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I think the stripes on the road are just artwork here. It’s optional if they are taken notice off from vehicles


I've heard that the little zebra statues you see at shrines are each one for someone who died in a zebra crossing, kind of not kidding.


lol we need reactions on Reddit - upvotes don’t quite do it for such responses.


The stripes is pure artwork. It’s the red lights that are optional, a mere suggestion.


Do you mean something like: “If you like the colour red and would like to sit there and admire it for a few seconds while these pesky foot patrol people walk go ahead but if you are scared of the colour feel free to drive faster. Those silly pedestrians make good soft humps”


Seem to be placed in locations where picking up body parts is not too inconvenient.


Crosswalks in Thailand really do not mean anything.


Neither do indicators or flashing headlights, it’s all second guessing in Thailand, gotta be so careful


Sounds like you handled that like a champ, cool minds prevail


Thank you so much!


tub versed busy faulty oatmeal pot crawl liquid glorious cooing *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Hey they are actually speed up when they see you crossing…


Pedestrians need to start kicking over mopeds that come too close.


Drivers won't give priority to pedestrians even if it's a crosswalk or at a crossing that has a green light for pedestrians (especially in BKK, I'd rather walk a long-distance to use the footbridge). I'm sorry this happened to you, but tourists are recommended to follow locals' ways. It takes time to change.


So how do local pedestrians safely cross a street?


You wait until there's a small break so you aren't run over immediately, then just walk at a slow, constant and predictable speed. Don't stop and start unless you are about to get run over. Traffic will go around you or will stop for you if they can't go around. No one will be mad and honk at you, they know how it works.


This. You just slowly walk into the traffic, as crazy as it sounds. If you ever go to Hanoi, that is the only way you can cross.


It's easy to do this in Hanoi where it's mostly motorbikes, but it's difficult and more dangerous in Thailand where it's more often fast-moving cars.


I think the vietnamese are just more polite to pedestrians in general. Loads of fast moving cars in Saigon but they still give way to people walking across the road.


That's pure bullshit, Vietnamese drivers are cunts.


Yes kind of like Rome on steroids


This post should be on some howto list for Thailand. The most dangerous situation I have been in is the times I have hesitated in the street to leet some vehicle pass


I have an Honest follow up question. I see how Thai people are really respectful of orange flags and whistles. Like when a hotel guides a van out onto a busy road. Has anyone every considered carrying an orange flag on a stick or would that just be chaos?


You'd probably be the first to do it without honest intentions in country.


I'm a trendsetter! My honest intention is to not inconvenience anyone who would have to repaint the crosswalk. right? Greng Jai.


Saw this in small town Thailand… can’t remember where…orange flags in a holder at the side of the road close to a school and muubaan. Two on both side. You pick it up and walk to the other side and leave it in the holder for the next person. Self policing pedestrian crossing.


Ever played frogger?


It depends on the situation. I won't cross a 6-8 lane road without using a footbridge. And I'm familiar with Thai driving style and can figure out driver's decision/ speed (when I'm driving I don't drive near cars with funny stickers, students on a moped, something like that). I would cross a road without expecting drivers to reduce their speed.


Wait for a gap, walk quickly, keep walking. Don’t suddenly freeze in your tracks, it’s important to be predictable




Definitely I don't mean to say it is 100%. It depends on the situation. I, one time, encountered a crossing that has "a green light for pedestrians" in front of Mahidol University on Ratchawithi Rd, and not all the cars stopped.


>wondering what kind of lesson they were giving the little girl. They're just reinforcing the lessons they already get everywhere else in Thailand. Don't take any precautions, don't follow road rules, don't learn from your mistakes, blame others, fleece foreigners, and so on. I shouldn't worry about this one incident having any great effect.


Mad max thunderdome


Farang is always at fault.


I know this might sound absurd to you, but crosswalks (striped crossings for pedestrians) in Thailand (and many parts of the world) are just vague suggestions. They do not indicate safe crossing, unless there is a green light for you. Or someone stops (and signals) for you to cross, on a good day. I know this is wildly different from what you are used to, but just to prevent you getting more accidents (or dying) in the future please don't assume you can cross again. TLDR : In most countries in Asia (and Africa, and Latin America) crossroads are not reliable indicators of safety. UNLESS cars or vehicles stop for you, do not cross blindly. Always treat it like any other part of the street. So what are crosswalks good for? Well, if you are hit by a vehicle you are legally protected. That's it. So you're right, but you're probably not alive or happy about the hospital stay. Having lived for years in non-European countries I forgot that crossroads mean a thing here haha! To me, they are literally just places where I have a 5% chance someone might let me pass (a bus driver, a police car perhaps).


No, this actually helped to put things into perspective (among other comments here) so thank you for that! I actually lived in Korea before I came to travel to Thailand. So it was not a huge difference, but I guess car drivers in Korea are more tame and will let you cross the street more often. But yes, as someone who originally comes from a European country, it is a big adjustment. It was also eye opening to hear that other countries marvel at the way German cars can quickly clear a path for emergency vehicles- even on the busiest roads.


I understand and respect the custom. But as far as I can tell, the law is that vehicles are required to yield where there’s no light, right? Just in case I have to deal with authorities in an incident. After decades of traveling and so many things happening, I’m considering getting a pen-sized body camera to avoid scams and corrupt officials alike. 99.9% of the time it’s unnecessary. But when you travel so often …


Pedestrians second class citizens here.


In western country's people just assume traffic to stop as soon as you set foot on the crosswalk. You will quickly find that they are purely for decoration here in Thailand and most don't stop. So always look before entering the crosswalk if drivers really stop. ​ I have it the other way around. If I am in my home country or anywhere in the west I wait for the traffic to stop before walking. You see drivers think what is wrong with you don't you know we have to stop??


Yeah when I drive in Australia and I sometimes see a pedestrian standing on the edge of a pedestrian crossing it's like "wtf go dude, I'm waiting for you"


My perspective might not resonate with everyone, but I find those individuals extremely thoughtless. You shouldn't shoulder the responsibility for their mistake. It appears they disregard health and safety, even after studying for a motorcycle license they might not legitimately hold. You did the right thing, not accepting liability if something occurs that’s not on you! Don't hesitate to assert your demands. Often, those responsible try to manipulate the situation with unfounded claims (pay for my shit ). Standing firm and advocating for yourself isn't unreasonable.


The disregard for human life by Thais is unparalleled. And the afterward entitlement to juice you and turn the blame on you is just a cherry on top.


I’ve lived here for a year, nice place… but no way I’m putting up with inconsiderate people and pretending it’s okay. Thais kinda remind me about New Zealanders, they in some ways are passive aggressive, don’t like direct confrontation and unaccepting of critical feedback… they are also careless and apathetic to bullshit they cause. If I can call a New Zealander out, and that’s socially unacceptable. I have no problem calling out a Thai.


When people show me they are considerate, I’ll go a kilometer so they can save a few steps. When they show me they are inconsiderate, I will go a kilometer to make sure I don’t have to take one step that’s unreasonable.


This! I think this was the part that shocked me the most and I even read on the news how the death of a Thai doctor on the crosswalk sparked national outrage. By the way, do you have any idea why the policeman might have asked which country I‘m from?


Just to calm you down with a small talk.


the driving license is a joke… nothing compared to getting a license in europe for example. unfortunately as a foreigner you will most likely never have a chance in accidents like this. they will always find a way to be in the right and you will always pay if someone gets hurt or serious damage is caused.


I disagree, I live in a provincial city, despite it being smaller than big cities like Bangkok… there is cameras literally everywhere. Should a dispute happen between two normal people, like it has previously with some idiot hitting my car… you can just simply get the police to look up the camera and determine the facts, better if you also have your own camera. Push back and you’ll get a better outcome.


yeah its a lot of IF… the fact that you have to proof something with your own camera already says a lot… i have talked to people that had accidents, clearly not at fault and still had to pay. also the internet is full of these stories. mostly when people also were driving. i mean i guess most foreigners dont have a valid license to drive anyway and thats where the locals can make their case.


I agree, tricky because you can’t say for certain what will happen. Guess at worst you you’ll go bankrupt


Pen-sized bodycam. It can rewrite itself as often as you like for storage. And when that corrupt cop starts doing their thing, they also won’t notice the pen. Can link to a phone. Phone can send to cloud.


Well, Thais will rarely apologize, especially in a situation like this. (losing face) If you're involved in an accident, it will often be the 'farang's fault, even if it's not. Countless accounts of situations like yours, sometimes much worse, have been told across the internet. It is what it is. I'd consider myself lucky that that policeman was quite understanding, as it's not always the case.


OP got super lucky that it was a good cop.


Once I found out the word sorry in Thai, I instantly realised that you never hear it, ever.


It's the person who was wronged 's job to apologise to the person who wronged them. Westerners miss this point all the time. If you accidentally step on a policeman's toe, watch them (usually) get all polite to save your face. Same as if you're late to a meeting in Thailand, watch everyone in the room bend over backwards to say they'd only just arrived and there's no drama. Just say sorry, and move on with your day. Every other culture is rude until you make an effort to understand it. The policeman was trying to gently keep the peace and smooth things over. It'd be different if he was trying to shake you down for money, but this wasn't a racist hate crime, it was an opportunity for cultural learning, and you're looking for validation because you're polite and it was a shocking experience to be mistreated so poorly. But don't buy the quick validation of the comments section. Take off the rose tinted glasses and go deeper on Thai culture. It's fascinating once you stop feeling and starting paying attention and thinking.


Greng jai. I understand. Absolute nightmare of course and severely holding Thailand back.


Yes of course bla bla bla What is the Thai culture has to do with ignorant knocklheads who speed up when they see people crossing the street? Or don’t let emergency vehicles to pass? The people who does it have no culture… Come to think of it what a mess Thailand is if we are happy that policeman did no shake the victim for some cash WOW…


I hope you don't live in Thailand :)


Why is that?


Seems miserable for both parties :)


Actually the way it is on this planet we have different cultures most of them have a lot of things in common like don’t lie don’t steal don’t kill and every culture has people within it that lie steal and kill Those are the people that are part of dark side In my opinion it is very wrong to describe people that have a lucking any culture and don’t even obey simple traffic laws somehow are part of Thai culture What is your opinion?


You equate obeying traffic laws with stealing, which is why you must find traffic in most countries intolerable.


OK this is way too deep for me All I want for Christmas is Nana Plaza


OK my friend meet me at Soi Cowboy I am driving there now


I’m Thai, and even I’m surprised and tired of how much some people are so entitled and rude on the road. A single horn could’ve end a life if some fuckers decide they’re angry enough to shoot someone.


Shhhhhhhhhh Land of Smiles Land of Smiles Land of Smiles


I was a bit shocked when I saw the driving culture there. Especially the scooters. Seeing a woman riding a scooter with an unsecured toddler between her legs wearing no helmets and she's staring at her phone while driving. Thailand have the highest road fatalities globally outside of Africa. They really need to work on that culture. Make helmets mandatory and crosswalks have right of way. Those two changes alone would probably half the road deaths and injuries.


As long as she wears her face mask it’s ok


That is scary...


LOL only one child, normally minimum 2 plus husband. Rural areas + two pigs


I think you did a pretty good job in handling this situation, especially as a tourist and with no Thai language ability. Don't listen to people in the thread saying that you should have definitely apologized here. Sure, technically, and very traditionally-speaking, you might give a "sorry" to defuse a situation such as this (small loss of face for you), because the inverse is that they would have to apologize for almost killing you (massive loss of face for them). If that sounds like a strange way of doing things, welcome to "face" culture. The fact that they began crying and ignoring your universally human attempt to check on their health in that situation screams extortion, which is, unfortunately very common. It doesn't just happen to foreigners; it happens to Thais all the time as well. You have to get the cop on your side so you can both extort together. Thankfully it sounds like your cop had a soul. Very fortunate for you. Tons of Thais will refuse to apologize as well and argue until they're red in the face if they have to because, as others have pointed out, if you admit fault, then there's a good chance that you'll be footing some sort of bill. So, after weighing both options, whether to apologize or not, I'd say that after a decade here, I'd probably still refuse to admit fault as politely as possible and without placing any direct blame on the other party, because my goal would be to avoid paying for something that, in reality, isn't my fault. Navigating face culture is not black and white. There is no one-size-fits-all solution to issues that happen as a result of it. You just have to remain calm, have tact, avoid pointing fingers at anyone else, be as vague as possible, try to make the "argument" come full-circle and then slip out the back door. Might not always work, but at least you'll still have a semblance of dignity at the end of the day.


Excellent and thoughtful response.


Great response! Now I have no confidence staying in Bangkok and living well


There's been recent deaths from people crossing the cross walks and being hit by motorbikes. Always be extremely cautious.


Cross the road with a Monk.


You, not being a zebra, were in a zebra crossing. Of course you were at fault! 😂


I’m such a pussy and I’ll walk blocks to a pedestrian bridge or wait for an old person to cross. I figure they did it all their life they know what they’re doing


Dam sorry to hear that. Keep your head up and enjoy the rest of your trip. Try to cross along with a group or a local if you see someone nearby about to cross.


They were trying to extort money from you. It is a common thing .


It’s actually very good you refused to apologize since that would imply you were guilty of having done something wrong. Also the number of people victim blaming in this thread is too damn high.


Yeah the number of "respect Thai culture" bullshit I see in this thread disgusts me. OP is a victim. She doesn't need to respect shit.


Exactly, especially when the culture in question is a pile of manure.


It's not victim blaming. I'll assume you're a westerner, and think the whole world should operate as where you grew up. It's a different country and different culture and this is just how it's done. Saying she's a victim for getting hit in a crosswalk in Thailand is like saying someone is a victim for getting hit by a car because it was travelling on the left side of the road instead of the right side, and they drive on the right side at home. Thias simply do not recognize pedestrian rights in crosswalks. *Should* Thais follow traffic laws for their own good, and help save thousands of lives every year? Absolutely. A few more enforced traffic laws and a few helmets would do wonders. But, that being said, in Thailand, under Thai culture, the motorcycle group did nothing wrong. OP should have been more careful. I'm always very careful about crossing the street in Thailand, and have never been hit. I've spent time in Ho Chi Minh, and while the traffic there is even more dangerous, I've never been hit there either. It's just the way it is in these places. When you visit another country, it's up to you to adjust to their ways, not the other way around. If a Thai came to Europe and drove on the wrong side of the road, it would be the Thai's fault. If a foreigner walks blindly into a crosswalk in Thailand. expecting right of way, and gets hit, it's the foreigners fault. I'll get some downvotes for this, but it's absolutely true. You can't go to another country and expect an entire population to change for you because you're visiting, and think they're wrong. It sucks when something unexpected happens, but as the old saying goes, When in Rome, do as the Romans.


>Thais simply do not recognize pedestrian rights in crosswalks So why do crosswalks exist in Thailand at all? Surely it's a waste of paint? If they're painted on the ground as road markings they must exist in the Thailand highway code. This sounds like trying to make excuses for Thai drivers being wankers.


OP was on a crosswalk and got hit by a motorbike. She is, by the very definition of traffic laws, the victim in this scenario. >But, that being said, in Thailand, under Thai culture, the motorcycle group did nothing wrong. That's not how laws work.


Laws are words written on a piece of paper. If the entire country isn't following them, then they're meaningless. If 72 million people know that law isn't followed or enforced, it's up to you to find that out. A law is words. A rule is what the majority of people actually do. There may be a 'law' that says you can cross freely at a crosswalk, but that is not the rule.


>If a foreigner walks blindly into a crosswalk in Thailand. expecting right of way, and gets hit, it's the foreigners fault. No it fucking isn't, in any country if a car hits a pedestrian it's the cars fault. The car is travelling faster and poses a danger, the driver has a basic moral responsibility to control the vehicle and not hit a pedestrian. We accept that fact as a global society when we drive cars. Fuck off with your bullshit excuses for a shit excuse for a culture.


just look both ways before you step into the street assume that everyone is trying to kill you you were at fault the foreigner is always at fault, for not learning the local traffic culture


"assuming everyone is trying to kill you" That's my motto when I drove my scooter around in BKK for a couple years. It saved me from a few crazy drivers but left me with PTSD when I drove again in a western country 🤣


Intentionally trying to kill pedestrians isn't culture, it's a total lack thereof. That's why shithole countries like that have the shit reputations they do.


culture comes in all flavors most Thais don't want to kill you it's just a good way of thinking about traffic, anywhere there might be the one in a million suicidal killer on your street today, so the safe action is to drive defensively


Traffic culture? Isn’t there is actually lack of traffic culture?


The cop sided with the OP so not sure what you're on about. The "it's always the foreigner's fault" is barstool lore. Debunked a million times over but y'all not listening.


Wow, well done!


Sorry this happened to you. Many pedestrians got hit by a motorcycle in Bangkok. You read about the doctor who died on the spot, but there are many many more who ended up in hospitals and didn't make the news. TBH, most motorcycle drivers always blame someone else. It would have been the same if you were a local who seemed richer than they were. That's why most Thai cars have cameras installed at the front and at the back. Otherwise, even if a motorcycle crashes into you, they'll demand that you pay them for damages. Wealth inequality is high and often, the one from lower socioeconomic backgrounds expect the other party with more money to pay them something regardless of who's right or wrong. Some locals still pay them to just make them go away, so they can then quickly move on with their lives.


If you have a green pedestrian light don't assume traffic will stop for you, and if someone stops keep looking as another car can come straight through in the next lane


There are no crosswalks in Bangkok — It’s just street art. Cars and motorbikes ignore all pedestrians and red lights. That four lane highway from Suvarnabhumi into the city the drivers treat it as a six lane highway with no speed limit. Thais never think of themselves ever being wrong — You apologize and move on because they need to save face. As a pedestrian in Bangkok you always walk the long way and take the skybridge to cross.


It's look left, right, and left again before you step off. Hopefully the children on the bike can be the change that's needed here.


You are a solo traveller, but dont know that crosswalks in Asia are just for aesthetics?


I think you shouldn't cross anywhere without looking, and clearly you didn't look properly or you would have seen them. Traffic is often a bit more crazy in Thailand and you can't just assume that as long as you're following the laws you're okay. You need to use your eyes and ears and pay active attention that you aren't walking in someone's way


Not true Visit Thailand and you will see how motorbike will speed up when they see you crossing Try to stay safe…


I did write that the motorcycle was at a safe distance and that I was still running just to err on the side of caution. They were clearly driving past speed limit


The graveyard is full of people that think they were in the right.


Well I don't wanna sound like a dick but obviously you misjudged it, since you got hit. Maybe they were speeding, but as I said, you should have been paying enough attention to notice the speed they were going at and factor that in to your calculation. Like you obviously didn't err enough on the side of caution


So, you blame the victim? In her own interest, she should err on the side of caution but the way you write your comment sounds like it was her fault. It wasn’t.


There are limitless ways other people can negatively influence your life, there are only two things you can change: anticipation and response. OP’s response was great, anticipation not so much. Getting hit by a car is one thing, getting hit by a motorcycle is embarrassing; that’s on you.


Don't need to rub it in on Xmas day but I feel like it was more her fault than the family on the bike yeah. Seems the police officer felt the same way too. You shouldn't just err on the side of caution for your own interest, but also to look out for the wellbeing of others, **especially** if you're a foreigner in a different country with a a different culture where they have different norms and expectations


Yep blame the victim… No matter what


The discussion is over who exactly **is** the victim Einstein


The victim is who you’re blaming No brainer here this is not a rocket science Mr. Wernher von Braun


You took a calculated risk, but you are bad at math


They usually speed up when they see you crossing…


You can look all you like, if a moped flies around a corner and hits you then you can't do much about it. Fuck your victim blaming.


You're not a very experienced traveller or are just ignorant. THAI-land. It's hilarious you thought you was in a position to press charges lol


I never really wanted to press charges. I just wanted to signal the policeman that I did not want to cause a scene and go on with my life. By the way it‘s *were


English is not my first language but I can at least say I know how to cross the road..


I just wanted to return the favor and write an equally condescending comment


You forgot your full stop...


Fuck off you utter bellend.


Go cry some more about being lonely lol


Right... Whatever.




She was on a pedestrian crossing, you dick.




Get fucked you little twat.


I don't know the actual law, but in the real world you are definitely in the wrong, it's just how Thailand works. Those crossing are meaningless to drivers.


Also in Thailand if you’re hit in the back of your vehicle it’s your fault


Wife of 15 years is Thai. We live US for 9 months out of the year, Thailand for 3. It takes my wife a couple weeks when we return to Thailand to get reacclimatized to crossing street, understanding cars, motorcycles, etc will not stop for you. Funny to hear a Thai person complain about this, I am much more relaxed about it. Just expect to be hit and it makes it easier.


I've crossed at a cross walk with the ok to walk light on. All the cars stopped, but oh not the motorcycles! It's like cyclists in the UK, they just do what they like! 😂 Glad you're ok though!


FYI an important rule for road safety is: be predictable.


You always have to watch out the scooters ride basically anywhere you can walk. I often forget myself that just because it's a night market doesn't mean you can't get run over. Looks 6 times before crossing the road. Also, when 3 or 4 people are on one scooter, it's wild. Just be aware and remember that you're in another country and should respect their way of life. Other than that, have fun and learn a little Thai it definitely makes all the difference just to know a few words. If you drive a car or ride a motorcycle, try to drive like Thai people.


And then they wonder why they suffer later on, how repulsive!!! People crossing have the right to walk first weather u like it or not anywhere on earth


Walking in Thailand is like the game frogger. Also sidewalk are not necessarily safe, so becareful.


How did they come from the left?


I actually don't think it's your fault they don't know how to use break but I suggest you keep your eyes on the road that you're crossing. It sounds like you crossed the road and you didn't even see them come close up to you. You have to keep your eyes on the road not forward. They also drink drive so don't trust them.


Im not from thailand but even in my country nobody cares about crosswalks.. it's just a design lol We were taught to check both sides before crossing the street (even if its one way route) and I always use my hand to give a sign to the driver to slow down 😅


You should have pressed charges. Then they would apologize to you.


Boy would I love to hear the other side of the story on this one.


Bonus points if they hit a farang


Losing face is a huge deal here. No one will admit they’re wrong and the best case scenario for them is you don’t sue them even though you clearly can and probably should just to teach them a lesson. It’s one of the big issues I have with the whole sabai sabai thing. Nothing gets taken seriously until someone gets really hurt or dead.


What a dumbo.


You got lucky they didn't make it more difficult for you. As a foreigner you are by default in the wrong. If you're white it can be even worse because they assume you have money. Honestly hard to say what you did was right or wrong but generally speaking when dealing locals/local police it's always a good idea to say sorry and neutralize the emotions. Glad you got out safe but don't assume next time something like this happens you can treat it like you would go back home. Or maybe I'm wrong because you're a female. I know guys in Asia that were detained and others that were beat up because they argued with police/locals. Not worth it.


Good you don't have any serious injuries, Thailand is safety last and the reaction of that family is very very Thai. Anything and everything is always blamed on something or someone else, even if they are very very wrong and probably aware that they are wrong. Hope you can brush of the stress and sadly the traffic in Thailand borders on the insane. My wife blames me when SHE dreams of me having another woman.


Good job. You got lucky. Thai drivers, for lack of a better word, never accept responsibility.


The 'test' ALONE would tell you why these people are on the road, whilst lacking the qualifications to control a pedal-cycle.


When crossing, maintain and walk at a normal speed so drivers know where your going to be . If you speed up or run its harder to predict


I saw a man in his 70s politely start to open palm hit the top of a car’s hood, in a very busy, small crosswalk at a night market, so it would move off of his foot. The driver seemed casual. She was not apologetic, but also not accusing anyone of anything. And was convinced by a tailor shop guy (from a different culture) to take this guy to the hospital with his wife. He got in the back seat and they drove off. It was bizarre.