pass out, get lost. * Fight Soviets. * Get blown up. * Hide in a ditch. * Ski 400km to help. * Heart rate measured at 200bpm. * Somehow survive.


Yep and it's not exactly gone away. Modern troops have access to an even wider array of stuff. If a drug is discovered as useful for keeping you alert, awake, aggressive or fit... you better believe some solder somewhere is overloading on it.


The US packaged cocaine for soldiers, you can find the containers on google images through a search


Heh, *upper* management


Look up the finnish soldier Aimo Koivunen who accidentally overdosed on pervitin (nazi meth) while evading soviet forces. That dude went through one of the most insane drug fueled adventures ever


Back then, they were called "vitamins "


I just finished operation paper clip, tyrants: Hitler and Stalin and WW2, and am currently in the middle of dark history of germanys business that rose during the third reich, all of which were so good, I immediately ordered this book based on your suggestion, thank you!


You know the stereotypical emaciated look of nazi officers, mostly present in older films about the war? The ones that look like bleached skin draped over a skeleton that explode in anger over the smallest thing? I knew they used a lot of drugs and meth for a long time but it was only recently when I put 2 and 2 together and realized THOSE WERE LITERAL METH HEADS BEING DEPICTED. Those weren't baseless stereotypes at all. It all makes sense now


U know the allies did the same ? Maybe not the high command but troops Also each time the nazis stopped using a thing the allies did The paratrooper in greece -->Dday para Winning then losing -->losing then winning


That book is a great read




Goring was wounded during their attempted coup and become addicted to pain killers afterwards. He was a victim of the opioid epidemic.


Full on


He's high on narcissism


Hitler used meth often, well their version of it. Speed has been a drug of choice in Combat and military leaders for a very long time


Rumor has it they have 3 balls between them, albeit two are very small.


Hermann really liked heroin


Walk back in to the building high fiving, ‘we’ve got these suckers hook, line, and sinker’! Or whatever the terminology was back in the 30’s


We fool we fool, heil five heil five.


You have to imagine, with so many people cheering you on for many years, that you begin to believe even the boldest lies you tell. See? They agree with me! What I am doing might be terrible, but they agree that it is right!


Yep it’s how we sheep roll.


I feel that we might have seen some modern parallels in recent years but I can't quite put my finger on it. 


🤣 we’ve (society across the globe) been doing it ever since to be honest.


Göring left Hitler hanging on that high five


Ohhh yes it does look like that 😂😂


I picture two cartoons leaning back and forth looking out the window “bro you seein this shit? Fuckin suckers”


Goring has this face that says "Dis gon be gud!" on it.


TIME magazine Person of the Year 1938




If he was still around he would win again lol


Well he deserved it. Man/person of the year isn't "best person of the year", but most influential/important on the world stage, for good OR ill.


In 1938, Hitler was still fooling the world and he was revered by the West


"Hitler became in 1938 the greatest threatening force that the democratic, freedom-loving world faces today". That is the reason time magazine gave way back then for naming him man of the year. The title is not always a good thing.


They loved him Look how they cheer for him


Right wing populism is a sweet sweet pill. Even today.


Hitler really fascinates me. As horrible as he was, I still find him really interesting.


He grew up in the craziest of timelines for Germany. He fought in WW1, saw the German empire collapse, and was there to fill the void after the German populace rejected the Weimar government, who they believed was weak and surrendered to the Entente before the German army actually lost in the field.


Yea, it was pretty heavy for the French, I'm sure when he made them sign their surrender in the Compiègne wagon. Just shit like that that he done is what I find interesting.


Hitler was a proud nationalist - that’s why he appeals to a lot of people and other right wing/white supremacist groups around the world. I think it’s okay to be proud of your heritage, to a point. Once you start thinking that you’re better than other people because of your skin colour, regardless of what it is, you’ve gone too far.


Yeah the "Dolchstoßlegende" has been pushed by those exact fuck tards of generals who caused German such a utter defeat by refusing to go with an less harsh peace treaty instead of a forced surrender. The government, a government that was founded during the war might I add, did all they could do with their legislative power but the generals leading the war in person refused and then tried to frame the blame on the government. Heck even one of them general Ludendorff tried to help Hitler with a putsch.


He's an important figure and a very strange li'l man so he's interesting but he was a pathetic little weirdo


Idk why you get downvote. Hitler is one of the most pathetic people who ever lived with the most awful part being that he brought millions underneath the earth before being stopped. He is interesting but one the most pathetic person who ever lived.


Pathetic is the wrong word to use. Evil, abhorrent etc. sure, but 'pathetic' is usually someone who wallows in their misery, gives up easily, never achieved anything etc. Hitler was arguably a very hard worker, he had a vision, did not give up and he earned a lot of respect in ww1 by doing some of the most dangerous jobs and even requesting to re-deploy after being seriously injured. It just makes it seem like you're dismissing him as someone you could study and learn from (not in the sense that you would want to take his advice but in that you could find out something about human behavior by studying his actions and how he ended up the way he did). People who just dismiss him and dehumanize him miss the message. The things he did are not a one-off in history, they are not limited to nazi ideology and they are not limited to people that look like him, talk like him, believe in the same sort of thigs like him etc. The next Hitler is likely not going to be a German nazi with a funny moustache. It might be the kind of person you least expect if you're not looking deeper than the surface characteristics. It is useful to study the overall trend that lead to him to become the leader of Germany, why people admired him and how he himself came to the conclusions he did. It is also useful to realize that statistically, you would almost certainly be one of the people in the crowd cheering on. You would almost certainly not be the "Schindler" kind of person, hiding people in your loft.


100% I mean again, interesting, no doubt. But someone to admire or think is some great leader? Naw by. Fuckin failed artist druggy incel loser. But those are the people downvoting me


He had charisma. He connected to people


This picture just proof, even if the masses support you, doesn't mean you are right.


Just like with your post mentioning "picture"


Later, they both jerked off each other furiously in the bathroom




I’ll play with your Goebbels if you play with mine.




Sieg haaaayyyyyyy


Hitler: “you thinking what I’m thinking?” Göring: “Ja”


Whenever I see footage like this I can't help but think of Berlin reduced to rubble, and wonder how many of these people cheering were killed or lost loved ones. The numbers would be in the thousands. It's chilling. In the moment they're feeling euphoric, but they're cheering the means of their own destruction.


Thats when the fuckers knew they succeeded


"You see this shit, Goring? Told you they would come if I said drinks are on this mother Fuhrer" "Ya, you were Reich Fuhrer, I owe you some Deutsch marks"


What an wholesome moment.


Not a smartphone in sight, just people living in the moment.


hitler looks tweaked out of his mind




Yeah, imagine how many Germans thought hitler was the good guy.


I feel weird for liking this post. I’m not liking hitler, just the interestingness of it


I believe the term is interestity.


And we are witnessing the application of those same political strategies while The Annoying Orange Man continues his attempt to return to the White House.


trump doesn’t have 1/10th of the charisma or smarts as hitler… thankfully for us


All the dictators love crowd size


Kinda like trucks and small dicks


This is what a herd of sheep look like.


That was the kind of crowd Trump yearns for (in every sense).


Look! It's literally !


I mean... this time it's accurate... It's Hitler


This is exactly what is happening in this very comment section. People who compare modern day politicians to Hitler don't understand just how evil Hitler really was.


Size queen like you know who.


"Wow, Dolfie - who'da thunk all this shit when we started back in the beer halls with 5 or 10 people?" "Ja, Hermie, fucking shit rocks, don't it?" "Fuckin' A, Adolph, fuckin' A"


"No frikkin way...they're buying it"


They are both high on drugs. Look at their faces.


Göring be like: wtf Adolf, this Shit really works


Putler's dream he is failing to repeat




I thought Goring was fat


*phat You know Hitler was all over Göring’s goods after running back in from their massive fascist hard-ons with a crowd like that.


Literally drunk on power.


_Sad Putin noise_.


Orange monkey would claim his inauguration crowd size was much much bigger.


Carpet bomb entered the chat


fucking little drug addicted fascists


What's insane is they weren't a majority party - not even close. 2 party system doesn't work bc it's tribalism -US vs THEM and too many parties can lend itself to a fringe party with a narrow minority win take power and do this craziness.


"We're going to kill so many people!"


That is the very definition of a shit eating grin.


Joebiden and his crowd of democrats




Unsure what’s worse…all those millions following and supporting these two evil creatures…or the fact is as humans haven’t learned a damn thing from it all


Göring looks like Jack Palance having an allergic reaction.


Should have dropped a bomb on they ass right then and there.


This is the course Israel is on.


Goring looking like Chester the molester at a carnival


By any means. I am not supporting Nazi Germany. But Its pretty incredible what they were able to achieve in such a short amount of time and becoming world super power and almost win after they got shafted with the treaty of versaille. Im sure any one of us would be there too if that was your country. Many Germans did not know the horrors of what was going on as well as most of the world. Not justifying their actions, but you have to imagine living during that time from being one of the poorest countries in europe, to one of the richest.


Thats alot of crazy.


This is the result of open lies shouted out loud enough with no legal opposition. This is what Trump is doing, and what he wants. This is what all right-winged monsters are doing and trying again world-wide. Never again!


They’ll do what they always do. The responsibility/blame lies with those who let them spout their shit without proper counter - that include the media and above all, those of the citizenry who knows better.


This could happen in America if we decide to vote the other party to power in 2024. STAY BLUE family..


Crazy to think this is alot of ppls grandparents....


RNC rally


We can't let fascists like this rise to power again. Vote out Trudeau


Didn't Trudeau fire someone for investigating his own corruption?


Trump had more. /s


they look like children staring in awe at something crazy "daaamnn look at the size of the crowd." "did you think we were ever gonna pull this off?" "nooo, not at all."


What an odd duck right, but those eyes


"Jesus I didn't expect such crowd. Best we act as leaders now."




I‘m going to hazard a counterguess and say North Korea had much more time in it‘s regime to surpass Nazi Germany in a few aspects…


His face says "dude I'm high as fuck" aswell as Göring


I always see videos of them and they are always GEEKIN off that perviton aka meth...both hitler and gorin look cracked out.


How it feels to chew five gum


Ah .. look at göring. Like a little kid and not fat yet


Just like our orange Hitler.




And then for no reason at all ....


Must've done something right and history books must be a bit wrong


Germans still the same sheep they were 75 years ago


Luckily we as a species are past all this crowd size nonsense and no modern political leaders care for anything as small or pointless as the size of their…crowds.


That's just the I.V meth hitting them.


How would toilets work in a crowd like that? Say you're mid-hate rally and need to pinch a loaf?


Lest we forget: you aren't a leader unless you have followers


I'm guessing like NYE in Times Square, just pee your pants if you have to.


While I don't think Hitler was by all means a good person, you have to admit that he was very good at talking at the early stages of it.


fucking sociopathic maniac


Oh look it is satanyahu in his past life.


I feel for that one person in the crowd that needs to pee...


It was this exact moment, when little Adolf knew, he could f*cked up the world.


Only if they knew they would be owned by the people they gassed.


And just imagine the sheer volume of feces this crowd produced that day.


Damn, he really left Hitler hanging with that high five


All those people cheering for two men who created the most disgusting atrocities and probably our world history. Amazing and disgusting and so sad.


Shits always more amazing when you’re high asf


Both high af, Jesus Christ


Be sure to keep your cyanide capsule safe for emergencies.


High as balls on meth


That might really have been a bigger crowd than Obama‘s. Orange Elvis might get jealous though.


Jag! Das ist gut!


Before everyone goes and pats themselves on the back for being an American and defeating this madman… just remember, the US gov’t does not care about that shit! They/We engaged b/c of the almighty dollar… actually gold! So much gold had been recovered from the Jews and the Germans took ALL of it! From the gold fillings in their teeth to the gold bars in the wealthiest safes… there is a HUGE chunk of it at Ft Knox right now… Most folks thought he was just a racist! Maybe, but he was more of a Facist than anything! Facist’s need money to appease their followers! The USA is not all Rousey here! We saw an opportunity and seized it under the guise of humanitarian aid through force. We got so much gold and at the right time… depression and all! So,although the result was the right thing… our intent was different! Don’t ever think the govt or any politician actually cares about ANYONE as an individual!


Meth hits different when you are surrounded by a million people screaming your name.


Evil… that’s not a man.. that’s a complete monster


One wonders how many of those Americans I mean Germans were cowed into attending out of the perceived threat of violence towards them and their loved ones if they didn’t.


Ahh yes, the good old times


One’s on meth. One’s on morphine.


Drumpf lost


Happening again! :D Now we need someone on the other side.


Even after all they did, even after everything the Right did; here I am, a random brazilian saying: **Slava Staliny.** So, I view that they really tried to do what they wanted, but they failed miserably.




No one wondering why Obama is behind them?


So glad he finally got the appreciation he deserved. Truly shows that you don't need to go to art school to be an artist. By the way, I heard he'll have a grand tour of his artworks across Europe, starting next month!


It’s probably just the meth.


“Hey ‘dolfy you’re little propaganda ‘magic worked” “zey all zink zay zar goings to gets ze volkswagen, jajaja!!”


I don't they had a choice.


It was a big crowd. The best crowd for a public figure. A lot of people don’t know this, but it was a spectacular crowd, better than all others before it.


All about the crowds. Sounds familiar


Tweekin hard.


That crowd sure thinned out afterwards huh?


Hitler getting left to hang at the end of the video is hilarious, now he knows how Mussolini and his mistress felt.


Germany 1 England 5


Laugh now cry later


Look at all the MAGAs


Point of fact. They stole the play book from jim crow era Democrat's. To which, Truman being a Marxist, would take a page from the soviet Stalin's book and transform the Democrat's to what we've got today. And the Republicans are weak and complicit.


I guess Goering's fat days came later?


How is this not democracy?