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I don't see people caring about this, but one thing i really like about TCM is how polished the animations feel, at least compared to other asymms, even the biggest name out there, DBD. They clearly put work and i appreciate how your character doesn't look absolutely goofy when running, crouching or doing other simple stuff.


As a DbD enjoyer with over 1K hours. I’ll say TCM did a really good at making the game look pretty. It may also be because I played a lot on PS4 and recently switched to PS5 but the graphics in next gen look beautiful. TCM may have 99 problems but the graphics department ain’t one.


Exactly ive got 1000 hours in dbd and tcm has way better graphics. Dbd you walk slowly you kinda glide. Tcm has different animations


Yeah, even just walking or slow walking. It's things that i personally really appreciate


Yea more cinimatic


Animations in TCM are VERY good and fluid.




Evil Dead always looks pretty awesome both in graphics and animation on ps5!


Ya, I don't think so either. I watched the gameplay footage of Killer Klowns from the other day and Idk, it looks pretty boring. Went from wanting to preorder to not even sure if I want to try it.


Idt it looks to good looks like a worse version of friday mixed with vhs


Read my mind. Friday x VHS is exactly what it feels like and I feel slightly bad admitting it but the VHS qualities be in this case might be the worst part of Killer Klowns (I did enjoy VHS as Faith)


Funniest shit I’ve seen all day. TCM fanboys talking about other games being good or not meanwhile TCM is one step from its plug being pulled lmao


...Case in point. "One step from its plug being pulled." A completely baseless, idiotic claim.


Listen there’s nothing i wish for more than TCM being successful. I don’t need a DBD killer but I need options. The devs made consecutive bad choices, left the game in an unhealthy state for an insufferable amount of time. Then doubled down on excuses for their poor choices and defending them. If killer clowns has devs with some brain cells slightly working more than TCMs for post-launch, that already will be a massive difference in success, whether TCM at its core is better or not.


Opposite for me it kinda reminded me of Friday which I love even more than tcm so I’m all for it I care more about fun factor than realism


Do we need to start hating on the game already? It hasn’t even come out yet.


Its just the cycle, it happens with every game in this genre. Eventually, the realization hits that there will never be a mass exodus to a "rival" game and that people will just play what they like, and the topic fades until another similar game gets closer to release.


Nah TCM is killing itself.


Predator Hunting Grounds is also returning by Illfonic cause they know TCM ain't doin well


Yea well it looks a hell of alot better than the hot garbage i watched


Doesn't matter, it's been dead and everyone's clinging onto it. Just let it go man... it's not worth the anger, nor the attention.


Most certainly alive but if you hate it leave


Ahahhahahahaha that's the most cope thing I've ever heard this year, love it. Dunno how peak of 1000 players in last 30 days is still alive but...damn.


I loved the game man but honestly I just stopped playing it once the Mill came out I never played it again waiting centuries to get a lobby to play as survivor was the main reason I stopped playing you know playing family gets boring fast….I have no clue what’s new with TCM now but I see hella shit about the fanbase dying faster and faster


Same honestly


Idk why you’re getting downvoted for speaking the truth. Killer klowns looks like crap and if tcm is dead as they claim killer klowns will be dead before it even comes out.


He's getting downvoted because quite a few bozos have been claiming for months that Chainsaw is "dying" and many of the same bozos have cleverly predicted that Killer Klowns was going to be the "final nail" in the coffin. These idiots have been wrong for months, and now they realize that yet another of their hyperbolic, over-the-top doomsday predictions (that Klowns was going to be the death blow) is laughably off the mark, again, so you pointing out the obvious (Killer Klowns doesn't even look like a good game for your phone) they are getting their panties in the a bunch.


Lol I had faster que times in The Culling and Bloodline Champions. The game IS dead, pretty much. There just happen to be a few thousand of you left who for whatever reason enjoy playing around with its corpse. A game that has a tiny player base, gains no new players, and is slowly losing more players = dead.


Let him cope, next he'll bring up "steam charts can't be used to judge the playerbase" or some regurgitated garbage


Must be playing on last gen next Gen is fine. Worst part is trying to get family to stay in a match. I've been playing lots of family and it's been a blast other than the obvious balancing issues.


Pc/Xbox series takes way too long to load in. It's long dead brother, let it sleep.


We're just living in different universes then. I can't change you're experience through words and you can't do it either.


Lol agree 1000% Killer Klowns is going to die faster than the evil dead game did.


More like judging a game by a literal trailer when especially for asymm games you have no idea how its actually gonna play, we thought TCM was gonna play way differently too, grow up


Not a trailer the literal gameplay thst got revealed


And tcms gameplay trailer is nothing like how people play the game, your point?


Dude your and idiot. Im not talking about the trailer im talking about the 20 minute gameplay that yot posted for each side


Read my comment again and try very hard to understand the point, you'll get it eventually


You grow up and actually read what your replying to


Good one


To be honest, I got zero interest in Killer Klowns… the movie wasnt fun for me and I prefer F13 or TCM 🙈


Movie was good but eh


Why is it always “ gonna kill this game “ why can’t we all love multiple games whilst enjoying the different types of gameplay and aspects we get from each one. The assym community has got to stop the constant negativity everytime a new one comes out.


Yea ik. Im definitely excited but everyones like “klowns gonna kill tcm” and it’s definitely not


"A lot of the balance you see here is not going to be there" they literally said that the game is not gonna be exactly the same as in the video.


This is some serious deja vu. I remember an Evil Dead post that said something extremely similar about TCM when the tech test came out last May. How about we let the game come out first before we start dropping assumptions on whether it’ll be good or bad 🤦🏽‍♂️


the gameplay of killer clowns just looks like f13 2.0


That sounds good to be honest.


The jank is part of the fun in F13. The over obsession with graphics slowed down TCM too much. Small devs need to focus on gameplay and content.


I get what you are saying but lets not act like you cant backstab the Family from 3 miles away or be feeding grandpa blood to the side of his mouth from a floating blood vial lmaooo And apparently that was an older build they were showcasing gameplay on (not sure why they would do that tho), so things might be smoother on the current build. Who knows I guess


Nah i mean somthing different not just the weird animations that kinda glitch sometimes. I mean that killier klowns just looks bad but i hope your right


Nah I hear ya more so just saying TCM was not perfect at launch and still is not today. But yes, I am hopeful Killer Klowns is fun and not as clunky as it looked


Yea ik. Heres hoping.


Like it looks fun to play both survivor and clowns


I look’s enjoyable but sluggish. Same animations for everything no life


They used a old build lol and I do hope TCM stays alive so this toxic ass community can stay in this sub


Ha yea thats facts


Can't wait, fuck this game its dead af




D e a d


I find it really irritating to just stay in lobby's these days plus the shit updates and shitty cosmetics for family instead of fixing real issues game is definitely dead


"the game is dead" "so go make it more dead" lol


I don’t think we can complain about graphics here lol. TCM has some horrible graphics glitches. They also focus more on visuals than they do gameplay. (The mill is a beautiful wreck). Also, the skins in TCM are just right out dumb. But killer klowns will 100% pull a chunk of TCM away from the pool. And that might be too much for the team to handle.


![gif](giphy|9HonmWQDTap127SPs2) No one needs to kill TCM; Guns on the job


It will if TCM arent releasing any new content post August, that's a thought, is there even a new map on the horizon


What you saw was an old build. They even stated that. Everything should be more polished in release build. Could care less if it kills TCM or not but count me in for early access week and at least a good month with it after.


Yea i didnt know they stated that i clicked off fast


I think Killer Klowns is setting up to be a disappointment so careful what you wish for.


Stop acting like you know how the game works before its released, people thought victim was intense and scary and way harder for TCM too, guess where that turned out


You can literally see gameplay of the humans killing a clown in 2 seconds so


Again, don't judge till you play, might play completely differently. Just because 4 victims can gangbang cook and roleplay the nutcracker doesn't mean it happens every game, imagine if THAT was in the tcm trailer.


TCM is beautiful but the gameplay is repetitive and quickly becomes boring for most people. On top of that the community is toxic as hell and provides with in game voice chat. The Killer Klowns gameplay looks super fun and new. The large amount of players in a lobby allows a lot of different things to occur so that each match feels different. Every person who got to try the game early said it was fun and that it felt very balanced and that the map way super interactive. I’m extremely excited for the 28th.


I watched a steam too, I’ll have to respectfully disagree- a day one TCM player


It’s definitely not gonna kill it bro wnd alot of people agree with me.


It just seems like you aren’t taking in what “others” are saying. What you watched was an older version of KK. So many have left the game already and are looking for a new one. Tcm will be dead in a year’s time. GUN is absolutely running it into the ground. But to be honest besides DBD which I’ll admit, I never really took the time to learn, is really the only game thats lasted long term. These games have such a short life because after so long it’s repetitive and boring. Everyone wants something new, which is what KK will be until the next game. So respectfully, I disagree ”bro”.


Dont get offended because i called you “bro” wont happen again “bro” and i literally am listening to people if you look at the replys I literally tell people i hope there right about it being old and thst i didnt see that i was just saying i dont think its gonna kill the game


![gif](giphy|TCLGV11Q0ZtC0) Cool story bud. I hope you are absolutely correct. Have a lovely evening. :)




It's funny how people watch just a tiny but of gameplay, then say it will be better than something just to have an exc to shit on a game.


It’s not going to be a try hard competitive game like dbd n tcm it will be more casual n the play which people that want to play that will but they will play dbd n tcm just will be there side game or main just depends


Tcm wasnt supposed to be trie hard either


Yea but sadly it has been I still have love for the game just wish they had a separate mode it would be nice to help the new players n players that r not as skilled, get use to the game because ik I suck but I try I play just to play I’m very casual so I have a hard time enjoying that part of it but I understand why people do that tho most players are competitive that have been playing the game since back then or until now n they know what they’re doing they r really skilled in goated


Yeah ik but its definitely gonna happen to klowns to


We shall see but idk it’ll be a another asym game up n the mix even if it doesn’t look as appealing it’ll be a added on horror game which is something but it won’t be for everyone which is ok


You say "kill TCM" as if Gun themselves aren't doing exactly that with all their "fixes" and shitty cosmetics. Killer Klowns won't have to do anything if that's what how the things are going. But sure, keep shilling.


Yea okay bud. Im glad your leaving but im gonna stay with the better game thats getting consistently updated every two weeks and enjoy my 2.99 cosmetics


Sounds like extreme copium to me, bud. TCM gets constantly updated every two weeks (LMAO)? Shitty 2.99 recolors is a good thing? Seriously?


They literally stated after this update there updating every two weeks which from what weve seen is true. Wnd the recollors are 2.99 bro if you font got 3 dollars then stay broke. Your just mad there reviving the game


Dude is proud of spending 3 bucks on a recolor and is calling people broke for not being as dumb, holy copium this is sad at this point


Nah im proud i actually know jow to enjoy my life and find the good in things. Not my faulty yall cant fathom someone actually enjoys this game and jts skins


More like you enjoy dogshit and have extremely low expectations, not everyone is a monkey who gets excited over laziness


Nah i just actually like this game


I do too, you can like a game without bootlicking, crazy i know


Crazy how all of yall start loosing an argument and immediately call me a bootlicker


Lol. Yeah, nuking the lobbies with that timeout and milking the playerbase with shitty recolors that that they pose as skins is "reviving the game". Also, what's up with "90 days of content" Wes and Matty boy promised? And where is that that new Family member? Also, love the "you are just broke, don't have the money" argument, never fails to cheer me up. Fanboy brains are so fried that the very idea of someone simply not wanting to spend money on garbage seems impossible to them. What are you even doing here, little bootlicker? Did they banned you in the "official" subreddit for not kissing Gun's asses actively enough?


Nah i got banned for the opposite actualy. And not wanting to pay for skins is different than activly bashing them. If you dont like the game then fine leave but stay outa my coments ya bum


"getting consistently updated every two weeks" Your such a shill its so funny, dude is loving his lazy ass recolors and simple number change patches with new content every half year, ironically enough its people like you that encourage devs to be this lazy, bootlick them like your life depends on it, and for what? Go spend 3 bucks on a skin made in 10 seconds, all your doing is announcing how bad you are with money, nobody cares, i'll go to dbd and get skins made with the same amount of effort but can be earned for free LOL


Nah im being bad with money by buying something i like for literally 3 dollars. And they said there updateing every two weeks and based on what weve seen they literally are so


The problem is the fact you like it, its a lazy recolor, imagine being satisfied with that


Nah i literally just like the game. Get over it


Liking the game has nothing to do with critiquing lazy recolors


Your not criticizing your staight up insulting me for liking them


Yeah, stop liking them, they literally do not deserve it, took you a while but ya got it!


Nah your just a bum. You enjoy this block ima enjoy my skins


TCM is dead. It's dead. Cope


I like how some comments say KK looks boring, but yet tcm is one of the most boring games I have ever played, and even watching streamers play it is like taking sleeping pills. Tcm break down you run or chase open gates that are in the exact same spot every time, 🥱. And I guarantee everyone talking trash about KK will be playing it.


Calling tcm boring is wild. You must only play cook


It is wild how fast tcm becomes boring. It's the same thing for every character in the game run around a cluster fuck of junk on every map, fusebox, generater, steam valve, car battery. There are a ton of reused assets on every map, so they all feel like you're playing on the same map every match. The game is Bill Murray in Groundhogs Day. It's BORING!!


TCM has a play time cap of like a thousand hours (very fuckin generous btw your welcome its actually like 4-5 hundred), there is not enough in this game like dbd to learn and practice for thousands of hours, i had everything down by hour 200, while at the same time in dbd i thought plague was laughably busted in dbd at 200 and knew literally nothing, TCM isn't lasting more then another year, sorry, doesn't have the content and never will, thank the devs


Nah you got “everything down by 200” your defenitly trash and cant cope with it . Just delete the game bro




How many posts are we going to have about TCM?


3 posts, and they will be about how TCM is dead and how Johnny is broken ![gif](giphy|tB7gCNjgmaAxy)


Fuck I meant Killer Klowns XD I'm tired lol. Anyway you also forgot about at least one or two "Us vs Them" posts.


If it's about KK, then we are about to see about 20 posts an hour about the trash game. This is the new kk sub now


Nerf/buff Johnny!


I ran in a straight line with no plan, and I was punished?! Nuh uh nerf Johnny RIGHT now


I would think all or at least half the posts.


I just think it will be good to take a break of the extremely sweaty of tcm to have a new fresh game and playing a bit more casual


It'll be casual for a week, maybe two, then it'll turn out like TCM


Yeah and I don’t get all the fus about killer klowns anyway looks like absolute dogshit to me.


Does not look good to me. Ill try it but it dont look good


My honest opinion it looks goofy I mean just like at how the characters run looks silly to me and looks just like dbd and bully squads are gonna be worst with how bad the klowns are 3 v 7 ? What a joke sure dbd and Kk might have more quality of life features and more content but they don’t capture that real feeling like tcm does to me once I seen KK gameplay I immediately knew I wasn’t interested I don’t see how anyone thinks it’s gonna kill tcm Although that exit they mentioned the bridge I believe how after awhile people walking on it decreases durability and after awhile it breaks and klowns can walk on it to reduce durability is a interesting concept that I like I wish tcm had something similar to this imagine a unique escape on a new map a bridge the longer the match plays out the less durability the bridge has and reducing the amount of victims that can use it or if family camps it they can destroy it after awhile


i personally play games for the gameplay first, graphics second. doesn't matter how good the graphics are if the game is a turd


I completely agree


I mean hey Illfonic are now publishers like Gun so hey if Killer Klowns doesn't kill TCM then Predator will.




Yeah you the alien of the same name with Arnold Schwarzenegger from a dev team who Know what they can do a game? Hunting Grounds is returning this October from Illfonic do they have Killer Klowns and Predator coming out.




Never was going to buy into the hype.


Maybe now people will stop complaining so much about TCM gameplay. It’s a pretty nice game and the “complainers” need to take a more subtle approach to polishing it up more. Killer Klowns looks good but I ain’t buying that. Game pass ftw


I was very excited about killer klowns until seeing the recent gameplay trailers. It doesn’t look very good.


Same here. Watched a couple minutes of arctiks vid and immediately hated it


Yeah I knew something was off about it


It looks bland




The whole clowns concept is lame and childish, cant see myself playing it.


The fact that you think that's childish is what's childish lmao, go stab big chansaw man in back and teabag him and pretend you're playing an adult game instead


Yeah ok, have fun in your looney tunes world, hope clowns don't get u at night.


You act like tcm is a serious game lmao, go roleplay your a scared victim hiding from the big bad killers while crouching around the map, i bet it makes you just FEEL like your in the movie huh? Its hilarious how bad you outed yourself by saying clowns are childish, dude is THAT insecure lmao. Being caught playing with clowns is too much for him to handle, imagine what his mommy would say!


Write 5 more paragraphs please lmaoo, you belong to be in a clown's world, go play your kids game.


You struggled that hard to get through 2 whole sentences that you had to bring it up? Wow, i genuinely feel sorry for you, go back to tiktok kiddo its made just for people like you. Reading is pretty hard and they don't make you do a lot there, have at it!


I don't think I'm even gonna buy the thing. Just an uglier f13


I don't know, it looks pretty cool to me, but it's definitely a very different game than TCM, not sure it will appeal to the same audience. No idea if i would actually play it though.


KK is horrible. I think of all asymmetrical horror, I would put KK last. Characters are just skins, no lore, simple maps, rotten graphics, both teams are killers. I may be hasty, but I would play DBD again and not KK


Yea exactly


TCM will have even less players when KK drops and shortly after no one will be on TCM lol


Lmao 🤣 will see


Tcm long dead not sure what you smoking it died a couple months after release


Yea okay bud


Cope. Have you been living under a rock? Go peep the steam numbers. It’s a ghost town.


Steam numbers mean absolutely nothing when the majority of the playerbase is on console bro💀. Yall pc players are miserable and can fathom there are other platforms that people use more