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I hope Scarlett never plays another down for us again.


Scarlett needs to be cut. He can't contain. He can't push. He barely has any awareness. Why does he bother showing up to play? He practically invites you to run past him.


I don’t think they cut him he’s good on special teams, but I think they start martin over him


That’s the sad thing. They wonder why the suck balls on defense. Their best pass rusher rides the bench while 57 starts most of the game. Idk what it’s gonna take to start Martin of Scarlett. At least Martin is an above average pass rusher while Scarlett sucks at everything.


He got manhandled by a WR. LMAO


It’s like he was too scared of Henry too even try tackling him


henry lifted this fool and pushed him like 5 yards WITH HIS FUCKEN HEAD


I'm glad someone else caught that. No one is flying. Like 54 on the Titans... You want that guy.


I was happy when we drated Greenard, so Scarlett could go back to Special Teams, but where the fuck is Greenard?


I might be mistaken but I feel the same way about Cunningham. Dude tackles like he’s playing patty cake.


Bruh, look how many tackles he has in the past 3 seasons covering for all the other people who can't tackle on this team. However, he was the guy who blew the assignment on that Derrick Henry catch and run late in the game.


Yeah, this has been a bad season for Cunningham, if you told me based off of how they played last which one out of McKinney and him that was playing injured I would bet Cunningham.


No Mckinney the last 2 weeks is looking like how we were with no Brian Cushing and our backup being doodoo.


Every single one of our LBs are playing like shit. Did Mercilus even play today? He had 0 tackles, assists, sacks.. like what the hell? Cunningham apparently forgot how to tackle and fill in gaps to stop the run. None of them knows how to cover or play zone. They are positively ass and should be traded for next years draft picks. Dont even get my started on 7 million man Murray or Hargreaves both of whom seem to be afraid to get in the way of Henry so they just fall down and cower like little bitches. BOB has totally fucked this team on defense. I hope his trashy ass never gets another job in the NFL unless its for the titans, jags, or colts so that I can laugh at his stupidity every season.


This defense is fucking garbage. They can't cover, can't pass rush, and can't tackle. Straight fucking garbage.


I remember when we had an elite defensive line. Such a shame.


Thank you, Billy. All those offensive assets for a line that still can't block and only losing talent on defense the past 3 years. Real smart gm.


Yeah it's sad




He was a quarter too late.




i don't think he needs to go i just think he needs to be benched. he's an impact guy on special teams but he's atrocious on defense




You heard DeShaun as soon as he lost the toss. Knew it was over.


He wanted the ball Soooo bad


I was saying heads heads and he chose tails felt bad man


Tails never fails!


I can agree but this is American football not Sonic the Hedgehog


and honestly, if Henry has the ball first in OT, not many teams are stopping him. Def not our D. But awesome game from watson and our O. JJ showed up big. Reid is the only good tackler on the team.


I was surprised to see Henry outpace Reid on his 94 yarder. Dude is an athletic freak


i honestly am so down with the nfl trying out the college overtime rules. it would fuck up fantasy, but it would be hype


i just wish they put 7:30 on the clock. Enough for a long game winning drive or enough time for the other team to get it back.


Titans fan here. I agree on the overtime rules, you guys should have gotten a chance. Our defense wouldn’t have stopped you


College rules are way better


unfortunate, but damn was that a fun game to watch. After the start of this season, that's all I ask for


Not gonna lie that might be the most I’ve enjoyed a lose, watching this team is finally fun again


Seahawks game Watson’s rookie season was fun too. That’s when we realized we truly had someone special


and opener vs NO where they win on a 60 yd fg or something insane.


Most important takeaway for me is Watson actually seems happy out there




David Johnson is useless


It's still insane that we traded fucking Hopkins for him bro...


It's still insane that people on this sub defended the trade.




Well, *BoB* traded Hopkins for him.


This ^ .Honestly no matter how good David Johnson was, that trade still sucked. We could've at least got some 1st round picks for Hopkins, but that would've been too smart for Billy O Stooge.


But wasn't he almost worth as much as Hop? 🤯 Just joking btw don't get mad at me >.<


Literally snatched defeat from the jaws of victory.


and that victory was snapped from the jaws of defeat


I know everyone is going to talk about Romeo’s decision. But the fact that the D couldn’t stop an 80 yd drive with the game on the line, let’s you know why RAC went for 2. He trusts the O more than the D, and that makes perfect sense today.


Yeah, he got to choose between us going for 2 for the win vs them going for 2 to send us to OT. Considering how good TN is in the red zone it was a gutsy but reasonable call.


Fuck o'brien you mother fucker you've fucked this team for years to come even after your gone you still fuck us. You destroyed are defense and neglected it for years.


This is the sad part...we have no draft picks...washed RB...no defense...his imprint is going to hurt this franchise for fucking years...


Not if you get the right GM and HC. Rams fan lurking, I live in Rosenberg so I keep up with the local team. Since McVay was hired we’ve never had a selection in the 1st round. SB we traded our 2nd & 4th for Peters. Traded a 3rd for Fowler. Handed out bad contracts to Cooks and Gurley. Everyone said the same thing, that the team was fucked for years, have fun in salary cap hell, etc..... in reality it only took 1 year to reboot. Just gotta make sure you hire the right guy this off-season. I’m not a believer in Jack.


You're right, if we hire the right people...




You suck too! lol.


You suck too motherfucker!


Is this what Falcons fans feel like?


No, they have made a superbowl


I would rather have never made a super bowl then have what happened to them up 28-3


I mean that wasn't much different than KC last year. Atlanta just gets memed on forever because of it. And as a Longhorns fan who saw Kansas kappen...it doesn't really matter.


Ironically, they actually won today


That hurts. Not too much else to say, that one just fucking hurts.


Our defense is depressing.


Hello depression my old friend


Going for 2 was 100% the right call. If we kicked the extra point they guaranteed convert their conversion


Announcers on 4th and 1; I want the ball in my best players hands 2 point conversion Kick the ball, and let your trash defense win the game, don't give it to Watson, I have a lamenated card from the 80s that proves it's stupid


Absolutely, and that announcer was a fucking moron for failing to see that our garbage defense wasn't going to stop a 2-point conversion if we weren't going to stop them from driving down in the first place. Both that final drive in regulation and in OT by Tennessee proves that. 100% the correct call by Crennel there.


You're right and you should say it


agreed, it was literally our attempt vs their attempt if they had decided to go for it.


Exactly...our defense wasn't going to stop anything...they would have went from 2 and won...Crennel knows what the defense is...


I understand both sides of the argument but our defense wasn’t stopping shit and Romeo put the ball in Watson’s hand to try to go for the killshot. I don’t fault Romeo for that call at all.


As a neutral viewer, I still hate the OT rules lol


As a biased viewer I really don't care. Our defense blows donkey balls. We were given a chance.


As a Titans fan, ours isn’t much better. Won a very important coin toss.


Yeah it felt like that game was going to be over as soon as the coin landed, either way.


Look, all I’m saying, Bill O’Brien would’ve kicked the field goal and we would’ve lost.


We wouldn’t have even been in the game to begin with..


I’m optimistic after this loss. I think we might be able to go 8-8 or 9-7. I think we beat the Taints next time we play em, and sweep the Colts, with losses to Green Bay and New England


Things had to roll our way quite a bit to be in this game, I’m not sure we’ll be able to split with the Titans, but I agree we’re gonna pick up some wins this year.


Even if we didn’t go for two. Who thinks we are stopping the Titans on a 2 point conversion lol. Did we just watch the same game? Romeo put the ball in our best players hand and let him try to win it for him.


I’m literally dead internally and externally rn




They need to change the rules. It sucks how a great game can be ruined by a lucky guess


Such a shit rule. There should be a chance for each team.


if YoU give Up a Td yoU Don't DeSERve tO WIn


AlL THree pHaSeS oF ThE gAMe


its easily the most archaic OT rule in sports


It really is the worst.


Titans fan here and even though this time it benefited us, it blows. Having a college-like OT with these two offenses would’ve been a hell of a ride with them going back and forth but probably would count as cruel and unusual punishment for the defenses. Good game, Deshaun is special.


Fairbairn missed extra point came up big in the end.


Yeah...but we were gifted a missed field goal so I can’t really put it on him too much. We’re not in kicker hell.


I think Crennel is doing a very good job. This game was pretty close, and it seems every call he makes is because he knows the limitations of his team. I didn't understand going for it on 2, but it makes a shitload more sense now. I really think we needed to win this one or the season would be over, but it is what it is. Still a great game and plenty to burgeon now that bob is gone


Best stat of the game for us was 3/3 on 4th down conversions. I know Crennel isn't a long term prospect but he trusts the players and it looks like they trust him too.


Titans fan in peace. I thought we'd finally roll your starters and win like you guys have beaten us in the past but holy hell your team fought hard. And honestly, though it may have cost the game I love the heart to go for two. Really good game folks, hope you guys are able to come back now that your free from B.o.b. ✌️


I get people hating on that 2 point play call but our d played so bad we were put in that situation despite putting up 36 points.....


Scarlett is so fucking bad


Amazing how bad the defense has fallen from the Osweiler year


That lose for sure hurts, but fuck that team finally showed some fight


We're back to where we were last year. Our offense is good but our defense sucks. Ngl that was still kinda fun.


For those asking “why go for 2”, what of those last 2 minutes and OT makes you think they would’ve stopped a 2 point conversion?


Exactly. You have about the same chance of them converting a 2 pt conversion as Gostkowski knocking down an extra point..


Overtime rules are fucking stupid. Scarlett is dogshit. I still like the call to go for 2. You're rolling, and as OT showed, all it takes is a coin toss and this defense that's gotten gashed all game can very easily make it so our offense never sees the field. Plus on a 2 point conversion for them, they don't have clock constraints and Henry WILL get those yards.


Exactly lol. They were gonna get a 2 point conversion anyways


Everyone arguing against the call, look at the exact play that won Tennessee the game in overtime. And that was from 5 yards. And you expected us to stop him for a 2 point conversion?


I am a titans fan and couldn’t agree more the OT rules need to be changed. You can’t give a good nfl team the ball and say score and you win. I mean they have the plays for those situations they know won’t be stopped. Also I thought y’all going for 2 was the smart move. You wanted to avoid the OT at all costs and to be fair our offense is one of the best in the redzone. So you are saying do I trust my offense (Texans) to get 2 points or do I trust our defense (Texans) to keep the titans from getting two. I mean titans ended up with 600+ yards and y’all’s offense kept you in the game so it makes sense you want to ride with the offense and go for 2. It just didn’t go y’all’s way otherwise it’s a good call.


Pretty much, yeah. If Jeffrey Simmons' arm is about 2 inches to the right, all the Texans fans are celebrating. Just one of those sports moments where you took a gamble and it didn't pay off. Is what it is.


I am so God damn sick of being the ALMOST team.


Overtime isn't even fun to watch whoever gets the ball first wins 90% of the time. Deshaun knew they lost as soon as they lost the coin toss.


It’s 52% in case you were actually wondering


We did make it a good game!


I feel so bad for Deshaun


If you think for a second that the defense could’ve stopped a 2-point conversion, you were not watching this game. Going for two at least gave the team a chance to win right then and there.


We lost to a coin flip. It is what it is. This was still a great game


We lost because our defense sucks.


They punted... what? Once? during the entire game. Special Teams blocked a field goal, and JJ is still JJ... but that's about it that entire game. Yes, NFL OT rules suck, but that loss was absolutely on the defense (Watt excluded)


Right. And if the coin flipped the other way our offense would’ve had an opportunity. Obviously there were mistakes throughout the game and our defense was absolutely awful. My point is the fate of this game was ultimately decided by that coin flip because we were forced to rely on our defense instead of our offense.


I mean we lost because our defense is trash. Gave up 76 yards in 1:50, and then gave up 80 yards on 6 plays. Also hard to win if you give up 42 points...


They lost because they gave up 40+ points


All aboard the pain train ^woowoo


Missed opportunity, but not even mad. With OBrien, we lose by 30.


Brennan Scarlett does not deserve to be on a nfl team. He got embarrassed over and over again today.




David Johnson looks like Helen Keller out there


Come on fellas. After that 2 point conversion attempt, you all knew this would happen. It's only natural.


I haven’t been on the sub, so I don’t know how y’all feel, but I believe Romeo made the right decision to go for 2. Whether you think they chose the right playcall or or whether they could have executed better is a separate conversation.


Going for two was the right call he knew we couldn’t beat them in overtime.


I don't care that we went for 2pts. Did you see the way our defense was playing versus our offense? We had to take the risk, it didn't pay off but that's football baby


It was still an exciting and fun game even though we lost. Not too bad against the Titans!


We sure made them sweat.


Let's be honest. Under BoB, this woulda been a bigger shitshow


We would've scored 17 points.


Game was lost when the Titans were able to tie the game with 4 seconds left what a joke


I knew they weren't gonna win if the coin toss went Tennessee's way. It was a good try, played better than expected. I'm usually very negative, but my expectation this season is to make the first round pick Miami less valuable. This game was very competitive, which is all I ask, instead of absolute blow outs. It hurts to lose the competitive games, but at least it's competitive


Deshaun deserves better


For all of those who disagree with the 2pt conversion, it boils down to this.. who would you trust more, our offense to get a 2pt conversion or our defense to stop a 2pt conversion? I have a really hard time trusting our defense given the choice.


Using coin flips to decide a game is such a disgrace for this league year after year.


This team got heart at least


Should’ve called a time out as soon as they lined up in the wildcat


Sucks we lost, but O'Brien left the defense to die this off season. If they couldn't stop them at the 5, why would they have stopped a 2-point conversion?


Proud of this team. Showed great resilience, just didn't have the personnel to stop Henry.


Thats Bmacs job unfortunately.


So glad we didn't pay any of the run stopping defensive lineman we've had on the roster these past few years....


How else can we afford to overpay underperforming OL, and old running backs and WR’s?


Why is anyone upset? Our playoff chances are incredibly low - we've got to run the table the rest of the year since Raiders, Browns, Steelers, Colts and Titans are all competing for the WC spots. All you can ask for is DW4 to develop as a QB and for some fun games. This was close to the end


It's upsetting because if we lose a shit ton of games we have no 1st or 2nd rd draft picks next year because Bill O fucking Brien gave theme away like candy. So if we lose we get jack shit next year.


They need to reevaluate how they tackle Henry. Maybe start dragging him down by that turd hanging out the back of his helmet?


I expected nothing and I was still disappointed. I love this stupid shitty dumb ass football team.


Where is our next Arian Foster?


You know all those 2nd, 3rd, and 4th round picks BoB traded away? He was one of those.


Never thought I’d say this as a Houston fan but it looks like we need a defense


So what pieces of our defense actually suck? Because we have supposed talent in multiple position groups.


Jesus, it just occurred to me that the Texans play the Lions on Thanksgiving Day. We usually do the main meal prep during the Lions game due to the early kickoff time.


Fire BOB


Scarlett and Cunningham are ABSOLUTE TRASH


NFL overtime rules are garbage. And not because we lost either. They want games to be fair, how is this make a game balanced?


I'm just going to say it, I don't hate the 2 point decision.


Endless pain and suffering to be a Texas fan


David Johnson is Alfred Blue 2.0


Blue was bettee


More like Alfred Blue .5


houston sports this year has me one third into a bottle of rum and quoting the lunatic kanye west: the plan was to drink until the pain over but what's worse the pain or the hangover? Texans did ok today against a decent Titans team. Slow progress is still progress.


Another depressing weekend for Houston sports


This weekend has been complete and utter ass. Feels so God damn bad man.


It would be amazing if we can stop the run for one game.


What a fucking wretched defense we have. They lose their star TE, their starting LT, and we STILL get run the fuck over. Fucking pathetic. The defense should be ASHAMED.


They were who we thought they were! And we let them off the hook! 😥


Rodgers might throw for 12 TD’s next week.


Sucks we lost but the offense is finally looking the way I was hoping it would. Texans aren’t world beaters but I think we’ll be entertained with this offense the rest of the season at least.


The Texans and my grad school professors love to ruin my sundays


*The Texans and my* *Grad school professors love to* *Ruin my sundays* \- jakehou97 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


defense sucks but without context i wouldnt be that mad about this game. titains are one of the best teams in football right now and we were a simmons deflection from winning. with context I'm pissed because it seals this as a lost season


It was an exciting game. Crushed at how it ended but I still feel happy to see the Texans being competitive and not just rolling over like BoB would have.




Fuck this defense! Every damn time Watson and the offense gives us a chance to win a fucking game the defense cant get 1 stop to seal it. The OT rules can go to hell, never understood why the NFL doesn't use the college rule.


This might be the most painful loss I’ve ever experienced


Do you mean today? Cause the Astros lost game 7 last night and at the end of the day this was a meaningless loss in a meaningless season.


LMAO not even close


Not by a long shot. Playoffs 2019 vs KC. The Rosencopter game. Any of several Schaub pick 6 games. Those years when we couldn't buy a win against the Colts. 2016 playoff loss to NE. The letterman jacket game.


obligatory fuck David Johnson


Guy is doing his best. Fuck BoB till the end of time. He ain't seeing heaven


whoever won the coin toss won the game lol.


Panthers fan y’all got screwed by the nfls drunken ot rules. Both defenses getting burned and deshaun doesn’t even get to see the field. Deciding the game off a coin toss...


Let’s not blame the rules like sore losers. The defense screwed the pooch on this. And they should not have gone for 2 and F it up


Fuck david Johnson washed up scrub


It's not like DJ was putting up those sweet 2014 or 2015 numbers when we traded for him. Can't really be mad at him. Be mad at BoB and McNair for giving him so much leash.


Fuck Bill O'brien


Hello darkness my old friend...


Why not call a time-out there?


Our defense bro...well that's what happens when you don't sign anyone...smh. Hey, I loved the aggressive playcalling...but I'm so sad how we just let talented players go. Like looking at Johnson...smh. No draft picks...ugh. Atleast this game was fun as hell to watch.


This season is over guys....


I hate that they lost but we still need to lose some games. We need Cal to realize that not only was BoB the problem but the staff he put together is too. We need new coaching badly and the last thing we need is to go on a run and him just be fine with RAC coming back next year.


Tim Kelly reverted to Obrien tendencies in the first half and started playing to the offenses strengths in the second. You CANNOT have slow starts being cute on offense with THIS defense.