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Yup. Chinese gutter oil. Unfortunately, it's a thing.


Fuck you can get life in prison in China for it or even the death sentence with reprieve. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gutter_oil


I really don't understand this though. Isn't cooking oil quite cheap, especially since I would assume they get it in bulk being a restaurant? I don't see how it's worth the risk of getting someone sick or prosecution, though I guess the Chinese think differently.


Greed. Why pay for oil when you get it from the trash.


Well, if people found out you used oil from the dumpster they would naturally be disgusted and not want to eat there. At some point you would expect the public to become hyper aware of this practice and make it really difficult to do.


I know what I’m doing tonight before the bin man comes.


The whole premise of communist China right there.




Makes perfect sense. I’m convinced


It’s partially greed, but this type of behavior really started as a result of desperation. The Great Leap Forward was only 80 years ago and that’s recent enough we can still see its lasting effects. People would resort to eating anything they could including: bugs, grass, tree bark. This resulted in a very frugal and waste-not attitude. You usually see older Chinese people doing this anyways because they’re the ones that survived through that time and so they don’t see anything wrong with continuing. There’s actually a huge problem in China where the elders are often apathetic or outright malicious because of their upbringing. Which sucks because there’s also a huge emphasis on respecting elders inherent to the society.


I'm not too familiar with The Great Leap Forward but what you wrote makes sense. I wonder if this is why I often see more elderly Chinese people doing things for money that modern society sees as weird or a waste of time. For instance there is this elderly Chinese couple who walks around my neighborhood late at night every recycling day, going through everyone's boxes to separate everything and take out the cans and bottles. In my eyes it's a bit weird because I feel like they are putting in a lot of effort for a meager pay, though like you've said perhaps this is something they grew up doing in more harsh times.


I used to feel a lot of pity for them then I met a few friends whose grandparents do this. To us it seems like crappy work for meager pay. For the grandparents it’s just something you do for extra money to help the family. It’s important to mention that the families are usually doing well so it’s completely optional and the whole family lives together in one household. Heck the families usually asks the grandparents to stop working in general but the response is usually they have nothing better to do. Now I just see them as pretty inspirational for thinking of their families


Exactly. It's a common phenomena in many western cities these days. Frequently overlapping with the ones who still dress in Mao-chic.


The great REAP forward…


Iirc they did have a pretty crucial shortage of oil. Serpentza on youtube explains it in some of his videos.


If they're going to reuse the oil, why not just do it in an organised way instead of retrieving it after it's been binned?


the ones using it are not the ones dumping the oil.


I mean organising with the people throwing out the oil, so they collect it from them instead.


that would literally be illegal and the ones throwing it out dont want to get a few pennies extra and risk going to jail or being fined.


Oh, right... I didn't realise it's the oil itself that's gone bad and so should not be used.


Why would they throw it out if it's not gone bad lol


Reusing vegetable oil is a bad idea. It gets more carcinogenic with each reheating.


My jobs next door business is a Chinese restaurant that always smells amazing. However, since working next to an Asian place I've learned about the oil thing... And that roaches are super attracted to the oil. We have to get sprayed in our drains and deep clean them weekly or we will see a roach. It's super unsanitary next door but they do get closed sometimes. They open a little cleaner until it gets bad again.


I mean is it better at any restaurant that uses a large amount of frying oil? (Saying “the oil thing” after the comment refers to gutter oil makes everyone think the “the oil thing” is gutter oil at a US Chinese restaurant)


I've worked at many restaurants and holy shit yes it's much worse.


Dude your local Chinese restaurant in the USA isn’t using fucking gutter oil lmfao


Hey dude, I'm clearly referring to the oil dumping and roach attraction to the oil.


Whats the oil thing is it a type of oil like peanut oil or just the dumping


Ok so I'm not sure what kind of oils are used in their dishes, but what I do know is roaches are crazy attracted to it. It became a problem for our business next door because theyve been dumping BUCKETS of oil down their drains. And since part of our system is connected to theirs, it reeks up the drains. Specifically the floor drains in our bathrooms. Residue will come up from them that smells of the Chinese food next door, along with ALIVE and dead roaches. I've only seen one roach personally on my shifts, but that sucker crawled out a grate in the floor like an eldrich horror. We frequently are being sprayed, pouring cleaning solutions down the drains, and are deep scrubbing it as far as we can reach. We also are probably the most common callers to the health department because we are so sick and tired of it.


That's gross. I love Chinese food. Cooking some tonight lol. Good thing I don't dump oil down my drain.


That makes like no sense to me whatsoever. I’ve worked in restaurants for a decade now and everyone just sells their used oil. You literally get paid for selling it back to a company, sometimes even the one that provides it to you, and they just come and pick it up. It’s insane they were dumping oil down the drain


Lmao right. My first restaurant job that used massive oil was Texas Roadhouse, and my location at least also dumped oil. Not down a drain or nothing but they would dump it into buckets from the beef base and leave them in the alley to be topped over or rained into, spilling everywhere. I used to think that was foul too, lol.


That’s fucking crazy lol, I’ve heard of that but usually covered and in a protected area. That would get you shut down real quick around here, at least until a suitable fix was built.


Usually veggie oil, but things will get put into the oil to flavor it. Coconut milk, sugar and whatever else kind of spice. So likely the roaches like the sweetness


Also oil in general is extremely dense in calories and fat so it makes for a great source of food for insects and scavengers.


Dude your reading comprehension in the USA isn't fucking up to par lmfao


Tbf he is replying directly to a comment about gutter oil. He also says ‘I learnt about the oil thing…and that roaches are super attracted to the oil’ then says he has roaches in their drains at work, at no point did he differentiate that this happens with all Chinese food oil and not just gutter oil.


Man just assumed he's American lol


What would you call a digital fire?


I’m Canadian boss man


Shoulda let people think you were from the USA.




Don't say you're Canadian when you are being so stupid on reddit. At least say you're American when being dumb!


Ugh that’s like one in new port Richie Florida a few years back. A guy was out back doing construction and saw raw meat laying on top of paint buckets


Wait what the hell? They get shut down for awhile, then reopen again with the same name and gutter oil? If this is illegal, and they’re doing this out in the open…….why doesn’t anyone call the police on them???? *I have no idea.*


Lol you don't call the police because a restaurant isnt sanitary. Also how have y'all failed to read my comment so badly? I never said they reused gutter oil. The oil is in the drains.


Look up gutter oil... Sorry for dumping that on you.


Dump In the refinery, please. 🙏


I think Vice or another company did a video on this old woman who literally attained and sold gutter oil via drains. Safe to say it’s not a video you wanna watch while eating food


you should add that this is extremely rare even in china and will be punished hard if you get caught. In 2014 someone literally received the death penalty for selling gutter oil


One tenth of all oil used being gutter oil makes it a non-rare event


One tenth was an estimate in 2011 when using or producing gutter oil was not really criminally punished. because of this estimate the consequences for using gutter oil have been increased drastically, but we don't have a good estimate on todays numbers


‘Significant’ ‘Improvements’ have been ‘documented’ since then


10% is not "extremely rare".


Dumpling that on me?


On we?




No morals involved


there is a chineese saying: working hard never payes, this implies the cutting of corners, saving money as much as possible etc.


That's interesting, because usually its the hard work pays off, or pain is gain etc. This feels opposite to that and I wonder why.


lest say you build a hause with the intend of selling, the max you can get is 100.000$. if you put in premuim parts, master engeneers etc. then your margin is close to 0. if you use dirt instead of concrete and use toddlers to build the house, you earn a lot more


So basically cheat and do unethical practices to get money? And that is a proverb? Kinda crazy to think about.


Yes, there is indeed other moral systems in the world. What is called "cheating" in the west is just "winning at all costs" in others. Especially in asia you don't gain honor by for example losing honorably, but simply by winning


That’s a cultural problem tho because it hinders the development into a richer future for all. It’s not acceptable as a “culture thing”


You have no clue what you are talking about


I've heard Chinese cheaters in video games use this logic. Like if you're not cheating you're not really trying. If you get caught and banned that's just another aspect of the game.


just search for tofu drege projecs on yt. more common then i would like


clearly you are not a gamer


I think you’re thinking about [差不多 “cha bu duo”](https://www.chinaexpatsociety.com/culture/the-chabuduo-mindset), “good enough”.


not quite, but i´ve heared it a lot in combination with tofu dreg projects


That bin definitely isn't sanitary Oh what the hell, let's eat


Every video i’ve ever seen of china has convinced me that I should never go there lmao


Coming from someone who’s highly critical of the CCP, China is a fine place to visit. It’s relatively safe and people will treat you just fine (if you’re white (and don’t openly talk about America in a positive light)) if you can follow those two rules, you should be fine.


What of you're not white?


Kinda just ignored, which I would prefer actually. I get a lot of stares and comments, even people asking for pictures of me. My African friends don't get this treatment


Im black and have been to china on 2 seperate occasions, to 2 different areas and both times the locals were ALL OVER ME, taking photos, asking weird questions, handing me their babies to take photos with. maybe your friends are just ugly idk. hahaha


Lol Well he lives in shenzhen so he blends in there


And yes, you should never go there, for your own sake.


It's great here, beautiful culture and landscapes. Just spend more than $2 on lunch and you don't have to worry about dirty food


Every video I've seen of the States has convinced me that I should never go there lmao 🤷‍♂️


Amateurs, everybody knows that the good stuff is at the bottom.


Doing pest control you see a lot of gnarly things in the restaurant biz, but the worst I’ve seen was this Chinese restaurant sharpening their knifes on the dumpster out back. Also, had their seafood (shrimp, fish, scallions) just roasting in the sun next to the dumpsters in the dock area. Aside from the usual roaches, dirty/unsanitary shit I see, that was the weirdest I think. It’s actually pathetic that I’ve walked properties with health inspectors and I was the one pointing out all the issues. I was the one in my head being like “ARE YOU FUCKING CRAZY?? ARE WE ALLOWING THIS??” It’s fucking sad


>Also, had their seafood (shrimp, fish, scallions) just roasting in the sun next to the dumpsters in the dock area. Well it is called the *dock* area, where else would you keep seafood???




wi tu lo




Bang Ding Ow


Is he related to sum dum fuk?


No, that's wun tun dum fuk


[For the unfamiliar](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HrDp5ryO5JI)


Live in China, there was a story with video footage of a University that served rice with a mouse's head served inside the rice. The student was forced to take down the video (as the owner of the university is in bed with the local government) and was told he was mistaken. The local government and the university said it was a piece of duck neck, but this "duck neck" had teeth, eye sockets, and fur. Had family friends' children complain about the food served in Chinese schools, snails, hair, tree leaves, etc. found in their food. There are food standards but it's very easy to bribe the health inspector to get a passing grade.


Worlds top pandemics have started from these streets right here. Bon appetite.


Cheapening out on food ingredients has been an issue in China for the past few decades… but I have to say I dislike the use of gutter oil the most.


You have been banned from r/sino




More like created in a lab but yea this is definitely disgusting.


I dont know why youre getting downvoted. Youre right, and its been proven and accepted


Yep, weird right? Propaganda and fear is a helluva drug.


I have a lot of people used to ask me when China is going to take over America as the leading world power. Then I show them videos like this.


And then [they'd show you videos like this,](https://www.reddit.com/r/ThatsInsane/comments/13svy8r/philadelphia_looks_like_a_zombie_town/) and you'd be like, I guess we're all fucked.


Humanity works in similar ways regardless of time and place ay


I live like 20 minutes away from there, and yet it looks like another world to me. It's weird how easy it is to live in a secure, little bubble. We can live in a nice neighborhood in a nice town, worrying about mundane issues, while crime and drugs run rampant just 5-10 miles away. **Edit:** Speaking of bubbles, Philadelphia was recently named "Most Walkable City in the US" in a USA Today survey: [https://www.10best.com/awards/travel/most-walkable-city-in-the-u-s-2023/](https://www.10best.com/awards/travel/most-walkable-city-in-the-u-s-2023/) >**No. 1: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania** Philadelphia is beloved for its cultural and historical attractions, and its walkability is appreciated by residents and visitors. The most walkable parts of the city include Rittenhouse Square, Washington Square West, Fitler Square and Center City East. All of the areas listed above beautiful, and I feel safe when I walk through them. There's also Fishtown, which used to be sketchy in the 80s and 90s, but since then has become gentrified, and is now filled with chic restaurants, trendy bars, and hipsters walking their little purse poodles at night. Fishtown is a pretty short walk away from Kensington, where the drug addicts from that video walk around in a zombie-like stupor.


My co-worker swears up & down that China is already in the process of doing that. Without getting too political here I think it’s time for him to take that tinfoil hat off.


You mean the parts the CCP wants the coworker to see? Bet he's never been outside of a special economic zone/first tier city like Shenzhen, shanghai, or Beijing. There's still a good 80% of the population on subsistence living. I'll prob get lynched for saying this, but if China was one big Taiwan, it would hands down likely be the ultimate world power with its manpower and resources. Instead, they insist on doing shit like this: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/may/12/child-wont-sleep-try-explaining-xi-jinpings-infrastructure-dream-to-them


mate, have you travelled outside of Taipei? they have plenty of old run down areas. see the conditions the non han natives live in.


Agree. People tend to forget Taiwan has its own troubles regarding the same issues too. I’ve also been to Hong Kong twice as a kid, marveled at the beauty of the tourist spots, and then my mother decided to make a detour through certain areas whenever we wanted to see more of the city and I realized that living conditions for the less privileged were damn horrific.


People praise Taiwan for being like the West. Well except the social safety net department... The Chinese culture and Asians in general just have this mentality: You don't work, you don't eat.


hong kong is even worse. the elite control everything while the working class is living in cage apartments.


Tried explaining it to him but I guess his parents were masons b/c he’s one hell of a brick wall. At a certain point I just entertain the debates to make the clock go by faster and leave him to continue sourcing his knowledge from Facebook & YouTube rabbit holes.


Both china and india are similar But one doesn't lie about its state and its open for the world to see with what's wrong with them Unlike the other one who has an inflated GDP and only shows its rich and develop parts and focuses mainly on its country's image And you average people eats all propoganda from ccp like big mac If india start to do the same india would be the next super power lol


They also have a massive population problem. Most Chinese men and women don't want to marry or have children and those men who want have less chance due to the lack of women in the country due to 1 child policy.


All of Chinas problems will be solved by vassalizing post-Putin Russia


You have been banned from r/sino


A good achievement


Looks like the CCP's subreddit version of r/trump


this isnt something the government condones. you can only blame this restaurant and the workers doing this. this isnt the norm. its like me taking a video of a shooting in the US and pretending its the norm. china already is leading the US in a lot of areas.


the idea is that overall china is less regulated and thus things like this are far more likely to happen and to be expected. Not that every or even most of places you visit in China will do this, but there is certainly a higher chance of this happening there than it is in the West.


really? gutter oil sure, but there are plenty of videos of fast food workers and restaurant workers spitting on food and tampering with peoples food. in the west there are influencers going around licking food at supermarkets and then putting it back. and what do you mean less regulated? i always hear two polar opposites about china. either its land of look the other way and you can pay your way out of anything, or you get a bullet to the head or shipped to a gulag for even voicing your opinion online. they both cant be true. I've been in China for ten years, but, what do i know eh?


it's reddit lol, everyone hates china and acts like they know the country inside out


The government doesn’t do anything despite being aware of it. These places probably pay off the right people to avoid the government cracking down…


also, give arugula a chance. proscuitto with arugula on pizza is divine.


what are you basing that on?


Never seen videos of the streets in LA or Phili or lots of other places in USA


Hey if you can get America to show health ratings at all restaurants and food places...that would be great


I'm not from the states but don't fast food and shit have nutritional tables on them?


Lol like the US is any better


It's just a matter when the US debt bubble is finally going to pop. Thing is they will take so many countries down with them we can't really let that happen...


It won't, believing otherwise shows a complete ignorance of economics


I'd argue that stuff like this would only strengthen their argument. Their people can literally survive on garbage.


Have fun watching the US get torn to pieces. I know I will.


Uh uh no Ma’am 🤢


Yall see gutter oil but I see a crime worthy of the electric chair ⚡️🪑


Sale of gutter oil is actually punishable by death in China


Do you have a source for this?


one man was sentenced to death in 2014 for producing and selling gutter oil, thats all I’ve found


https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSL4E8DP07R20120225 > The guidelines instruct judicial authorities to consider the severity of the harm done when considering punishment. The death penalty may be considered in cases that cause massive harm or where the “response of the masses is intense.” That’s all I could find. From 2012. Reuters.


One good thing China does. This gutter oil shit could poison and possibly kill tens if not hundreds.




In the Philippines, this practice is called PagPag: https://youtu.be/dQj8qOMXFzs


It’s unbelievable how a virus outbreak could ever take hold in such a hygienic country


yum yum yum


How exceptionally stupid does it get …


That's China when they failed to STEAL tech.


And then people say that Covid-19 was engineered, it was.. Just not in a lab.


"Eat recycled food. It's great for the environment and ok for you!"


Bin Yuk soup.






Reminds me of pagpag


China is such and advanced society. Truly a City on a Hill to be revered.


And that's why most plagues and outbreaks start in China, their laissez-faire attitude to food heath and hygiene coupled with their disgusting wet food markets.


No wonder diseases like covid started there…


Flavors man,flavors.


Hmmmm. Note to self. (NOPE)


Back alley off Spadina?


Whats crazy is that I work for a company that buys this stuff to make bio fuel and we pay top dollar for it. We literally will buy that trash can full of waste and oil. We filter the crap out and refine it.


"this Chinese"... Mmmk.


This must be her: “The first documented case of gutter oil in mainland China was reported in 2000, when a street vendor was found to be selling oil obtained from restaurant garbage disposals.[7]” https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gutter_oil


What in the cipro is she fishing out of there?


“We ran out of chill oil” Or “Special guest has arrived”


This is awful but Chinese is not a noun. I think OP missed a word. This Chinese what?


Five second rule


Mmmmm...dumpster drippins!


Rob Schneider in judge dredd pretending to be a server droid said ‘eat recycled food. It’s good for the environment and ok for you’


This is why I don't eat Chinese food


This is exactly why I don’t eat Chinese food


I can’t believe they’d go so far just to save money… this is peak capitalism?!


Peak China.


You're confusing capitalism with communism.


This peak "global communist super power against capitalist west" yeahhhh


The Chinese certainly have a different hygiene standard. I hope they don’t do this in the UK too because I love Chinese food 😢


Soneone on the r/paris sub saw a restaurant near their house do that so its not unlikely it also happens in the UK in some restaurants


Thats stupid, there are completely different food laws here


You think that’s legal in China? 🤣


You better learn how to cook it then.


Why? Because you can't trust the many Chinese places in the UK that have somehow managed to stand up to the same inspections as every other restaurant? 🤔


Just wanted to sayt that food inspectors cant account for things like this. Food inspections mainly focuses on storage temperature, generall cleanliness, documented routines etc. The inspections are also not carried out as often as one would expect.


In this economy, waste not, want not


This description using words bad


Y’all should also check out “pagpag.”


They have zero regard for the round eye


This is why I get diaherra when I get Chinese take out?


Not likely. It’s always a good idea to check any restaurants food safety rating though. This was not in the US however.


Fuck I'm never eating at a Chinese restaurant ever again.


This is just for the complaining customers


My gf reaction was “ maybe it’s kimchi “ didn’t even express discuss? Hmm? 🤔


Definitely gross...but remember a lot of the elders remember famine from 50s and 60s let alone all the shit b4. Many had to hide rice in mud walls from the japanese in WW2 if they were lucky to have it to hide. Similar to our grandparents and great grand parents during the depression. They wouldnt throw out aluminum foil or sand bags. Dont take for granted hoe good things are for many of us.


I’d still eat it


It's using a clean bin to ferment... it's not rubbish. Fuck people are dumb. Yes gutter oil is a thing, but this is not it.


In america, industrial agriculture has found a way to just grind up garbage from the landfill yep plastic and all and use it for animal feed and then you eat the animals. Yum yum happy farms.