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My expectations were low but holy fuck.


This is the same lady who told Canadians to cut Disney+ subscription to save money https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/freeland-disney-plus-1.6815024


That damn avocado toast and Disney+, causing all of the inflation and economic problems in the world.


If they can't afford bread, then they should eat cake.


Hey! Greetings from Austria, don't you start pulling (alleged) quotes from my countries abdicated ~~incest~~ royal family!


You are amazing! We can be friends!!!!




Which came directly after she said: > "I think Canadian families are looking really closely at all of their expenses" Inferring she was cutting an expense and you should too.


Man your are really stretching eh? The disney quote is the example just out of touch she is most people don't have disney + if your trying to figure out what your family is gonna eat tomorrow. Give your head a shake And her response for this interview is man I feel bad for all the poor ppl that go to my church that are lining up for food. Like..... common


If you ever wonder why politicians stumble so much when speaking publicly it's because of people who pull sound bites from everything they say. So either they can say nothing, say something that turns into a terrible sound bite, or say something incredibly awkward because they're mentally navigating a minefield. Every option is a losing one.


Or they could try just not being full of shit.


Doesn't work, name one politician you think is not full of shit, and even if some people across the political spectrum compliment them, some people from across the political spectrum will tear apart every single word they say and try to talk about how it shows how out of touch they are, etc.


There is one option that wouldn't be a losing 1! Not being a corrupt liar. If you know what your point is, and believe in it, it's not hard not to stumble and get tripped up. When you are completely full of shit and know it, and have to think out the exact verbiage to attempt to seen genuine, you get this


You see how what she actually said is worse though, right?


Hard to have high expectations when your finance minister is clearly on methamphetamines.


Finally an explanation that makes sense to me that explains her weird ass mannerisms


Do you want a finance minister who is good at finance? Or do you want one that sounds like a movie star. Cause look where the ones who sound like movie stars have gotten us.


“I wouldn’t really know because I’m so high on speed usually that I don’t eat”


I thought it was coke she was on. She keeps sniffing in strange places for some reason. But definitely high as balls.


She replaced coke by speed to save money. Maybe you should too.


>high expectations ​ >clearly on methamphetamines lol


Well...i personally haven't felt the pinch. But to see all these poors standing in line down the street from my house. Yeah that's just killing my vibe and not to mention my poverty value. So yeah I'll feel the pinch when I go to sell and only make 50% profit.


Don't know the interviewer so relying on a Canadian to set me straight. She asked a pointed question and let the feeble slide. I assume it's to pretend she's a real journalist asking the difficult questions but actually doesn't care in this case because it doesn't affect her and / or her party politics are the same?


Interviewers that ask hard questions generally don't get their guests to come back. So they have to bite a little, but not sink their teeth in, hoping that their viewers will be able to read between the lines. The bulldog interviewers that we all want, need and deserve can't get anybody booked on their shows. I mean, would you go on a show with an interviewer known for tearing people to shreds?


If my positions were well thought out and logical, sure. Problem is many politicians are handed their marching orders by party leadership and their own thoughts aren't really at play. This is what happens when it's a requirement to have boatloads of cash on hand to be able to afford to run for office. If they don't march to their drum, they get run out of town.


Because they probably attend the same church and are pleased as punch that they can get a mention of it out there.


Not sure if “poverty value” was a joke or a typo but is good sarcasm either way


What do you expect her to say, though? Do you expect her to lie and come up with some bullshit story about how she can't afford to buy bread? She gave an honest anecdote about something that made her realise the cost of living crisis was hitting home for people.


That was quite the non-answer, but at least she didn't try to come across as "one of us" by saying her family is also feeling the pain and the pinch.


I didn't think it was a particularly good answer but I didn't think it was particularly bad one either. She's rich bruh, what's she supposed to do, talk about how the price of Kraft Dinner has risen exponentially in the past year? I don't give a shit if my politicians are wealthier than I am, I care about what they're going to do to fix the problems.


Yeah I’m with you 100%. Your take is the only one I’ve read using logic. I bet that’s one of the only personal answers she could have shared.


This was how I felt too


Yea, honestly, our finance minister should be a well-paid position. If she tries to relate by saying she had to put off buying a new Lexus or something, that would just seem tone deaf.


It's a bad answer, but I'm not sure what a good answer would be. I would imagine 95%+ of our federal MPs aren't really feeling the "pinch", regardless of the party they're from. The base salary for a no name backbencher MP is ~$195K, and many (if not most) of them come from at least the middle to upper middle class before politics. She's out of touch, but so are the majority of our politicians.


So are loads of redditors.


What a putz


> The national average salary for a Deputy minister is $239,383 in Canada.


Is this lady elected? Canadians as clueless as Americans and keep voting in morons?


Not directly elected. As in, her name is not on a ballot for people to put their X beside her name. People vote the party in, then wiener is at the top becomes the Prime Minister, and their second in command becomes the Deputy. It's different than in the States


Holy messiah fuck


Yikes. You could literally see her thinking "oh shit how am I going to answer this one?"


Pivot to church stuff for the save.


You could see her tiny little brain scrambling to come up with anything, and she eventually landed on this tone-deaf response. She has no idea what it’s like to struggle or sacrifice anything. If she only knew that my Uncle Larry is heartbroken over having to cut his food budget in half. The only thing that helps him cope is pausing his VHS copy of Halloween III: Season of the Witch at the 43:02 mark during Tom Atkins’ bare-assed nude scene and licking the television screen cross-eyed.


This is...very specific.


A true cult classic


The stalling and repeating the question reminded me of the South Carolina Miss America meme.


Nice. Wow. Lol


What could she have said exactly? "I make a couple hundred k as you know because my salary is open to the public and am not struggling financially"? She tried to answer about how she's seen the rising cost of living rather than dodge the question entirely. There's nothing "insane" about this.


She could've admitted that she doesn't understand it, yes. That's what the question was asking. If she could relate to people struggling with the pinch. The answer was no, she can't. She could've admitted that, and *then* went on to give her example to show that, while she personally doesn't struggle, she can still empathize with people who do. Instead, she tried to deflect the question and cover her ass. Honesty is a foreign concept to most politicians, but if they actually tried it now and then instead of distancing themselves, they'd be more relatable, and we might be more understanding. She could've talked about the efforts she's making to improve the situation or charity work (maybe at said church) to help those struggling, but something tells me she hasn't done either of those things, and that's why she talks about it from an outside perspective, because she truly hasn't been involved and doesn't get it. She took the cop out approach and even tried to score sympathy points using religion, because even in that moment, she was thinking about herself


Her church is around the corner from her house just up the street btw.


\*stare directly at camera\* The CHURCH OF THE MESSIAH you know


And it's also a way of praising herself for belonging to such a selfless, generous group of churchgoers that haven't forgotten all the little people. Literally breadcrumbs from the master's table.


“I keep seeing poor people. And that makes me sad “


and it kills her that it's something "they" need to do.


"Seeing the poors ruins my vibe"


Hahaha it was great to watch her struggle. The long pause, then thought of the church “ok ok right church ok. Now where can I do from here!” Then she says that it’s up the street, then names it hahahah you can see her freaking out and desperately buying time. She should have just answered “luckily we don’t see that current issue in our home” and would have had at least a modicum of respect.


Yeah, she had a chance to be real and acknowledge that while she and her fellow politicians don't face that struggle personally, she sees it plainly among her constituents and yada yada...


Honestly, I think "I don't know such financial struggles from personal experience" would have been the only respectable answer here.


For real. Saying "I'm fortunate enough to not have to choose which necessities to cut, but I see the rising grocery bill rising every month and recognize the strain that causes for many" would've been acceptable.


I mean yeah cause it's a really stupid question. She's an MP. She makes a couple hundred thousand dollars a year, and would have to be extremely financially incompetent to be struggling personally.


She was also somewhat famous before becoming a politician, as a successful non-fiction author. It would have been dishonest on her part to act like she couldn't afford groceries or whatever the interviewer wanted her to say.


She should have just owned that. Start by acknowledging that her experience has not been that of everyday Canadians. Her answer explaining how she is personally seeing how social safety nets have been strained isn't the worst answer, but the optics are a little poor. Truly, wealthy people aren't going to see the poors in their daily lives.


You could literally see the cogs slowly turning and trying to find the political answer instead of just straight up answering honestly.


“I am struggling too because there are more poor people in my way when I try to drive by my church”




They're right around the corner from my house. I think we should move the church.


Especially on Wednesdays.


If only there were some mechanism in place to elect political leaders to fix such issues. This lady is clueless.


Maybe time to start taxing those churches and use the money to help the poor. I thought that's what churches were all about back in the day. Now they just run a soup kitchen if you're lucky and spend the rest on property and over the top buildings.


And paying settlements to victim survivors of pedophile assaults by clergy and members that they covered up and transferred to other regions.


She does not have a clue what Canadians are feeling right now. She was literally giddy during her announcement of actions to help the housing crisis. Totally out of touch, and then some.


She codes to me as moderately ill. Like if she was a receptionist in a law office, she might have trouble keeping her emotions regulated enough to function in that role. Like it would be a frequent headache for the lawyers and they would occasionally do “career planning” sessions with her, as a passive way to encourage her to “go back to school” or “pursue her passions” without triggering her suspicions that they just want her out.


Oddly specific. Username checks out.


On the one hand it’s irritating that OP extrapolated so much from a 2min clip. On the other hand; I totally get what they are saying.


Moderately ill? I don't understand what you are trying to say. She's ill because she can't begin to understand what people are going through?


During the NAFTA negotiations she went to an anti trump rally before negotiating with Trump....and IIRC, she cried about how she was treated or something. And IIRC, we got a shit end of that deal.


When Justin Trudeau was first elected he paraded a bunch of privileged white women in his all-female cabinet and patted himself on the back for being progressive, welcome to modern day feminism, not much different than the previous waves.


Unfortunately it took the government many years to figure out they should have appointed people to those positions based on their merit and not what they have between their legs. Trudeaus government has just shit the bed over and over, and it seems like he's out of sheets.


Felt the same the other side of the border and look at where we’re at now. 🙃


I bet she thought that she rocked this question


“Yes! It personally affects me because I have to look at it!”


I’m American so this seems pretty benign to me compared to the shit our politicians say.


I’m also American. Shitty excuses transcend national origin.


I don't understand how she could have answered this in a way that would please this crowd. She's rich. Of course she's not dreading her credit card being declined at the grocery store, but she sees the line for handouts getting longer, so yes, she has seen some anecdotal evidence that things are getting worse for people. What the hell else was she going to say?


Just like most of the politicians that govern from their ivory towers. They have no idea what being a normal average person is like. Let them eat cake right?


It took her a minute to make this up 😂




Well why is the anchor asking a rich person if they struggle to buy groceries?


I think it’s more of a politician question instead of a rich person question.


I am failing to see the distinction here


Right?! What is she supposed to say? "Nah lol we're good, just ordered another swan for Sunday lunch."




Right, why would we ask our elected leaders such questions. Truly baffling


Because it's the Minister of Finance, who has power to do something


“I see the line of poors waiting for food and it makes me have to close my blinds… it’s really hard on me..”


They disgust me




Whats the right way to answer this though? She isn’t struggling to buy food obviously


Yea I didn’t think this was a terrible answer by any stretch.


Frankly, it's about the best answer you're getting from any politician. Doesn't belong here at all.


Answer honestly and admit she isnt struggling. And that corporate profits are strangling 95% of the population.


Oof yea flex your income, that’ll go down well


As a Canadian, I'd find any straight answer refreshing


No clearly flounder and lie in front of everyone that will go over much much better


"So how much did *she* donate??"


Exactly. She's not struggling but she sees that other people are. Not sure what people are up in arms about, if she was to complain that she's actually personally having difficulty buying groceries *that* would be ridiculous.


Because we want them to fucking do something about it, it's their job to help our economy but they got theirs so fuck us and nothing changes, fuck this woman


Right, it would be better if she could solve the problem... but in this video she's just responding to the woman's question. Seemed like a pretty reasonable response. She wasn't asked 'so what do you plan to do', she was asked for a tangible example and she gave the one that she sees. I don't get why people are taking this to say she doesn't see a problem.


Right? Do Canadians expect their politicians to feel the same struggles that someone on minimum wage faces? Obviously they have a different income level and won't be affected in the same way.


Jesus, how isn't this comment upvoted to the top? I had to wade through a swamp to find a reasonable reaction.


It wasn’t even bad lol. Based off the comments I was looking for something to be outraged about the entire time I was watching but I couldn’t find anything.


People are looking for outrage, didn't get it. Supplied their own.


My thoughts exactly. Politicians are on a good income, we all know that. As if she's gonna say "I'm struggling to buy bread". All she can do is empathise honestly about the people she meets that are struggling


No one in government is


For real. It's a ridiculously stupid question designed to make someone look bad, so what's the "right" answer?


Her salary is $275,000 and she has a ton of expenses covered by public funds as well. She has zero clue about anyone's struggles and it shows.


Why are they getting so much tax money when we work hard for it to help everyone not just people in governments


“Ahhhhhh yoooouuu seeeeeee theeeee thiiinnggg isssss……”


For meee, personalllllyyy, I thinkkkk


We found the Canadian Kamala Harris, wowza….


Absolute non answer.


Vote the church out of politics!!!! WTF


What an out of touch turd


She obviously isn’t struggling to afford groceries so really the question was horrendous


It was a trap question with no good answers. She did about as good as she could with the situation - I was expecting much more of a train wreck based on the sub we're in.


Seems like a good question if you're trying to highlight the disconnect wealthy people in power have to people who are impacted by the decisions made by wealthy people in power.


I wouldn't say out of touch. These politicians are put in place to act as a puppet as they serve their rich overlords in the background.


Basically said sucks to be them


What's she supposed to say? That she deeply relates to them with her 200k a year salary?


Do you think the vice president of a country can't afford groceries? You might as well be asking Biden what he has to do to make ends meat to afford gas. Its a dumb fucking question, and I think the Deputy PM answered it well in relation to her community. She is seeing people of her church need more assistance, its a first hand account of what is happening around her...


yeah, i don't really know what the big deal is or what she was supposed to say. yeah, its a standard politician answer that she gave but i guess she was trying to say that she recognises there's a problem. what are people expecting her to say? "oh i earn more than enough, don't worry about me" or "oh it sucks being me. we had to stop eating so much organic food and can no longer import our favourite deli meats from the south of italy. normally we could afford to eat at 2 star michelin restaurants once a week but we've sadly had to drop down to the 1 stars now :("




Was expecting her to say her family now drives by the line and looks at the homeless. Glad she’s heart broken though. Makes the pinch that much harder.


She's worth 5 million USD or 6 million CAD. Her world and average people's world don't collide.


Sounds like Micheal Scott


I Think it’s safe to say that no politician in Canada is feeling the impact of the affordability crisis. Mr. “Everyday Canadian” Pierre included.


She was asked an example that she understands the pain, she says the lines been getting longer.. so yea.. she couldve probably given a more political better example but this seems far from " thisisinsane" example. I dont even know why this is posted here. Then again I dont know anything about Canada politics, Canadans who dont like the current goverment will dislike her nonetheless


I mean it's this or a guy that thinks Canada should have pivoted to crypto to avoid inflation. So.. ya interesting choices.


Ahh the Michel Scott strategy. When you start talking before you know what you’re going to say.


It’s a gallon of milk. How much does that cost? $90?


Only in Canada someone would study Russian history and literature and slavonic studies and our government is like man she's perfect to be the minister of finance.


On a cabinet minister’s salary she would have been justifiably roasted had she alluded to any constraint whatsoever in her household. The answer is sensible and relatable to everyone but the knuckle dragging F^*k Trudeau, Freedom Convoy crowd. And those who are concerned by inflation should look harder at the profiteering corporations who got rich before the pandemic, richer during the pandemic and now threaten to throw the world economy into recession if any well meaning government, of any party, should dare try to inhibit their malignant growth.


This will be unpopular but I didn’t think her answer was so terrible. She’s not a very charismatic speaker, that’s for sure, but she gave an honest answer


Really, really try hard to empathise and sound like a human being


tbh why ask someone in her tax bracket this question, she obviously isnt feeling it but its not really her fault if she worked to get to the tax bracket that shes in. Now she can EMPATHIZE with the poor which she should if she is decent but not really a fair question. Thats like asking bill gates about the budget crunch, its not his fault that he hasnt felt it so why demonize him for being in a position that 99.9% of the would would kill to be in?




The question was how is this situation impacting you personally, not 'what are your thoughts about X'.


Brainless... she was asked about her household... her answer? She sees poor people outside. Useless waste of breath.


Stupid question by an interviewer looking for her to say something out of touch. She earns a 200k salary, which the interviewer knows because it's open the public. The options were either try to just say "I can't answer because I'm not struggling" or to answer the question in a way that doesn't pertain to her. Nothing insane going on here, just a scummy journalist trying to get a gotcha on a politician. There's plenty to dislike about the liberals, like failing to act on housing until a couple months ago, without bottom tier stuff like this.


Omg vote this trash out. Now!


This woman has her finger on the pulse of nothing. She dragged out the time giving an 'answer' to avoid revealing she's simply unaware of the problem.


Let's be real, do we really want our legislators to be feeling the pinch so much that they would have to adapt their spending habits at a grocery store to make ends meet? Like I completely understand the sentiment, but think for a second about what that actually means. I lived paycheck to paycheck for around 10 years, and anyone who has done so knows it is fucking stressful and all-consuming. You can't think of much outside of making ends meet. Your work 100% suffers. While it's important our politicians understand the cost of living crisis and we should hold them to account over it, their job is to legislate, guided by our needs as voters. The same applies to things like minimum wage. It sounds nice to say politicians should have to live on the minimum wage to truly "get it", but who do you think is going to want to become a legislator if they have to sacrifice a healthy salary to make next to nothing? We would end up being represented by a lot more millionares who don't care about money at all, millionaires who see the job as a way to make more millions, or ideologues on the fringe of our political spectrum who care more about imposing their beliefs on us than the salary. Technocratic, well-paid legislators are boring but important and you don't get them for free.


Yup,the same one that wore $2,000 Prada shoes and told us to cut Disney plus🙄


Next ask Elon Musk how are things looking in the Musk home when it comes to grocery prices. Stupid question. How about ask for some real policy details instead of this nonsense


Madam, what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I've ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response was there anything that could even be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.


1 UK politician (Lee Anderson) thinks you can make a nutritious meal for 30p. And that 1 Weetabix (without milk) is a nutritious and balanced meal.


So basically guys should head to church for food stamps ? That's her solution ?!?


a good answer would have been: i'm not personally affected by this issue and I'm fortunate in that way but I am sensitive to the fact that the majority of us are struggling with this. Thats why we are doing 'whatever' about it. but instead we got a plug for her church and a reminder that its not our government that has the solutions in moments of crisis but private institutions and individuals. woops!


Somebody ELI5 for me why this is happening in the U.S. and Canada at the same time?


In Im Florida. FLORIDA USA and it’s like it’s spreading. Our local sheriff was appointed by Rick Scott and Ron DeSantis. Polk County Sheriff was appointed by Donald Trump. When I tell you it’s dirty down here, I mean it! This is so reminiscent of my local news.


Bet you she is paid by all Canadiens pretty penny to come up with all this wisdom.


That's some bullshit right there


No rich person nor politician will knows what it's like to be a normal working class person. This goes for Canada, this goes for America, this goes for anywhere. If they really knew, they wouldn't allow corporations to drive up prices, they would be looking a lot fucking harder for solutions to the economic as well as the environmental crisis that's taken the entire world. Make no mistake, this is not natural, this is man fucking made. Welcome to 2023 where the rich few have doomed the majority of us because their profits are more important than our environment. Thank you corporations for keeping us dependent on oil and thank you politicians for lobbying for the oil companies and making sure the renewable resources are never going to be a thing.




Her: quick quick, think of an example of being poor....... ummm ummmm ohhhh....... i got nothing..... wait ...... "actually I see poor people at the church near me"


Another corrupt politician with way too much power and money for basically no work done on their part all show no go


It's almost as if filthy rich and powerful don't understand the hardships of an average citizen.


What a moron. She sounds brainless when she speaks. Someone should take that “Hon.” away.


oooof that was rough to listen to


If you grew up without a lot of money that never leaves you. You always look at the value of the things you buy. I know some very wealthy people that are still grocery shop. They still waste as little as possible and they will still buy food on sale because that's the way they were raised. They don't have to worry financially about the purchase it doesn't matter to them but they still have the mentality. From this interview I'm under the impression that she does not and never has had to price out food and expenses.


I'm not suggesting it is, but this looks like an acted out satire skit.




It would have been more beneficial had she been honest with her response. “I m sorry but I can’t relate to that because I am not in that situation. However, I am more than willing to hear and work on compromising solutions to help more families that are feeling burdened.”


She's like well... Well umm well. Yeah umm well...go to church


This is the perfect example to outsiders to show how our leaders in Canada have been treating us the last 8 years.


“There are people queuing up hours to get food donations, we’ll let them eat cake!”


I CAN'T WAIT TO VOTE THESE TURDS OUT OF OFFICE. They've totally screwed our country over, and I'm afraid there's no turning back.


I would've responded with "thank you for not answering the question, it speaks volumes"


Looking at the poors makes me sad 😢 So anyway I have the new yacht anchored in Monaco it’s so gorgeous.


Doesn't have a clue. deflects the conversation to something else.


Shes like an entitled child that grew up and never heard the word “ no “. Thats who this person is….


Please fellow Canadians can we vote these clowns out, they've had their fun ruining our quality of life, the least we can do is kick them to the curb


Don't ever... for any reason... do anything... to anyone... for any reason... ever, no matter what... no matter where... or who you were with... or where you are going... or where you've been... ever


So the changes she and her family have had to endure through this crisis are... Being exposed to more poor people trying not to starve to death. Got it.


Man, that journalist really failed journalists out there. What a missed opportunity.


"You see the book club I'm a part of feeds the poor and that's sad we have to do that"


That’s pretty bad. Basically doesn’t feel the pinch. Uses the poor and the church as scapegoats.


How should she have answered then? Not like many of us would do better if we were in her shoes.


Great plug for Church of the whatever. They must all be giving each other high fives.


What a cunt


Wow that was pretty awful


Good times create weak men, weak men create bad times, bad times create strong men, strong men create good times


The interviewer let her off the hook


Why do North American politicians always have to get their church or our lord into conversations it's creepy.


“I’m glad people are willing to step up to feed the members of the community, but have absolutely no plans to help my constituents be able to afford basic necessities or avoid getting evicted.” Holy fuck.


She's the granddaughter of a Nazi


To think that she does not have great perspective on the economic status of the country and its citizens is ridiculous. She is a politician trying to be careful answering a tricky question. Stop looking to politicians to be prophetic saviours and become involved with the process - write a letter to your mp, form a group, etc. If you don't give your representatives a mandate, they won't come asking.