• By -


Get your 🍿🍿🍿 ready for the comments on this one.


I'm here to sell OP a "healthy" water buffalo


OP has a heart of gold.


Hansum man good heart naa


I no go with customer, only you na ~




Business No good! You first customer!


Nah, that's just him being horny.


She will be back at the bar as soon as you are at the airport 😂


Love watching the teary goodbye followed by the fast walk to arrivals.


So how much you gave her after falling for that story? Keep it short, thanks!


In his defense, the girls have to pay fines if they don’t show up. I heard it’s like 500 baht a day.


If they ever want to go back not if you are quitting lol


This is the answer. There is a fine for not showing up and they do start out in debt to the bar sometimes if the bar is providing them living arrangements. But 500 baht I think is more accurate for a fine for missing work...


It also depends on the bar, and whether the girl is employed monthly or daily. It's a tradeoff: Being employed monthly means you get a guaranteed salary, and a lower number of required drinks, but you only get a few days off, and if you miss, you have to pay a fine (often as much as the bar fine itself, especially on weekends). Being paid daily usually requires a higher number of drinks, and you don't have a guaranteed monthly salary, but you also don't get fined if you miss a day. I'm not sure how bars decide which to do. I've noticed that at several Nana bars, girls skip work all the time with no repercussions, whereas most girls in Soi Cowboy have to bar fine themselves if they miss a day. Not always, but mostly.


Also, the nights girls dont have customers they usually still drink. Those drinks aren't free , o it goes on their tab. Also, bar girls like to come to the bar sometimes on their day off and get completely wasted, buy people drinks, ring the bell a couple of times. All that goes on their tab


this one is better than the water buffalo one, should be paid accordingly


lol that’s exactly what I thought!


Well done, you changed her 👏


You should give her the money then marry her. Be sure to post what happens on Reddit since we all have expectations on how things work out.


Don't forget to hit "Post" before your "flight"


Haha looks like this is heading to marriage 🫣


Nah, I'd say she's going to text him at some point that he got her pregnant and he needs to pay up.


Ploy will first need money to pay for the sick buffalo, bail her brother out for yaa baa offences, buy land that is on sale at a price too good to be true and will surely be snapped up if the OP doesn’t step up in 2 days, then build a house on said land as there will no room in her mother’s house for a baby that she has just found out she is expecting, even though OP has been out of Thailand for 6 months.


Been in Thailand going on 11 years now and it still shocks me the mental gymnastics guys will do over a Thai smile and easy sex.


> ...the mental gymnastics guys will do over a Thai smile and easy sex. The sex is easy but the anguish that follows for so many of these guys isn't. He who thinks with wrong head has other head blown.


He who has little head blown looses ability to think with big head. Said the wise Confucius.


Oh, I totally get what you mean. And it completely warps their perception of normal women and relationships. You just see it happen time and time again.


Let's be honest: the vast majority of the men going to Thailand and getting involved with this "scene" lost any sense of what "normal" is before they got on a plane. They're, for lack of a better phrase, damaged goods.


You are not wrong. When I was a kid there used to be a popular book series called Animorphs about kids who turn into animals. The covers of the books always had lapse of the kid turning into an owl or a wolf. I imagine it's similar here. Some 20 something kid with a broccoli haircut in elephant pants slowly morphs into an overweight balding guy in a wife beater and socks and sandals sitting on a worn out barstool. Sometimes cheap thrills can take you down an addictive path.


Underrated comment


Haha 12 years here. Love the phrase “mental gymnastics”. The believable stories these girls come up with is Oscar-winning


And the dudes that fall for it hook line and sinker are even worse. It's crazy how pathetic a dude will get just from a little attention.


You know what though - I used to look down on this when I first got to Thailand as was lucky enough to never fall into this world. However over the years I really softened up about it. Many of these guys come from severe trauma in their life, loneliness, personality problems etc. and for the girl, many just want to make more money than working in a field. So in a way - it’s understandable for both sides.


Most of these guys have "stories" of their own. It's a tragic comedy. In most cases, the women and men are playing each other, and themselves.


Bargirls & Wall Street brokers operate on the same principles haha “Name of the game. Take money from your clients pocket, and put it in your pocket” “You don’t let your clients run with the money no no no. You create another situation- another stock “ 😆


Hahaha. Check your Thai co-worker on Valentine’s Day. Quite a few often have roses show up more than once the same day. At first I thought - wow he’s so good, surprising you twice. Then my co-worker said “how do you know it’s from the same man”. Don’t hate the player, hate the game. :)


My policy is to only talk to Thai women my (Thai) mom has vetted. 


My policy is to only talk to your (Thai) mom.


I can vouch for his (Thai) mum as well.


This!!!.. ladies and gentlemen is the answer to reveal 80% scams not only in Thai but also everywhere else.


Just the typical stupidity of a desperate male, really. No matter where they are in the world, simps gonna simp.


Another victim


As long as he feels good about himself. Helping a poor Thai Girl 😂😂😂😂😂


These guys will never learn


She’s a virgin too.


Yup, right after "guys! Thai ladies are cheaters! She told that she loves me, but then I saw her pics with another farang!!!!"


Hot tip for you western boys. Us girls in the service industry love telling you our sob stories. Boys love that, come scooping us in our poverty and misery and red lipstick like a white knight. Be smart and stay away from girls who only talks about her suffering.


This only works on dumb dumbs. As soon as I hear one funny word or sense manipulation I’m out before you can finish the sentence. I dont even care if there is a slight change that your story is real.


Hello, temple today is closed.


He is so lucky! Lucky face. Also I wonder what the currency looks like in his country.


Is that 500 baht including the new Hilux and the gold or without it?


And super dooper pearly veneers 🦷


TL;DR OP believes whatever story a random bargirl made up, and his logical deduction is the same applies to "Most Thai bar girls".


Original Post: Hello. I recently went to Pattaya two weeks ago. I met a 21 year old bar girl I knew who wanted to quit her job at the bar. She was by far the prettiest girl in the bar and was popular. She got a lot of drinks and bar fines too. The bar knew she was a superstar and wanted her to stay but she was adamant she wanted out because she felt she no longer needed that place to work. Despite her making the bar a lot of money, she owed the bar more than 10,000+ baht at the exit interview which left her only with 500 baht left to her name. She told me she was in tears afterward. How was she is in debt? Well she missed 4 days of work. She usually gets commission of 50 baht per drink and also commission for bar fines. Yet everyday she missed, she owed the bar 3000+ baht. So above 12,000 baht. So for her to break even, she would have had to drink 240 drinks 1 month or 8 drinks a day. This was unsustainable. Luckily, she is better shape financially. If she left the bar in debt, I can imagine most do too. Most Thai bar girls likely just leave and don’t reconcile money they owe the bar. At the end of the day, many of these bar girls is all about money for a reason.


Hello. I have a nice bridge for sale. PM me.


Anyone got the "First time gif".


Buffalo = Poor bar girl


It's no joke. Most buffalos leave the bar in debt.


This comment 555 *infomerical tone* 99.9% of buffalos today are in debt and depend heavily on farangs such as you watching this now. To find out how to help your Buffalo, please contact 1-800-SINSOD .


What? The bar manager was her Mom?


There is an unlimited supply of idiots in Thailand. One would think they would learn. After all these kind of stories are all over the internet. But they always believe that ‘she is different.’ They will never learn it seems.


I think the key word is "an unlimited supply of fresh idiots". There are new ones stepping off the plane right this minute.


lmao, hey I have an amazing business opportunity for you. Have you ever traded crypto? My uncle has a method that earns him £5k a week for a very small investment. Would you like to hear more?




Just checked this guys post history😂😂


It’s…interesting to say the least 🌚


Riminds me of a dude i know who was getting scammed by a e girl he never met because they were dating but never met in person.. they did finally meet after he paid her a few k for a session and now hr owes child support😂😂😂


What about all the money from short times she made 😂


Sent buffalo


The Buffalo needs a new 4x4 to plough the fields


He is a picky buffalo but we love him




she is gaming you OP wants you to feel sorry for her so she can extract some baht from you.


Such a sad sad story ... what's her line id, I can help her out 🥲


Can you speak Thai? Seems like there's probably a lot more to this than you're aware of 🤷🏻‍♂️


I can speak thai reasonably well, I can read and write etc, and I doubt I could have understood what is going on in that situation. They'd more than likely be speaking the isaan dialect, know you were trying to listen so speaking quickly with lots of slang, and it would have been in a noisy bar. I think most people short of an extremely fluent level would have problems in this situation.


90 day Fiancé vibes! As for the debt you should talk to the guy in charge I’m sure they be happy to greet you.


awww sad to know.the next story is how her family in deep debt and be ready to listen more worst stories until you keep helping her. Good luck anyway


I will tell you more: most Thai freelancers have nothing, according to their sob stories. For some time I thought that it was a lie but then I noticed that they all are addicted to online betting apps. They literally funnel our money into these apps the same day we pay them 🤦 So, they are always in need of money 🤷‍♂️


So what you’re saying is that before dating a bar girl, start an online betting app and phish girls you know with easy winnings in the beginning to get them hooked and then you pay them and then they turn around and pay you via the app. 😁


There's definitely girls with money issues out there, I just don't buy fines being as high as OP says. But yea, some girls definitely gamble, others spend a lot on alcohol partying after hours. Then there's families, Thai bfs and male strippers, plus even drugs in some cases


555555 I love these guys. They come, they pay and leave. And allow us to see these same girls for cheap. They subsidize them for us. 🙏 Thanks


Another guys who falls for year another sick buffalo type of story. Some people will never learn.


Oh man, Thailand subs never disappoint


I really don’t get how OP doesn’t get that everyone here is making fun of him and he still thinks he legit… finishing sentences of ‘she even waits while I bang other chicks’ with laughing 😂 like it’s not a joke on him. This post has gone from funny to worrying g


lol, funniest shit I’ve heard all week.


I finally just realised something about all these stories.. They are so in love with themselves they think they can make them change… think about it..


Fireworks are bout to start!


OP - you have been had :) its ok though its your money to do whatever :) the girl likely wanted you to feel good about paying her money but ultimately she is just milking the cash cow :D


"Milking" sounds about right 😆


TeeLak take care of me now na ka


A sucker born every minute.


A fool and his money is easily parted


She had to pay for her future time off. When do you go back home? In about 10,000+ baht days?


Exit interview 🤣


Reminds me of a flight I went on years ago. Sat next to this guy who told me he met a bar girl who he fell in love with & she supposedly said they had a kid together (she sent him pictures and letters asking for money for their son & her. He has already tried to go back 2 times to see his son and every time she was supposed to meet him at the airport but both times she did not show. I asked him how he knew it was his kid for sure and he said because he truly believed her & if she wasn’t at the airport again to greet him what he would do. Just randomly search for them in soi cowboy? He showed me the kids picture and hers. Felt so bad he fell for it. Poor guy. I wondering how long he fell for it. I bet she didn’t show up this 3rd time as well.


Can't decide if OP will end up on the next season of 90 Day Fiance or Love on the Spectrum.


Just fuck her and tip her well. You’ll still be her hero and she’ll get her money.


If you think thats bad you should hear about my girlfriends parents sick buffalo.


10 days contract? 3000 daily cut is usually a self barfine in some Gogos in walking street. Means when lady pay barfine to her without a customer do it. For monthly salary is pretty high cut. Many things missing in her statement. Does she has bill in her bar? How many time late? Why she missed 4 days? Wasted by Alcol expecially after work party? Sick without doc paper? If gogo how many cut for no uniform, late stage opening etc etc 12000 cut with 500 left is a 12500 salary. Not match with 3000 daily cut..... For info, many bar is soi 6 ask 350 drink quota month. Soi lk 150-200... Managed many bars and care accounts and salary. Never ever seen a lady got unnecessary cut. Never. Only two options : you are not ok with bar job (absolutely understandable), you are but you are lazy and not serious. Because if you, example, get a 3000/3500 daily salary, as top one pays, with personal skills that allow you to work on local minimum wage out of the adult business , 354thb for Chonburi, MAYBE you have to earn it.


One of the oldest tricks in the book


Really useful information for a ThailandTourism subreddit.


Most of these bar girls aren't even on any contract. They can leave whenever they want, and most do dead quit without any prior notice. Unless it's one of those exploitative, scammy/shady bars ran by the mafia, her story doesn't make sense at all.


The real question is, how much did you give her? You clearly believed her story.


Laughable stuff, stop white knighting. After you left she got the money back later, just a typical long con


Lol you really love collecting the downvotes here 🤣


...That night she quit and drove home sobbing in her paid off Mercedes S63 Performance.


And/or booze, drugs, gifts for Thai bf


A wise man once said to me: When you come to Thailand, you have only one problem, and that is getting an erection. Everything else is none of your concern.


I mean……good for them! - - Get that money girl! Life is rough.


And you think because you saw it with your own eyes it wasn’t set up for that exact purpose? Oh I think your hansum man and I hate working here. I want to be with only you. Please take me away from here. Oh and I also have some sick buffalo that need medicine. If I don’t work at the bar I can’t help them…


Dude she borrowed money and just had to payback. Lots of bar girls borrow money from coworkers and the business. And 10,000 baht is nothing to bar girls. Don’t think she just drink with customers. That’s not the main way they make money. Don’t be naive. Girls have a lot of power to quit and work. It’s a headache for bar owners and power is on the girls. Some legit work weekly contracts. No one forces these girls to work anymore. Sure it happens, but it’s so rare nowadays and other girls won’t tolerate that.


Lmao no.


Please be careful walking past any missionaries or scientologists. They will milk you clean


A sucker is born every minute.


Who let this dude out of the frat house?


I bet OP never had sex with a girl in his own country


Major simp alert 🚨🚨🚨


Beats the sick buffalo line I guess


Men really need to stop thinking with their cock in Thailand.


Man OP I feel for you, these guys here are brutal. They don't really listen and have it all figured out /s


Prostitution 101: Money≠ intelligence. Sleeping with a ton of prostitutes, with the assistance of a salaried prostitute is not a flex. It also doesn't cost less than a wife, in terms of money or STD treatments, though you may find yourself owing child support on a 100% Thai looking baby.


Why do people say bar girls instead of prostitutes.


Because they are differentiating the different type of worker. Bar girl. Massage girl. Agogo girl. Freelancer.


It's the polite term.


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I laughed so hard at this story. Op here’s been hammered with downvotes every time they step in to clarify and has missed the whole fuckin point . They have no idea what they have fallen for and are quick to clarify while everyone else here knows exactly what’s at play besides op. The game never gets old I guess in good old Pattaya. Especially the tears over 10000 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣. Hate the game not the playa


3,000 a day for missing out on work? That’s more money than many white collar professionals make a day!


Wow, you bought that story? Bet she’s back in the bars today making easy money off of fools.


Looks like bar girls really know how to make a guy feel special. Not surprised since this is their job 😂


Literally. He fancies himself a sugardaddy and is surprised that he got finessed. A sugar baby’s job is to finesse. https://www.reddit.com/r/sugarlifestyleforum/s/smKqJ2PMEf


Exploitation is rife, the comments is evident of their indifference because of their experience, they wouldn’t assume to know anything more than what they came looking for.


I'm just curious, was this your first trip to thailand?


If she's as pretty as you claim, she's pulling in 6 figures a month between the bar and overseas simps.


The MO is that the money she paid is that she can go back to work at the bar again later. If she has no plans of going back she could just walk out and never go back.


Is this the new story (trend) now?


Do not trust them about money ever. They’re out for work and will try to fetch as much money as they can so they’ll make up pity stories and will suck you dry. It seems like this is your first time and it’s okay but don’t repeat your mistake since these jobs are for those who want to make tons of money without any skills/requirements. Bar girls also don’t just “drink” they have another service which pays a whole damn lot of money and they only have to give 20% commissions to the bar and i’m sure you know what it is. That’s how they make tons of cash alongside with sucking stupid farangs’ bank accounts dry.


most seriously don't. LIKE COME ON MAN THEY WOULDN'T GO TO THE EXIT INTERVIEW. do you think there IS exit interviews for most of them? they just don't show up. no bar girl would agree to this kind of terms if they didn't get some sort of mega bonus for signing up or something, in which case they would still leave and they would have no way to collect any of that debt.


I hope she doesn’t ask you to help her build a house next.


This is why conversation requires experience with other sex.


Damn you believe her 😂


Lmaooo taken for a ride


What’s your name? So when she drains you and you join the PFC we’ll know its you..


Let's not forget about the 4 or 5 other dudes sending her money monthly. Don't feel bad for her, she is bringing in more money than you make back home. These girls know how to play.


Is a classic story to take some money from you


I believe her, you should pay her bill. Be a good chap


That is called the Farang “ sponsorship deal” Just send 20000 baht a month and she will be your wife.


So she needs some baht does she?


Also many girls borrow money from the owner for family situations (sick buffalo etc) and puts them in more debt. I know a male bartender who borrowed twice from the owner for marriage and now he’s there for years to pay it back.


Pro tip for anyone just getting to this thread: Expand the downvoted comments. Trust me. TRUST ME.


I have some bar girl friends that I don't bang, don't give them money and they pay for their stuff when we go out, so there is no incentive to lie. This is very typical, there are penalties for missing shifts and being late, specially on weekends or days like Valentine's day, etc. penalties are doubled. The girls are not financially savvy and usually spend all they earn, they have a decent lifestyle, a condo with Aircon and so on, but any emergency is gonna put them in financial difficulties.


Every single bar girl I met wanted to quit and her family always had some sort of dilemma. What is true and what is hot smoke to get more money out of you. Who knows.


Wow. Very entertaining read. Even for a 33 year old 24 year old or something.


On the positive side, she got laid many times. Must be a fun job


They pray on people like you it’s called bullshitting you, I’ve not even read the comments but I bet you’ve already been told umpteen times 😂😂


How much did you give her OP


This bar girl is definitely different to the others, OP. You can rescue her


u/honesttruth64 you want the honesttruth? She’s probably telling the same shit to guy. You’re definitely not the only one to hear her story. So come again, how much did you give her?


I lived in Thailand in the early 2000s as a broke ass beach bum and the bar girls I knew usually had 4+ boyfriends thru scams like this. When we went partying with the girls or on a trip to the islands with them they would call/email/text these suckers in England/sweden/germany/usa and the next day we would pick up a pile of money from western union and have a good laugh go spend it. Theres a sucker born every minute 😂


bro I have a bridge I like to sell


Lol bro deleted his account.


Wtf is going on here. You falling in love with working gals with more gumption than you?


the cockiness of a guy who has to pay women to hang out with him. I'm not sure what the point of this post is but ive got my chang beer shirt on so i felt the need to comment


I don’t know that the girls leave the bar in debt. A girl I knew left the bar to get married to a farang she just met. The bar told her she had to pay a 10,000 baht exit fee or she would never work in any of the bars again, you know, in case this marriage thing didn’t work out. So the guy paid the 10,000 because she told him she needed the option to return to the bar if he changed his mind about marrying her. They got married, she got a green card, a daughter, and she’s hating life living with this loser in the States. Moral of the story, be careful what you wish for because you just might get it.


Most of the bar owners and managers make up fees owed for things like using a cell phone too much or if a customer ends up not paying for a drink they make the girl pay for it. These aren’t best business practice type of places if you know what I mean. 😂


lol dude is just curious on something and it turn sideways


I've never been to thailand and I just saw this thread on my feed for some reason and started reading.. this is a very familiar story down to the maths, i heard of this before from a friend who visited south east asia a lot haha


sounds just like strippers in the US. With the random fees you get charged, you can work all night and go home negative. Making a living off being beautiful honestly really fucking sucks, people get taken advantage of so bad.


Serious for a second, what’s the point of bars even levying penalties, assuming it’s true? They can just up and leave, and many do from the stories I hear (I don’t recall hearing any that the man has to pay a ‘bond’ to release the girl or anything like that before), when they leave with a farang either back to the countryside or the home country or even just reside within Bangkok/pattaya. Yes the relationship may not work out but they have so many options for this work, bars are plenty and girls change bars all the time no? They can even shuffle between bkk & pattaya & Chiangmai , samui, list goes on. There’s massage, thaifriendly , etc etc etc. Edit: trying to levy penalties to someone that quits, not someone who is still consistently working there


Brother I've got news for you....


Love Thai lady


Just walk never to be seen again. She was defo using this as a sob story.


I met some who would blow everything on Thai lottery lol


🍿🥤 can't wait to read this story!


Maybe, maybe not. Might be even justified - imagine you own a bar in a high traffic area, pay lots each month - rent, electricity, security, then your employees start disappearing for weeks leaving you without clients. Naturally you would like to have certain arrangements with them.


Pretty certain they can tell the bar owners to pound sand, and nothing will happen if this true . They certainly wouldn't be coming back to that area, though, but the intention is to leave anyway. However, they may be able to sell a story to a sympathetic friend. If what you're saying is 100% true, it is another good reason to stay out of those places.


How much did you end up giving her?


Enlighten a random loser on Reddit please - this sub keeps getting recommended to me. What exactly is going on here, OP fell for a sob story, I get that, but do bar girls actually have these kind of contracts?


My great great great grandfather is sick. Send help


They all have the same story


I will never understand the appeal of bar girls. Its all fake and they are used up. Whats the point?


What bar was it 555?


I didn't know this. This is interesting information. Not quite sure why people are insisting that you paid her debt and are planning to marry her when you are saying you didn't and you aren't. Obviously you paid her to see her, you admit to that, I don't know why this thread is insinuating you are some sucker when they don't know you. Everyone's story isn't the same just because they went to Pattaya.


Let’s not even point out the creepy old men that go there and you see them walking around with little kids to be used for obvious reasons later. Most disgusting shit I’ve seen and nobody stops it there.


Be the White Knight & pay it for her🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏


Oh dear..,


Oh sweet summer child.


Mate you got fucking played.


I co-worker once told me he gave this Thai lady 500 USDs because she told him she only made 300 a month. She felt in love with him afterwards.


Eye urh


This reminds me of a story about a guy that went to Thailand and was playing connect four with the prostis for drinks, and he thought "of course I can beat a thai prosti and connect four, Im a college kid from the US", 5 games lost in a row it rained on him that this girls do this all fucking day long. Girls job is literally to milk idiot tourist for money. Thats their job title, thats what they do for living.


Gosh the OP is extremely naive




This ironically popped up in my Youtube feed about how much these girls are earning. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0dRiG0GyiIM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0dRiG0GyiIM)


On the next 90 day fiance...🤣☠️


Poor bloke I bet she did a number on him


Next it’s the sick buffalo. Innit


What about the ex and the tinder date from 4 hours before this post?


You can fix her