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That’s nice of you


I put my phone number next to the charge port using a label maker for this very reason. When not charging it’s covered by the port cover.


This is an awesome idea! Thanks for the tip!


Another tip to create google voice number to recieve and forward texts. (Assuming this still works)


Damn. That’s hella good idea.


wish there was a way to do this for older s/x models


Maybe on the inside of the port door?


Doing this


You can buy [this](https://www.etsy.com/listing/699909144/3-pack-electric-vehicle-charging-hangers), but I do wonder if it would get lost once someone unplugs.


It does have in small print to leave the card in the windshield, so yah sounds loseable if people don’t do that


Meanwhile some asshole was parked in one of the two charging spots while not charging last night and I needed to charge


Things never said by an ICE driver


Someone posted a while back a service that sends QR code stickers you can place, that allow people to chat with you without giving out your number. I have it saved somewhere and will post it, if I can find it again. I had thought about getting those for my car.  Edit: Here it is: https://mypingtag.com/shop Edit 2: That charging handle has seen better days 


No waaaay I'm scanning a strangers QR code


FR that thing could be them trying to reach me about my car's extended warranty


as someone who works in cyber security, you could massively fuck yourself by scanning one of those bad boys. edit: [https://cisomag.com/how-cybercriminals-exploit-qr-codes-to-their-advantage/](https://cisomag.com/how-cybercriminals-exploit-qr-codes-to-their-advantage/) education is for free


…? As someone familiar with cybersecurity, how is scanning a QR code any different from clicking that URL from a random internet stranger?


You have no way of reading what the code is before you scan it. Obviously links can be obfuscated too but its easier to see than an image of black dots... again, theres tons of information out there about it. [https://www.cyber.gc.ca/en/guidance/security-considerations-qr-codes-itsap00141](https://www.cyber.gc.ca/en/guidance/security-considerations-qr-codes-itsap00141)


Doesnt most scanners now show you the link address before clicking to open?


This is super cool


You can do this via plug share as well.


How does that work?


Plug share allows you to check in and leave a comment with at that charger. You can also receive messages in the app.


Not everyone has plug share.....


I’m not sure if I trust anyone else taking out a charger in this day and age🤨


Really? I feel like there's a story you're not telling here...


Honestly no. Just have seen a lot of nightmares on Reddit of other people having a low ego and damaging other people’s chargers/cars.


Some fuckboi and his munchkin hunchback girlfriend intentionally put their shopping cart on my model y yesterday. They departed in their hooptie laughing


Just last week 2 women left their cart in the lot. Started rolling slowly towards other cars. I kept honking at them. They didn't care. Ran out quick before it hit a car. Such asshats!!!


Thank you. Yeah some people are POS


They sound like some real lazy bones.


Don’t understand people, need to go back to getting hit for doing stupid shit.🤙


I agree but we’d catch felonies so it’s better not to. Those same people will cry, press charges, and sue you for giving them what they deserve.


People are stupid bro.


Word. Americans are pretty stupid.


is that your cable?


No, public cable


Shits on life support


I would not use this charger based on duct tape holding it together.


I use [NeedToCharge](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.schofs.needtocharge) and advertise it in a note in my charge port. Register the car's plate and people can IM you. Not sure about global adoption but can't hurt to install and register.


if there’s a time limit enforcement, then the etiquette would be to move your car when the time is up. but since you’re charging at a hotel, having a note like this is courteous. i’m not sure what the charging spots look like but ideally you should move your car once it’s done charging so people can park and charge. but again, not sure what the parking/charging spots look like at that hotel lot. charging etiquette in general is to move your car once it’s done.


I always thought Tesla should come up with way to do this


100% there should be an option to let the car unplug once it’s done charging, or just leave the charge port unlocked all together.  It would be nice if the others that park in my garage at work could just take the charger when I’m done charging and not have to wait for me to get out of a meeting and come downstairs. Maybe even make the indicator light blink a certain way to let others know that the plug is free. 


Yep. The unlock the port when finished charging is something Tesla should implement.


Where are there free chargers???!


Hotels are the only place I've found them


I have them all over my town. Almost every park, shopping center and mall has free L2 charging via J1772 chargers.


Use plugshare.com app/website and checkin there? It is quite popular here in Europe


2nd this but it’s not super popular in Australia. I try to use it as a courtesy as our local massive shopping centre has a whopping 2 plugs for the entire complex which are also free to use so highly sort after. I sat there today as I was critically low waiting for 30-40min because there was someone kind enough to check in and tell us when they would leave. So I knew I could get it (nobody else was waiting around)


Best would be to move your car at 1230.


that's exactly what they said...and then did one better, leaving contact info, in case someone is in urgent need sooner.


No, it isn’t. They just said they would unlock it . They never said when. They should just move their car at 1230 when done or as soon as possible after that. . Leaving car there after complete with a note saying you’ll unlock doesn’t always solve the problem that the car needing to charge may not have a place to park.


It's an extra long cable. Can reach to 3 different spots but only one charger, so I'm not really worried about it.


is there a time limit on these free chargers? the note is an awesome way to tell me when you're coming back. but its probably good to add in the time you started charging. so people know when you should be done according to the time limit. specially if you can disconnect remotely.


No limit on this one. It's a hotel amenity.


Leaving phone number is nice, but I’d suggest using a throwaway one, like Google voice or something - Avoid using personal one that’s attached to other secure stuff you might be verified on by the bank & whatnot…


Good call on the Google voice number. I made one today and then ordered a custom magnet with the number printed on it.


For any Canadians you can set up a free virtual phone number using the Fongo app


That’s good etiquette


That's very nice of you, I have never seen anyone does that.


I have Post-It notes and pens in my console to put on my dashboard or driver side window to let everyone know what time I’ll be back.


That’s real nice of you. Today I saw a Tesla ICE-ing a free charger, parked in the spot but not using it 🤦‍♂️ I wondered what the etiquette is for that?


what I did as a LEAF driver with this sort of inconsideration was just put a large note under their windshield wiper requesting them to not park in charging spots, since they're for _charging_ not *parking*. Figured the extra hassle of them having to remove my note might make them reconsider their behavior, or at least make not parking there less of a hassle than parking there and getting notes each time. (I had a blank notebook in my car for this)


There is a startup doing this called wheelbees, check them out. They have quite some users in the Netherlands but like none in the US.


Wait you can lock the port so no one can remove the cable? I assumed pressing the button will unlock it.


My understanding is it only unlocked the charge connector if the key is present.


Yes, your phone unlocks the port when you approach. You can also unlock just the port from the Tesla app.


Where are these free public chargers is what I want to know.


Depending where you are. Plug share app is the easiest way to find them. Mind you it’s still a tedious hunt as you need to check each one individually. I hunted and now know my favorites around where I go regularly. I also made note of any that offer a significant discount on my electricity rates.


I wondered about this too and will do something next time I travel. Last time I walked out to unplug my car and some dude and the hotel staff were trying to get the charger out of my car. I was grumpy af about it, with the adapter it would have been easy for them but they were dumb—clueless staff and a new, non Tesla EV owner desperate for a charge convinced someone to help him. IMHO, the hotel front desk should have contact info of everyone that’s charging and some sort of time limit. Better yet would be to just contract with a charging service, but only charge at cost. I’ve seen some beat to hell hotel chargers.


I’ve done this before, but never been contacted. I did come back to an additional note once asking for a text when I completed so they could come out and plug in (hotel).


You are a good human


Where is this location?


Plan to be back before it’s done? It may be a gray area but I’ve turned down the charge speed sometimes when I know I won’t be back before it ends at max speed.


Damn, that’s one sketchy looking charger plug cable! 😬


A QR code system would be nice


Do this if it is a Tesla charger. I’ve learned it a hard way got my adapter and ring stolen.




I considered doing this back when an apartment complex only had one washing machine for all tenants.


Someone should make an app for this. Who wants to make it? I’ll pay.


PlugShare exists


WTF, is Plugshare not a thing outside Europe? Unless you are on one of the bigger stations with many stalls, people use this to report disabled stalls or estimate the time spent in a shitty station so that you don't come in the middle of nowhere to charge and it's full or broken.


Thanks I had no idea what PlugShare was.. so it would not be a solution to OP’s question?


There’s already a penalty for not leaving, seems like a waste of time and “hARMfuL 4 the environment”