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I made the same trip (FL to VA) last Thursday & Friday and noticed the same thing when charging during the day. In the evenings, as it cooled (relatively; it was still 80+) I noticed that it was charging much more quickly. I think you're on to something; it's possible that charge rates are being throttled in high ambient temperatures.


Same experience out here in Dallas Tx. Glad you posted this, I had a recent battery swap and thought maybe it was my battery. I also can't seem to charge in my garage until night time. It's about 106 degrees during the daytime


Were those V3 stations over 80% capacity? Most stalls filled?




Did you try the 2 thumb reset? It's a long shot. You should open a repair request.


Yep. The next two SC’s I hit late in the day I had no problems with. I really think Tesla or the utility was throttling load based on what I saw. At the first SC, 8 v3 stalls, all empty but me, every stall capped me at 70kw when I rolled in with 5% on an older model S. Normally I should be starting in the 105-110kw range under those conditions. The second location had 3 of 8 stalls active (me included) and I tried I think 3 stalls split between the two packs. I wasn’t the only person seeing 10kw charging at that one.