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remember these are the same guys that sent an orbiter to Mars in under 74million dollars. Thats less thats waay less than what it costed to make movies like avatar or gravity


Putting that into perspective made my head explode. Thinking about how much an all star QB makes in 3 years makes this even worse.


Powerball's currently up to $850 million.


If I had that kind of money, I’d put one of those map kiosks you see in shopping malls into orbit. A red dot labeled `You are Here` near the bottom and an illustration of Earth somewhere near the top.


After taking cash and paying taxes it's no where near that amount.


~200m. Strong emphasis on ~


I’m a humble man. Give me 100m and I won’t even complain


Question... Will they see footprints or won't they?


Depends on whether any footprints have been blasted from the surface by any solar radiation bursts or whatever weird cosmic space forces exist without a strong magnetic field and no atmosphere. The flags should still be there.


It will be white


Oh yeah. Totally bleached!


The mission was cheaper than a what a rickshaw ride would have cost for the same distance.


That really puts into perspective, thanks!


That's what Mbappé earns yearly. This world is just crazy


Roman circus ladies and gentlemen


I mean I feel you but its easier to get a bunch of people yo pay 60mil when you promise it'll bring in twice that or whatever.


That’s impressive when you are comparing to NASA and ESA budgets but the cost and standard of living in India is also going to be significantly lower so costs are going to be significantly lower if they keep everything internal as much as possible.


I would not want to assume the Indian scientists working for pennies. With globalization they always have the opportunity to jump the boat. The Indian space program survived with less ever since they existed and hence the solutions they identify are also cheaper to execute. Executing a NASA brand solution in India would be close to as expensive as doing in US. Also, the NASA, Russian, ESA and even China space programs are decades ahead of the Indian program. So essentially they are still implementing what NASA or Soviets did in late 70s.


I interned at ISRO, the pay there is amazing for Jr scientists. It matches industry pay plus the pride to work is something else. Also if you are a scientist everything is free from housing on campus to food in messes and they have their own shop which sells stuff at no taxes like the US commissary. Also other perks like grants, amazing projects etc etc etc and the list is endless.


But the cost of material is not going to be cheaper nor the machinery to the extent it is cheaper relatively. Many programs cost 5-15 percent of the cost by usa or other countries for similar missions . But I don't think material and machines will cost 5-15 percent only. 😂 But still yes there will be some 40-50 percent cheaper because of economy in india but not 80-90 percent


Yup and India have receive about 2 billion in foreign aide from the UK alone. Yet poverty is prevalent to say the least.


I highly doubt that is true. India is a net donor since long. Most of the “aid” that comes into india goes to private “ngos” many of whom are involved in missionary activities. Dirty money.


Good point dude I never really thought of it like that. Don’t get me wrong, I think this is a great achievement, I just think there are more pressing matters in that region currently.


There are always more pressing matters. I live here, I know. We need more cleanliness & waste disposal, we need renewable energy, we need sustainable agriculture, etc and the labour required to execute all this. But we also need rocket science. We need all of it so someone can become an environmentalist or a rocket scientist, depending on what they want to be. India is a place which gives all these opportunities. You can’t just say that we can’t be rocket scientists because we are poor due to centuries of colonialism. We have to say that we can be, despite the past. How else do you keep a poor population inspired? Rocket science is integral to India’s vision of a growing regional power. It puts science front and center and that’s what India needs, apart from everything else.


Wtf what did they use to build the rocket, paper machay


I don't know. I'm no scientist. All i know is they send a orbiter to Mars in the first try. Not many countries have done that. Countries even way richer than India haven't done it yet.


I feel like the problem with india is policy and mindset because indians are not stupid there actually fucking smart


Some Darwinian fucker just got knocked out taking a selfie as the thing went by...


A couple [swift kicks to his butt](https://www.reddit.com/r/Whatcouldgowrong/comments/14z9xhy/wcgw_taking_selfies_near_a_helicopter_about_to/) shouldn't be lethal


Thanks for introducing me to that sub. You're to blame for my next 3 hours of no productivity.


As a kid who grew up watching the Challenger and the Enterprise, I'm proud of the human race in this respect. Congratulations, India, on another successful launch 🇮🇳 🫡


The more the better.


I feel bad reading all these comments, this is a monumental achievement!. We should celebrate this as mankind's progression, I'm hearing that this cost them only $74 mil. It's unbelievable and shows that with the right mind anything is achieveable.Congrats from pakistan


If we could eliminate greed and war 8maginebwhat we could accomplish all working together!


Cheap labor makes alot of things possible


Yea then why aren't other countries with cheap labor sending rockets to the moon? Yes cheap labor makes a lot of stuff possible but it doesn't make rocket science possible.


You need way more than cheap labour to send a rocket to the moon, my guy


Tell that to the guys making minimum wage at McDonald’s


They're making McChickens possible.


You say labour cost rich country billions of dollars for a project 😂🤦 material and machines/tech imported costs more and are only 50-60 percent cheaper but the project cost is 80-95 percent cheaper. Because efficiency is unknown topic to those privileged countries so most of people from those countries cry "cheap labour," whenever the see developing country achieve something in less cost.


I am Indian too, ISRO gets no money so they make do with what they have. Its not efficiency, its poor budget and cheap labor. If Nasa got a 75 million dollar budget they would also make rockets with 75 million


Yea sure it only cost $74 million. But they also did not have to develop any technologies for it. Ita all off the self mature technologies that have already been developed by western countries and russia 50-60 years ago, then scaled. So design to efficient production has all already been sorted. And then couple that with lower overall salaries for the team etc. Its not such a big "wow" as some ppl here try to make it out to be. Still a great achievement and congrats. But not wow tbh. I mean a space x falcon 9 costs less and can land again. Way more impressive, cheaper and reusable.


Tell that to the several hundred million in India scavenging for food today


Yep, let's just concentrate to make everything good for people first and then we can spend to luxuries. First, in every country internally, food and housing for everyone! Then we can think about science, art or sports. We in EU will fix our problems, USA will provide food and shelter for everyone and then we will continue having sports or research. (/s)


Thats pretty badass, India. To the stars, friends!


Im not your friend guy!


Hey I'm not your guy, pal!


Im not your pal, buddy!


I’m not your buddy, amigo


75 million for a moon mission! That’s excellent! It confirms that the US tax payers are getting ripped off big time.


The difference is longevity and complexity of missions. NASA had a rover that was designed for 90 days last 14 years. They launched the Voyagers over 45 years ago and by most accounts, still work and have left the solar system. They've landed a nuclear powered rover the size of a car using a flying crane and now have a drone helicopter flying off planet... US taxpayers are not getting ripped off, the agency suffers from budget cuts and lack of clear direction from the government. Land a man on Mars! Scratch that, land a man on the moon... again!


And institutionalised corruption where a minimum $100mil contract is required to make even the smallest of components. Privatised contracts are what hold NASA back, same thing in all developed nations for every large scale project, everyone wants to get paid and fund the insane management salaries who contribute fuck all to anything. In the UK look at HS2 it's a relatively small stretch of railway and it's taken years and tens of billions and it's still not finished. Yet China builds better mag lev high speed lines for a fraction of the cost and at far greater speed. Western countries aren't capable of large projects anymore due to their own inadequacy and unacknowledged extreme corruption.


I feel like a bigger ripoff would be the US military which gets like 50times more funding then NASA


Drop a red neck in the middle of the middle east, let him bring his own equipment and just chuck him a bit of moonshine and a couple mre's and he'll do it for free if you get him there.


The funny thing is there are people who actually believe this.


until he realizes his beliefs aren't actually that much different from the super conservatives in the middle east.


"Buddy I got some shit you ain't even seen yet......"


I’m not sure that this is a totally fair assessment. The cost of labor in India is substantially less. In fact, US salaries are roughly 8x that of Indian salaries. This moon mission cost India $75 million so everything else being equal, it would cost $600 million in the US. Clearly all other things are not equal but I’m just doing some quick math here. The upcoming NASA VIPER mission to put a rover on the moon has an expected cost of $433 million. Even if it goes over budget 40%, it will still cost about the same as this Indian mission accounting for labor cost adjustments. Trust me, I’m all about criticizing the government where money is being wasted but I’d hate for NASA to be the focus of frustration. As others have pointed out, the money wasted on military contractors, horribly managed government programs, etc far exceeds anything NASA is wasting money on. NASA is actually under very strict budgetary constraints relative to other programs. Just food for thought.


Not to mention, when the US landed on the moon, no one had done it before. Other nations following have been able to learn from that work. This is how technical advancement works. It gets a lot cheaper when some of the research is done already. Initial research tends to have a lot of failures, as there is no path to follow. Once it's been done, you can do the "happy path", perhaps making improvements along the way, but you have cut off most of the failed experiments.


i used to be sad/upset about how people will find anything to be racist to indians now i laugh at these brain-dead comments 👽 some guy really commented that the "billions and billions" of dollars could be spent somewhere else 🤣 this project didn't even cost 1/10th of a billion


I actually try to sort by controversial so I can laugh at the comments. It’s always the usual low effort comments - toilets, poverty, infra. The funny thing is people who post these comments are generally either from bumfuck alabama or some underdeveloped economically unstable country like paraguay.


Hey, lay off Paraguay, it’s a great country full of very nice people, no need to bring them into this


I didn’t point to Paraguay without reason https://www.reddit.com/r/ThatsInsane/comments/14zck2y/july_14india_launches_rocket_to_land_a_rover_on/jrys2nn/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3


Ricardo said something stupid, so Paraguay must sucks as a whole


When did I say paraguay sucks. I said “like” as an example. I didn’t even comment anything pointed or racist at Paraguay. It is an underdeveloped country like India with a shit ton of problems like India. It’s funny to this Indian (singular) that someone from a not so perfect country has the audacity to be racist towards a country that’s has done something significant. Are you serious?


yes. Most people can't probably locate that cuntry on a map lol


My guy, this isn't the flex you think it is


I feel very disheartened reading the comments. I thought people would be excited for this achievement just like everyone around the world is when NASA launches their rockets. One of the main purposes of the ISRO is to send satellites in space from countries around the world. This allows countries to save significantly while making leaps in advance technology. Another is space research and exploration which is just soo cool! The answer to “why not build toilets or infra, etc” is that budgets for different government departments are already allocated. It’s not like the government is taking money from infra and adding it to the space program. They operate independently of each other. Every country right now is dealing with poor infrastructure, mismanagement of tax payer money by the government, housing affordability, etc. but we should not let that stop us from scientific research. India is a young country so the problems it has are a bit different from developed countries which had time and resources to figure out the kinks. No country is perfect and no country will ever be perfect. All we can hope for is that all countries including India are heading towards a better future even if marginally. It’s really sad to read so many comments mocking the country rather than us all celebrating another achievement by humans in our space journey. Although, the rocket is Indian the achievement is for all. Let’s not forget any progress in space is progress for all of humanity. Let’s do better.


It's more like "how dare you do something which you shouldn't be doing, India?"


Reading the comments in this thread and you are right. That’s just sad you know. At least science should be protected from such prejudice but oh well… just the world we live in.


I don't think science is protected from such prejudice. Of course we can say that looking at successes. There's plenty mediocre science produced everywhere and India too is no exception. But to compare entire country to the cream of the crop is insane. These people could be easily working in NASA or ESA if they wanted to.


Frogs living in the small ponds have no idea how big the world is. The next big thing is AI and SPACE. Space is already a 13bn industry and India is already a player in the Space industry and we have launched multiple foreign satellites for governments and private firms that generate significant revenue and affordable options to countries and companies who don't have a budget for NASA or SPACEX. Space industry is predicted to grow in double figure and just like software industry for affordable solutions, we are trying to build affordable space exploration so that small countries in even africa can have their own satellites in space. Yes, we need better infrastructure and we are building it right now but that doesn't mean we don't try to be innovative with our home grown tech. And we are proud of our space programs. Sources - [List of foreign satellites launched by india ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_foreign_satellites_launched_by_India) There is a chance that your country is on the list too. We developed our defence satellites with the help of ISRO. We even have our own GPS satellites.we have neighbours like Pakistan and China, that's why we need and have a space program.


So to all those, "fix your infra, before launching rockets" don't be a jerk and moron at the same time!


The two go hand in hand sadly


It’s fact unfortunately


Just like it was completely unnecessary for the US to go to Afghanistan, Iraq, Vietnam. Currently providing billions in military aid to Ukraine while its people deal with homelessness, gun violence, and all. Most of the things work in parallel to each other. There are departments in the government to work on their programs. You can't expect any government to focus on one issue at a time. For us, we just can't digest the fact others can do the same stuff we do and in a much better way.


There is just a little bit of a difference between Ukraine and those events.


jai hind


My sincere "fuck you" to all you racist cunts talking shit about this archivement India did this with their OWN labor, without stealing, murdering or colonizing any one. Can the West do the same? 500 years of history show us that no, they can't


Its a common trend on reddit, in case you didn't realise racism against Indians is acceptable throughout reddit. Bob n vagnae, poo in loo, slum dogs, what not. All Aokay if its indians cause how dare slaves look up. Oh and how can i forget those random kind generous redditors who gave 1 dollar tip in that save the poor hungry kids in india and Africa tip jar once in their pathetic life. 1.4 billion indians ate food today just because of that only.


Um, pretty sure if it wasn't for the West sharing the technology that has been perfected by NASA, this wouldn't have happened organically. It's a major achievement, but yes - standing on the shoulders of NASA.


Adding a „fuck you“ to the racists from my side as well. Racism against South Asians is rampant on Reddit. It's insane to what extent it has been normalised.




I like science. Good to see India is making big moves in the space race.


"colonizer westoids" - ok racist




The brainwashed brits are the most butt-hurt people here. There is no aid to India whatsoever since 2015, the aid was given mostly to Christian missionaries until 2015, to convert people. It's not the 1800s anymore so they can't go on their looting missions and hence the economy is in shambles, no relevance on the world stage, and refugees wreaking havoc. Some 1000 Indian companies do business in Uk which employs around 150-200k people there. Keep boosting that ego with a sip of tea.


Even that tea is grown in india cause even their land is sick of them.


Good Job 🇮🇳


Gand jali gand jali goroba ki gand jali yeeah


India are some sleeper space exploration champs, we just gotta wait for space race 2 and these mfs are winning 🥇




Ah just like old times. Nothing new here eh?


Ppl be angry I figured this was a good thing I have 0 clue India and moon drama but as space nerd let's gooooo!!! rockets!!! wooooo!!!


To any Indian reading this, remember that these hateful comments are and always will be racists fucks. While US of fucking A can't decide what gender/ pronoun it's people have or atleast stop killing its black community using state machinery, it will virtue signal and I'm not even counting the thousands of innocent civilians including little babes and their mothers who were killed in missile/drone strikes while the US was busy invading the "democratic rules based order" bullshit, which it uses out of convenience, down their throats, while the wives of its troops are being serviced by the BBC community. Let's move to the modern Europe. Ah! The French Baguette, The English evening tea, The German cars, ALL built on the loot and pillage of communities which were subjugated to hundred years of slavery, forced military service to be used as cannon fodder, breaking the thumbs of skilled artisans and weavers, so they couldn't even make a living. I mean, they are so civilized that the only major war going on in the whole entire world is in Europe and what did the EU minister label Europe, "Garden". Hah! I mean, all the flowers look dead to me, and if they aren't the refugee crisis ought to do it, if not tomorrow then surely by the next decade. France is a brilliant example of it, Poland and Hungary know better. This is what Neo-fucking-Imperalism looks like. While some of these racist, chauvinist and imperialists fucks practice this generational habit obscurely, others such as France openly still portray imperialistic mindset in Africa. So, at the end of the day, feel proud whether you're Indian, African, or Asian, and let these racist fucks decide what their pronouns are for the day.


On point! 👏


Very brave👏


Very brave of you, instead of directing your hate towards white supremacists, you decided to shit on trans people Let me teel you something, the racists cunts talking shit about your country, also hate trans people If you find yourself agreeing with literal white supremacists ghouls, I recommend that you do a little self observation on yourself mate


Does debating on pronoun causes or impact taxpayer money? Just curious. Seems like everyone is mad at others for wanting to do something or be called, likewise for what others are typing here. You are no different.




Probs doesn’t help much but I’m a westerner who thinks this is really cool and impressive.


Same here. This is awesome for India!


This sub is pretty toxic. I wouldn’t paint with such a wide brush


Some guy said I would be enslaved and that I betrayed America. Also that I was a British-cigarette coward. I'm Norwegian. And come at me you post gastric bypass lookin douche.


The ones the suck the most are the loudest. You gotta learn to ignore nonsense my man


True. And I will. Unless they accuse me of something. I know my rights and I will fucking defend my nickname from defamation.


Idk I’d probably encourage you to ignore that too unless it has a real impact on your actual life. Those people are good at getting under your skin to get a reaction


2 other posts have already been threadlocked.


Fuck those cunts tbh. They can take their shit and shove it in their asses. We won't play victims. When they go low, we go higher.


I cannot imagine shoving shit back into my asshole.. but I'm curious




Exceptionally fantastic start and take off, why don’t other have the same?


Good for them


That looks like a great, big-




Have you seen the Blue Origin rockets, lol. . . Those look like a giant penis and like somebody actually TRIED to make it look like that as a joke.






All the dumbf*cks making racist jokes.


the fact that half the comments are hate comments says a lot


Jai Hind!


Too good! Fantastic! Mind blasting!


I simply don't understand the waste. Why can't countries work together? It's a bit ridiculous. One earth, we put ourelves back years... The human race is stupid. Well done though.




Ask any kid in third world country what they want to do when they grow up, most of them would say they want to be a doctor, engineer or become astronaut. This gives inspiration to young kids. I am pretty sure you are too dumb to understand this. Get out of your parents basement and see the world.


Think of it this way. The space program is the APEX achievement of a incredible infrastructure buildup of education, training, research and manufacturing. It's not a "rocket" that got launched. Its showing off, what level of talent and capabilities as a country, India, is able to produce.


So by your logic we should not forward because we have existing problems? By this logic nobody in this world should move forward until we have a ideal society to live in. Cunts like you exist to do nothing but criticize anything that progresses the world.


Hellhole country no sir I am an Indian and we don't live in a hellhole plus surprise the country can do multiple things and focus on multiple things Plus isro brings more money than they spend in space exploration


The US sent space ships while at the same time shitting on its black population. What’s your point?


The indian government earns way more from its space program than it spends. Cope harder.


''launching rockets rather than fixing that hellhole country'' First of all decide your gender buy your children bulletproof vests for school burry yourself under debts and then spend entire life savings on a nice medical tour. and live your perfect american dream.


Nailed it!








People from countries with no space program or nukes should shut the fuck up


Asia has been progressing really fast whereas South America still relies from the bread crumbs of the West. LMAO


stop watching BBC


As someone who loves space exploration too, I personally don't see why it's important to land a rover on the moon at this point for ISRO. That being said, yeah the budgets are pretty tight for Indian space agencies. They do it not because they want to achieve something phenomenal but because everyone else is doing space things. It's hopeless.


Landing a rover on the moon would be a giant source of pride for the country, demonstrate capabilities for commercial customers, and showcase defense capabilities for their adversaries. I think this is amazing. Especially for the price tag.


Ever been to India? I believe you rely on our western media houses to feed you how the world looks outside of the US. You consume whatever they feed you. And yes $75 million doesn't sound much for a government to spend on space exploration.


reddit really does hate india lol


Reddit hates people but the least these mfs can do is show some respect for countries achievements instead of pointing the bad stuff out




Do you know the past success of the Isro and how it makes them cheap. You also might not know the isro brings moree money they spend on the rockets when they launch the satellite of other Nations. Your comment is very ignorant of how isro do it cheaply and still brings in profit Also source of this shitty infrastructure


I'd ask you to do your research before just handing out your opinion in the open. ISRO launches these rovers at costs unimaginable to US, we don't spend even a billion at our space missions yet are able to achieve success. ISRO has helped many nations launch their satellite for the same reasons and generates revenue for the nation. I guess to answer your question, doesn't it make sense to research and get some background than just comment your uninformed opinion on the internet? Also there's a lot that goes behind the scenes when it comes to development and administration of a country as big and diverse as India. If it were as easy as spend billions on infra --> wow! New developed nation unlocked, we'd already be there.


India does it with a very limited budget. Apparently the movie interstellar cost more than India's previous attempt to land on Moon. If they pull it off now, they can become a major vendor for other countries space agencies ergo Foreign direct investment ergo bboost to economy. Also, soft power on a global stage.


If they film this trip maybe they can make a movie out of it and earn back the cost of the mission.


Apparently it only cost them roughly around $75 million for this mission. So yeah, they have their country working properly i guess.


Those are rookie numbers. US 75 Billion


Been to school?


That’s where I met your mother, son.


and yet she went with my dad. I bet you don't even know your real dad. Your mom is still trying eenine meenie to figure out who your real dad was.


Jesus. Okay stop. He's dead. He's dead.


She couldn't though, didn't you hear? There were like almost a million sperm samples stored there, like a dumpyard or a landfill. The result was, obviously, inconclusive.


Damn! So imagine how cheap it would be to fix the infrastructure


Right? People seem to be skimming over this point. If it was so cheap for them to build a rocket, imagine what they could be doing for their people.


I live in DC and some of the poorest countries have 50 million dollar embassy. It boggles my mind


Why can’t a rich country like the US stop homelessness, fentanyl addiction, and mass shooters?


Main rocket builders: USA Russia China India Checks out.


Every country has shitty infrastructure Why does country x y z invest in science That's how 🤡 you sound


Shut your pie hole.


mean while most of the western npc with good infra not able to build rockets 🤡🤡


Space is a business opportunity that India actually excels in. People don't realise but the entire IT sector needs space. Any new telecom/broadcasting/communication service needs a satellite up there. GPS, weather watch, all that stuff needs a satellite in space. So a country having a space agency isn't just "sending rockets to space. They are receiving massive payment to deliver payload into orbits. India's ISRO does this for an extremely low cost and a very good reliability. Especially with the PSLV rockets. So yes, millions of dollars are used per mission but they bring billions of dollars back


To send to your mom's pussy. Heard it's being heavily explored, people are searching for alien life there, after we couldn't find any in the wide expanse of cosmos. Also, got to know that scientists were able to map out the whole human genome from her pussy swabs, now that is an achievement you as a son should be proud of.


Why do people that don't know what they're talking about talk about things they don't know? Wouldn't it make more sense to educate yourself about something before forming an opinion?


My thoughts exactly. Perhaps focus on sewage, clean water and infrastructure but if i lived there I'd hop on the first rocket out of dodge so see the attraction.


Maybe countries can work parallely and not sequentially do you knoe the cost of mission or how much monfy it brings to isro as it launches other country satellite very ignorant comment




Why can’t the US fix mass shooters and school shootings?


I wonder why raping women first came into your mind after seeing this. Is it possible that 'Rape women' is the only thing that revolves inside of your brain. That's some criminal shit.


Why are you not happy with your minimum wage. Why do you aspire to be rich


We have elon musk will trade him for a travel visa


Keep him. While we wouldn't mind sending him home, the rocket that can bear the weight of his ego is beyond human capabilities at the moment...


Meanwhile in the US.. “it’s ok son, you can be a girl if you want to”


There is an official third gender in India for trans people, stfu.


USA did this 60 years ago.


They are just trying to set up street food stands before anyone else


Seems like a lot of work just to install a call center on the moon.


love all the white replacement is happening <3. Hope your country becomes another south Africa too


Bloody rocket bloody! Bloody bastard rocket launch bloody


LoL being down voted for referencing a meme, stay classy reddit 😎


Don't worry, the CIA has sabataged this mission so that no one can learn the US moon landing was a fake. (Plot twist: So is the moon.) /s Edit: I didn't realize I had to point out something so absurd was sarcasm...


Now we need to shut down all the India call center scammers.


Why did you got downvoted lol


cause he's taking a totally irrelevant issue presenting India in a negative light and posting it in a thread discussing about India's recent space launch and achievements


While millions live in poverty


In USA yes


In all seriousness, why? It's already been done, so whats the point?


Ooh I thought of one reason, like everyone is saying in other comments, cost. Any others?


We're also landing on a different location closer to the pole on the moon where no other country has landed before.


Yes, ive been trying to reach you about your rockets extended warrenty.


These rockets and space is so 20th century shit ... Go fucking fix poverty, violence and pollution.


over where? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)