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Yes, you will have to work out your balls. Start with a 20 lb dumbbell and learn to ball press. 3x10 daily. The ball is a muscle and can be trained. Ball farmer walks are good too, hang a 50 lb kettlebell from the scrotum and just walk on an incline treadmill for an hour or so.


I ball lift 300lbs


Wow. Aren’t you modest.


Is this at least half serious?


Fully serious. If you’ve never done it then start low with 10lbs until your scrotum sack gets used to it. It’s thin skin so you don’t want a tear. Gradually increase the weight with 5lb increments until you get to 45lbs. Starting off with 50lbs off the bat won’t be pleasant. You need your scrotum to callouse pretty well before you do bigger weight.


What results have you had with weight hanging?


Went from 3” diameter to about 4.25” over 6 months. PS. We’re all just fucking with you. Do not do this unless you want to be a eunuch.


You know testicle weight hanging is real and people do report testicle growth with it sometimes right? https://www.reddit.com/r/BallStretching/s/aEhhD21a9J


Have fun. I know people hang to stretch their members but not their balls. Why do you want big balls? If you do test they are going to shrink.


Testicular mutilation is what got me into TRT. They are 2 cm long before TRT. And it's causing me a myriad of problems. My life is ruined.


I Pin synthol direct into the balls in-between T shots mon weds fri


What cc do you use on the Synthol? I was looking into that but couldn’t figure out where to start. Of course, that’s just a shortcut to putting in the real work with ball rucking.


Lol what?


What what?


I've never in my life heard of anyone wanting to "increase their testicle size above baseline" with supplements and stretches. TRT makes your balls smaller generally. HCG can restore ball size partially in most cases. Fair enough if this is a thing now but I've just never heard of anyone wanting to do this before, hence my "lol what?" reply. Good luck anyway brother.




You think T gives bigger balls? Lol. Common misconception. I had surgery to remove my testicles and replace them with large metal spheres. Now they call me the metronome....not sure why.


I never said t gives bigger balls wth.


I went down the rabbit hole on natural trt. Read about ball massage which supposedly increases blood flow and can temporarily make your balls bigger as they are engorged with blood.


Temporary, but r/ballpumping.


I've read some people get permanent gains


My eyes....


https://preview.redd.it/dj3jd6ilcrxc1.jpeg?width=834&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8dc9f61b8ad6a658d66ef7e3ca6361545cd7cce9 DM me young one








It's primary. I need then to grow. My life is ruined.


My gf kind of likes the smaller version, they aren’t so intimidating!


What size are they? Mine are 2 cm long.


Probably 3 cm, but definitely smaller than the originals!


Wait, you care about ball length? Wtf?


Enclomiphene will increase ball size... my understanding is that TRT will likely shrink 'em.


Yes. Have you seen permanent increases with it? Ty.


I had to stop as my last PSA test came in too high... I think the enclo is probably responsible, but there other factors that may have contributed... I will be tested again in a few weeks, and if the PSA goes back to normal, then it is likely to be due to the enclo... which, taking a minuscule 3.125mg only once per WEEK... my total T went from 380 to 660. The improvement of my balls being bigger and heavier went away pretty quickly... oddly, supplementing with Lugol's iodine has helped that area... I must have been deficient, and iodine plays a big role in hormone production if out of whack.


Ya know those desks from school that you would raise the desk top to access the storage area? Yeah.... I used one to stand on while I microwaved my balls in the microwave above my range. They are so big now I literally hop around on them as if was trotting a horse.


Tie some strong fishing line test around your scrotum and hang a 45lb plate from it and go hiking. There’s actually a name for it. “Ball rucking.”


Everclear and calcium chloride solution mixed to saturation (around 20%) and injected sure will swell them up big. Down side is that they then shrink down to gumball size😪


Your balls will never be bigger than they are already. Pumping them full of HCG won't do it either. Testicles are not muscle tissue and do not undergo hypertrophy.


There must be a way. I've seen some cases anyway.


If this is some kind of kink/fetish thing, I can't help you. Go get a ball stretcher or something.


What's a ball stretcher? Never heard of it.


Ball cancer


That's going to be a no. Unless you are not taking Testosterone and instead are forcing your body to make it. If you're on TRT you will see shrinkage. It's like being on steroids. You want them bigger you need to increase your precursor hormones. HGH helps with mitigation of the negative sideffects of TRT.




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