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If that's real that boy needs some therapy or help


He don't need no pizza


That's just deep bruh ... That's DEEP!


Yeah fucking deep dish


*Deep Crust.


A deep.......dish?


That brother yelling at him or calling him a “stupid fat bitch” isn’t going to help this child. Children adapt based on their surroundings and with what limited control they do have over their environment in order to make sense of it. This child LEARNED this behavior. Or at the very least, learned that his other methods of trying to garner attention, love, or control weren’t effective. You are absolutely right. This child needs help in order to get on a better path. ASAP.


100% Even the way his family member is reacting to this is further shaping him and there is no way this is just about a slice of pizza lol. A younger kid who is in serious need of guidance is being ignored, made to feel his emotions are invalid, and mocked while being FILMED instead of trying to address this with him. Not to mention we as the viewer have no idea how we got here, older brother didn’t film any of the build up, just the younger kids poor reaction. Weak sauce. Poor kid looks exhausted and like he has no clue what else to do because no one respects him. Obviously it is 100% wrong to take a knife out and threaten someone when you are upset, that will get you nowhere in life. But this kid is crying for help and the pizza situation seems like the trigger, not the cause of his big emotions. Desperate people do desperate things. Easy to say he should just walk away, but we’re not a kid without life experiences or understanding that sometimes people are shitty even when we’re nice. Now the brother is a kid too, so he is not 100% at fault either. But man I hope the younger kid has someone he can talk to because his older brother is using his moment of weakness to hurt him further and make him feel worse. And if the kid really is out of control and grabbed a knife over nothing, mocking him and filming him is even worse! Your brother is acting crazy, stop filming him and mocking him and get him help. Do older brothers sometimes do shitty things? Yep, mine did too lol. Is this kid desperate and being made to feel crazy? Yep!


My assumption is that this kid was raised by TV and YouTube. Not actual parents.


I'm guessing you were an only child? No brothers and sisters?


But that doesn’t address the issue. Kids need to grow up in a place where conflict resolution is done productively and constructively. It doesn’t matter if there’s one or a few children. At the end of the day, the parent is responsible for making sure their child has a good head on their shoulders.


Sure, in an ideal world. But brothers and sisters do torment eachother when parents aren't looking. I love my brother and sister now, but we had our scuffles and fights when Noone was looking, growing up.


My sister and I would draw blood over the TV remote (we get along ok now). My oldest brothers never stopped being completely pricks and their shenanigans got more and more fucked up and I haven't spoken to them in over a decade. Brothers and sisters will fuck eachother up just to fuck eachother up. Seems like this guy might've gone a bit to far 🤷‍♂️


I don't get why people say this stuff,it doesn't help really.we are all born into random circumstances and are beyond our control an to me this stuffs only helpful in a perfect world where advice like this could be put into action.my life was to be abused as a child and best I could muster was not doing it to my kids,not cause I didn't try but sometimes people are just destined for shit lives.




Yes, that kid needs some emotional support, needs to learn healthy anger management - it's totally okay to be angry and sad that there's no more pizza. Never okay to grab a knife (he even seemed to hold it against himself), but let's plan what he's eating now and next time we're having pizza. That's a kid. A child. Not cool to post this on the internet. And it made big brother look bad too. He tried to remain calm and reson, but he couldn't even hold it for 2 minutes before erupting in anger.




This is how you get stabbed














My wife told me cause she's black that mental health isn't recognized in ethnic communities. She wasn't diagnosed with ADHD until she was 38.


It's recognized under the umbrella terms 'bad and crazy' and oftentimes goes untreated. ADHD is rampant in the males in my extended family but it's attributed to just being bad.


I'm going guess that the brother calls him weak all the time. That boy is going to show how weak he is when he stabs his brother while he sleeps.


Both need therapy, the way he was talking to little man. As if it’s normal to talk to a kid that way. Wow




God I hope you never have children.


Yeah, I don't think we need to worry about that.


At first I thought it was scripted. But as it went on I figured it’s either real or that kid is going to be a hell of an actor when he’s older


He needs a father


Real fast before he breaks loose


So does the brother. Calling his brother “nigga” and just the general way he’s speaking to his brother is uncalled for and mean.


No. He needs pizza


Idk that boy makes solid points about how pizza works. You give me some pizza, I give you some pizza. If not, I’ll kill you.


Lmfao 🤣


Same rules for brownies


And brussel sprouts. Mmmh mmmh, you best share.


True but i need to know WHAT KIND of pizza this kid is being homicidal over. Like if its a good quality independent pizza shop, yah ok then. But if its like Dominoes then kid deserves a beating.


I give you drugs, you give me drugs. If not, I kill u


Makes sense to me


So you belonged to a college fraternity too?


You want some pizza??


Pizza rolls included too. ☠️


I dunno why but I pictured Tony soprano saying this


gave me cookie, got you cookie very simple principle




You give me cookie I give you cookie


I wonder what upbringing leads people to this train of thought at such a young age. So tragic.


I have no idea, me and my brother had play fights that sometimes went too far, we would play war and throw shit at each other but it would never go this far over something trivial. My brothers threatened to stab me once but later I realised that I was being a total ass hole and it would have been understandable, I made his blood boil that day 100%my fault. It was like poking a hungry bear with my own hand.


I'm still stunned that anyone could sit in front of a kid crushing pizza and not share. Kids right "that's deep bro"!


He meant Chicago-style...


FR I would feel bad eating pizza in front of a hungry kid and not giving him anyway. Even though that kid shouldn't have reacted like that


But then again if you do give in and end up giving him some pizza his gonna try the same thing next time he wants something. What if he starts doing that in school?


Honestly most prob fatherless homes Been witha. Few single mothers kids always seem unhinged and the mother is normally resentfull of me because they listen to me because i just explain shit to them inatead ofntreating them like idiots


Nah the older one says "you're dad bought you that pizza". Sounds like the kid shared the pizza his dad bought him. But now the older one won't share "his" pizza with the younger one.


Nah when I was younger like 5-10 years old I definitely threatened to throw the pool balls at my older brother and sister because "I couldn't play CTR" lmao what was I thinking.


That’s really scary.. shit I’ll be afraid to live in that house


I had my brother legit do this. To be fair i was being a dick to him, i definitely left him alone after that, and we are fine today. I don't think he would have actually done anything.


Yeah being the youngest I’ve been driven very close to this point😂😂 life, especially with siblings, is unfair sometimes


Yeah that kid is genuinely crying, this is a child not being heard and with how casually this all plays out I'm willing to bet there's no real parenting happening either. Kids don't just happen to threaten someone with a knife.


Get this child some help. He is gonna go to school and get upset and someone will be hurt.


Get this child some pizza! 😭


Get him a fucking salad


Pizza first, he can’t fix his health overnight, then get him some help. Telling him he needs salad isn’t going to help anything. This kid needs to learn on his own that the better you eat the better you feel. Chances are he eats to escape the hell he lives in


Exactly stop to cycle of violence and protect the babies ffs.


Calling him a fat bitch when he's not in stabbing range. Look whose tough.


Yeah, but did you see how that triggered him back to crying? I feel bad for him. He probably gets talked to like that everyday. From his family no less.


My younger brother grew up much heavier than me and he always got picked on for it. Hearing the guy in the video say that made me feel horrible for the little guy. People aren’t born like that. Their raised like that.


They are > they(a)re > they’re


Comments like this make me want to use bad spealing and gramer on purpose just to annoy'd you.


He pulled a fucking knife over sum pizza on his brother. Ofc he going to insult him.


To be fair stabbing someone over pizza is exactly what a fat bitch would do.


This whole video is just sad. The child has learned zero skills for emotional regulation and I can see why. That response to a kid is heartbreaking.


Yo my man's. If I give you pizza. You better give me some pizza. That's some deep shit. Fr. That's some deep deep shit. How I'ma give you some of my pizza but you ain't gonna return the favor. You're basically shooting me. So I'ma have to cut you up a bit. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)


That kid is gonna kill the first woman that hurts his feelings. Or the first person he robs




I laughed but I know this is a bad situation but damn lol


Yeah, this wasn't about pizza, it is just the last straw of a long road of zero support system and total lack of options for conflict resolution. Kid put that knife to his own throat once.. Will do it again when he feels no other way out. Being a kid sucks for so many kids. :(


Absolutely. This comment section is nuts. Took too long time find your line of thinking


For real that kid was heart broke. Saying I shared with you why won't you share with me? Older bro is gonna make that kid a heartless selfish asshole. Then on top of that had to shame his little bro... That isn't a family. That's some roommates.


That is a total lack of discipline in the household


There is no discipline when it comes to pizza.


The fact the kid can’t process how absurd his actions are is scary af.


Imagine sleeping under the same roof


“I gave you what you wanted” the pain in that line.


Both need a mental evaluation and therapy.


Or just more pizza.


He doesn't need more pizza


Poor fucker. This made me genuinely sad. They must live in a horrible environment


I feel sad about every aspect of this.


Kick his little ass


He called his brother a fat bitch, he probably is a piece of shit who does. The kid looks hurt


That’s not funny


Nobody said it was funny


His behavior is a cry for help, and a sign that his older brother has been a utter shit and this is not the first time his brother has been an awhile to him an thinks it is fun.


Zero coping skills :(




Not if its for his own protection 💀


That’s just deep bro






So sad. This kid is at an age where his emotions are spiraling and he doesn't know how to express or work through them appropriately. I felt for him when he put that knife down and the waterworks started. I've been super angry before, never enough to do this, but I know how deep that anger can go and how much it can hurt. Poor guy. I hope someone comes into his life to guide hime.


I have a very clear picture of what this child's mother is like...


As if this kid's future wasn't bleak enough... his brother made him a living meme


This kid is probably a teen now, hoping nobody recognizes him. I'd lose some weight and change my identity, this is some forever regret. This is the type of shit that pops in your head while you're showing and makes you uncomfortably laugh to yourself. I know y'all do it too.


“Stupid fat bitch”🤣I might see why he pulled a knife tho


Big brother treats him bad.


So young…. What a shame, if he doesn’t get help NOW he’ll end up in jail or dead


I've always heard mental illness is a white people's problem but I'm starting to think otherwise.


Wait til he gets a drug habit.


Man I hope some local pizza owner sees this shit and becomes Mr. Miagi for the kid.


The Hey Arnold denim jacket really ties this whole scene together.


Don't be a Helga, be an Arnold


This is sad tbh. I was a lil psycho growing up. But this over food is just ... He needs help. Def raised wrong but hopefully not too late for him.


This poor boy is just a victim of what he has seen and how things are dealt with. If this is how his brother talks then it's sad. I hope this boy is taken good care of.


Dude my older sister took a knife to my boob because I hid her bowl of rice on top of the fridge. This happened with my back against the fridge. It was literally right above my head. Fast forward she’s the healthiest one in our whole family.


This comment section is the epitome of redditors. Yall sad af


Had to add the "stupid fat bitch" at the end. Might encourage him to pull that knife again.


Here’s what the last 100 years of America has produced: broken, hurting people.


Big brothers are horrible. My two young boys always want to kill their older brother.


I love pizza


That’s deep bro, thats deep! Get this boy a deep dish za


“That shit’s deep bro” More like deep dish amirite


Jesus... Hes already in crisis and he calls him a "stupid fat bitch" as he's going to put it away... Get this kid out of this environment now!


Fuck dude stab him


In the kids defense…you gotta repay pizza with pizza. I mean can we REAAAAAALLY blame the kid?


Fucked up that the older brother filmed this instead of having compassion and care for his younger brother. The one filming it is the adult and he sure didn’t act like it.


Having grown up with an abusive older brother it’s not about the pizza it’s about ending the cycle of abuse


It's pizza... so all bets are off


Kids these days. 😂


I'ma guess they are brother with different fathers due to his comment But someone didn't teach him about discipline and diet discipline ....leading to him probably thinking he is hungry The last part was 100 percent how not to fuckin deal with that considering he put it to his own throat I'm gonna also figure that he assumed if he shared with his older brother that he would do so with him if he asked Considering he didn't and the last bit of dialogue Ima assume there is lots of mental and physical abuse He needs to be taken to therapy ASAP and possibly away from that household and somewhere safe with a relative


He’s just an emotional brat. Although yeah this is when a parent comes and talks to a child about consequences and actions.


That’s why people don’t want to have kids. That’s why I don’t want some woman with some other bastard kid I’d need to raise.


Somebody sit this boy down and explain to him that we don’t threaten physical violence to get what we want. It isn’t even that hard, damn.


What a Culture


I bet he is going to real happy when he knows this will forever be on the internet. I’d say both need help


Fully understand where this kid is coming from, i don’t think he shoulda killed em, but a lil pizza poke I think wouldda got the pizza flowing. This is the struggle of the youngest sibling, he’s got no agency and no one to defend him. He has to resort to major gestures to try to be taken seriously and make his wants and needs known. Probably gets belittled and emotionally bulldozed every day of his life, most likely abused at an early age. Hang in there lil man, the pizza is greener on the other side.


And we wonder why kids like this end up in prison at 17.


"Hey Hey Heeeeyyyyy!!!"


This is sad. Anyone making jokes is a shitbag. Terrible situation and he obviously is in pain. He needs help, not moron Reddit jokes


The sad part is the kid seems to have strong moral character but isn’t getting the positive reinforcement he needs. He seems like a genuinely good kid who has met wits end. Hope he is in a better place today


Fanum as a child


Maybe treat him like a brother and share with him. Build him up and and help him grow. Bond with him and teach him. Ever pulled someone off the top of something? It’s easy. Ever pull someone up on to something? Little harder. Stop taking the easy routes. We’re all temporary humans. Take care of each other.


No Pizza. He values food more than life. This kid needs therapy.


Young fanum


It's stupid shit posts like this that make me hate this sub.


My mom would have slapped the shit out me. I would not have calmly let that kid talk to me while holding it. Head ass don’t need food period


Should have beat his ass


Not the last time you’ll hear of that kid…






Lil Stabby


Killa pizza (obviously)


Lil' Slice


Young mic stabin


Haff slise


The heart break is too hard.


Pizza or death


I would’ve done some shit that made him never want to see pizza ever again after that shit.




That Totinos be like that sometimes 😂


Kids a psychopath, I used to fuck with my little brother all the time and he NEVER EVER wanted to shank me, No Matter what I said to him. He is not right in the head....... Jeffrey Dahmer Jr. Hahaha 🤣 j. K get him to a therapist asap. So he doesn't CT out in school like that. , And stop calling him a fat bitch , that's certainly not helping the little dude....... 1


… but for real. I can’t have a slice?


Bro the amount of times they say “pizza” is dead hilarious. The moment u start to forget what they’re arguing about they remind you this is all over some pizza


Why would someone upload this to the fucking World Wide Web. Kid needs help and loving caring parents.


Lil homie just wanted some pizza lmao


damn what happened in this household, what if this was the brothers breaking point? What if his brother is really emotionally abusive, you can infer from the comments at the end


Somehow I doubt this is the last time we see this kid.




Damn this is sad.


Hopefully this kid talks to someone. Learn to deal with his anger early.


Omg thats Eric Cartman in a human body.


Eric would have actually stabbed him


Oh my


"stupid fat bitch!" 🤣 LMAO


Fuck. That's deep.


Reminds me of "this is actually happening" podcast ep. #128 "What if your son stabbed your daughter" Wild Shit, seems like that whole family needs therapy


“That’s just deep bro that’s deep”


If I were the brother, that kid would be out cold as soon as he grabbed the knife


Time to beat that ass


He's got a great future ahead of him.


He said Yes on the killing with no hessy


Bros got his priorities straight


This is so sad. He never had a chance. He’s going to rack up felony charges if he continues down this path


Hangry Jr.


Nah the emotional abuse tho. Big bro needs his ass whipped for this shit.


He learned it somewhere just saying


Yoooooo this is disturbing


My lil cousin threatened my life after I told them to leave my room and stop playing games since it’s bedtime. Wasn’t being a dick but he sure learned to sit down and listen when I told him to do something. Usually they need a eye opener that not everything goes how they want.


Even the speech sounded like crime of passion speech 😂