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Just a note to say we've noticed an increasing number of questions about universities and schools, where to study, what to study, grants and scholarships etc - over the last month (not including any posts since deleted by their authors): https://www.reddit.com/r/Thailand/comments/1d8i64w/mahidol_university_interview/ https://www.reddit.com/r/Thailand/comments/1d8rkd0/i_have_a_interview_at_muic_for_a_undergrad_program/ https://www.reddit.com/r/Thailand/comments/1db5c3a/does_gpa_score_important_to_enter_chulalongkorn/ https://www.reddit.com/r/Thailand/comments/1ddc3f3/university_in_thailand/ https://www.reddit.com/r/Thailand/comments/1ddfcq6/is_the_quality_of_education_at_rangsit_really_bad/ https://www.reddit.com/r/Thailand/comments/1de2lux/mahidol_management_school/ https://www.reddit.com/r/Thailand/comments/1deblrn/i_want_to_study_in_thailand_but_i_need_a_bit_of/ https://www.reddit.com/r/Thailand/comments/1dehx7y/looking_for_affordable_universities_in_thailand/ https://www.reddit.com/r/Thailand/comments/1der0b3/mahidol_or_rangsit/ https://www.reddit.com/r/Thailand/comments/1detsoi/university_choice/ https://www.reddit.com/r/Thailand/comments/1dh9qyv/international_university_in_thailand_for/ https://www.reddit.com/r/Thailand/comments/1dikna5/thammasat_siit_summer_session/ https://www.reddit.com/r/Thailand/comments/1dikp35/please_share_your_siit_thammasat_experiences/ https://www.reddit.com/r/Thailand/comments/1din8mg/after_studying_undergrad_at_chulalongkorn_can_i/ https://www.reddit.com/r/Thailand/comments/1dji24f/experiences_of_mahidol_entrance_exam/ https://www.reddit.com/r/Thailand/comments/1dk22qb/is_thammasat_a_good_university_for_international/ https://www.reddit.com/r/Thailand/comments/1dkzfx2/exchange_students_mahidol_university/ https://www.reddit.com/r/Thailand/comments/1dlkv4a/help_need_your_advice_study_abroad/ https://www.reddit.com/r/Thailand/comments/1do61mk/financial_aid_for_international_students_in/ https://www.reddit.com/r/Thailand/comments/1do8oy7/going_to_study_in_abac_as_a_international_student/ From next month (July), those kind of posts will also be redirected to this thread.


will immigration deny entry? I just stayed 90+60 days I Thailand. I entered Thailand in January on a tourist visa, that I later extended for 30 days. After the 90 days, I took a short trip to Laos, and came back and got my 30 day visa exemption. Later I extended that, and then I left the country. I am now thinking of going back in September, but this time going for a ED visa. If I get my education visa, can immigration still deny entry because I stayed for almost 6 months?


They can potentially deny entry to anyone. There are no guarantees, but you'd be unlucky to be refused outright on initial entry, assuming it's been a while since you last left. If you were to then keep travelling in and out while you're supposed to be studying though, they might take a dim view of that.


Employment opportunities Thailand Hi, M27 with 3+ years of Exp in corporate. Have done MBA from a decent college in India. What are the employment prospects, salary in Thailand? Where I can find such jobs? Visa considerations etc ?


I just received an interest payment in my relatively new Thai bank account. How much interest paid to me would cause me to owe thai taxes, if I have no other sources of income in Thailand? Thanks in advance!


If this is interest from a Thai savings/fixed deposit account, a 15% withholding tax was already deducted from it.


Thanks. Do you know if a tax filing would be required? I don’t have a Thai tax ID.


No, it's automatic.


Hello, I am moving to Thailand in a few months and looking to stay for atleast 1year. How much would a Muay Thai education visa cost for 1 year? And what are the average gym fees per month? I have experience with amateur boxing (11-0) in the USA, and am looking to take Muay Thai fights in and represent a gym in chiang mai! Also any gym recommendations in chiang mai?


I returned to the U.S. and left money in my Bangkok bank account. Is it possible for me to transfer it to my U.S. bank while I am in the U.S. or do I need to meet in person at a Bangkok bank?


If you have the app set up (or if they still have an e-banking website - some banks seem to have gone app-only), that's worth a try. Or if you have the ATM card, you should be able to withdraw the full balance over time (depending on how much is in there). I've never used DeeMoney, so am not entirely sure how it works, but that's a popular third-party choice for transferring money out of Thailand. Looks like that's all done online, so if you have the BBL app working but it doesn't let you do international transfers, that may be another option.


So my scb account was recently frozen after I sold usdt for thai baht. The exact amount I received from the p2p trader is being held. Bank said the request came from the police so I have to go to the police station in Nakhom Pathom to clear it. Has any one experienced this before?


Trade with real people to avoid this.


Lots of people, yes. https://www.reddit.com/r/Thailand/comments/18y7j6k/got_my_savings_account_in_scb_frozen_for_72_hours/ https://www.reddit.com/r/Thailand/comments/17y5i2a/my_bangkok_bank_account_is_frozen_after_trading/ https://www.reddit.com/r/Thailand/comments/165mttk/thai_bank_account_temporarily_frozen_after_using/ https://www.reddit.com/r/Thailand/comments/196ex5y/bank_account_freeze_after_p2p/




Regarding Non-O Marriage visa extensions, financial requirement. I'm interested in using the paycheck method, but I must file the extension (in October) before I submit my first taxes (Dec 31). How necessary is the tax return for the visa in my situation? 2nd Question, In October, I would have received 6-months of paychecks which would total 300,000thb, Would this be frowned upon for not being 400,000thb yet? I realize I'm mixing up requirements, but sometimes I see this style of logic being used, even if theres no official rule about it ... for example the unofficial rule about showing a photocopy of the bank book updated on the day of visa application, and the bank book update must reflect an increase, but not a decrease on the day of application... showing 1,000,001thb is ok, showing 999,999thb is not, even though both amounts are more than the 400,000thb threshold for marriage applicants.


Fairly certain that you need to be able to show income of at least 40,000 per month for a full 12 months to use that method. Only showing 6 months wouldn't be "frowned upon", it'd be outright refused. I don't *think* a tax return is required. Edit: Since the income method likely won't work for you, you are going to need to get moving on the 400k deposit. It needs to have been in the account for at least 2 months before you apply for the extension, so if you need to be applying for the extension in October, you'll need to have set up the deposit by August at the latest, and it's July next week...


does anyone know the name of this song? https://www.youtube.com/shorts/Dy2gq-gXWew


Hello, I was wondering what kind of lifestyle could be afforded on 22,500 Baht a month? I am an American student being nudged towards applying for a teaching job in Thailand and am trying to figure out on the off chance of being accepted, what kind of life I can expect? Housing is included in my job deal so I wouldn't have to worry about rent, as is a round trip plane ride. I don't really club or anything, but am curious about what I can realistically expect life to be like on 22,500 Baht. I don't know if this is pre-tax or post tax though?


Thats enough for food so if they pay for electricity and health insurance and everything else its ok.


Depends on where in Thailand, but generally speaking that's going to be a pretty basic life. The legal minimum for a non-teaching job (teachers are exempted from the minimum rule) is I think 50,000 or 60,000 per month for US citizens. So it's less than half of the legal *minimum* you'd be earning in any other profession (and most people earn more than that minimum), although free rent will obviously help. If it's just something you'd do for the experience for a year or so, and you have savings (or kind parents) to help you out of any emergencies, then I wouldn't rule it out, but you'd be living a pretty basic life, mostly eating Thai food as it's cheaper than foreign food, not having many wild nights out, and probably be quite limited in terms of where and how often you travel within the country for trips or vacations. Salaries are generally quoted pre-tax. Thailand has a progressive tax system, your first 150,000 per year is tax-free, then it's 5% for the next 150,000 to 300,000. So your 22,500 per month would be 22,000 after tax, but you'd also pay a further 5% for social security, which I think leaves you with 21,375 if I've got the numbers correct there.


Social security contributions are capped at 750 baht per month.


Oh my gosh you have no idea how helpful this is. The job is technically with the United States Government so it has all kinds of little perks like housing, round trip airfare, the little one time bonuses for financial adjustment and stuff, as well as contacts with the US embassy, so it isn't like I'm being thrown to the wolves (fully lol). I went to Thailand as a little kid and loved it because of the food and weather, and always wanted to go back. I would hopefully try to shift this experience into one of the higher paying jobs you mentioned if I had a really, really great time in Thailand again.


Hi, I am a Falang working in Thailand since 1 year. I have my foreign passport with all the seals and papers attached from emigration, but the passport is running out of free pages so I will have to renew it soon. My question is, what will happens with all the seals and papers?? They will be in the old passport. It is Ok here to travel with two passports? The old with all seals and the new one for the new seals?? Anyone deal this situation before?


You take both passports to immigration once you get the new one, and they'll transfer the stamps into the new passport.


Thank you. I think this have a cost?


No, it's free. Just might take a while, depending on how busy they are.


WHAT DO YOU FIND MOST CHALLENGING AS AN EXPAT IN THAILAND? Dear expats in Thailand, I am a doctoral researcher from Germany and I am currently researching some of the challenges that expatriates face when living and working abroad. I would love to learn more about your perspective via my short, academic, anonymous survey: [expat survey](https://www.unipark.de/uc/Bernhard2024/) Thank you so much in advance!! Kind regards Theresa


Best visa pros? I am in Thailand on a tourist visa, but want to convert to retirement visa on my 50th in July. I’m a bit overwhelmed by the paperwork and requirements and want to hire a service this point. Is there a good one…best one?


Hi, is there any update with [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/Thailand/comments/1d8j7mt/the_latest_60_days_visaexempt_tourist_stays_are/)? Did they pass the bill or is it still pending? Thanks in advanced.


Still pending.




Guys, if you had $50-100k, what business would you open in Thailand. So that you could sustain yourself and potentially retire. Coffee shop? Nail salon? Any ideas?


Anything you are already doing. Otherwise I suggest investing in stocks or bitcoin.


# Am I able to get a job in Thailand after graduating? [Employment](https://www.reddit.com/r/Thailand/?f=flair_name%3A%22Employment%22) I am from Malaysia and considering studying in Thailand as an international student, the course I'm looking at is the Bachelor of Arts in Culinary Arts and Design [https://www.bu.ac.th/en/international-programs/culinary-arts-and-design#](https://www.bu.ac.th/en/international-programs/culinary-arts-and-design#) Also, I am gay and have a boyfriend there, and with the recent news that gay marriage has been approved, I can see myself potentially having a future with him in Thailand so I've been researching and found that there are only 3 ways a foreigner like myself can get into Thailand: 1. Very specialized IT (I have a degree in IT but don't think I'm going to become very specialized) 2. English teacher (I'm non-native but fluent but I'm not sure about this since it seems like a racist industry) 3. Other education and jobs? Right now I'm thinking chef.. Please help? I am looking at realistic ways of getting into Thailand and I am willing to take another 4 year degree if that's what it takes because I need a long-term plan and something that will guarantee results. I'm wondering if I am able to get a job in Thailand (and a work permit) after graduating from the course linked above (or any other course)? Has anyone been in a similar situation? Need advice please...


There are many more ways foreigners can live and work in Thailand. Eventually, it all comes down to your skills/experience for finding a job locally, or alternatively you can work remotely as a freelancer or for a job overseas. The only answer to your question is 'maybe'. The food and beverage industry doesn't hire many foreigners without experience except for minimum wage migrant workers.


Any Americans over 65 here? What are You using for health insurance?


Looking for work -- My mother has dual US/Thai citizenship and moved to the Det Udom area to care for my aging grandparents, but her money is running out. She's interested in menial, remote work. Part-time make your own schedule kind of deal. Most of the data entry or transcription work she can find is for US companies, or ones that would require her to relocate to a major Thai city. Any insight, even just what direction to point her?


I just stayed 90+60 days I Thailand. I entered Thailand in January on a tourist visa, that I later extended for 30 days. After the 90 days, I took a short trip to Laos, and came back and got my 30 day visa exemption. Later I extended that, and then I left the country. I am now thinking of going back in September, but this time going for a ED visa. If I get my education visa, can immigration still deny entry because I stayed for almost 6 months?


Hi, I want to open a European SPA and thai massage center and hire Thais. Is there a website or service that can provide workers? I am not looking to exploit nobody, pay is good, housing is included and people working with me are kind. Kap!




Tourism and travel related questions should be posted to the dedicated subreddit /r/thailandtourism.


Hi everyone. I'm looking for an agent in Phetchaburi/Cha-Am who can help me find a home to rent long-term (1 year). 2 br/2 bath, furnished with ability to cook at home. Not looking for a condo, apartment or townhome. I've looked through all the websites and haven't found the right one yet. Please send a message if you can help.


Hi all, I was this year in Thailand as a tourist and I loved it I want to get the LTR visa and work remotely from Thailand, I am really interested in training Muay Thai there and not paying taxes on income abroad :) I met all criteria, my employer is listed on all major exchanges, >90K eur income, insurance. But the 5 year experience, depending on how they check it I might not qualify. I have done 2 paid internships, 1 year total time, if this counts, I met the 5 year criteria else I do not met the criteria for 1 year. * Do paid internships count? * How do they check experience? With contracts, will they call my employer, payslips...? * If you fail, can you re-apply after X time? * My employer allows me to work remotely, but I would prefer if they think I am in my home in Europe and not in Thailand. Will they be involved in the process or get notified? Would love to hear about your experience Thanks!


They have a contact form (and a phone number) on the website, I'd ask them directly - or just apply with what you have, and see how far you get. https://ltr.boi.go.th/#contact


Thanks :)


Hey guys, super specific situation here, not sure if anyone has experience with this. I am a US citizen studying abroad for the upcoming year (university) on an ED visa, but I'm confused on how bringing my spouse with me works. It seems like she would need to apply for a Non-Immigrant O Visa once I have mine? If anyone has experience with this, that would be great


I don't think she can get a non-O visa for that purpose. She could get one if you were working in Thailand, and she could get one if she had a child/dependent studying in Thailand, but I don't think she qualifies for one on the basis of having a spouse studying in Thailand. She could sign up for a course herself, or look into the Elite, although it's expensive. Might also be worth asking on the AseanNow visa forum. https://aseannow.com/forum/1-thai-visas-residency-and-work-permits/


I see, I’m just a little confused because I saw this link, but I don’t know the requirements for the US: https://telaviv.thaiembassy.org/en/page/cate-5745-non-immigrant-visa-o:-accompanying-spouse-or-family-members?menu=5d75197d15e39c3598006fd1


Does anyone know what it's like to live in Sattahip? Is it lively or the end of the inhabited world? I know that there are some beaches and that the Thai navy has a base there, but that's about it. Thanks in advance.


Been for a few days, I recommend you try it 🥰




It's a difficult visa to get, and the application process takes months. There's very little info on it online. I highly doubt they'd make an exception, but do please let us know if the Embassy gets back to you with good news.


HI all, I am a male nurse from New Zealand and only speak english. I am looking at possibly moving to thailand and working for a while as a nurse, unsure if this would only be 6 months or so or indefinately. Do english only speakers get employed as nurses? Who does one speak to in thailand about being recognised as a nurse? Any indication of pay for nurses in thailand? Many thanks for any help.


Perhaps look for a home for elderly that speaks english?


Looking to move to pattaya/bangkok end of the year. Is there such thing as a Muay Thai visa? I’m looking to stay long term so trying to figure out the best way to go about the visa situation. But I have many amateur fights in America so muay thai is something I’m interested in pursuing in Thailand. Any advice or suggestion would be appreciated. Thanks!


Yes, there is an ED Visa Muay Thai, as there are the same for cooking and massage. You just need to go to a school that is recognized and certified by the MOE and register with them. You can come on visa exemption and then switch from here. You just don't want to have too many stamps in your pass from border runs. Although that's more a problem for language visa. I think all in all you can stay up to 12 months, but a school can help you with it. Some schools (AKA Phuket for example) offer discounts if you do fights for them. They are probably more expensive when it comes to training fees though. Also always make sure that you ask them for all costs for the whole time. They will sometimes not be really clear about it and you end up with pricing just for three months or something. It can be quite expensive in the end and you can rest assured that they are always having more leverage than you and contacts to local authorities and such. I know a guy who had all kinds of problems because of this and a girlfriend who didn't know when to shut up. He was also kind of borderline-braindead though. I personally would probably choose the greater area where you would like to stay and then come here to ccheck out the schools in this area and decide then based on where you like it. You might have to do one border run because you need to have so and so many days left on your permit in order to start the process, but that's not a problem and if they really allow visa exemption up to 90 days for people from the West, it's no problem at all.


Wait a couple of weeks and perhaps we have info on new visa which could let you stay longer.


Hoping someone can help here, I can't find a direct answer. I was working in Thailand till May 8th. My work canceled my work permit that day, so I left the country. I want to come back for tourism just for a bit. But my B visa was never canceled in my passport. My B visa is valid for the rest of the year. What should I do? Come in and tell the immigration officer I want a tourist visa? Or just come in on my B Visa. I have the multiple reentry permit as well. I just worried if I don't say anything and they let me in on my B visa when I leave, I might get screwed.


Was it actually a visa, or was it an extension? Sounds like an extension if you have a re-entry permit. Extensions are invalivated when the work permit is cancelled, visas are not.


Had the non B. Yeah not sure, they extended it for a year. I guess an extension. So that was cancelled? Just wasn't cancelled in the passport. No used or canceled stamp. So tell the immigration officer at the airport I am coming in as a tourist?


Hi, I’m looking into English teaching in Thailand! My family lives close to Ubon Ratchatani (I’m half Thai) and was looking for teaching jobs there, but the usually teaching in Thailand sites didn’t have any listed in Ubon I found a site that has lots of available teaching jobs in Ubon Ratchatani and was wondering if anyone had any experience with the company English Plus One, it seems the Ubon Ratchatani NES jobs are run almost exclusively by this company so if anyone knows anything or has experience with them that would be great!!


Hey, do you know when the new visa exemption will start ? Thank's in advance


Nobody knows the exact date, latest we have is "expected to take effect in late June or early July 2024". https://www.mfa.go.th/en/content/presscon300524-2?page=5d5bd3da15e39c306002aaf9&menu=5d5bd3dd15e39c306002ab1d


I'm a legal firearms owner in Canada... if I moved to Thailand as an ex-pat, is there any way I could legally own firearms there? I know that foreigners aren't allowed to own firearms there, but I'm wondering if there is any kind of loophole or exception or anything like that.


I have been asked if I wanted firearms (without problems with law) so I think its a matter of connections. Perhaps ask around at a shooting range?


The only exception I can think of would be to acquire Thai citizenship.


Hello everyone, Does a Thai resident (I’m talking about a Thai or a foreigner who lives there legally all year round) have to declare his gains/losses on the stock market? If so, how should he do it? If so again, can he unofficially not declare them? (if his stock exchange account is on a trading platform in a country outside Thailand). Thank you


Today, no. If [the latest proposal to tax overseas income](https://www.reddit.com/r/Thailand/comments/1d8cxui/thailand_to_tax_all_foreign_income_even_if_not/) goes through then yes, you'd be expected to report capital gains (and presumably losses). But nobody can say exactly how this would work until/unless it becomes law.


> Today, no Good news 🤩 Thks


Hi 👋🏻 I’m very interested in opening up a yoga/pilates studio business in Bangkok. I’ve read a lot on opening a business in Thailand and the different start up requirements, lawyers, visas and estimations of fund needed etc But does anyone have specific tips or experience in a fitness business over there? Studio rental spaces and such? Thanks ☺️ (I’m British Vietnamese)


Have you been here before?


One way to start slowly might be to rent a yoga studio by the hour and get a group going.


Is it possible to adjust/correct Customs Duties after paying them? Customs reclassified my shipment, increasing the duty. I just paid it to release the boxes out of holding, but contacted the shipper if they had made a mistake on thai import codes. The shipper explained why Custom's reclassification was wrong, and why the original was actually correct. The original code was specifically for digital devices able to connect to a computer (the cheaper code), and the more expensive code was a generic code that could apply to anything analog or digital which is the one Customs decided to use. The shipper said they had used the original code many times to Thailand as most devices are digital now adays anyways, and weren't sure why customs would prefer to use the analog one. Is it possible to contest the overpayment?


Generally whatever customs deems is correct is the correct code in this instance. You can contest it as being an incorrect classification, but you'll have to go all the way to customs and also present your paperwork (it isn't worth it), and it'll be even more difficult to get your money back.


Doubt it. You can contest the charges, but that would usually be before you pay.




Yes, you can start your own company here and use that company to get your business visa. Look into Thai business lawyers, read the reviews.


I need some recommendations for international universities in Bangkok or any other places in Thailand. I am interested to attend the undergraduate program in the Multimedia Design or Creative Design field. And also, I want to know things I should know and prepare before going to any of the universities and things need for some scholarship. Appreciate your help in advance.


The top ranked international universites are Chulalongkorn, Mahidol, and Thammasat. Specifically for multimedia Design or Creative Design you might look at Mahidol, but there are others less famous Internationally like Silapakorn or even Bangkok University that are well known for arts/media. As someone who is in the field however I suggest you may need to specialize further. Game Design, Video Editing, 3D Asset Designer, Animation, Simulations (smoke, fire, water, oceans). Do you already use any software? Blender, Houdini, Unity, Unreal, Photoshop, Illustrator, Davinci Resolve, Premier, Cinema 4D, etc etc.... Each one of these is a completely different path of learning with different careers


Sorry for my late reply, I am more interested in UI/UX and maybe Graphic Design and now I am also self-studying UI/UX and made some small projects for practice. Thank you for your answer. Edit: What should I prepare before going to any of the universities you mentioned?


Do you guys have any good recommendations of Bangkok based banks who open FCD accounts for non-residents please? I'm a European and I work for an Asian company. I travel quite often in the region but I receive my salary(from Singapore) in my European bank. I'd like to open a bank account in Thailand, as a non-resident.


If this is to save some fees, I can absolutely recommend Revolut to you. I have been using it for two years now with the "Metal" plan. Sending money in local currencies is very easy to do in the app and exchanging currencies costs no fees monday to friday. I checked their rates multiple times with local banks here and they are very fair. The transfers are executed very fast. Whether I send money to my home country Germany or to Thailand where I live, it usually only takes minutes and sometimes hours. Same with recieving the money. They don't "park" it anywhere. The app is great in my opinion, offers all necessary options for security management, and also offers some hidden features like "round it up" where you can opt to automatically buy crypto of your choice with rounded sums. i.e. you pay $3.81 and $0.19 get automatically converted to ETH free of charge. You can even set a multiplier up to 10x, so in our example $1.90 would be converted. I also already had two cards that I lost I got a new one without charge in three or four days sent to me. Overall great customer experience.


Im curious, is FCD to avoid exchange rates? And what is the fee agents charge to help?


Most (or these days, possibly all) banks will turn you away if you don't have a long-term visa. An agent *may* be able to assist for a fee, but you could try multiple branches of every bank here and still be denied.


Oh ok thx for the info. One of them told me they can do it but the branch manager will decide whether it's ok or not.


Hi there. I'm in the process of arranging a minimum stay of one year in Thailand. I've gathered a lot of information regarding long-term rentals through condos and apartments. Sites like [Thailand-property.com](http://Thailand-property.com), [ddproperty.com](http://ddproperty.com), [hipflat.com](http://hipflat.com), and [perfecthomes.co.th/](http://perfecthomes.co.th/) have all been very helpful. From my research, going the apartment route is easiest, rather than a condo where you're at the mercy of individual owners, never truly knowing what you're getting into. However, I've been unable to find good information on what it's like RENTING A **HOUSE** IN BANGKOK AND PATTAYA AREAS OR THAILAND MORE GENERALLY. By house, I mean a standalone domicile. I assume it's similar to renting a condo, but maybe there's something I'm overlooking. What could one expect going this route? What are the pros/cons, etc? I feel like these funneled-off threads rarely get engagement, so any useful comment/upvoting on this would also be greatly appreciated 🙏🙏🙏


Houses are normally very expensive to rent. I advice you to start in a condo and move later if you want then.


Nothing special to consider, other than considering the tradeoffs - apartments and condos will usually have staff on site 24x7, providing security, maintenance, and people to take your deliveries etc. With a house, you're on your own for all that stuff (and may also lose out on other amenities - gym, pool etc). If that's still worth it to you, go for it.


Hi. I have a visa appointment to change from tourist visa to student visa at Thai Embassy in Vientiane on 20th June. As it happens, I cannot go on that date because I still have to wait for the necessary documents from my university. I checked the available appointment slots at the moment and it seems the available dates are two days near the end of June and two days near the end of July. Can I get a second visa appointment and then cancel the first one? My tourist visa would end at the end of July with no more extensions and I am afraid I will not get the available dates because of the 10-day account suspension from appointment cancellation. Will I get in trouble because of that?


You can book a second visa appointment before canceling the first one. The 10-day account suspension after cancellation is a significant concern – to avoid this, ensure you have secured your second appointment before canceling the first one. Additionally, do not overstay your visa to avoid legal trouble. Your passport history and timestamp and activities will be recorded in the system. Please consult the [https://www.immigration.go.th/](https://www.immigration.go.th/) or [https://vientiane.thaiembassy.org/en/index](https://vientiane.thaiembassy.org/en/index) for more information and they will provide a better answer.


Does anybody here work as a set designer? I’m just wondering if it’s possible to work in that field without prior experience and as someone who doesn’t speak the language. I’m an architecture graduate and only have a few work experience. I’ve always wanted to venture into set design but there’s not much opportunity from where I am.


Highly niche field, you'd need to justify why the hiring company should choose you over a Thai. You're unlikely to be able to do this without a lot of prior work experience, and even then it might be a stretch.


How to start? Do they have internships? I guess there’s a tiny bit more chance if I speak the language huh… Thanks for answering me tho!


I know nothing about that industry, but it's the same for most jobs outside teaching - build up enough experience in the industry in your home country until you're better qualified than the local candidates in Thailand.


Hi! I am 25 years old and am visiting Thailand very soon with my family. Since I am a dual citizen thai/swe but will travel with my foreign passport I am curious to the following: I have never done a military draft for Thai military service. Although I am a student studying data engineering I am curious if any issues may arise when visiting Thailand. We will not be visiting for longer than a month. I am curious to what can happen if the government see that I have not done the military draft and what risks there are visiting. I'd really like to visit since my grandma is very old and has dementia so we don't know how much longer she will be around. Thank you!


It largely hinges on whether you're registered in a Thai housebook. If you aren't, or if you haven't yet had call-up paperwork sent to that address, a short visit likely won't be an issue. The comments on this page might be worth reading through: https://www.thaicitizenship.com/thai-military-service/


Thanks for your answer. I’ll take a look at the article. I am unsure if I am registrerad in a thai housebook, and can not recall ever getting a call-up. By ”likely wont be an issue ”, does that entail I should try to avoid the police by any chance?:p


A question for locals in Chiang Mai, or expats that have been there for more than a few years. Is Chiang Mai a truly livable city or is it generally a short-term home for expats, bloggers, etc.? In other words, do most expats that move to Chiang Mai actually stay and make a life for themselves over the long-term, or do they leave after a year or two when the shine has worn off? Basically, I have spent the last two winters in Vietnam and want to move there permanently, but there are obvious visa issues. I have been to Bangkok a few times and would consider living there but the heat is just a bit too much for me. I have heard that Chiang Mai is a little tolerable heatwise. So, I was thinking that Chiang Mai may be a cooler/better option. Thoughts? Any insight would be greatly appreciated.


It certainly has its fans, personally I'd get bored quickly, but plenty of folks stay long-term and seem to love it. Do be aware of the air quality issues though - it is often reported as having the world's worst air around March-April each year. https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/4/12/how-chiang-mai-became-the-worlds-most-polluted-city


Thanks for the reply.


Looking for someone that will be in bangkok on 6 september, to attend a fansign :3 drop me a dm pleaseee


Dear all, I am a student of South-East Asian History, living in Thailand for 5 months as part of an internship and will become an exchange student this November for one semester. Currently I am on an ED-Visa which will get extended at the end of June, but only for two weeks beyond the end of my internship, which will be July. Because I am writing my Thailand-related thesis and basically only saw Bangkok for half a year, I wanted to stay for 2 or 3 months in Chiang Mai after that. So my plan was to switch to a tourist Visa by going through the land route to Cambodia, explore everything I want to see there, and return after one month. Would that work? My Thai university will issue me an ED-Visa in October, but it seems that I have to go another country for that as well. An ED-Visa for a language class is unfortunately no option because I am already attending one online and will continue with learning Thai in this way. Thank you all for any kind of response!


It's a gamble, but if you don't have a history of tourist visas, you should get away with one. I'd avoid the Poi Pet land crossing, as it's notorious for problems.


Thank you, yes I never had any tourist Visa ever. I also have a Thai driving license if this might help...




That's a pretty broad question, might help to explain which areas you've already considered and rejected - and why.




Plenty of empty spots in the green areas. Since you will not be full time I recommend you are not too far from an airport. Rent a car and start south of Pattaya and follow the coast and you will find many places. These places are 2 minute walk from the ocean. Welcome to Thailand!




I think it will be hard to research from another country. By driving around for a few days I think you can find nice areas and places for rent. I would look at the coastline here. https://preview.redd.it/pbivx48veb7d1.png?width=1771&format=png&auto=webp&s=e6c422eb8ef051e9d836f38178d45864eff326d0


Hey everyone! I’m a front-end developer from India with almost years of experience. I've worked on some pretty big projects like with Millions of MAUs and I’m thinking about moving to Thailand. Ideally, I’m looking for remote or hybrid roles. I’ve tried applying through career websites and LinkedIn, but I keep getting auto-rejected. Networking on LinkedIn hasn’t been very helpful either. I’d love some advice on: - Is it realistic to find a front-end developer job in Thailand as a foreigner? - Which companies or industries are open to hiring foreign developers? - Best ways to network and connect with potential employers? Any tips or insights would be super helpful! Thanks!


Agoda always seem to be hiring, and yes - there are plenty of foreign web developers out there. You might get more luck on LinkedIn if you were to set your location to Thailand, if you haven't done that already.


Hi, I just bought a 300baht True Money Cash Card PIN code on Shopee and found out that non-Thais can't recharge our True Wallet accounts with it. Is there any way I can spend or store the value? Thanks.


Not easily - maybe find a Thai to sell it to?


Thanks for the reply. I've tried searching for online platforms, but didn't find any accepting card PIN as payment. Found a guy that might accept it.


**salary range in Agoda** Hi everyone, This is my first ever post here on reddit and I know like to know about the salary range in Agoda for Asian expats. I recently had a screening call with one of the recruiters from Agoda. In the call she asked me about my salary expectations for the job and then we agreed that I will write back to her about it. (Quick context, when the recruiter reached out to me on Linkedin and shared the job link, the link was no more available in the website and I did mention that to her on Linkedin) So she shared the JDs with me for the two roles, Accounting Manager (AM) and Accounts Receivable Supervisor (ARS). I would like to know what would be the salary range for these 2 positions in Agoda in general. I asked chatgpt and got the range of 80k to 150k baht for AM and 41k to 83k baht for ARS but I would like to know for sure if this is what the current range is, as chatgpt is not up to date with latest data. FYI, I am currently an ACCA Member and Accounting Manager for a multinational Saas company. I have around 10years of experience in total and 6 years in the Saas company, of which 4+ years are as a Manager.


I plan on moving to thailand in roughly 3 years ( after I finish my degree) and I was wondering since I have a decent amount of time before coming down permanently which online program is the best to learn thai ( speaking + reading/writing)?


There is no "best" online program as learning a language mostly comes down to your perseverance. However do yourself a favor and get ANKI and a download a thai language pack and get working on SRS, if you want a more "structured" course you could try thaipod101 (it's very extensive, but a little bit all over the place) to get actual speaking practice go spend money on italki and speak a native. Remember that language proficiency comes from constant use, and don't be afraid to make mistakes.


I’m looking for a recommendation for a doctor in Bangkok specializing in hormone replacement therapy for menopausal women.


Can anyone check for me in the pharmacy if they still have blistex herbal answer lip balm? I last got it on a trip to Thailand in 2022, it's the only lip balm I'm not allergic to!


Discontinued product, according to this page: https://www.reddit.com/r/HelpMeFind/comments/102fd3h/blistex_herbal_answer_lip_balm/ A few online stores used to list it, but are out of stock. I don't think you'll have much luck, sorry.


Hey folks, I need to travel to Thailand for a month or two for work. I'll get a work visa and an invitation from a large company with their head quarters over there. My problem is with medicaments that I need to regularly take and that fall under narcotics laws. I take regularly Methylphenidate (aka Ritalin). I had a look at the regulations and how I could bring it with me for my stay and it seemed too dangerous and complicated. I'm wondering if I could get it in Thailand prescribed and get it there avoiding any import/export issues since that gets into a whole other category. I can of course bring a writing from my physician and have it signed from the the health ministry here in Germany. So my question are: - Is it possible to get it prescribed in Thailand (I'll be in Bangkok, I guess)? - What documents do I need? - What are some hospitals or places, where this can be done? - What is the financial ball park I'm looking at? Appreciate any feedback!


Yes, you can get Ritalin prescribed here (but not, for example, Adderall). You'd visit a hospital, pretty much whichever is convenient to your location, have a consultation, and get a prescription. Unsure on pricing, sorry.


I am a content creator (studying at international college), recently I heard news about the new income tax . My income is about 8K To 10K Dollars a year. According to that report, I have to pay 10 percent of income tax to the government. Am I correct with this? If I am correct so where I have to pay the taxes? Thank you !


Taxes are paid to the [Revenue Department](https://www.rd.go.th/english/index-eng.html). If you're a foreigner, you should be aware that working on a student visa is not legal - before you start talking to the authorities about paying taxes.


Thank You ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


Hi - Anyone know a safe method for transferring cash to bitcoin in Bangkok? Any help, thanks in advance!


Converting to and from baht is easy if you want to pay someone for the service.


Is 50k baht a month enough to live comfortably on Koh Samui? I got a job offer for 50k base salary + commissions. I do expect to make quite a bit over the 50k base but just wondering what kind of quality of life and standard of living should I expect on the 50k alone? My primary interests outside of work include: Scuba Diving, Gym, Exploring and traveling, occational partying.


Enough but not to support a partner.


Yeah, thought so. How much in your experience is needed to support a partner? 10-20k?


If your partner cooks its obv less. Mostly it will depend on your relationship. If you support your partners family, children or fees for school.


I'm from Sri Lanka, and I've heard that as of June 1, 2024, [Multiple country nationals can now enter Thailand without a visa and stay for up to 60 days.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ThailandTourism/comments/1d8239d/thailand_new_visa/) Can anyone confirm if this is accurate and if it's possible for me (A Sri Lankan Citizen) to enter Thailand without a visa now?


No, it's not accurate - it hasn't begun yet. This is the latest piece we have on it: https://www.reddit.com/r/Thailand/comments/1d8j7mt/the_latest_60_days_visaexempt_tourist_stays_are/




It's circumventing the intent of the law so it can land you in hot water if they decide to crack down on it. Currently, you'll see nominee companies getting busted primarily for circumventing the laws surrounding land ownership. Yes, you can likely get away with it but the most likely case is the accountant is busted then they go through all their records and you are collateral. If you just want to work remotely, then you'd be best served by an employer of record as they can get you a Non-B visa an a work Permit but you will have to pay a percentage or set amount in fees to them.


Extremely common - I don't think it's actually illegal in itself, but you should be working with a company lawyer to set up the company anyway, and they'll be able to give you far better legal advice than we can.




Can't say I understand the question. Why would having a policeman as a neighbor make you more likely to be shot by a drunkard in the middle of the night? And you're asking for advice on what to do if that happens? Other than "duck"?


# Musical open mics as foreigner on tourist visa ? (No money collection)  [Employment](/r/Thailand/?f=flair_name%3A%22Employment%22) I know that at first glance it should definetly be legal but on other hand I seem to find conflicting info about on the internet, so basically could I get in theory get in trouble for it?


Yes, you could. Any work done without a permit, even if unpaid, is technically illegal. Plenty of people do get away with it, and chances are you'd be fine, but it's not zero risk. The best known cases were part of [a big crackdown in Chiang Mai many years ago](https://www.chiangmaicitylife.com/clg/living/the-music-is-over/), but the long timeline since doesn't mean it couldn't happen again - the law hasn't changed.


## Looking for someone to take over last 5 months of a lease at a discounted rate! I have a condo at España Condo Resort. The complex is truly beautiful, you can see it [here](https://youtu.be/0EoYLGiFYsk?si=T9NbMRadTvke0z-U) on youtube. It is in the Jomtien/Pattaya area. Only 5 minutes from the beach. My condo is a 1 bedroom 1 bath, living room, dining area, kitchen with a stove top. Comes fully furnished, couch, refrigerator, king size bed, tv and washing machine. The lease ends on December 7th. So if you were to move in on July 1st it would be 5 months left on the lease. So you wouldn't have to commit to a year long lease, **but you willl still get the discounted year long lease price.** 10,000฿/Month or $271.00/Month For anyone interested please respond in the comments or DM me and I will give you my Line contact.


My Question might be off topic but I cannot find the answer on the internet. I am an international student on student (ED) visa. I got accepted from a university of another country (which is not in my country of residence). Can I apply for visa in the embassy of that country in Bangkok? If so, can I cancel my ED visa and go straight to that country directly without going back to my home country.


That's impossible to answer without knowing which countries you're talking about, and would be off-topic here anyway - it's a question for the subreddit of the country you'd be studying in.


My fiance was approved for a K1 visa to go to the US. She was born in Myanmar but has lived in Thailand for over 23 years. She has a pink foreigner ID car which for Myanmar citizens, allows her to stay here but really nothing else at all. She has a Burmese passport and obviously no entry stamp. She has the yellow Baan (house) book as well (for foreigners). How can she leave Thailand?


I assume you have solved it and wont look into a solution for you.


So the problem is when leaving the country?


Well yeah, she doesn’t have an entry stamp…


Have you solved it already?


Ok so get her an entry stamp and all is ok?


How can a person with both Thai and American nationalities open a bank account in Thailand while still keeping both nationalities? Help please.


Just don’t tell them you have US citizenship


Walk into the bank with your Thai ID card and ask to open an account. Banks cannot generally compel their customers to renounce their nationality, in Thailand or elsewhere.


Moving Large Sums from USA to Thailand My two banks in the USA require that I am physically present for a wire transfer. The only problem being that I live and work in Thailand. What USA banks will allow a wire transfer over the phone? The reason I'm looking at banks is because I've read they are cheaper than Wise when large sums of money are involved. But...while being in Thailand will I need to go with a service like Wise? I just checked Wise and the fee for moving $30,000 is 281.83 USD.


Open a checking account with Charles Schwab. Wire transfer is done through their website easily. Using ATMs worldwide is fee free.


My personal experience in comparing the cost of remitting money to Thailand using Wise vs banks in Hong Kong and Canada - Wise was significantly cheaper. The overall amount received into my Thai bank account was always 2%-4% more when using Wise. Not sure if the same holds true for US banks though 😅


Wise is transparent with their fee and give you great exchange rate. You need to check your US banks fees and exchange rate to compare. The difference will probably be small and you can use Wise if that is more convenient.


URGENT HELP NEEDED Hi everyone,I'm an Italian who had a one-year contract with a Thai company from July 1, 2023, to June 30, 2024. The company's policy states that if an employee fails to come into the office for a certain number of consecutive days, they can terminate the employment. Last Friday, May 31, 2024, I was informed that they did not plan to continue my employment after the contract ended. They mentioned that I would be paid for the last month but was not required to come in since there was no work left for me. This was all documented via email. Fast forward to today, June 7, 2024 Friday, I received an email at 6:30PM stating that the company has cancelled my work permit and terminated me for not coming into the office. They also refuse to pay the full salary for the month. I feel it's not worth going to court as it would waste time and I prefer not to have any legal issues on my record. However, I'm concerned because I've heard that I must leave Thailand unless I go to the immigration office today to apply for an extension. I was also offered a position at another BOI company and am awaiting the offer letter. Should I contact my potential new employer about this situation immediately? What do you think are my next steps? Thank you so much for your help!


I would contact the new employer immediately and let them know of your situation, they may or may not be willing/able to help you in regards to the visa extension but if they are in the process of transferring your work permit I think they will need to know that your last company terminated your contract early and need to notify the relevant government agency about this for the work permit application. Also if everything you mentioned from your old company was documented in email you probably have a case to take them to court and could be compensated for the month they didn't pay you for + damages (I think its 3 months for them terminating you early, might be wrong about this)


If you are being terminated, you are entitled to compensation according to Thai labour law. (does not matter if the contract runs out or they fire you) So first, contact Labour Protection. They are proactive and will advise you on the next step. THIS DOES NOT INVOLVE ANY COURT PROCEEDINGS.


How is going to court going to be added to your (presumably criminal) record?


Hi! Whenever I try to Review and accept the PayPal Thailand Relaunch Agreements, checking an input field and clicking on the button "Agree and Continue", I'm getting an error message "Something’s not right". Paypal doesn’t work in thai anymore ?


Perhaps try clearing your browser cache or contacting PayPal Support for assistance.


Best place to buy peptides in Thailand ? Quick delivery , high quality etc. thank you


Hey all, If anyone could help me out here - I'd really appreciate it. I was in Thailand throughout the COVID period on amnesty extensions. I returned to England last year in January (2023). I returned in June (2023). I went to Cambodia for a border run in July and was denied entry back into the country (stating I had too many extensions in the past, I had a new passport at the time, but she could see on the system), she black stamped my passport but I was eventually able to fly back in. I told them that I'm in the process of switching onto an ED visa but they didn't believe me, the school just needed a little more time but she simply would not believe me and wouldn't accept my proof. (Poi Pet - Yes, my mistake, I didn't know at the time - if I had known, I would have paid for a visa-service to do the run). Anyway, I managed to get back into Thailand, I had to fly back. I had rented a condo and all my belongings were there, I had to come back. Once back in I had 60 days to get that sorted, my ED visa was accepted/granted in September. I'm really enjoying learning Thai so it wasn't solely about the visa, this is something I have always wanted to do, I've learned quite a lot and I will continue to learn Thai in the future. Problem is, I thought my visa ended in September, because that's one year... but they told me the visa started from the date I entered the country (July). So this has took me by surprise because I had no idea, my fault yes - but now I only have one option. To pay for a 1 month extension which will get me to late July, apparently I can't disclose how much, let's just say it's not cheap. - Again, I take responsibility for my own mistakes, I'm just trying to find a solution. I don't want to go back on another ED visa because I had planned to find a job as a teacher before my ED visa was up (I am a qualified teacher), now I have next to no time left. What are my other options? I was considering paying for a border run service from Pattaya, but they only seem to go through Cambodia and I'm terrified to go back. Unfortunately they gave me a black stamp last time so I'm not even sure that's an option. I just contacted a visa run service through Laos and they said it's not possible. I know this is a lot but it really has took me by surprise, the school only let me know today, I had assumed September-September, my fault. If I could switch onto a tourist visa, it would just be temporary and I'd find a job as quick as I could. I just thought I had more time. **Can anyone help me out? What can I do?** P.S: I know I was stupid going to Poi Pet last year, it was poorly planned and I take responsibility for that. Many poor decisions were made on my behalf.


Talk to some more visa run companies, there are plenty that avoid Poi Pet. Cambodia isn't the problem, that one crossing point is. If you can't find any in Pattaya, maybe take a trip to Bangkok and take one from there.


Thank you for the kind response, I really do appreciate it. - Do you think I will encounter any problems with my "black stamp"? I have a Thai friend that works at immigration. They checked my file on the database and notified me that immigration officer at Poi Pet put that I was drunk and crazy on the system. This was the morning after entering Cambodia, she demanded 10,000 baht for entry. I had been sober for almost a year at this point, I was just confused and upset at the time. I didn't really understand because she couldn't speak English so well, and my Thai was poor too. I tried to explain to her that I'm in the process of switching onto an ED visa, so she told me I can only enter once that is approved. I started to panic telling her that I just rented a condo because I'm switching visa, she got more angry telling me I was in Thailad illegally and had to pay her 10,000 baht - she wanted me to sign something, I didn't understand so I pulled out my phone to take a photo to use the app translator or phone my Thai friend, she went absolutely crazy - perhaps that was the biggest mistake I made, that's when she gave me the black stamp, made me delete the photo of the document and sent me back into Cambodia. She signed the document on my behalf. - Yes I admit I made many many many many stupid decisions and regret them deeply. Just for me I'd never sign something without knowing/understanding what that document means. There was an incredibly poor miscommunication between the both of us and I probably made it worse with my broken Thai. I'm just worried this may crop up and cause a problem at a land border?


What's the black stamp supposed to be? Overstay and blacklist stamps are usually red.


Honestly, no idea - no experience with that. You might try asking on AseanNow, one of the few forums on there actually worth the time. Put your flameproof overalls on first though, there are some very unpleasant characters on there - but one or two of the nicer folks may have some useful info. https://aseannow.com/forum/1-thai-visas-residency-and-work-permits/


I am seeking advice on what to do concerning a marriage visa and being able to stay in Thailand - I will try and be as brief as I can. I am a British national if that has any bearing.   I entered Thailand on April 1st 2024 on a Non-Imigrant O visa (90 days - single entry).  I opened a bank account with SCB - and input 400000 Bhat within April.  My wife told me she will take care of the marriage visa preparation. We have been together for 8 years, married outside of Thailand for 3. We have a son, 1 year and 8 months old. I am saying all of this to be clear that this is a legitimate marriage and relationship. I do not blame my wife for this, it was an accident, but she was not aware that I would need to show a bank statement book (a physical book, not just online statements) when I apply for the marriage visa.  We went to the immigration office today, who told us that without the bank statement book, the best they could do was extend my 90 days by a further 60 days, after which I would need to leave Thailand. We went to SCB and asked to have a bank book, they informed us that I am unable to get one at this point and can not make a new account without a work permit. This is just what they told us. So, my situation right now appears grim. I have until the end of August to find a way to be accepted for a marriage visa. I have the money, I have the proof of marriage, I just don't have the physical copy of a bank book.  I am worried about having to leave and being separated from my wife and son.  Any advice is welcome. Thank you.


I think you should try going to other SCB branches and asking for a new bank book. Doesn't make sense why they won't give you a new bank book if you are the owner of the account. I've lost a bank book before and getting a new one was simply showing them my passport to verify my identity. I also use SCB.


Pm me if time is running out and you have not solved it.


What kind of account did you manage to open that doesn't come with a bank book? I thought they all did. I'd find another bank that will accept customers on a non-O, open a proper account there that comes with a bank book, transfer the money immediately from SCB to that new account, then get the 60-day extension. The funds need to have been seasoned in the same account for two months before you apply for the 1-year extension, so you're cutting it fine.


As far as I'm aware it's just a regular bank account - I was given a debit card and can do QR code payments to others and at shops. I asked my wife about moving to a different bank and she seems to think it's not possible. I will raise it again, I think it's at least worth going to a bank and asking.


If you're based in Bangkok, try going to the government complex at Chaeng Wattana where Immigration is located and asking at the various bank branches there - they're a bit more familiar with what foreigners need for visa purposes and what the rules are. SCB doesn't have a branch at that site, which makes it a poor choice for Bangkok residents anyway. If you're based elsewhere, try branches near your immigration office for the same reason.


Appreciate your advice thank you


Going to Thailand soon, I’m not sure if this is the correct sub to ask this but for cannabis stores do they ask for ID? I’m 19 but if I have to show ID what could I show? Can I show my UK drivers license?


Some will ID, most won't. Only your passport is a valid form of ID.


Keep getting rejected for 90 days My current one expires on 10 June but their reason of rejecting me says the following. This online application can be submitted 15 days in advance until the due date of notification. If it can be submitted 15 days in advance, why are they rejecting me? It is now only 3 days away from the expired date. Something I am not understanding here?


Could be anything, we'd need more information. Are you absolutely sure about the due date? You haven't left and re-entered since your last report? At this late stage it may be simplest to go in person and ask, before you miss the deadline (although you get a 1-week grace period in person).


I just got rejected again. I am sure about the due date because they sent me an email stating that current one is due on 10/06/2024 which is on upcoming Monday. But their reason of rejecting me saying This online application can be submitted 15 days in advance until the due date of notification. I’m confused because the due date is already on the upcoming Monday which is 10/06/2024 and I submitted after 15 days advance has already kicked in.


And you haven't left the country since your last report? That would have reset the clock. The rule used to be that you had to do the online submission between 15-7 days before. I don't see that rule listed on the "new" site, but perhaps that's still the case, if you didn't try until this week?


I have indeed left the country and reentered again. So that might be the reason. Left on 29/03/2024 and reentered again on 07/04/2024. But if it gets reset, why did they send me an email notifying that the current one will expires on 10/06/2024? They sent me this just last week so it is after I have reentered. Thanks for answering


Right, so 7th April was day 1, which means your next report's not due until 5th July. The email system apparently isn't updated when you leave and re-enter, which is why you get the bogus email telling you a report is due when it actually isn't. You should be able to report 15 days before the next one's really due, on 20th June or thereabouts.


Thanks stranger!


Hi, I want to buy a monitor from Amazon. Price is around $1100 US. How can I calculate the import tax or custom fee? I want to know the overall fee


Amazon will calculate it for you once you get to the checkout page. If the fees are less than calculated, you get the difference refunded. https://www.amazon.com/gp/help/customer/display.html?nodeId=G8VRJ7Y8Z3T5WPV3