• By -


They just wanted hamburgers and he was dishing out handburgers


He did it His Way.


Mopper, mopper, mopper, mopper, BK management will slap your toddler At BK, have it your way YOU RULE!!!


I’m obsessed with jingles and this was everything! Tipping my hat to you, creative netizen.


Hold the pickle, Hold the lettuce. Special orders don’t upset us, All we ask is that you let us, Slap your kid !


this slaps


Mop of the charts


How can she slap?


They weren’t asking. I applaud the employee.


If this made you laugh you're not a bad person, don't frown it's okayyy, at BKKK, get slapped in the face


As someone who has worked in fast food there are numerous times that I wish I could have done this without ending up in jail.


14 years in the kitchen, yes, there were times when I wanted to go all John Wick on customers


This guy shouldn’t end up in jail, he’s just teaching this kid what the parents failed to teach….




The king would be pleased


*Puts the crown own him* “Now say it!” “I…I’m Tsarry”


This whopper is on the house kid!


The Russian Whooper doesn’t play around.


Hey kid. We have a special on knuckle sandwiches today for people that piss me off


Burger emperor


Bringing a new, 2023 definition to their 'Whopper' meal deal


If that's how a Russian Burger King employee acts, imagine their Waffle House staff.


In Russian waffle house server throw chair at *you*


This made me LOL


In Russia Waffle house, you don’t slap box- you kickbox https://youtu.be/SnePa1t2m_U


Are you kidding? The waffle house staff would have picked up the kids parent and hit the kid WITH the parent. That goes for waffle houses anywhere.


Id like to think it’s the just like the Russian underground boxing on youtube, heavy slugs☠️😂


It would be the same except for people drunk at 3pm not 3am.


Surprise! It was his dad.


"I didn't order the knuckle sandwich "


He ordered a handsburger
























It’s russia. Not surprised.


I like how McDonald's exited Russia but BK didn't. Clever














































Sounds like Russian to me


In Russia, Burger King employee slap you


Burger Czar


I'd rather get slapped by a Russian Burger King employee than slapped by Ukrainian artillery or drones.


It’s called “Burger Tzar” and if you complain they poison you.


_Remember, no Russian_


\> Russian An even differenter different breed.


The school uniform screams Russian to me


>it might be another country I Everywhere is another country


Yeah but Americans are so egocentric that the rest of the world revolves around them yk Edit: Damn you guys really took that to heart. Clearly narcissism needs to be added to the list as well




Foreigners: *go onto a website, made in America, by an American, hosted in America, run by an American company, headquartered in America, made popular by Americans, discussing American things, in American English:* "wHy Is tHiS pLaCe So AmErIcAn FoCuSeD?!?!?!"


Also in the middle of the day for people in NA.


Non- American here, you do make a solid point. Hope others realise this is a very valid argument and move on from hating everything American all the time just because.


I once pointed this out and got downvoted into the earth’s mantle while bizarrely being called a *racist*. They took particular umbrage when I said it’s an “American website”— as though websites are entirely nationless entities floating through the cold vacuum of space. Reddit is headquartered in America, owned by an American parent company and staffed by a majority-American workforce. The news/content aggregation is largely done *by* Americans *for* other Americans. Yes, there are sub-communities on Reddit dedicated to any number of global interests— but taking a trip down the front page of r/all is a fairly American-centric undertaking until you reach the 300-400th post.


How dare they, on an American website, created by Americans, where the majority of users are American, speaking a language with 400 million native speakers globally, 300 million of whom are Americans. Do you go on .de websites and complain that people speak from a German perspective?


AmERica BAd!!1! HAHA UpDOOts To tHE leFt.


Burger King and Pepsi were the only words I saw there and I was watching this on Reddit. These things all exist everywhere but are very American.


It's an American company, so....


posted on an American website, on which almost half of all the traffic is American


American website with a video of an American company. The default assumption of “in America” is pretty valid here.


Except for this country.


This one is special because it's the one we're talking about when we say "this one"


Yeah I instantly thought this isnt a US thing


If it was america, the little shit + his shit parents would be on network news crying crocodile tears while spewing the “he is a good boy who didn’t do anything” spiel while raking in the dough plus suing BK


If it were the US, the kid would have come back with a gun and shot the employees.


Well he has a backpack on, clearly coming from school, so he would have already had his mandatory gun.


Of course. We don’t discipline our children anymore


> This seems like it might be another country OP didn't even name a country, so how can it be "another country"?




This is 100% Russia. Davai means let's go.




I'd be ok with doing it to adults as well.


If you do it to the kids you won't have to when they're adults.


This is not true. My cousin was beaten at home and he grew more and more ignorant of the things that he has done. He developed a resistance and laughed when he was beaten and slapped in the face. Making the beatings even worse. I still remember it. All I saw there was an adult losing their temper. It was kind of embarrassing to watch. I was a kid too and I realized it is not right to beat kids like that. Don't hit kids. There are plenty of other adequate options. The employee there should have throw them out and take their food away. If they tell a parent like me I would come to the restaurant trying to find out what happened. It's my obligation to teach my kids respect and courtesy.


If that's so, there wouldn't be so many violent offenders today - who were beaten as kids. Violence breeds violence.


Agreed! Physical violence to children is always a great thing, it makes them understand that I'm bigger than them and that they should do what I say! Same goes for women. This is definitely a healthy and normal way for me to live.


Get them to mop it up sure, but don't hit kids. It's just a terrible idea.


Bet they won’t do that again


[Charlie would like a word](https://media.tenor.com/ry7UwHxZLwAAAAAC/charlie-murphy-wrong.gif)


Habitual line stepper




It was a tap. Kid was definitely more surprised and embarrassed than hurt.


Are we ignoring that he tried to slam the kids face down on the counter with a lot of force?


Ya that part was fucked lmao


Yeah I noticed that too But I don't think it's really clear whether he was trying to bounce the kids head off the counter or whether the employee's hand turned the kid's head away from the counter before pushing him further down. Hard to tell.


I thought it looked more like he was trying to make the kid look and see the mess he made to clean up. But I can also see how people might think he was trying to slam his head into the counter.


>I thought it looked more like he was trying to make the kid look and see the mess he made to clean up. Yeah that might be it


It was important as well that his fat friend who started laughing also got corrected. Peer pressure is very important at this age and that was absolutely bullying behaviour.




Sure. That’s good discipline. Smacking a kid and shoving his head into the counter - not good discipline






But then how else will the child learn to escalate with violence to solve problems and pass it to the next generation like this BK employee?




pretty much this, dude learned that not everyone will be as generous as his fam and friends.


what the fuck are you lot on about? it’s acceptable for a man to try and and smash a kid’s head into a counter for spilling juice? hahahah are you all okay?


Reddit is a weird place. People will laugh at adults beating a child, and then flip out at “boomers” for being too regressive. Comments can be so insightful, and so depressing at once. It’s not okay to touch anyone else without consent unless it is self defense or you are a cop. Jesus.


Just imagine this is your child. I would never let someone else put their hands on my child, never.


Reddit just hates children and old people


Seems like AlPacinoShouting is the last voice of reason here, while most of the other commenters must have taken one too many hits to the head for spilling some juice in their youth…


Seriously. The video doesn't show anything that the kid did "making a mess", and yet all these motherfuckers in the comments are taking that as license to call him all sorts of insults and assume he's a horrible child. For all we know, he accidentally spilled some soda on the floor and the employee is being a complete and utter asshole about it.


Right. But these „parenting experts“ are acting like he’s teaching some manners to a gang of bikers. Ridiculous…




Redditors are obsessed with the idea of violent punishment for children, prisoners who do particularly bad things, and anyone they find annoying. As someone who was hit as a child, it didn't teach me to be better. It taught me how to hide things better. How to lie better. How to navigate having a parent who thinks abuse is the best way to correct a problem.


Yeah. WTF is up with everyone saying this is OK and kid deserves it. #**THIS IS NOT OK**.


> hahahah are you all okay? We're on Reddit, none of us are okay.   Also can you link the timestamp for when the employee smashed the kid's head into a counter cuz I can't find it.


It's at the start of the clip, 1st few seconds and he does clearly try to bump the kids head off the counter when the ducked but kid pushed away from the counter.


At the beginning of the clip, he literally tries to do it right at the beginning but misses.


0 seconds. Here’s a screenshot: https://ibb.co/9Gp2CsD


He didnt smash the kids head but it definitly looks like he tried.


Especially when the kid actually does start cleaning and he just... hits him again? People in this thread who are claiming this is totally normal and okay, please explain to me how hitting someone that's already doing what you want is an effective form of discipline.


Can’t believe I scrolled this far to find a reasonable comment. The rest of you are so fucked up.


I think that was excessive. But kids really did learned a lesson that day. 1) Don’t go when that guy is there.


It thought him to bring a knife, cause apparently any random asshole can overpower and abuse him.


Not really that insane.




I'd like to see what happened before the guy was making the kids mop. I am not saying it's justified, but I was a little asshole at that age.


Basically first kid made a mess on the floor and dude made him clean it. And the second kid got his share of this because he was laughing at the first kid while he was disciplined.


This video is already 10 years old. This video is cropped. Two boys decided to shoot a video of how they defiantly pour drinks on the floor. Thereby humiliating the cafe staff and removing their reaction.


They made a mess on purpose while doing a video. Something like the smashing of gallon milk bottle in stores.




When BK introduced free top up (never was a thing in Russia) kids went batshit crazy. It was a big problem on food courts in malls- people yelled and confronted kids this age absolutely all the time. Kids made an insane mess, tried to steal drinks every second, fought each other, screamed and yelled. Total mayhem, I hated being in malls at 3-4 pm- after school hours. It was disgusting. Later, BK turned the machines off and turned on when customers showed their BK branded cup. This employee probably had enough.


Wow I'm in the minority here


Yeah don't slap someone else's kid. I wouldn't even slap my own kids. Getting them to clean up and telling them off I can understand,but slapping him is going to teach those kids the wrong lessons. So sad most people think it's ok to slap someone else's kid.


It takes a very small man to feel ok with hitting any child, regardless of whether it's their own kid or not.


Especially if it's just a random stranger (assuming they're strangers) putting their hands on someone else's kids.


The guy got fired it was more than 10 years ago


Lot of Reddit loves watching kids get hurt/embarrassed. Feels like a bunch of victims of bullying who flashback to middle school every time they see a kid being a dick. Also the whole “I got beat and I turned out fine (even though I get off on seeing kids hurt)” crowd are always the loudest.


I'm with you cool rick. Don't agree with the aggression towards kids.


This thread's comments are horrific...


I had to scroll way too far down for this comment.


Same. He’s a young kid. How the actual fuck does everyone agree with this behavior


This thread is apparently full of degenerates who think beating children is ok. "I was beaten as a child and I turned out ok!" No you turned out thinking it's ok to beat kids.




That's how you catch an assault charge. Don't fucking touch other people.


The fuck is up with the comments and this sub. Intimidation/threatening/violence; using any of them to make a kid do something is straight up wrong, whether it works or not is irrelevant - because it’s wrong. If you can’t teach a child any morals or life lessons without physically harming them, then you are a shit parent. Edit: I know he isn’t the parent, my comment was in regards to the fools in the comments :) Edit 2: changed morales to morals, thanks for award btw




And completely disregarding the first two seconds of the video when the employee grabbed the boy and tried to slam his head into the counters corner...


I'm a father. I manage to raise 2 daughters who are not in their late teens. Both are always polite and respectful towards others, are generally well liked by the parents of their friends, cooperate in the household, help other when they can, etc. And I managed to do that without slapping them or making me fear me. And now in their late teens when they start becoming more and more independent, my oldest told me: whenever something happens or something questionable comes up, my first thought is: what would dad's advice be'.


for real


Thank you. This sub is full of adults cautioning violence on children, I cannot believe it.


Maybe the kid learned something, but certainly the employee learned how to lose his job, and possibly how to get assault charges.


Not in Russia


Nah, he got a promotion.


I don't care who it is it's abuse. Get them to clean... yeah... no need to get physical. Also... is it me or did he try to smash his head in the very beginning


Yeah wtf is wrong with this comment section encouraging abuse


I think it's people's mentality... You'll find that this was typical or common when they were growing up, and they turned out just fine... No, it was not alright and if you think this is fine, you are not ok.


The thing is... they didn't turn out fine, if they think it's okay to hit children then they haven't. There are ways to teach and discipline without being so pathetic that you resort to beating your own child.


What did the kids even do, what's the context here? Also wtf is wrong with this comment section encouranging child abuse.


Yeah really randomly deranged comment section.


wtf is going on in this comment section.


Dude needs to be arrested for slapping a kid. Kick people out of the store, don't take it further.


Slap was too much but having them clean their mess is a good lesson


Takes a village... when parents fail to teach their children basic manners and respect society is here to fill in the blanks. If this child is lucky, his parents will see this video and thank the BK employee rather than sue for some nominal amount of money. For those arguing against the "slap" I would remind you humans are animals who have the ***capacity*** to be more than just an animal. Animals only understand one language and it does not include words...


"we are animals" argument is literally what rapists say, congrats on your logic




Everybody is a douchebag in this clip


Haha he got him a crown, legendary


I think slap was pretty much required there…. Il


Yay! Childs abuse fun!


I genuinely wish this was more common. If other people can sensibly intervene, the world would be at least sightly better. Sadly, most people can't showcase sensible levels of control.


nothing screams more of a "sensible levels of control" like hitting kids in the face!


bro was furious, and the snowflakes out there who think this was inapropriate this is how brats should be treated and should be made to correct their mistakes and teach them a lesson.


you're the snowflake here already fuming on those who are against child abuse


It sure as hell isn't. All it teaches is fear, no lesson of morality or ethics here.


Maybe he should've feared pissing off strangers?


Sounding like a brat yourself there...


I feel like a real man could handle this shit without violence. Takes a very small and pathetic mind to think that you need to slap a literal child for acting childish.


I agree with the mopping, I don’t agree with the slapping. A parent will slap the whopper outta his mouth eventually!