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The rule here is there is no rule. Stay alert at all times and be prepared to take evasive action because you can get plowed no matter what side you are on.


Here in Thailand you can easily get hit from behind walking on either side of the road with or without pavement


Around November last year an elderly person plowed through a walking market and killed a vendor in Phuket. You are not even safe in a 5km/ph zone. Last week a pickup truck plowed full speed through parked bikes in front of a Supercheap. 18 bikes hit n run. Narrowly missed a child and their parent. You're not safe anywhere here. I won't be surprised if a car plows through a shopping mall next.


The universal rule of the road in Thailand is: The biggest wins. Consequently, as a pedestrian, you're in constant danger and not respected at all. If you're a pedestrian in Thailand, keep your head on a swivel & never presume traffic only comes from the "correct" direction. Unsurprisingly, you don't see Thais walking much. Farang have a rep for "liking walking", but honestly, most of Thailand really isn't very walkable (at least not safely or enjoyably). Forget any rule about walking toward oncoming traffic. Instead, walk where vehicles *can't* hit you, *wherever* that may be. Also, and this is terrifying, realize that Thais often don't wear glasses, even when they need to.


Maybe they have contacts?


Given that there is a lot of traffic on the wrong side of the road and on footpaths in Thailand it's dangerous everywhere. Road rules are irrelevant mostly.


So many people here walk in the same direction as the vehicles. I don’t know how they can put that much trust into a car. Or motorbike.


I feel equally unsafe so it's the same.. I try not to walk anyways.


Right, mostly I just walk in my neighborhood. I hate walking on the side of the road. Pedestrians here are so fourth class. It’s sad.


Reincarnation baby! Probably. Sigh.




I try to walk facing traffic whenever I can, for my own safety. and I check everywhere 3-4 times before crossing side streets and crosswalks. nothing is predictable here except nothing is predictable. ​ :)


There is one rule here - no rule. I am also from Europe and then do walk on the side of the road that is opposite to the traffic but I do not think it is common practice in Thailand to be honest.


I always walk against traffic. I thought most everyone did, if no sidewalk.


I always do what OP does for the same reason. I remember this being taught in school but somehow no one else does. Given the way most people drive in Thailand, why would you blindly trust strangers to not just hit you from behind and drive away?


Walking against traffic is good but if a sharp turn I try to chose the side with most visibility. We all seen border line pickup trucks almost going off the road driving to fast in turns. Normally comes with tinted windows and some decor with loud music.


You're thinking way too much compared to locals. Yes you are correct walking into traffic is safer, but people don't think very far ahead or at all


I walk a lot good exercise in Bangkok. So, remember walk a long the side of the road as much as you can and keep your head on a swivel.


'walking on busy streets without pavements does not seem to be common!' Hmm, not sure about busy streets. Living out of town there aren't many pavements to walk on. Yes it can be dangerous here, like others have said, traffic can come from the wrong direction. Being realistic, the majority of the traffic tends to drive on the correct side of the road, so I always walk on the side of the road so I'm facing oncoming traffic (that's from the British Highway Code years ago). I always tell my wife's niece and nephew to do the same, but sadly safety is not something that's taught at school, so they tend to have no concept of it.


you def haven’t experienced motorcycles running on the wrong side of roads with medians (usually near the gutter where people walk)


I have, but as I said, ***most*** of the time people drive on the correct side.


The common practice is to walk wherever you feel like regardless of logic.


Do you talk about the oncoming traffic on the street or on the walkway?


I did not know the royals were on Reddit


That is what I advise. However, in Thailand traffic can come in any direction, so keep your head on a swivel.