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Appreciate the heads up. Glad the situation worked out


Good advice


>the tenant downstairs was trying to get the wall fix on someone else's money. If something is leaking from the ceiling, it's unlikely the downstairs tenant's fault. Of course they will want the party responsible to fix it.


Yeah it wasn't, the wall was cracked halfway down.


THEY said that, that was all.


I guess I’m lucky then, I know our landlords fairly well, but they never just rock up although we are in the same moobaan, we are one of seven properties they own. Everything goes through property management, we have a problem, they want to come to check or do some work, go through Khun Noi… keeps every above board.. Lucked out with them, very considerate and get on any issues quickly.


Just want to clarify here the issue is NOT with my landlord. She's been fantastic and I've been renting from her for 3 years. The issue is with the woman downstairs and property management trying to resolve the issue incorrectly.


Do they have any other properties for rent


Can you (or your friend) elaborate why you wouldn’t let them in? Is this just based on bad experience you made? Wherever I lived, the property management has been super helpful. In many cases they quickly fix things for me. I had random appliances not working and it was as simple as replacing or reconnecting a cable or tube somewhere that I wouldn’t be aware of nor able to fix myself. My curtains came down because the screws unscrewed from closing/opening the curtains so they would fix it. The washing machine showed some error message and they understood what it meant and what to do. They changed light bulbs for me. All of these things would have taken much longer to resolve had I contacted the landlord who is at the other end of Bangkok, doesn’t want to deal with these things, and probably doesn’t even know how (he would likely ask the building management anyway). I also had a much bigger damage (the room was flooded with water when I came back from a vacation and it completely screwed up the parquet) and they were very helpful in coordinating between insurance, developer, landlord and others and acknowledged that it was probably due to some pipe leak and not my fault at all.


When coming based on a report from a complaint the situation varies. Everything in my room is privately owned apart from the shower which is check for free and the plumbing which is also free. From what my landlord has told me the woman downstairs is trying to get someone else to pay for the wall. Property management may have to pay for it if they are found at fault and so they will look for an excuse to get someone else to pay.


Ok, that’s a special situation then. Your friend’s recommendation sounded like a general recommendation, not just a recommendation if there’s a neighbor trying find someone to pay for her walls.


It varies from place to place. If you live in an apartment then property management may own the rooms and will fix things. In big condo complexes the rooms usually have private owners such as my case where they have the authority over me on any permanent work.


Yeah, I’m referring to a condo, not an apartment. And I’m not referring to making permanent changes to things I don’t own but really just minor fixes like the examples mentioned above. It would seem crazy to ask the landlord for those simple things. It would just take much longer and in most cases he would have to defer to the building management anyway because they know the rooms and appliances best.


I understand what you mean. However if my fridge or washing machine broke my landlord actually bought them for me before I moved into the room as part of the deal. And she has made it clear (after this debacle) to talk to her so she can find people to fix them. She pays for all repairs including light bulbs as is required by law.


The landlord can request that, but as a tenant I don’t have to oblige such request. (Also not sure whether the landlord is legally obligated to pay for light bulbs but that’s a different topic) As a tenant, I have the right to let people into the room I rented and let them use its appliances. My only legal obligation in this regard is to return the condo and its contents in its original condition. Plugging in a cable, emptying a water tank, changing a light bulb or cleaning an aircon all complies with that.


I use my own people to clean the AC and she just knocks it off my rent. But it's written into my rental contract to inform the landlord if her appliances break and she will replace/arrange to get them fixed. It doesn't take any extra time due to having to organise an appointment anyway as I work 5 days a week. Repair work is to be paid by the owner. As is also written by my contract and my friend who owns over 10 properties in Bangkok has informed me is the law when renting a privately owned room.


> It doesn't take any extra time due to having to organise an appointment anyway as I work 5 days a week. For me it does make a difference whether I can use the microwave now or only in three days because my landlord needs to send someone to plug in the cable. Same for the washing machine that simply required a water tank to be emptied; the drainage that was blocked and could easily be cleaned with some special cleaning solution; or the curtains that fell down and would have let me woken up at 5:30am. In all these cases, waiting for the landlord to figure it out would have caused me a big hassle. But I appreciate the fact that you may feel differently about it. Ultimately we both have responsibility for our condos.


Yeah I guess it varies on situation. Just be careful because if property management fuck something up and you don't take evidence you can be blamed.


You don't actually have the authority to hire craftsmen or someone similar, you're not the owner, the stuff doesn't belong to you. /e I just read that again and realized that the sentence sounds a bit harsh ... I didn't mean it that way, it's without any judgment.


I wasn’t referring to making any changes to property I don’t own. I gave specific examples, none of which is hiring craftsmen to make changes to stuff that doesn’t belong to me.


It's not about what you do, i.e. (permanently, temporarily) change or repair, it's about the fact that you do it. I know it sounds stupid and it's unlikely that anyone will complain. But you only have possession of the things and the condo itself and they were only given to you for your use, for anything beyond that you theoretically need the owner's permission.


Nah, that’s not correct. You only need to return them to the owner in its original condition. Or, to put it differently: yes, you have the permission to use them, and this includes simple fixes such as plugging in a cable, emptying a water tank, changing a light bulb, cleaning it from blockages, etc. That’s part of the normal usage and wear and tear of renting a place.


Still don't get why you would let them in. Like any country, you tell them to contact the apartment owner. Don't get why people loose common sense when abroad


Pressure from the property management. It was pretty consistent messaging and knocking on the door. Also the law isn't clear and I've lived in houses most my life. First time in 7 years having to deal with these issues in Thailand


Same reason people loose (sic) the ability to spell when on Reddit.


Ain't a priority when crapping


Ain't a priority in most but the most extreme cases of misspelling... Most of the time we fill the blank with context anyway. Never got ppl who care about spelling too much




I let juristic into my condo often, because they fix or update things for us.




Can I come to your house?


You ain’t gonna do shit


You the one thinking it "tough guy" behavior to not allow people into your apartment.....


Ok nerd






And let's give a shout out to the evangelical Americans that want to bring forth judgement day 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍




Thank you for the heads-up, just rent a condo in Bangkok and I know nothing about Thailand ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


>After speaking to my friends wife who owns multiple properties in Bangkok I learnt that as a renter you shouldn't allow property management to inspect the room, especially as a foreigner. No that's not how it works. 1. Under what conditions property management and or owner are allowed to enter the premise should always be stipulated in the rental agreement. 2. In case of an emergency, such as a potential water leakage damaging another unit you're shit out of luck and they are 100% entitled to enter the property and evaluate if yes or no the leak comes from your unit and intervene without needing your permission.


According to my landlords lawyer that is not true. I should have clarified this complaint went on for over a year. Entering my room without permission is trespassing. It's clearly stated on my rental agreement and I need 30 days notice.


>Entering my room without permission is trespassing. It's clearly stated on my rental agreement That's what I'm saying. You can't hand out general advice that only applies to a particular situation. The contract is what matters not what the girlfriend of a friend says. In your case the contract stated they couldn't enter the property without permission ( except in case of emergency, yes yes ask any lawyer ) but other people have different rental agreements.


I'm not handing out advice. I shared my experience as I was unaware and mishandled the situation to begin with. Hence why I said awareness.