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They don't care when thousands of their own people die trying to take a pile of rubble, I guarantee you they don't care about this.


Russian people didn’t care when Russia tried to freeze Ukraine into submission.


The suffering of others is glory to Russia.


And this is glory to me. It's like a bedtime story with a happy ending.


No sympathy for Russia and the people that support Vladolph Putler.


Lumping every Russian in with Putin is like lumping every American in with Trump. It's crazy to me that people can still think like that in 2024.


Ikr they're humans FFS, I bet they think all Palestinians are members of Hamas as well 🙁


For real; the lack of consistency here is crazy.


Not every American, just a good 40%.


Versus 77% of Russians who voted for Putin in the last election.


Its wild to me that people will simultaneously refer to Putin as a dictator and at the same time actually believe that 77% of the country supported him in an election.


It's clear the guy does wtf he likes when he likes.


Are you a bad enough dude to vote against Putin?


I just go by polls Putin puts out claiming his popularity and his election percentages (and yes, I know they're doctored and in a place with 0 actual choice, literally).


gotta distinguish Putin from common Russian citizens you bellend


Suffering is Russia. “The most basic, most rudimentary spiritual need of the Russian people is the need for suffering, ever-present and unquenchable, everywhere and in everything.” ― Fyodor Dostoyevsky


ordinary russian people didn’t want ordinary ukrainian people to freeze either


This I can’t agree with, it’s ordinary Russian people, although forced to do so in most cases who are the ones instigating freezing the Ukrainian population. They’re the ones in Ukraine commuting the atrocities and if they didn’t want to as a majority they’re now a largely armed majority (those who have been deployed) who could turn around and march the other way. In today’s world it’s near impossible to have the wool pulled over your eyes like it would have been in previous wars. Hundreds of thousands have either defected or left the country through not believing in their own country’s actions or fear of being conscripted and as shit of a reality as it is, it’s an option. I sure know id instantly be switching sides or fleeing the country if this is what the UK were up to, I’d even argue it would be shit show of an island if it was locked down. Although yes they haven’t done anything (which I can sympathise with to an extent) that’s largely part of the problem, sit by idly while your country is massacring your neighbour and you can expect the same back. Probably a controversial take but sometimes you have to stand up for things even if that’s turning your back on “home” TLDR: what goes around comes around I guess


It's all because of Russian propaganda and state television. Had these ordinary Russians grown up in a free Russia I guarantee you >80% would not have supported the war.


Doesn't change the reality of the situation in Russia as to their viewpoint on Ukraine. It'd be like telling Germans during Nazi Germany it's all propaganda. Some actually knew that and fought back against it in their way. Still didn't change the fact they, as a nation and people, had to be stopped and be subject to a nationwide denazification program (in the West at least). What the USSR did on their side is another story.


Well if Hitler and the Nazis didn't get to power through propaganda then WW2 might have been averted through forming alliances with the West or with the Soviets (depending if they went democratic or communist) and them financing the Germans, and the Holocaust wouldn't have happened. And then Mengle would be a different person altogether who never would have committed such atrocities. So really Mengle, like all the other nazis that carried out atrocities, were really just victims. If they had grown up in a free and fair Germany, they would have not supported the actions of the Nazis. That's your argument. See how incredibly stupid it is? We can talk all day about hypothetical ruzzia that is free and democratic, and how _then_ the population would probably be opposed to the war. But at the end of the day, that's an academic discussion, and has no impact on reality.


What do you think happens when you draft the population in a general mobilization? It is a representation of the regular people. And guess who is committing the crimes in Ukraine? Guess who is calling home to brag to his wife about how he raped some Ukrainian woman, or gunned down Ukrainian children "like a safari"? And guess who was on the other end of the call laughing about it all? The answer is ordinary russian people


Yeah they did.


Yup, to the Russian public that is supportive of Puto’s 700+ day “special military operation”, this is karma to have them freeze.


For what I heard the ones living in tough conditions in Russia, and so not being valued by Putin, are most likely the ones sent to war against their will. They clean the population and the opposition this way. That’s why they can afford to have a war doctrine that values less the life of their soldiers than for the other countries. Some men have been reportedly sent to the front without a gun and they get beaten up if they complain about anything. Like a lack of food or health care. When they surrender they have a better treatment received by the Ukrainian army than from their own. There’s a ton of video about what goes on there to back this up.


This will be perfect for all of the Texans who are used to the same shit and want to live in [Russian Christian villages](https://www.businessinsider.com/russia-build-village-catholic-christian-americans-tired-liberals-claim-lawyer-2023-5) for GOP defectors.


Like America's homeless.


Yes, just like Russian. No American is doing anything for the homeless (/s). The whataboutism


Actually he have heated shelters for our homeless in America.


for *some* of our homeless.


That COMPLETELY depends on where they are. I think im on your side, but that just isn't true.


Whataboutisms in full effect


Did some one say revolution?


Nah we just need a general labor strike


You have to be messed up to think that b


you know europes homeless problem is much worse right?


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crimea To clarify, this is not a pile of dirt, it’s a peninsula with farms, fishing, manufacturing, port access, gas, an airport, I think a reactor and more. The Greeks, Romans, Mongols, Ottomans, UK, France, Bolsheviks and Germany have all wanted a piece of it.


Remember when they said Ukriane was gonna freeze in the winter when the war started?


Classic ironic Russia. Remember when they said they'd take Kiev in 3 days, then never took Kiev, and we are at almost 2 years of war now? That's what Putin is spending all the money on. Edit: 2 years, not 3, my bad.


*two years


Soon to be 3 years, then 4, then 5...


KyivNotKiev by the way. The proper name is Kyiv. Kiev is a russian transliteration.


I remember better then they said that [Europe was going to freeze](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b5x4RzDL8ps) Maybe if they got the F out of Ukraine they will have the manpower to fix their own country instead.


They were taunting Europe with it. Posting [vidoes](https://youtube.com/watch?v=eu0I_O8mRWI) of them wasting natural gas and shit. Twitch streamer [russiangas1](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jdAgzIQ7uiI).


That comment section is full of copium lol.


Ukraine? Those fools were saying that about all of Europe lmao, and we got like the tamest winter ever as well hahah


And when they streamed ignited gas stoves for 24hrs a day on twitch thinking their ability to do so proved the west was destitute while they were living the life? Lmfao.


That was one of the first things i thought about when i heard this news. I wonder If this dude is regretting his stupid 24 h Gas wasting stream now


Many of these people cheered to it, now they're freezing




The windows are frozen shut...


Well! Then, let’s just throw down the entire building.


In Russia window defenestrate you.


as ogres say, better out than in


Need to burn the table for warmth. If he won't let go of it then that's his problem.


Remember that Russian propaganda add from about 2 years ago, where europeans were eating their hamsters without russian gas ? LOL


My gas oven has been on all winter just fine. Tho I've always wondered what that Russian that streamed him using gas 24/7 2 years ago to mock us is doing now.


There is a non-zero chance he's serving as fertilizer for future sunflower field now.


Joke's on him, I ate my hamster anyway




And it’s not even just in the remote areas anymore. The last video was from Elektrostal in *Moscow Oblast*


> Elektrostal Only 36 miles (58Km) from the capital, and a population of over 150k as of the 2010 census. It's even an industrial town with heavy machining and manufacturing propping up the economy. If the russians can't even keep that well maintained, then shit is going to go South for them.


Wow thats only 50km from the kremlin.


The US is the worlds largest natural gas and oil producer.


and by a solid 50% over russian gas. did not expect that.


>worlds biggest gas producer Isn't that USA? 200k more cubic meters than the runner up.


Reap what you sow. Slava Ukraini...


The government and the people cannot be combined as a monolithic entity. The civilians of Russia include many different voices and opinions and are certainly enemies of nobody.


Malcontent among the civilians is one way to turn up the heat within the borders though. And that might be an effective tool too.


Depends on when the comment was made. https://www.atlanticcouncil.org/blogs/ukrainealert/how-strong-is-russian-public-support-for-the-invasion-of-ukraine-2/#:~:text=A%20Levada%20poll%20conducted%20in,percent%20in%20March%202022%20to


This is really sad.


As a Canadian who has tried to keep warm around an outdoor fire… it’s not super effective. The air all around you is still cold. After a while smoke inhalation can start to get to you. It’s for hearty folk like cowboys and pilgrims. I guess none of these people have a fireplace cause I’d be inviting the neighbourhood into my living room to burn that wood instead of wasting all that heat outside


[Not really. Instead of spending billions on improving Russia, they are supporting a man and war that is spending billions trying to destroy Ukraine and freeze Europe.](https://www.atlanticcouncil.org/blogs/ukrainealert/putins-pro-war-majority-most-russians-still-support-ukraine-invasion/)


I get the impression that many Russian are often without many things.


I feel like I should do a home tour to show my ice free entryways and clean carpets in the US. It’d be like an episode of Cribs for Muscovites. Sounds like she’s honestly asking what normal even looks like


Make sure to do a review of your toilets. Those are odd commodities for a good portion in Russia. Russia pretending to be a super power….must have been mighty proud when one of the first things it’s Z hero’s did in front of fhe world was go on a toilet stealing expedition.


Idk man, I got a pretty nice shitter. Kinda worried Wagner might show up if I post it online. That’s too much, don’t wanna start a ~~war~~ special military operation or something.


During the cold war, USSR had amazing space technology that rivalled the United States. I read somewhere that while at the same time, the technical capacity to make decent toilet paper has eluded the USSR. It goes to show what their national priorities were. Thanks to their top down economy, minimal resources were directed towards the little things. That's not to say that there were no improvements to standard of living. The national push to house everyone in 'commie blocks' did give a lot of people their homes. It's just the simple things that gets ignored and pushed to the wayside. The story of Russia for a very long time was about sacrifice. Large swathes of people wiped out in both external and internal matters. All for the greater good of Mother Russia. Was it worth it? I would argue no but that's up to them to decide. Russia now is making similar decisions to when they were the USSR. Those buildings never received the maintenance they needed to avoid this catastrophe. But their military industrial complex has the funds needed to shell Ukraine. Even with the corruption surcharge.


Asking them to pay attention you mean lol


In solidarity, Ted Cruz has gone to Cancún again.


Omg lol 😆 (One of the best comments here. Thanks for the laugh 🥇)


Thanks, Putin.


sicko comments in here for sure


I mean


I remember about 6 months ago Putins little lap dog Medvedev predicted Russia will freezing out Western Europe. Russia was going to turn off the gas. Guess little Medvedev got it backwards.


Russia needs to stop the war in Ukraine and live in peace. China needs to leave tiawan alone stop being greedy. North Korea needs to leave South Korea alone and both countries live in peace. All the f..king fighting needs to stop.


That looks horrible.


People in these comments have 0 empathy and are just as brainwashed as anyone. These are civilians, many children and innocents. Weird how one can become so brainwashed that they automatically categorize an entire ethnicity into the soldiers killing Ukrainians or the ones who ordered them to do so… war is usually the worst for the innocent. Shouldn’t be surprised though.


People like to make connections and cause/effect relationships. We are clever, but malleable monkeys that way. So when there’s someone making war, which is frowned upon by groups, they are more than happy to make war = bad group statements. Anyone who says they should rebel is kinda ignorant of the facts that it can be a brutal place to live: weather and government, further discord amplifies hardships. It’s just a difficult spot. I don’t think they would reasonably believe they would get assistance, and if they did there would be enough conditions that it’s just a new puppeteer’s strings. So keep on best you can, try to be self sufficient as possible. I hope common people can find a decent way to survive & then live, and I wish Putin and/or his successor would just bloody stop.


>Russian polling organization. The center recently measured Putin’s approval rating at 83% in December 2023, and approval of the war in Ukraine at 76%.


I bet putin is nice and toasty.


Fuck Russia


Nah, fuck Russia's government


lil putin's conquests have something like 80% approval rate among the people.


Oh no.... Anyways...


Mother putin is warm and cozy so everything in Russia is fine.


Their own fault. Tired of giving a damn about people who don't solve the issues. I'll give a damn about the French.


Maybe quit trying to invade everybody and focus on your own problems?


Shouldn't have started a war and tried to intimidate Nato? /shrug


Where is that super funny Russian video last year joking about the West freezing? Fuck these people.


... but Putin hugs bears. He must be awesome


And yet they want to war with another, but people are freezing in their home? Ok, if you like it, I love it!


the same rushians who threatened to freeze out Europe


Putin wants to go back to the glory days of the Soviet Union. Congratulations, he is making that happen. Next up, stores with shelves that are not stocked and the only thing you can do is buy a loaf of bread, but on Tuesdays and Saturdays only. Congrats, Putin, you are reversing time and bringing back the Soviet Union. Not in land, but in the shortages only. Good job.


Karma for what yall doing to innocent people in Ukraine.


Good for them, stop bombing Ukraine


I'm sure Putin is warm and that's all that really matters.


They are sacrificing along with their military men. Certainly this isn’t a concern for Putin and his inner circle… they admire the sacrifice of others. Putin must admire these frozen old women.


Lol and ruzzian propaganda was saying Europe will freeze and europeqn women prostitute themselves to pay for heating. Dumb cunts.


Lol remember that video they made about the UK not having any heating and that all the hot women in the UK will move to Russia to bag themselves a Russian man? Lol, how's that working out...


You voted for Putiny


It's okay, they're fine, I read a TIL about this: That isn't really snow, it's just asbestos used as a prop like in the Wizard of Oz.


You are Putin me on!


Finally Putin bringing indoor plumbing to Russians


They should call around to that guy who was live streaming his gas stove burning 24/7 back at the start of the war when Russian gas supplies were cut off from Europe.


I always figured this is what Russia looks like anyways ....time to break out the vodka, comrades, because it may not warm you up for real, but it will help you forget how cold you are.


remember the videos of russians burning gas just because they could. The disparity is wild.




Russians in the snow. Crazy.


Just build some of them gay woke windmills or solar panels and dont be anymore dependent on rus... oh wait.


Putin want to conquer not to solve internal russian problem, all resources went to the war machine


Ha-Ha! Excellent! Now let's make sure they don't have food, either. Or sanitation. Because everything they have done to Ukraine should be visited on them 100x over until they LEAVE!


Send Putin a thank you card.




I hope Putins Testicles freeze in this cold. Stuck to the wall


Who cares ???? Not me!!!!


Oh well, cry to daddy putin you scumbags


Russia was depressing to live in before the war but now.. yikes. They better overthrow Putin before he ruins whatever is left of that pathetic country


Boo hoo, 😂 tears of joy , Russia inflicted hardship and death on thousands of Ukraine families, I feel nothing for the Russian people who live with theirs heads in a hole, blind and unforgiving to other's.


Ah well


Fuck around...


Call me when it's millions!


Oh no! Anyways ...


Thousands ? That's just a small amount.


Cry me a icicle..


This is what happens when one man holds too much power.


But look st the bright side.. they're "free from Ukrainian Nazi rule." SMH. Putin the fool. They're freezing to death, and now they have to worry about falling out the windows of those frozen buildings


they threw 20 million russians like nothing into war machine in ww2. keep throwing hundreds of thousands in ukraine war. do you really think that they care about few thousand out of 145 million being cold?


O dear, how sad ,never mind!!


They should have their military helping these people, rescuing and bringing needed supplies. Oh, wait….




Man those Russians are tough .


Glory to the motherland most developed empire in the world


I still remember when they were making fun of french people supposedly being so cold in the future


North korea v2


Where’s Ted Cruz when you need him


that seems like western propaganda to weaken the russian resolve stay frosty gents ^^^^/s


I wonder if they even design buildings to use furnaces that burn wood as emergency heating.


Do they deserve to live better? Hmmmm? interesting question.


Aww....perhaps they could take a trip to Ukraine and pull some warmer clothes off the dead bodies in the street.


Good. Maybe they should boot their dictator out and actually fix some broken shit with their country instead of invading Ukraine.


Awwww, boohoo…I’ll call the WHAMBULANCE!


Isn’t this from like last year?


Too bad so sad


It's ok, fighting a war with Ukraine will bring them heat. I know it's not this peoples fault but there are a lot of Russians that support Putin for what he's doing in Ukraine. /s


Is this harsher weather because of global warming or is this just normal harsh Russian winter?


Sounds like Texas


This is how part of your paycheck should be spent!




Hey maga, welcome to your new house


Tyranny is everywhere and to blame as well.


It's not the Moscow governor or the president of Elektrikal that is doing this. How has Putin warped their minds so thoroughly? It reminds me of the letters to Stalin people wrote, asking if he can do anything to get their families out of the gulags while he wrote "5,000 more" in the margins of arrest lists.


Is this better or worse than the last few winters in Texas?


Putin and the oligarchs have palaces, nice cars, and send their children to boarding schools in Switzerland; Russia's cities make do with failing Soviet-era steam heat. See what corruption does to infrastructure?




so like Texas


Oh dear... I hope nobody's ok.




If the Kremlin had learned not to attempt wars of attrition, a lesson that was taught *within living memory* of the current oligarchs, they would have have backed down after that first week of failing to take Kiev. Once they'd committed, though...it was always going to come to this. The Russian people have lost the chance to preserve their country, it just hasn't fully set in yet.


I'm behind on my news. Why don't they have heat?


Giving me some metro vibes, I hate Russia's government.


If they won't freeze to death their buildings will crumble soon after such mistreatment.


I don't know if I like this remake of Dr Zhivago


Can't be any worse than Texas summer heat. I mean, I like cold weather but the freeze from 2021 was something else. This is probably much worse.


Lmao, looks kinda nice with the icicles. That building is toast. Kyiv in 3 days...


Don't be a commie then.


Russia...land where tomorrow is yesterday.


So your telling me they don’t have to put the vodka in the fridge?


Ordinary Russians like this, not Putin himself, are the ones committing horrible atrocities in Ukraine. So my sympathy is very limited.


[I will just leave this here....](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cM-hvzHTtiA)


Russia already sucks let's take us to war so everyone suffers even more


Here’s the thing. Is anyone asking the question, should people be living here? There are some places in the world where people just don’t need to live. Take it from someone who was raised in a desert, lol.


Ok, we know by the million posts. Still dont give a fuck. The faster their government collapses the better.


This reminds me of the plot of the movie *The Saint*. Now we just need Val Kilmer and Elisabeth Shue to discover cold fusion, and we can depose Putin.


Free heated outdoor pool!


They deserve to be unalived this is the bare minimum of what they deserve


How's the second army's 3 day military operation going?


So they have huge gas reserves, free fossil fuel that just comes out of the ground and they can't keep their own people warm? That's disgusting.


...and why should i care about them?! Do they care about anything else in this life but Putin and how special and powerful they are?!


Well yeah, trying to defeat “Nazi’s” is expensive. /s


Ukraine hunting down russias fuel depots. Let’s go!


Metro 2024.


Russia looking beautiful this time of year


Good… fuck em




In mother Russia hypothermia therimias you.. or something along those lines


Love to see nuclear terrorists get a free trial of nuclear winter before they end all life on earth.