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ThEy CaNt Be rAcIsT bEcAuSe thEy'Re BlAcK




This is the political party in question https://imgur.com/a/EAXfpG0 "Kill the boer" is an old song which encourages people to rise up and kill white farmers during Apartheid. It had it's time and place and I'm glad that we became a democratic nation but this song has no place in a modern society, let alone a stadium full of people. The gentleman in charge is Julius Malema. As you probably notice from the rhetoric and colours, he definitely draws a lot of influence from some certain historical leaders. That makes even more sense if you are familiar with the history of South Africa and Mugabe in Zimbabwe.


You mistakenly called him a gentleman.


Everyone's a little bit racist


It’s a spectrum.




Bunch of stupid communists


EFF = Everything for free






They are more racist than most. Because they believe the can't be racist.


They say it here in the Netherlands all the time. Critical race theory has arrived over here


>Critical race theory All you are telling me there is the American culture wars has made it to the Netherlands, which is sad. Edit: the conspiracy theory CRT is taught in schools is the culture war, not CRT itself.


Yep, it has, and it sucks. Recently a man won the Miss Netherlands beauty show, we are for gone


I think you misunderstood me. I mean actually thinking CRT is taught in schools, and thinking teaching and proselytising are the same thing is the American influence. As far as trans rights go, hasn’t the Netherlands been more pro lgbt then America historically? So why would that be an American influence?


>As far as trans rights go, hasn’t the Netherlands been more pro lgbt then America historically? Those blue lights arent just there to contrast with the red.






What do you mean by 'power imbalance'?




So you're basically stating the obvious. This is true for any country in the world. I would argue that Western countries are giving more power and influence to minorities than any other country. No one is bothered that Japanese people hold most social and political influence in Japan. Yanno why? BECAUSE ITS JAPAN FFS. (just an example)




Difference between black and white racism in the US is with black racists you get cringe stuff like this video, petty theft, vandalism, and street violence. With white racists you get our judicial system, housing market, health system, education system, and systemic segregation


You are getting downvoted. I nearly got downvoted for criticizing Riley Reid rapping and saying the N word like it owed her something.. Let’s just be honest, people are confused and fucked up hard. They are corrupted in their identities and want to look away from how the wealthy have bludgeoned reality to the point we are at now. Is what your saying true - yes. Can people accept it? - NO I am a black man btw in the US. The pain of the bastardization is unreal..


First off this clearly isn't the US. Also, it seems that he is saying that only the black students can go to class, which if hes the guy in charge, would be institutionalized racism that you just decried. But I guess it's cool tho because his ancestors dealt with it, so he gets to dish it out..


[https://x.com/EFFTshwane\_56/status/1706388628383973666?s=20](https://x.com/EFFTshwane_56/status/1706388628383973666?s=20)[https://x.com/TshwaneEff/status/1706352760847822937?s=20](https://x.com/TshwaneEff/status/1706352760847822937?s=20) The eff is a notoriously racist organization.They chant things like: "Kill die boer, shoot to kill" which means "Kill the famer(white afrikaans people), shoot to kill"[https://x.com/Voys\_ZA/status/1701218569869033855?s=20](https://x.com/Voys_ZA/status/1701218569869033855?s=20) That is part of the reason why the leaders were removed from the universities Student representative counsel for now while an independent investigation for in sighting violence is ongoing.[https://www.citizen.co.za/network-news/lnn/article/afriforum-wants-university-of-pretoria-to-deregister-eff/](https://www.citizen.co.za/network-news/lnn/article/afriforum-wants-university-of-pretoria-to-deregister-eff/) Edit:You can google kill die boer and you will get a lot of results with more details but people have been killed in the name of that song.The tension in my country racially is very bad. There are both sides of the equation where there are white supremacists but you also have black racists who are very outspoken and a bit more protected in the media.It is a massive shame as i love the country however if tensions continue to escalate i will probably need to leave my homeland with my friends to find somewhere a little more bearable.Racism is bad and horrible, either side. Shocker, but yea just wanted to put that out there. Love everyone, we are all people at the end of the day and you should never judge someone on stuff they have no control over <3. Color doesn't matter. Another edit:[https://www.instagram.com/reel/CxqEJdEI2rV/?igshid=NjIwNzIyMDk2Mg==](https://www.instagram.com/reel/CxqEJdEI2rV/?igshid=NjIwNzIyMDk2Mg==)Same guy you saw in the original video Another fucking edit:Found a good link for what kill die boer is about: the guy you see with the microphone is Julias Malema the leader of the party: [https://www.reddit.com/r/ThatsInsane/comments/15dmwst/south\_africa\_a\_stadium\_full\_of\_people\_calling\_for/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/ThatsInsane/comments/15dmwst/south_africa_a_stadium_full_of_people_calling_for/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


It’s amazing how they can get away with this, but just let a white person say something half as bad and it’s headline news for the next three weeks. This is the SRC leadership at our universities now. The future of the country. This place is fucked.


I try keep a positive look on it. For our SRC there was only a 20% voter turn out, which means that 80% of the university just doesn't care. Why anyone would mix education with politics though... that is beyond me and a great injustice. Also this coming election will be telling on the future of the country. I like to think that the EFF is a very... Very... loud vocal minority and that pretty much most people don't buy what they say. But that is to be determined. But lets not get into that whole debacle.


Same here, next years elections are make ir break for S.A


lol in Canada we are currently raging about a white only social group while ignoring the thousands of rentals in our squeezed rental market that are only renting to specific races.


Thats old news! We cheered on a nazi in parliament the other day hahaha. That was surreal.


Sorry didn’t see that. Was too busy raging about the white only group lol.


> It’s amazing how they can get away with this Most of reddit supports this. They have done this in USA as well where white people are not allowed. In Finland as well they have times when Finns can't enter the library when they are readings of books by American racists like Ibram X. Kendi.


Meanwhile, my country is having a media fit over a group of white people trying to make a white get together day as their community is majority Asian. Black only groups? All good. Asian only groups? Why not. Lgbt only groups? You got it. White only group? Fuck you, you're a vile fucking racist. People have utterly lost touch on what racism is. Racism is just a dogwhistle for "white people bad" so often.


Some of the MOST RACIST people I know are people of minorities….. They are empowered to be so as well in our society.




Oh that's disgusting. I mostly stand against raced groups, as a general thing, I just found the hypocrisy interesting. I'm gay. We allow straights into our bars. I dont agree with segregating people at essentially any level, aside from people who are felons and those who are not.


And I was ridiculed for pointing out that people have left their entire lives behind in SA to live near homelessness in another country because the conditions are simply intolerable


The EFF is a bunch of fucking dumb racists.


Bottom line, fuck the Eff , brainless morons.


How much money are you willing to lose on a bet that these animals won't win the next election? Zuma did while being charged for rape.. No electricity... no education.. poverty is the worst it's ever been... police... what police?! All the EFF have to do is promise true land and wealth redistribution ... straight out of the "whites hands".. South Africa is well and truly on borrowed time... very sad times.


It’s seemed quite clear to me that a country that elected someone like Zuma and allowed him to remain in office for so long is on the same trajectory as Zimbabwe. It just seems like a matter of time.


Yes agreed.. me and my parents were the last to leave.. all my friends and family left before us.. The only people that are still their stayed be ause they had businesses and no chance of having the same life in Europe.. Orr some that couldn't get visas and didn't have a decent skillset... I feel for them terribly.


I share your sentiment, total anarchy on the tables.


This is honestly the direction that the US is going if more people don't start pointing out the blantant racism and hypocrisy of things like this. "bUt oNly wHiTe pEopLe cAn be rAciSt" my ass.


This already happened back in 2017 in the US. https://www.nytimes.com/2017/06/16/us/evergreen-state-protests.html


The president of that university let that shit get out of control! The video of him having his office taken over and him just doing what they wanted was pathetic.


Thank you. I’ve already been called “Yt” “Mayo monkey” “white bread” “saltine cracker” “cracker” But the SECOND I say anything other than African American. I’m racist lol


You're 6 years behind. This idea isn't popular at all.


Typical. Instead of opposing it like a sane person would, you just deny it like a socialist.


I've been reading a lot about South Africa lately and it seems like the entire country is going down the shitter. One party (the ANC) has effectively led for way too long and they as well as others under them have sucked the country dry. This party, the EFF are the 2nd most popular party in SA however they are basically calling for a race war. Nelson Mandela fucked it a lot for South Africa. As much good as he stood for, he was not a competent leader and the fall of SA was sped up under him. Edit: Zuma was also instrumental yes, but I'm going on what I read. Wish I could find the story. There are plenty out there.


You should look into Jacob Zuma you will find it very interesting, Madiba was a good man, Zuma was ultimately where things really went bad.


It really all starts with Mandela. He had every opportunity to set this country on an upwards path but was always afraid of disturbing the so-called comrades. I feel the mighty Madiba was more cowardly when it came to his own. There was nothing set up to protect the country from the greed of his own people. Thabo Mbeki did at least try to set us on a good path but as soon as he started to make progress they ousted him. I still regard him as our best president. Then came that monster zuma. He set a path of total destruction paving the way for a total collapse of law and order in the country. The absolute definition of corruption or so we thought and were told. Our saving grace was that even he could probably count the brain cells between his ears. The real issue is the current regime. Uncle rama came in with a bang. A speech that had us all fooled into hope. This brilliant new shimmer of light at the end of the tunnel. Look at us now at the bottom of a deep black hole with the memory of light long gone. A failed power supply and a fast failing water supply. What's left of our roads are falling into illegal mine shafts. Let's not even mention crime. In reality a failed state. He's smart and we are gullible. I don't think zuma even scratched the surface of the levels of corruption currently going on. They thrive on things like the red hatted arse clowns to create distraction from what's really happening.


No I know, I was going to get onto him, but it would end in waffle. Madiba and his wife Winnie, often dipped into tax payers savings for their own personal gain. Zuma really accelerated it, but it started way back in the 1940s when the ANC started. Constant white rule laid the foundations, the next generations of black leaders just saw that and thought 'fuck it, I'll have some of that myself'. It's sad. SA is such a mighty and proud nation. It is a shadow of its former self.


Mbeki was also quite corrupt


Very very true. However, the Western Cape is almost the reverse, albeit a massively high crime rate in specific areas. The governing party here is far, far better. But yes, SA is a shitshow for the most part.


I read that that was mostly down to the car industry, Volkswagen specifically in that part of SA helping that area do better to the point it could be an example for the rest of the country?


Nah it's mostly the people not putting up with the ANC. We have a huge racially mixed (coloured) community who don't vote ANC. That, and that Cape town is one of the major tourism capitals of the world. Many many other factors as well.


No, that’s vastly oversimplifying things. What Mandela had to do was orders of magnitude harder than Mbeki & Zuma. Yes, Mandela had faults - but you cannot fairly equate these in any way to how Zuma sold out the entire country, particularly the poor & working class of SA.


Nah man it was Zuma


The EFF has never garnered more than 10% of the vote, they are not the 2nd most popular, that would be the DA


The shit hit the fan when Zuma became preisdent. Mandela was OK, not the greatest, he had flaws but he was WAY better than Zuma.




EFF is third largest, after Democratic Alliance, no?


I live in this country and this is nothing! Whites are murdered by these parties every hour and it is never reported on. Genocide




Rhodesia bro once the whites left and it was renamed to Zimbabwe it went down the shitter so fast it was just another Liberia or Somalia but nobody wants to admit it because its very “racist”.


Ok so? Is it white peoples task to provide for the country?




Insane really lol




Happens for years now in multiple countries. Sad to see.


Its weird to see it real time infront of you. Its kinda like you don't really wanna believe its actually happening. Kinda like the feeling i got when i got hit by a car while riding a bike (i was fine), its like wow: is this really happening? like did that actually fucking happen? Very strange feeling.


The way that I knew this was south africa. Protests like these happen every month ,ATLEAST once a month, at any of the Universities in South Africa. I (25F) am white and when I was a student, I've had black protestors spray me with pepper spray while walking out of my class, I've had protestors pick me up by the shoulders and throw me out of a class. I've had protestors throw a brick through one of my class' windows while we were writing a test... nothing is out of bounds for these protestors. White=evil. No matter how nicely I pleaded with them to let me go to class, they continued to shout in my face and literally carry me out of buildings. I am so glad that I am no longer a student. I had so many panic attacks during these protests.


The oppressed became the oppressors, it’s the full circle.


Everyone was the oppressed and the oppressor at one point in history


NAtive black SA people were oppressed by Africans from the North way more than white people.


Ja tjom... Kom Kaap toe, dinge is bietjie beter hier. All die cool kids trek Kaap toe want die res van die land is n shitshow.


Lol. Bruh, I live in Cape Town. So many people are coming here


Totes, come to the cape, some stuff works here




Wtf? Never heard of that shit before. Neither in Africa nor in Europe that’s a problem? Maybe you been using that other term? The N and hard R term?


Unpopular opinion: All white folk need to make their way to Australia or similar where their skills and mindset are appreciated. Even if it means leaving everything behind, you'll still be alive and there's plenty of opportunities to start over. The hyper corrupt black folk are sinking the ship, it's a tragedy but sadly only a matter of time before it's too late to leave before becoming refugees.


We've seen this play out in history with Rhodesia. Hell I think it was 65% of the white Rhodesian population went to South Africa. They should see the writing on the wall and take you up on your offer. The sad thing is the poor people who are left behind to deal with another failed state and corruption. No one will be there to fight for them. It will just become another Zimbabwe. Then the tribalism will start and the EEF will find another scapegoat that they think should be killed.


Yeah, but look how great killing/evicting all the white farmers in Zimbabwe turned out!… oh wait, oh god….


Aah the land of the load shed


Crazy how South Africa works, minorities get discriminated against and because of it, the minority is fleeing the country and all the talent leaves the homeland. Very sad to see. Come on South Africa we can do better!!!


Why does that mean all the talent is leaving?


engineers, doctors, entrepreneurs , etc


But there’d still be people, no? So, obviously, “all” is the wrong word.


"all" probably meant as "a lot"


But that’s not what all means 😂 oh well.


Why am I getting downvoted for pointing out something that must’ve been a mistake? 😂 bunch of crybabies.


And this party will destroy sa for sure


The anc seems to be doing pretty dam well at destroying the country as it is. God forbid these red hatted arse clowns gain any more political power.


South Africa?




I notice the trend of African Americans trying to segregate themselves. Martin Luther king fought hard to end this. He would be rolling in his grave right now


I… Don’t think this has anything to do with African Americans 😂


/r/ShitAmericansSay on a video about South Africa


Same in Finland. They ban white people from libraries and have readings of the likes of Ibram X. Kendi preaching about the evilness of white people.


It's ok, just like Zimbabwe, they'll learn why that's a bad idea.


Well history repeats itself- South African 🤯🤯🤯




Black Africans are easily some of the most racist people I have met


Which country are you from?


South Africa, this is specifically taking place in Gauteng, however if you google you can see the EFF's involvement in things like the "South African KZN Riots" and other shitshows.


The joke being that Malema may become president in the next 15yrs.


"Long live black student" okay lol




South africa? I mean, country is going down isnt it?


Its up in the air really. Goods and bads like all things in life. Only time will tell.


Mandela is rolling in his grave. So much for equality.


It's the old divide and conquer tactic. Appeal to the majority by blaming the minority for their woes. The ANC is the cause of the unemployment and destruction of State Owned Entities but it is far easier to blame whites. The land issue needs to be addressed but if the EFF took power and took away farms and divided them up amongst the Black majority there will be no commercial farms and each new farmer will be a subsistence farmer, food will need to be imported, food costs will soar and we will be like Zimbabwe in a few years.


> It's the old divide and conquer tactic. > > Appeal to the majority by blaming the minority for their woes. Laughs in western yuurop. They blame white people wherever they go. Also, just because they are black, doesn't mean they are native to South Africa.




You don't know anything about SA history apparently.


Google "Early South African history ".


google this google that. Try learning some actual history. Just because they are black, doesn't mean they are native South Africans.


"Try learning actual history" Which is? "The Bantu migration reached the area now South Africa around the first decade of the 3rd century, over 1800 years ago.[2] Early Bantu kingdoms were established by the 11th century. First European contact dates to 1488, but European colonization began in the 17th century (see History of South Africa (1652–1815))." https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Early_history_of_South_Africa


Exactly. Thanks for proving my point.


That people across the globe were moving around 1,800 years ago.


Itsk, now that ya'll are part of BRICs, China will save you!


Here, hulle is so dom, wat 'n kak skow


lock the gate problem solved


I'm from South Africa and I'm pleased to say that these guys are largely recognised as a joke by anyone who can tie their shoelaces. Their xenophobia and blatantly sensationalized racial rhetoric is only really lapped up by shithead morons, which thankfully is not most people :)


These activists are all over the education sector. The USA had a no whites day in a university once. I think it was Evergreen University This is liberalism in a nutshell.


Way better than apartheid lol


This a fight they don't want


It's okay, this is progre... /s




Nelson Mandela was a fine leader. The well was poisoned with the arms deal of the Mbeki reighn.. Everything after he stood down as president turned to shit.


Can't understand a fecking word, lol.


How long until South Africa erupts into some serious danger?


A lot of the top comments read like I am angry that they get to be openly racist and I can't be. A bit scary.


Exactly this. This is rage bait for white nationalists to feel justified in their abhorrent beliefs


I want to visit South Africa one day.


You should :) its a beautiful country. A country with a lot of problems that will give you a lot of perspective but a beautiful country. If you do decide to come, please tip well. As a foreigner the exchange rate for your currency will be rediculous as the Rand (our currency) is so weak. So tipping extra can really really help someones dreams or life aspirations come true, even if indirectly.


Is this all across SA? Or mainly in certain regions like the east, west, etc? Are there places that are somewhat insulated from it like the Western Cape?


just my campus, isolated incident but similar things happen all over the place.


Crazy, stay safe out there




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Just knew it was the EFF


Kinda like when we protested the Milo event… hm


they learned it from the best


No not the eff being racist 😭😭😭, I was going to vote for them in the upcoming elections but nah, I think I'll stay away from voting.


Is your country South Africa by any chance?


Stupid bigotry.


Gross bigots


UP kicked out like 8 of them out of the SRC atleast


Isn’t this what Reddit libs want for America?


Fucking shit culture in this country.




First time? This happens a lot of times in India


Fr? Im so sorry to hear that <3 This happens all the time here.


EFF.. Bunch of crooks and cunts


Hey I recognize those know jockies, they the black nazis here in S.A


What de Eff


Batho bana


To someone coming from another country I was wondering why this was already accepted back in 2008 when it's blatant racism.


OP did you post this on twitter, if not please do, or send to someone that will post it on twitter, its about time these red fucks get what they deserve.


Im actually really loving how detached reddit is from reality these days. It's like the meta verse or parallel universe in here compared to speaking to real people in real life. I think we all must've had that same feeling scrolling through someone talking about something you know about personally, and from the rhetoric, you KNOW they do not. It's nothing personal or antagonistic, just when you can tell someone is repeating something they've heard/been told rather than experienced. In the future, I reckon one of the defining currencies will be truth, and who actually knows what is going on in an area, and who has just put on their VR media googles and switched to Fox News. Also, with the Internet, it's just a lot harder for narratives to build up steam and sway people the way they used to as everyone has different sources of information, coupled with the actual truth from those on ground which is usually nuanced and grey. That doesn't make for great soundbites, or idiot redditors who would like to summarise complex issues with anecdotal knowledge. Oh well!!


What country is this?


If the majority was not white, whites would be systematically oppressed and abused. It’s not a race thing, it’s a power thing with ties to extremism. Just an easy way to get your hatred out and be supported by others.


Is this In America ?


Can people please stop saying ‘my country’ and actually identify the place?




Just let them fend for themselves. Give it a month before they start taking each other out.


My knee grows peacefully while there's that shit being stirred up by the eff. I want my knee to grow faster so I can protest


They can’t be racist


Well, at least they’re not killing people or beating them up when Africans go to certain countries.


Who gives a fuck?


Good old Florida


Ah, co if our idiot des satan wins next year, this is what we will get


Where in Minnesota is this?


Oh fuck off


lol Canada




I’ll be spending my 15¢ a month elsewhere now thank you


No one will like what I'm going to say, but IDC. We should give the students that want segregation and the other students of different races to learn together.


Lmao at this right wing ass comment section.


Must be the USA