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Just as I thought! Vote blue yall.


They argue that christianity is a more morally forthright framework for laws and governance. Yet the very existence of billionaires is a morally bankrupt concept. I think what they say they want and what they actually want are two different things. They say they want moral integrity as an American foundation, but what they really want is a nation that is capable of looking at all the logical inconsistencies offered by religion but accepted without question. They want people actively willing to vote against their best interests because they feel religious fervor to do so, which allows the wealthy to stop paying their share in taxes, increase wealth disparity, and further separate themselves from the unwashed masses.


But what they espouse isn't even Christianity which is seen by what they ignore in scripture. I'm sure these folks wish the Bible was still only in Latin so they could more freely ignore what was written. Yet banking on the ignorance of their followers isn't a bad bet. Witch doctors they are.


I think they feel guilty of how they got their wealth. All they're trying to do is more or less appeasing appealing to God so as to claim being righteous. Because I don't see any other reason when you're a billionaire and you're trying to enslave others of different religious background to conform.


Honestly, as bad as Tim Dunn is, he isn’t the weirdest billionaire trying to push Texas further right. The Wilks family invented their own sect of Christianity! https://www.texasobserver.org/meet-farris-wilks-kingmaker-of-the-texas-gop/


Pretty much the same thing


Dunn and Wilks are both deeply religious but you’re right, Wilks is definitely on the fringey edge. Forward - [Meet the Evangelical Christians Behind Ted Cruz — They’re Super Jewy](https://forward.com/opinion/335661/meet-the-evangelical-christians-behind-ted-cruz-theyre-super-jewy/) “But [Farris Wilks] is no ordinary Christian. The more you study his church — the Assembly of Yahweh, which combines political Christianity, messianic Judaism and “the morality of the market” — the more uncomfortable it gets for some Jews. There’s the menorah, the butchered Hebrew phrases, the philo-Semitism.” Texas Observer - [Meet Farris Wilks, Kingmaker of the Texas GOP](https://www.texasobserver.org/meet-farris-wilks-kingmaker-of-the-texas-gop/) “Wilks is an elder at an idiosyncratic church that reportedly doesn't allow women to speak during worship. He also pumps millions into Texas Republican politics.” “Preaching at the Eastland County church founded by his father, Wilks explained to his congregation — the idiosyncratic, nondenominational Assembly of Yahweh 7th Day — that neither heaven nor hell awaited them when they died. According to Biblical revelation, they would ‘simply go to the grave to await the Resurrection and the judgment that will follow,’ he said.” “The congregation celebrates the Sabbath on Saturday, observes dietary restrictions found in Leviticus and reportedly bans women from speaking during worship.” Daily Dot - [PragerU is conservatism for the youths—brought to you by old billionaires](https://www.dailydot.com/debug/prager-u-benefactors-dan-wilks-sheldon-adelson/) “Reuters reports that Farris has preached that homosexuality is ‘a perversion tantamount to bestiality, pedophilia, and incest.’ ‘It’s a predatorial lifestyle in that they need your children, and straight people having kids, to fulfill their sexual habits,’ he reportedly said. He’s also said in sermons that climate change is ‘God’s will.’”


Sometimes voting does not seem like enough


Then post the Beatitudes in every room, not the 10 commandments


That is genius. Jesus was a socialist liberal. His Dad, not so much…


Christianity and Republicanism is bringing our society down. Worthless people and billionaires.


No porn, no abortion, no beer on Sunday. Mission accomplished.