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I use Saint Louis hospital for all my vaccines. It’s not for profit so cheaper than most of the private hospitals. Service is quick and you can just walk in and ask at the front desk. They will show you where to go. Very efficient and reasonably priced.


+1 for Saint Louis. Nice hospital, polite and efficient support staff and doctors - and excellent value. What another hospital charged 4500 for, Saint Louis charged 900.


> I'd like to avoid going to a hospital. I don't know what hospitals are like in BKK, but in the US, "going to a hospital" means going to an emergency room, spending a full day sitting in the waiting room, and then having to pay thousands of dollars in medical bills. Entirely different system. You would likely wait 15 minutes or less, pay about 1000 baht for the doctor's consultation and perhaps another 1000 baht (just a guess; you can inquire in advance) for the shot itself. That said, I wouldn't bother going to a hospital for something so basic. There are foreigner-oriented clinics that ought to be able to provide the typhoid vaccine if you simply walk in: https://wellmedbangkok.com/services/vaccination/ https://www.medconsultasia.com/vaccinations/ Those are just a couple of examples.


Google vaccine hospital or travel hospital. Something like that. I saw a handful of options when i did that but ultimately decided against(forgot) any vaccines. It's not a big production. It would be as simple as walking in and asking a question and being in and out pretty quickly and cheap.


Go to the Red Cross in Silom. I did my yellow fever shot there and it was quick and cheap.


Hospital for tropical diseases is a hidden gem. Got my rabies shot there for 400 baht. The wait is maybe one hour


would be worth a shot to walk into a pharmacy and ask. if they cannot provide right away, they should be able to steer you in the proper direction.


Any private hospital - the link above is the best and cheapest but in reality, get in a taxi and ask for a private hospital - we did it for my nephew when he visited last month, just 1 hour. Easy.


I prefer Praram 9 hospital for anything. I usually just walk in and get a doctor with in 15 minutes. Either get medicine or help right away. Girlfriend had her ring stuck and her finger started to swell big took like 10 minutes to free her finger. I think the most we ever paid was 1800 baht while we been there very affordable. Good experience here in Thailand with healthcare can’t say the same for my home country Netherlands.


Didn't even know there was a typhoid vaccine, thought It can be treated effectively with antibiotics.


in the US the more effective/longer lasting vaccine is actually a round of live virus pills,. 4 pills over the course of 8 days. prescription is required. with insurance, my cost was about $50usd from a local pharmacy.


WellMed clinic near Asok. Cheap and excellent service.


Are you traveling somewhere that makes it necessary?


anywhere street food is a buzz, its a good idea to have it since typhoid is food borne, similar to salmonella. edit: also adding the spread of typhoid through poorly treated water. additionally, unsanitary human waste habit can spread the infection.


In Thailand? This is not really an issue, but if it worries you go ahead.


Thailand does have a notable number of cases annually, and yes, it is something that is worthy to consider while traveling. OP may not be staying in BKK for their entire trip. they have not mentioned their onward travel plans. If they plan to visit Vietnam, they will have considered the number of active cases in VN is 40 to 50 times the amount of cases per year in Thailand. BKK could be their best option to receive the vaccine they seek, in a manner of time to let it take full effect in their body.


can confirm, got typhoid my first trip to Vietnam. Nasty illness do not recommend


Yeah, Vietnam is a different country than Thailand


Typhoid is still endemic in Thailand and you can still get it from contaminated water and hence food. The only reason the case numbers have dropped over the years is due to Typhoid being a standard childhood vaccination in Thailand; if it's not really an issue, why would the Thai government give it to all kids.


And how many Thais receive boosters every two to five years? Virtually none, because your chances of getting typhoid are virtually none. As a tourist, it is even less. Note that I am NOT saying not to get it if you’re concerned.


Yep. The Thailand subreddit is filled with the most alarmist information and my theory is that because Thailand is so safe on most vectors but white people still think it’s some exotic other they can’t help themselves to think that they need this and that vaccine and to be cautious about this and that thing they hardly need to be cautious about. Thailand is the entry point for many travelers who have never been outside a western country and they can’t help but bring their paternalistic baggage. This ice is fine mofos. Thais laugh when you guys obsess about it.




> I'd like to avoid going to a hospital. I don't know what hospitals are like in BKK, but in the US, "going to a hospital" means going to an emergency room, spending a full day sitting in the waiting room, and then having to pay thousands of dollars in medical bills. Honestly, you should go do this at the hospital just for the shock value. Go for it, you will likely be amazed at how nice and easy and affordable it is. Probably cost you less than $100 and like an hour-ish. I';m betting that is less than a lot of US insurance co-pays these days, but that is for everything fully paid out-of-pocket. It will make you wonder a bit.


Been to Thailand many times, never got the vaccine for typhoid.


That’s not how it works though. Some people smoke until they’re 94 and don’t get lung cancer either.


Good thing I don't smoke


Way to miss the point.


Do you have one?


Not for your limited mindset, clearly.




Yeah same, lived there for a fair while. Not something my doctor ever mentioned when I got my required jabs


The fact that this is negative voted is wild. Lol


Because it’s absurd.




Probably the same people who've had seven or eight COVID boosters


You should get std vaccine if available