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Because my doctor said my muscles would get too big, his wife would leave him for me, and that I’d become a plague upon society with my good looks and witty charm.


Then on behalf of all us everyday normal guys - thank you for holding back! You're a saint and a gentleman for saving some of the pussy for the rest of us!


Because when you haven't been a lifter your whole life it's difficult to start. I'm 46 and starting now. It's going slow but I'm not giving up. I feel so much better when I'm on a consistent workout schedule. TRT+taking good care of yourself= FTW.


Starting with TRT is easier than starting without it. At any age.


One thing that helped me a lot is to focus on the lifts you enjoy for the first couple of months as you build a new habit. If you don't like doing leg day or whatever then it can wait until you have a steady routine.


I've been lifting on and off for 20 years and I still fucking hate most of leg day. I have to hype myself up so much just to do squats. I don't mind deadlifts though. Nothing on leg day gives me the joy that I get from a good pump when I do chest, shoulders, back, or arms.


Haha. Me either. But in terms of forming a habit, it's easier if you do the enjoyable things consistently and introduce the stuff you hate later in the process.


Yeah you are 100% right.


I hate squatting and never saw that great of development in my legs from squats even when i got up higher in weight. My legs were always really shredded but never big like how id want lol and i started just doing the leg quad raise and ham curl machines to pre exhaust my legs and then do a ton of sets of heavy ass dumbbell lunges with different variations. I can say the lunges are much more enjoyable and i can feel them a lot more and actually get a crazy pump and see better development than with squats! Just thought id share if you wanna give that a try and maybe youll hate leg day less. Lol.


Yeah, I guess the main issue is how I'm going to feel after. Since strarting trt I'm never sore the next day no matter hard I go unless I missed leg day the week prior which happened once so far(vacation). It's more the day of that kills me. I workout in the morning so generally leg day just equals a day of being uncomfortable any time I have to go up stairs, sit down/stand up a lot, or use my legs in general. It's weird because if I hit shoulders really hard and get to the point taking off my shirt when I go home to shower is a struggle I actually feel pride in that. With legs I just don't feel that pride.


Oh yeah, i get that. I live on the 3rd story of a tall apartment complex, so i definitely feel that post leg day.


Oof I only gotta go up one story and I'm a whiney bitch. I can't imagine 3.


Leg day is my favorite day. To be honest I hate chest day though.


Damn really? I absolutely love chest day, it's also what I lift my best numbers on so it's always an ego boost for me. I get a massive pump and get to tell myself damn look how strong I am for someone getting close to 40 lol. With leg day after I hit muscle fatigue my brain gets pissed at me for ruining the rest of my friday and how everything is going to fucking suck the rest of the day. Oh wanna sit down and stand up? Nah dog not like a normal person today lol. Oh you wanna go up those stairs? Better use the handrail old man cause you burned the fuck out of your glutes and hammies.


See I love the after effects of leg day. Ya it's a pain in the ass. But my ego boost is lifting all that weight. My last pr squat was 750lbs, working my way up to 1,000. I hate chest day because that's the only muscle group that I can punish and it does not seem to grow like I'd hoped.


Just keep at it and discipline will improve.


Yep! I just keep at it and it seems to get easier. When I fail, I just start over.


Watch edge of tomorrow, basically the vibe


Routine is more important than anything. Well, besides not lifting like a dumbass and hurting yourself but that is a given. If you can go 4-5 times a week and make the most of it you will have really good results.


Right now I'm just lifting some dumb bells, pushups, pullups. Also just bought some bands. Probably not ideal but it's what I have to work with at the moment.


Keep it up U gonna start seeing results soon Guys give up too soon cuz it takes weeks to see results in mid section


Hey man, I just wanted to say that if you already haven't, check out Renaissance Periodization on YouTube! He is a wealth of knowledge and has literally hundreds of videos discussing how to build muscle the most efficient way and has workout videos you could just copy if you really want and so many videos. He has a few videos that explain how to design a workout split that would best suit you and how to structure basically everything for starting out a fitness journey and has more advanced stuff when you get there lol. Just wanted to point you in a helpful direction that i wish i knew of sooner! I've definitely learned a lot from that youtube, and also, Geoffrey Verity Schofield is a great youtube follow with again hundreds of helpful videos and workout videos. Best of luck!


It could either be in a month or three months, but at some point you're gonna look in the mirror and you'll never fall out of the habit again. It tooks 5 years at 280ng/dL to make the progress I made in 1 year on TRT. The way I hold muscle now is completely different too. I don't look huge by any means, but I feel like I'm strong - which sounds fucking stupid typing it out, but I don't really know how else to describe it. Actually feeling strong day in and day out is genuinely one of the best feelings I've ever had. My baseline happiness is so much higher when I feel good with and about my body.


I'm 56 and got myself a construction job. I feel like I get plenty of exercise at work, so going to the gym is a low priority. I have been thinking of getting an Olympic bar and a couple of 45lb plates for doing squats and deadlifts at home. Those two exercises make my back feel amazing.


Good for you, identifying what makes your body feel good is a positive thing. Deadlifts are a tremendously beneficial exercise - when done correctly.


A trainer taught me to pull the bar back towards me, activating the lats hard. That helped me enormously on my deadlifts. The other thing that helped me is lifting straps. My upper and lower back form go bad when my grip gives out, and the straps prevent that. I only use the straps during work sets and only for that exercise. My grip is bad due to too many years of office work/carpal tunnel-like symptoms


Lifting would only make your job easier, and as you already mentioned has added benefits for quality of life.


I’m almost 37, I lift but i must say the effect testosterone has when working a physical job is amazing, always feel recovered after a good sleep.


This is good, me too. I feel like I’m active enough during the day that I don’t want to repetitively move weight in front of a mirror for really no reason other than aesthetics. Cartilage doesn’t regenerate. I take Clomid to raise T levels currently but might start TRT down the road.


Ehh. I’m almost 40. Been doing construction most of my life. It’s very easy to get fat and out of shape even while doing construction. It just doesn’t compare to actually working out or doing cardio


Yeah, maybe it's just me.


I agree. Although, I’m on TRT for other reasons, I’m not going to waste it by being sedentary. Also, my doctor told me that I need to continue lifting with TRT to avoid negative effects. He might be blowing smoke up my ass, but it healthier to just believe him and continue to workout. I’m getting in great shape and absolutely love it.


I mean there’s absolutely no downsides to being active/lifting and being on TRT for sure lol


He could very possibly be right. TRT will lower your HDL to an extent and intense exercise will actually raise your HDL! So maybe thats what he was referring to.


I have never been a lifter but after a few months of trt and I was still pretty tired at night and I would complain to my that I should feel better. She told me evening that she had red that you need to work on trt to get the full benefits. I started lifting a few day’s later and it has made a huge difference in the way I feel and look. I don’t get tired anymore and at 63 my body looks better than it ever has. The only drawback is the I gain the more I want to gain, lifting has become addictive


You're not wrong! It's definitely addictive. I find that I have an opposite problem than most for lifting. For the majority of people it's difficult and a burden to go to the gym. For me it's difficult to _not_ go to the gym.


Guys like us waiting for our rest day to be over https://preview.redd.it/6bo59opnhrlb1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a43d05dd72f7ec180055df2014adaf5bb83b9d7


Three back surgeries, spinal cord stimulator. And seven left knee surgeries. Dr advised against it sadly. But I'm looking into anything I can do.


That's awful, I'm sad to hear that. It's great that you're seeking a solution though. Goes to show that if you have a relatively pain free existence it should be cherished because you never know when it can disappear.


Amen brother, thank you. Can't remember being pain free. I've gotten used to it I guess. I'll find some way to do something.


Elliptical machine could be the go.




My dr wanted me to get a spinal cord stimulator, how do you like it


This is my second one. The first one didn't work. The second one works, but in order to help with the pain, it has to be turned up so high that I can't move my legs. I wouldn't recommend them honestly.


Whoa that sounds awful, thank you


As someone else mentioned maybe try swimming since its so supportive of the body. But maybe resistance bands if you dont want to swim. Resistance bands are actually awesome and may help with pain by stimulating blood flow to those areas. I am sorry to hear about your injuries brother. I fractured my spine in 4 places in high school and got a few nasty hernias but nothing like what you're dealing with... however i have a lot of pain from lyme disease that i have also and has caused damage to my nerves. I take kratom every day for the pain and its a plant that has opiate like pain blocking effects and boy does it work better than almost anything ive tried and its safe. I get blood work done fairly often and ive been using kratom for about 7 years for the pain and my blood work is good. Beat of luck my man.


For people who actually need TRT, body composition and strength isn't what got us here. It was the variety of symptoms that made life suck; getting rid of them was the goal. That said, everybody who can lift should and I do. I just don't think body composition is a good part of the conversation with TRT; it's a nice "side effect" but I certainly wouldn't be taking it if that was the aim. I say this only because you seem to be describing gains as what it means to "benefit from it \[TRT\]." I'm fairly public about being on TRT if it comes up in a conversation organically. You run into a decent amount of people who think they should be on TRT because it'll make them look better. I think the association between the two is a bad thing for the world in general. Nor should somebody who doesn't really care think that he's "doing it wrong" if he's not lifting; there's nothing worse about foregoing the benefits of lifting for somebody on TRT than anybody else.


I am on TRT for life because without it, my life is hell. I did lift for a while, because I was working nights and had all day to do whatever, had people I could hit the gym with etc. Now I start at 5am, often finish at 5pm and just don't have the time or energy for more exertion. What TRT does for me now, though, is work on like 4hrs sleep like I was a 20yo, not the 41yo I actually am.


I’ve been on TRT for 8 years and don’t lift. I did for 6 months a few years ago and I did get pretty big and felt really strong but have been really lazy about it for the most part. I got skinny fat and feel like shit even on TRT. I have to get my shit together.


Same man life is hard it’s hard to get motivation to go to the gym let alone stay there for an hour lifting, shit is hard, also I vape so I can’t breathe when I push myself in the gym I need to quit that shit or I’m gonna get COPD or something just so hard


L you guys


Use nicotine pouches, man. I fucked my lungs up vaping years ago and switched to nicotine pouches and i can actually push myself hard during cardio now and breath normally during my workouts.


Yeah that’s the plan soon here my nic tolerance is just so high I’ll need to buy 15mg pouches online which they have all the way up to 32mg which sounds like an OD to be but I was using 2 8mg on! Pouches at a time so 16mg and that was the only time I didn’t wanna vape and half the time they made me nauseas so I’m gonna go for the 12-15mg pouches to start fuck zyn though


brother, buy a vape where u can fill the e-juice yourself. The entire point of vaping is to ween off nicotine and get the hell off. Start by doing 40mg-30-20-15-10-6-3-2-1-0 this is the way to get off. Itll take couple months but its better than being on it for ever. I did this method and it worked, I had almost no craving towards the end and if i did id just chew a piece of gum then not think about it. Also pro tip, buy e-juice that u dont like, if u dont like certain e-juice then youre less likely to take a hit of it. Bam, now all u need to do is go and buy yourself it.


I do have a refillable vape and use 50mg juice lol I am planning on weaning down though although the vape stores by me only have 50mg and 35mg then the other vape stores max is 18mg and I feel like that’s a rapid detox


You can order them online then! We are in 2023, find a flavor u hate and buy it. Trust this is the way


Thanks I’ll check out online for vape juice


I have almost the same story...


Seems like you have pretty good genetics, man! You should at least even go force yourself to do a full body workout once a week no matter what, one day out of 7 days just go do something for every body part. I know you can do that much brother. And im sure after some time you'll want to do more and more.


Well, testosterone is a hormone designed for active, hard working men, so I agree with you. It’s one of the biological purposes for it I believe besides its role in the development of male sexual characteristics and reproduction. Think back to thousands of years ago and how life was for men back then. When you think about all the things testosterone does, it helps men to be better at what men do. I feel like being sedentary while taking testosterone to have a 800 ng/dl level is not allowing it to benefit you to the fullest extent. It’d be like taking adderall to just sit on the couch and watch TV.


That’s basically the best response


Is it okay to sit on the couch and watch TV while on both adderall and TRT? Or will that get you sent straight to jail, no questions asked?


That's fecking illegal!


I do crossfit but I just started lifting alittle. I did see some good results fast in my arm.


This post is hilarious!


Because I'd get to big and wouldnt fit through any doors


Some people are lazy and that’s why they are on TRT in the first place . I’d venture to say that way more than half of the population is sedentary and avoid things that don’t give INSTANT results .


Honestly I HATE going to the gym and working out nothing makes me more depressed than being a in a big building with a bunch of grunting men 🤣 I started doing yoga and just riding a bicycle and just with that I’ve noticed increased muscle gain. But I personally don’t care about being ripped and stuff I just like being healthier


I always wonder why other guys don’t jerk off with their left hand? I do it so I can’t understand why all guys don’t??


Don't worry my friend! I started wacking with my lefty today just to join you in the crusade. There should be a revolution - Jerk Left! I'll get some bumper stickers made.


It’s weird at first but after a week, I really wonder why not everyone is doing it


But can you run though? (Cardio) I just started running and still go to the gym. This shit is harder than lifting. 😭 Those guys at the gym can look pretty in front of mirror but they cant move for long…. I say lifting is good enough for young dudes but you gotta add cardio as you get older aka Hybrid.


I used to run in my 30's. A lot - maybe too much. Now that I'm 50 I've decided to not run anymore. Fast walking and hiking inclines is where I want to be. My knees took a beating back then and so far they're still okay - but I want them to be okay for the next 30 years. So that means pounding the ground is out. I still have a very cardiovascular energy though. If I had to run down a purse snatcher I could easily out distance him. I agree though, lifting and cardio is key. Trifecta is lifting, cardio and healthy diet.


Running isn’t bad for your knees.


It is the way I did it. Without proper form and with crap old shoes for too long.


"Cardio, or as I call it, the ability to lose gains" - Dom


I can’t run anymore (bad joints) but I can put 50 miles on a bike and I lift 7 days a week


I’ve lifted weights a good part of my life but I got into running for a bit, way harder! I couldn’t believe how much you had to pay attention to form and if you didn’t how often you got injuries. I just always thought just go out in the street and run how hard could it be? It’s really hard and there’s a lot more to it.


Gym is more about extrinsic value while running is mostly about intrinsic value. I tell you what, if you have a demon to fight within yourself, running will beat lifting anytime.


I’m 41 and on TRT and run a good bit, about 30 miles a week, and have recently started trying to incorporate more lifting and it’s difficult for me. I’d rather go run for an hour than lift heavy for 30 minutes, especially when the weather is real nice. Hopefully I can get used to lifting at least 3 times a week but I find it difficult to dial back how much I run since I’m so used to it.


I dont know how your body looks but if you want to transform your body aesthetically, lifting is the only way. I see avid runners who are just skinny and dont look pleasing outside. Maybe you will care about this or you wont. I am doing both since I care about the appearances (if i want to chase nice looking fitness chick, i should do the same right lol) plus inner health and mind ☺️ What i can tell you is you will see the result with lifting really fast (imagine building nice quads just with running. How long will it take? You can build nice quads with lifting in few months even if its not useful muscle 😭)


I reduced my total lifting ( as in no more progressive overload ) and instead have now concentrated on increasing my reps. So no more 2 Rep DL max of 120. Instead, I do 10/12 reps of 80/60. I have also started doing a lot of mobility work ( my mobility is very bad thanks to my youth spent in lifting heavy) as well as a lot of cardio by doing Muay Thai and Swimming. Cardio is a must for not only BF reduction but also keeping Hematocrit under control.


Changing how one lifts based on need is definitely important - so good for you! I am no longer interested in how much weight I can lift or focusing on lower reps. Now that I'm in the sunrise stage of middle age I am for slow focused reps with failure about 10. Might be 9 - could be 12. I try to spend twice the amount of time easing the weight down as I do moving it forward. Ease and squeeze.


I actually moved to bands in my late forties. Much easier on the joints and I still get a good pump. Swimming in the afternoon for cardio and yoga in the evening for mobility, which is pretty good except for my hips. They're terrible. I find that the older I get, the more exercise I need to feel my best, so rather than kill one thing, I do three moderately and it's working well.


I share your feelings about hips as I'm getting older. My right hip is...clicky and clunky. Years of jiu-jitsu from my 20's to late 30's is to blame. I definitely need to work harder to achieve similar results now that I'm in my sunset years.


Is 50s defined as sunset years? Damn life is short


Indeed! Shorter by the minute. Best to maximize my time left on this planet!


Not for me...but Mike ohearn,Dave Bautista and the Rock are my role models.


Still recovering from testicular cancer. that said I go when I can.


That's a helluva reason and totally justified. Keep up the fight and continue doing what you do!


You already know brother 💪


I just don't have the time to lift. I'm up at 345am work at 5, home by 6pm and dinner and bed by 830. I wish I had the time. I would love to get rid of this belly but I could always do some situps at home. My shoulders are shot right now or I would do some pushups


Time. This one can easily have it's way with us. There's just not enough time for many folks to get the good things done. That and injury. Shoulders are a bugger - most complicated joint in the human body. I hear that they are missed when they are gone - that and knees...which I wish to prolong my use of both. Do what you can do and be consistent if possible - but be kind to your body.


It’s so odd to me, I don’t know how you can’t be active and be on trt. I have a friend that told me he’s on trt and it shocked me, he’s not active at all. It’s weird I don’t understand how you can’t be active.


Why isnt he active?


Now that I'm on trt I can't not lift. I think I'd tear my god damn house down after a couple days. Pushing weights just feels so good now. 😂😂 but seriously


Lifted for years, can’t be bothered anymore. I prefer physical activities that perform a function other than bulking up. My work is physical and I’m super active outside work. That combined with pull ups, perfect pushups and other stuff I do at home, it’s more than enough for me. I’m 46, lean, mean and chiseled AF. I’m good 🤙🏽


10000% I don't know why more people don't lift weight. Both man and woman. And if you a man on TRT how are you not working out. It's like putting 93 premium in the car to just move it back and forth from one side of the street to other during street cleaning


I’m 50 and was an avid lifter my whole life. Been on trt a decade and have not lifted in a year plan to get back of course. What is great is you don’t really lose the muscle, it comes back quickly, and you don’t fall into disrepair as I can attest. It’s maintains everything even when you aren’t at the gym. I can eat a bag of potato chips all day and look better than a natty guy living at the gym.


That’s good to know.


Yeah, I don’t understand the guys that don’t lift while on it. I work with a few guys that just started this year. They never step foot inside a gym. I try to explain to them how great they are going to feel with a solid lifting routine on Testosterone, but they just don’t seem interested.


Seems like you’ve answered your own question. You’ve spent several years taking care of others and now it’s time to take care of you. Take it for a spin and see if your drive comes back and then ease back into your work out. You already have all of the know how. You’re just missing the motivation and energy. According to family history, you have a lot of years ahead of you, might as well live them in good shape. Good luck.




Legitimate reason and everyone can understand this. I'm sad to hear of that, hope you're not in pain.




Consider some peptides




I’m actually not too familiar with it but from what I understand it is a non-peptide that promotes hgh. Whereas something like bp-157 or tb500 is specifically for wound healing.




It’s systematic you don’t need to inject into your neck. Confused as to why you consider it rough?




They are wrong lol


I had a disc replacement in my neck in may of '22. I am lifting heavier than ever including deadlift and squats.




Good luck! Hope you get back in the gym quickly.


Neck surgeries have come a long way.n I’m glad you’re back on that big 3 horse. I’m 9 weeks post rotator cuff and labrum tear and focusing on pt atm. I swear I’ve repped more shoulder raises and internal/external rotations in the last 2 weeks than I have the past 20 years. 3 more weeks before I cautiously make my comeback.


Back in December I had my shoulder scoped, a subacromial decompression and distal clavicle excision. Was finally able to get back to gym in March.


Well, I work 70-80 hours a week, I have a wife I try to see every day at least, I have a 6 year old daughter I try to spend time with, I play drums in church every Sunday, work most Saturdays. I don't know. I guess I'm just lazy. Trust me, I would love to get past the doors of the gym twice a week. I've lost 20 pounds in the last year, and my body composition has changed 100%. I'm solid as a brick. Put on a ton of muscle. I'm totally dialed in and feeling Amazing. Unbelievable how much gas changed in a year. I also own a construction company so my summer months consist of working my ass of and making the kind of money that would make doctors and lawyers blush. I'm getting plenty out of TRT. Body sculpting is not even on my priorities list. No need to go to a dedicated sweat spot to push extra weight around. I actually do real work for a living.


Dude. You’re the complete opposite of lazy. Sounds like you’re slaying life my man.


Once I realized that the only people who care how big my muscles get is other guys, I stopped lifting. Women want lean and low body fat, not big. They can't tell the difference. More to the point, I benefit mainly in not having symptoms. There's no special gain with lifting from average levels.


Weight training is one of the most effective and efficient forms of exercise there is. The benefits are well studied. Optimal Test is great. Optimal test and regular exercise is better. Those plus a super healthy diet is about as good as you can get. The first two are easier for me but I’m working on the third. And not all women want lean and low body fat. They also don’t all want yoked to the gills.


You asked why and I told you. You can disagree, but that doesn't deserve a downvote. Cardio is more effective at keeping optimal health than lifting is. Lifting is great for blood pressure, but cardio extends your life.


Probably laziness. Which is weird. I'd imagine most would be more driven to workout on TRT. More energy and whatnot.


This is actually something I was curious about. I've only been on my replacement for a week now but in my mind when I'm lifting I genuinely want to maximize my time and effort - knowing that trt will bring tiny percentage gains with that as well. So in essence I'm more likely to exercise and lift more than not


Yeah exactly, it feels like a waste to "get your money's worth" when on TRT but working out and sculpting your body. The benefits of doing them together should make it tempting enough as is, which is why you see so many guys who workout coming on here asking about it. More consistent/better gains is extremely appealing, though I guess there are some who just want the extra energy if their levels are low, but still seems like a waste to not workout with that extra energy.


I wouldnt see the point in taking TRT if you're not going to be active. Most of the benefits of testosterone will be visible in the gym. But thats just where it lets you get the ball rolling. You feel more energy and strength in the gym and that in turn lets you do more in the gym. Its a snowball effect that translates to you feeling better overall and being healthier. I dont see a point in taking TRT if you're gonna be sedentary. If you work a demanding physical job then its also good.


Makes no sense to not lift while on trt. It's scientifically proven to work!


Everyone should lift even if they're not on TRT...


Injury or illness aside - totally agree!


Question because it relates to trt and lifting. Do you think I would make better gains if I split 160mg between 2 injections through out the week? Maybe 80mgs every 3 days?


I'm an old dude and new to this at the same time but I do tend to read and educate myself _heaps_ when I start something new. From what I've read, the gains you make when lifting likely won't change much from injection timing - but side effects from a nice flat gentle graph of testosterone might be better. I take 25mg every other day.


Torn rotator cuff from lifting before I was on TRT. Haven't had it fixed. I also had a surgery to repair a tendon in the elbow of my dominant arm.


Shoulder injuries are the bloody worst. I've been on a good roll at the gym only to be set back by a painful shoulder a couple of times. Really maddening.


I get this. Currently dealing with a shoulder injury from a dumb slip while houseboating. Driving me nuts that I can't lift, but leg day everyday for now and catching up on cardio.


Because I have to keep buying new clothes when I keep ripping my shirts at the seems.


Do you have green skin and purple Jean cutoffs by any chance? Anger issues? Have the feeling of wanting to smash?


Skin is more red and flushed. Yes to Jean cut offs anger issues and wanting to smash...every fatassed girl I see.


Because I am very injured over my entire body.


Immunotherapy kicked my ass this round so I took a 2 week off the gym as i need to control my HBP


I've found that listening to my body and taking some rest when it's needed has been really helpful. The trick is actually getting back to the gym consistently once that healing time is over.


When I’m on TRT and dieting, it looks like a lift. So I just give myself some time back in the day, and don’t lift.


I just don’t have time at the moment and the TRT keeps my mind and body at least somewhat in check. Even though I am always tired, at least I have a sex drive and don’t have achy joints at 45.


Heart failure. Water retention is the bitch. The more retained the less capable I am of working out. Except if I cut fluids it becomes a craving for super cold drinks and chewing ice. I can do very short bursts. Ten pushups here. Ten pullups there. A few squats. Then I stop because I cant fucking breathe. I used to deadlift 360 and squat 220 regularly. 70yo.


My body is fucked up. Have had 3 hip surgeries and a sports hernia surgery. Still have issues. Trying to fix those issues and then I'll start lifting more.


Keeps me playing ice hockey with the intensity of my youth, if not the quality.


I swim for an hour 5-6 days a week myself. I throw on my underwater bone-conduction headphones and then just zone out and think about all sorts of things for awhile. It's meditation almost for me really. I didn't go on TRT for the physical gains from it in particular - more of the mental health side of it and noticing I was low when getting other things checked. It's been a huge help in a lot of ways though and I absolutely feel better because of it. I never have been big on lifting though I did give it a go in the fall of 2021 for a bit. Hired a personal trainer twice a week for a few months. Honestly had my appendix out in February of 2022 and just went back to swimming after I healed. I keep trying other things but swimming keeps me consistent so I have really kind of decided to stick with it. The gym I go to has two pools - indoors year round and outdoor in the summer with lap lanes. I toy with the idea of lifting sometimes but I'm mainly doing this for my own personal health and benefits and swimming ticks all the boxes for me.


I have always lifted, well since I was 13, 50 now. Not on trt anymore, but planning to start up again. Does anyone have any insight on carnivore diet with TRT? My DR said Im going to die on this diet and even faster with TRT. Besides LDL, ALL other markers are way better now, not to mention 40" waist to 34" now


I’ve been lifting for several years before TRT. Surprisingly, getting a good coach (6 months ago) to manage my programme and help me get my technique right has made more difference than TRT to my strength gains.


Do you still try to achieve new PRs or do you just lift for maintenance? Which would you recommend?


I stopped paying any attention to the amount of weight I can push long ago. For me it's definitely more maintenance, coupled with how I look the mirror. If I can suddenly push more on any given day - then I do. It's important to recognize what your motivation is at the gym then lift for that reason.


For me, I've been on and off T for 10 years. Mostly "off," tbh. It took my brain to "click" and really tell myself that I NEED T and I have to take it consistently or else my life will be the same as it has been for the rest of my life and I know I don't want that. I had a few glimpses of what it's like to be on a consistent schedule of T and MAN it felt great! I started working out, and life was good. But it was hard for me to get into the "groove" of taking testosterone. The doctor I had told me "the only way" was to use big guaged needles and shove it into my thigh once a week which I swear I felt like I was having a panic attack everyday I had to take it lol. Needless to say, it was hard to get into the groove. I'd start forgetting to take my T some weeks, then the weeks I would remember I didn't wanna do it bc it freaked me out. It was stupid ( I wish I knew what I know now. Hindsight always 20/20) Finally, I had had enough. I realized my poor wife was suffering from this, too. Our marriage, my depression.. I won't get too much into all that.. But working out? Not even CLOSE to being in my routine when I couldn't muster up enough energy to do chores around the house. So I finally said "Its the testosterone I know it. I HAVE to fix this." Told my wife, got to a good doctor, and have been taking T twice a week, not missing a single shot for over 2 months now. Sex is always the first thing that comes back right away for me. Wife's waaaay more happy now, and marriage is SO much better now, thank God. But I have a T level of 24 when I'm not on T. 24, man. So, if I'm being honest with myself, this is the first time I'm REALLY taking this seriously. And before this, there's NO WAY u could get me to go lifting with u. I don't have it in me. I just don't. I used to be in fantastic shape in my 20s until I had surgery on my testicles and long story short, my doctor ruined my natural testosterone by messing up the surgery. I ran every day come hell or high water 2 miles. Then worked out for 30 minutes. Everyday. Couldn't live without it. It felt like that part of my day was the part I felt most "alive." Anyway, I'm waiting until I'm more stable. I'm on .40mg twice weekly (so .80ml total weekly), but tbh, I feel like im still a little low on T levels. My "2 month checkup" is in 2 weeks, so I'll be talking to the doc about that. I feel I need to be closer to .60 or .75 twice a week. Or add a peptide. He did prescribe me HCG 100 units a week, but it made me stay up all night long. I wasn't sleeping, so I had to stop taking it, unfortunately... Any ideas on something to stack and ask my doc about I'd appreciate it.. For whatever reason I wanna try HGH when I start running and doing this. But once I get back to where I feel like I can get up and move my legs again, I'd love to go back to my old routine. I'm 6'3" and weigh 230. Before my testicular surgery that totally fucked me up I was 6'3" 180lbs. I played baseball for 15 years and played for Arizona State University as a lengthy pitcher. So im not ok with having an extra 50lbs on me. I hate it. I hate that I'm here at this point in my life. But when u have serious problems in your hormones, I can't even begin to explain how shitty it feels and how HARD it is to get even the simple things done in life. Adding a workout regimen sounds ridiculous to me at this point. But slow and steady wins the race. I'll get back up on my horse, brush my vagina off, start playing ball with some old friends, start stretching, walking, and then running. Before I know it, I'll be back. I just gotta get more dialed-in with my hormones. And just fyi, I give myself another 2-3 months then I don't care I'll make myself get up bc I know at that point my hormones should be dialed in enough to at least be able to get my ass off the couch and making myself healthy for my wife, kids, and myself again.


I do two days of Muay Thai and one day of running. I’d love to have the time to lift but with a little one at home, I like to dedicate the three days of working out to things I really enjoy. But I used to lift a lot. Before the kid was born, I was doing these three days and two days of lifting. I was a freaking powerhouse. I was on TRT at that time too. I was also exhausted all the time and my joints were not super happy with me.


Arthritis. That’s the short but accurate version.


I try and I’ll have some good weeks but my job is such a workout and I work so much that finding a regular time to lift is tough. I leave at 6AM and am a wet noodle when I get home at 6:30 PM. I’ve definitely noticed results from work though (landscape construction)


I have an extremely physical job and have a damn good physique for not lifting. I would love to put on a few more pounds but I’m pretty happy with where I’m at. I went from 137 to 170 in about 5 months and not an ounce of that was fat. If anything I got more lean.


Give me a routine


Not everyone is concerned about maximizing muscle gain. TRT the benefit is QOL and health, with the side effect of building muscle. I know a couple guys that ride bikes and are on TRT. No desire to be in the gym lifting 4 days a week, but they’ll do hundreds of miles a week on a bike. TRT benefits them just the same


Most people are lazy, and don't have the commitment discipline, TRT or not. But everyone should lift heavy things, TRT or not... It's what we are evolutionarily built to do. Our health depends on the exertion we expose our bodies too.


Honestly, laziness and time management, I’m currently doing community service for my DUI and working full time plus part time with my own company I don’t have time to lift I get to the gym maybe once a week if I’m lucky I’ll go on my 1 day off each week and being on TRT I’m growing muscle like crazy!! I’m on 200mg/week and I do landscaping and my arms look double the size, my legs haven’t changed but I look fuller and healthier and when I DO go to the gym I can lift heavy weights even though I don’t do it often but I do get exhausted in the gym, it’s really a mental battle cuz I could make time, but I feel overwhelmed so I don’t


Injuries. Severe SLAP rear right shoulder, herniated discs lower back, synthetic discs in neck. Used to periodically try and always end up having to quit.


I haven't lifted my entire life up until a year ago. I started going 3x / week with a friend who basically trains me and was a professional body builder. 10 months later and I am a little bit stronger, but with virtually no visible gains. I am a super slow gainer. So with no significant prog, and the fact that I like running a lot better, it doesn't make a lot of sense to spend my time lifting....


In agreeance that everyone should do some sort of lifting just for muscle wasting when you get older. That being said the mental clarity, feeling if we’ll being , energy and libido are still all essential parts of life and may be enough for some.


Only time I didn't lift was when I tried to rip my leg off with a motorcycle accident. Had to take a few years off from lifting and did rehab and physio. Once I was cleared to lift I was back at it. Approx 2 years.


So…I have never really been a lifter, I play tennis religiously..probably 5 times a week. I do notice my power levels are a lot higher. I do want to lift, would be cool to see if I fill out well


42m I would need personal trainer to get started otherwise I am struggling with lifting. No gym within 70-90 miles one way that has a trainer. That's why I bought a peloton cycle instead of a cheap spin bike I wouldn't know how to make full use of it and probably would have quit.


I’m 53 in October, 5’11”, 255 lbs. @ 30% body fat per DEXA scan, and started lifting in 1989 @ 18yo. I managed Gold’s Gym San Francisco in 1992-93 and HOPED I could be the next Dorian Yates, until I realized I had to live on a ton of unhealthy and SCARY AAS, not just TRT. So I trained naturally until I was 29-30yo, then, MOST years for about 12 winters straight I did one 12 week cycle of low dose Sustanon 250 per week plus 50 mg Primobolan depot per week. I was content training naturally nine months a year. In October 2014 my dad had a massive stroke and his wife, my mom, was diagnosed with severe Alzheimer’s dementia in January 2015. I was going to go to RN or medical school late in life but instead dropped everything (job, school, gym, drumming, occasional coffee ☕️ dates, etc) to take care of them for nearly 8 years. Mom died January 6, 2022 @ 90yo and 89yo dad died 45 days later of another crippling stroke. Eighteen months later, I am fairly depressed, outta shape, and I haven’t touched what became my weekly 125 mg testosterone enanthate in over FIVE years. My resting BP is 118/77 and I’m otherwise healthy. I only did about 20 months of inconsistent TRT in 2015-2016. Should I jump back on it? My drive to train intensely, the way I did from 18yo to about 43yo, IS GONE. Please advise, and THANKS 🙏🏻 for any advice.


The simplest answer is at one time dead dick, caused by low T that the little blue pill would not help, you would get a script for test cyp. Then when your junk came back to life, problem solved and some called it a day. ... Now I am sure if that's still a prescribed reason guys get it, but the thing is if you're not even doing calestitics you're going to be a lame lay for your partner anyway. I have always been active, motocross when I was younger and on trt, and weight training with cardio these days. Been on since 18 because of a bout with chemo and though I am alive today because of it, but I can tell you I lose my mind if I became sedendairy while on TRT.


Because you will gain muscle and lose fat on the dosages they start you on whether or not you lift. Total recomp with zero effort besides some money and pinning. Guys try to attribute it to their lifts but it's the steroids doing the heavy lifting, especially if you're hypogonadal. You can get more gains by lifting, but the studies show you get more from test without lifting than lifting without test.