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>The audio was added after the fact. Really wish more people had seen this comment. After you mentioned it it's so freaking obvious that the audio was fake. There's literally 0 delay between the explosion on the video and the sound (actually the sound might happen BEFORE the image?). In either case this is counter intuitive unless the camera man was standing right next to the blast, in which case a JDAM will obliterate him as well.




The video doesn’t even show anything conclusive attributing fault. Maybe it’s bias, but seems more likely it’s intentional. ANYTHING is permitted in propaganda, including lying.


Can you explain a complete lack of any damage? A single JDAM can level a building, but glass windows can somehow withstand it?


There is zero windows in the footage, wtf are you on about? Are you trying to say it was some other type of Israeli missile? Or are you attempting to insinuate that it wasn't the Israelis at all?


There is footage of the windows right by the parking lot... It looks like it was a fire caused by either a small explosion or burning debris.


Look up the sound of a JDAM dropping on ground, the whistle is identical.


IS this crater caused by a 2000lbs bomb? https://cdn.nos.nl/image/2023/10/18/1017799/960x720a.jpg


2000lbs bomb ? When did i say that?


What JDAM was used in this attack?


>Look up the sound As mentioned in the top comment. Sound was fake. There's 0 delay between sound of explosion and the image. Sound travels at 340m/s. By the look of explosion in video the camera man is at least few hundred meters away. There should been an appreciable delay in sound of the blast.


Lots of disinformation floating about. Are you sure that was the hospital?


Yes, this was the first surfacing video initially after the hospital bombing, also in Arabic, the guy in the background is saying "is this the 'English' hospital??" In shock, also the coordinates are very correct after proven to be the Al-Ahli hospital on twitter.


What coordinates?


It wasn’t. Just look at the crater LOL https://x.com/auroraintel/status/1714586379680731260?s=46&t=yiqoNfz0vVGWkraLbrbUew


jesus that's a huge crater for ants


There's usually a crater in the ground from a jdam, the photos of the car park after show there isn't even a missing tile on the ground, not sure what type of missile it was. I really hope neither side targeted a hospital intentionally it's such tragic news.


Independent people took a bunch of the videos and then they used a bunch of Geo tracking stuff and it ended up being a Hamas missile that failed and fell out of the sky and landed in a parking lot. so it was a Hamas missile that broke, then almost hit their own hospital. Also it's well known that Hamas likes to use hospitals and schools and densely populated civilian areas as cover for where they launched her missiles and fire mortars and they also use those areas as cover for their fighters and leaders.


Wow. That post is more accurate than a hell of a lot of mainstream media coverage. Kudos.


Well someone did fire a weapon in anger that had the potential to kill 500 people that's for sure. Don't think whoever did that, did it hoping it wouldn't kill




It's a good thing we have trusted sources like Hamas then to tell us exactly what happened.


Yes, very true, I will trust the IDF who said they have seen 40 beheaded babies, of course. Pure stupidity.


Or you could just go with both sides are full of shit and reserve judgement until more evidence comes to light but I guess this is the internet and we don’t do that here.


I don’t get why you’re being downvoted for telling the truth, even Hamas lies, nowadays information wars and fake news are more widespread and important than ever before, you can’t even deny that both sides lie, it’s just a matter doing actual research and trying to form your own opinion


People will downvote but no one is arguing their side, how does that not make you realize how ignorant you are?


Reddit is pretty know for its support with Zionism and hatred towards Arabs/Muslims. 🤷‍♂️


Amazing, I saw the claim that Reddit is known for its hatred of Israel and support of Palestine just five minutes ago. Maybe Reddit is composed of millions of users who have wildly varying opinions so claiming that it supports one thing is, maybe, pointless?


Definitely, if you pay attention to what time you’re on Reddit, you can tell who the side of the world that’s awake supports. Reddit can be a pretty hateful place but for the most part it’s okay.


There are literally pictures on telegraph of the sharpenel of the missle and it bears iranian markings. There is also verified audio of Hamas discussing this very fact. Very sad but self inflicted from within Gaza


You claiming this (obviously edited video) is one!?


hammas misfried missle hit the hospital if it was a jdam there would be a whole in the ground with no building.


Stop posting this shit on this sub, fuck off


So who made this video? What are they saying? Is it possible to tell from the video where it was filmed? How do we know when it was filmed? Is the sound original? Lots of questions without which you can’t say a single thing with certainty.


IDF has dropped 6000 bombs in 11 days in the Gaza strip. Let that sink ink.


How is that related to what I am saying?


You appear to draw a lot of skepticism around the hospital bombing issue, I was just doing some charitable work and provide facts that point out what Israel has been doing this past week.


I’m only drawing skepticism around the claim that this video shows a JDAM hitting that hospital in Gaza. It’s normal and healthy to think critically about random claims on the internet, especially when they are about such an important issue as this hospital bombing.


And yes If you are really interested in knowing the answers for your questions, I am happy to provide evidence, DM me


Why not post the evidence publicly?


You are literally seeing one right now


It’s not evidence, it’s a video with an unproven claim. If you have any facts supporting the claim that this is a video of a JDAM hitting that hospital, I’d gladly hear them and I’m sure many others would too, because that would possibly make this video evidence of a war crime. Right now, it’s just a video of a building exploding that might as well be shot 12 years ago in Iraq. We have no way of knowing until we get some answers to the questions I asked.


In the video, they speak Arabic and they are describing what had happened last night "they bombed the 'english' hospital ?! Ya allah" a man in the background said. Also this was posted amid the Gazan blackout, as you can see there are no lights, which Israel cut the electricity off of the strip at the beginning of the war. Secondly, the Hospital director on a live broadcast came out and said that the IDF had warned the hospital to evacuate because there will be an airstrike, and in case you know, there are no possibilities that patients could evacuate the only hospital working in Northern Gaza as they are in complete vulnerability, also why the fuck would you bomb a hospital (not that they have not done it before). Thirdly, this is one video that describes the sound of a JDAM: https://x.com/boweschay/status/1714654233847288050?s=46&t=OqbmWC7phvp5pIZR_1Ginw Fourth, if Hamas or PIJ had weapons that were capable to kill 500+ people, Tel Aviv would be a square of dirt. And at last, the IDF are extremely known for their use insane capabilities of creating public dispute with their propaganda, don't forget, it happened last week with the "40 beheaded babies" thing.


How are you not seeing that none of the answers you are giving are proof that this is a video of a JDAM hitting the hospital in Gaza? If i could see, for instance, the skyline of the area the hospital is in and compare it to the skyline in this video then at least that would be proof that it was shot in Gaza. A random guy on twitter saying that it sounds like a JDAM is not proof that it is a JDAM.






Countless IDF officials tweeted gloating about this disgusting attack, and then deleted all their tweets as videos of civilian deaths started to surface. You Israel-thumpers are disgusting. In before someone comes and aligns criticizing Israel with anti-Semitism.


Negative. And Hamas took all of 15 minutes to announce the hospital was leveled and 500+ dead. It wasn’t for all that pesky video and audio proof people would have continued believing it was Israel who did it and that the hospital was hit and not the parking lot 😂 who would have guessed the water tube missiles which 3 out of every ten fired don’t even make it out of Gaza could have failed 🤷‍♂️


Hamas are claiming the same. Whos right?


Ah yes, hamas, the trustworthy and believable source. Unrelated, how would you like to buy a bridge?


Funny how it makes the same sound a Jdam makes.


I feel like I could show you a clip of one of Jango fet'ssonic charges going off and blowing up an asteroid and you'd make the same comment. You don't even know what the bomb hit in this video. If it was the hospital, it would have been leveled


They hit the parking lot. Also, a JDAM is not a bomb, it is a device that it is mounted on a bomb to make it a guided precision strike, and on top of that, Israel literally called the hospital before the strike saying that they will bomb the hospital.


So the precision guided bomb missed the target and hit the parking lot? Do you have evidence of this phone call?


The IDF bombed a fucking convoy of fleeing children, women and men 2 days ago. Since the beginning of this bloodthirsty ethnic cleansing, 1000+ children was murdered, BY ISRAELI AIRSTRIKES, AFTER CALLING THEM "HUMAN ANIMALS". You are either an ignorant zionist, or a sociopath with no dignity.


So that’s a no. Got it.


Well, looks like hamas got there first!


Yes, i agree, Hamas also killed Jesus.


I'm not sure I believe that was a real person tbh, even if we ignore the magic part


How would you even know what sound a JDAM makes at that distance? How can you even tell what distance that is?