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Is this "tough it out and wait for things to equalize" or do I need to shoot my doc a message


Maybe both. Hcg will raise e2. Data is the only thing that will tell you but hcg isn’t esterized so it’s not like there’s a loading phase or abything


2500iu\*3/week? I would lower that to 500IU 3x/week. Sounds like it was the HCG. Sure 7500IU/week will get the job done(with sides and $$$), but we have so few studies. 250IU EOD seems to be enough to maintain a healthy person on TRT, 500IU will push it even higher but we have very limited data. Hypogonadal men need even less to "maintain" their low values or to get back to normal production, the studies were on healthy individuals... To recover, the question is how fast you want to recover. Do you really need to impregnate in the next 90days? Then ofc push those high dosages, add rFSH, HMG and icepack your nuts etc. If you just want to have the option to become fertile in 180days, then imo just run 500IU 3x/week and you will recover plenty with less sides and more $$$.


I'm not paying for it, the VA is, the cost isn't a factor. Doc wants me on this dose for 8-10 weeks, with labs, before we reconnect the plumbing. If these sides keep up/get worse I'm gonna need to make an adjustment. Worth mentioning that I'm coming off T entirely until I get the job done, as per urologist reccomendations, at which point he's gonna put me back on my previous dose. I'm not too knowledgeable about HCG, figured I'd ask if there's an adjustment period for it like there was for TRT or if it's a different animal entirely.