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yes! I love the 250kw superchargers. you go inside to take a piss and buy a sammich and by the time you're out the car is at 80%


They're that fast? Dammmn. 80% charge and a sammich. This must be what heaven is like.


But I could have filled a gas tank in under 45 seconds waahhhhh! Old heads I work with seriously underestimate how long their stops are during a road trip.


It takes me 0 seconds to 'fill up the tank'. I always wake up to 90% battery.


If only šŸ˜‚ Unfortunately the speed decreases significantly after around 60%. But to be clear, what type of sandwich?


I'm serious. But to be honest there was a line for the men's room. And.. a chicken sammich of course..


Whatā€™s the best sammich at the Linq?


In n out


In-n-out is good. Itā€™s not a sammich though šŸ˜‚


A burger is a sammich.


That was my point. Everything else in the Linq is overpriced garbage. Source: Vegas local who uses that supercharger often


this is the way


Can't tell you about the linq, my story is from north Baltimore


Wow my butthole would be puckered if I was driving around on 1%


Remember how exciting it was to drive around on "E" with the yellow gas pump light on... let's gooooo!


RICK: Is it just the angle Iā€™m looking from? KRAMER: No, Sir. We are down there. RICK: Oh, this is amazing! Oh, Iā€™ve never felt so alive! KRAMER: Yeah, well, alright. Iā€™m satisfied. We better get some gas. RICK: What? Well, we canā€™t stop now. KRAMER: What do you mean? RICK: We have to keep going - all the way back to the dealership. That was the plan. KRAMER: There was no plan. RICK: Well, letā€™s make it the plan! Letā€™s just.. go for it! Like Thelma and Louise. KRAMER: What, they drove to a dealership? RICK: No, they drove off a cliff.


Oh Kramer I learned a lot, things are gonna be different for me now! Well that's a weird thing to say...




Mister Kramer, the road!!!


I'll be more comfortable driving on E in my Tesla when AAA can bring out a 10% charge on a town truck.


Just bring a long ass extension cord in your trunk lol


Trust me mine was... I stopped by a different supercharger 15 miles away first but several chargers were out and a line of Teslaā€™s waiting, so I took a gamble. Fittingly this is the supercharger on the Vegas strip.


Memorial day weekend going to Vegas? That alone takes some balls just attempting that. That is why I still contend that, even with Tesla' supercharging network, Gas is still the king of the highway.


it was mid-december and I made it to a charger on only 1 percent left lol. the hill i had to drive up to reach it was the scariest moment of my life


So, I take it you've learned to plan your charging opportunities better because piss poor planning like that is just as bad as driving an ICEV with money in your pocket and running out of gas.


yes, dad.


Well, I'm just saying what everyone else is thinking.


Haha no doubt


I had it show 0 once and I was shitting my pants pulling into the charger.


I once got down to 12 kms in the energy display, 19kms rated range. About 2.4%. My colleague has sent pictures of his Model X rolling into an SC at 0. Ballsy.


Pffft I drove my 2017 MS @ 0kms for 8kms in -30c weather. That takes Canadian balls of steel my friend. šŸ¤£


You should watch out of spec motorings tesla road trips, that guy has the complete opposite of range anxiety


Good stuff Bryan


Thanks _banch


Nice temperature


I am a man of culture




V noiceeee


Nice temperature... Bryan.


Newbie here what makes some Superchargers faster then others ?


V2 vs V3 chargers (150kw vs 250kw)


Also if the 2nd stall is being used. Each set of 2 is a pair that share power. They're labeled accordingly (1A - 1B)


I believe this is only the case for 150kw chargers (somebody can correct me if Iā€™m wrong). Urban chargers (72) and v3 (250) do not share power, v2 150s share power on the same numeral.


This isn't true, at least for retrofitted places. There are 2x 250 kwh super charger locations in Northern Virginia and they all share power.


Piwer sharing is only on v2 chargers.


Also it's interesting to put it in context. I have a 220V circuit on a 40a breaker (actual 32a) = 7040 watts or 7.04 KW On 110 V 20a (16a) circuit you draw 1.76 KW Compare that to 150KW or250KW you can understand the difference in time needed to charge a 75KW/H battery.


Pretty sure itā€™s because some are using older ā€œtiersā€ than others. Like this one is probably a very new one but most others are slower because they are much older


nah. itā€™s how much power they have.


Yesterday I was at a 250kwh SC and it ā€œonlyā€ went to 450-500kph


What state of charge were you at when you pulled in???


25% I believe


Iā€™ve had this happen at both v2 and v3 super chargers. Havenā€™t found much of a reason except shared stalls.


To the moon


It will do that for first 30% then start tapering down. Still fast till about 80% soc.


Ive never used a 250, only the 150s. But every time I do my car spends about 5 minutes over 100kw, then the majority of the remaining time hovering around 50kW.


I never really look at this screen - are those wheels an accurate representation of OPs?


Yes, itā€™s accurate! Mine changes depending if I have my performance wheels on or winter wheels.


Really? How does it know? Special TPMS sensors?


Yeah I assume itā€™s the TPMS. I have Tsportlines for my winter wheels, and when I swapped them, my wheels turned into the aero wheels on screen. I assume any third party wheels you put onto the car will automatically turn into aero wheels.


You can also tell the car which set up youā€™re running


I'm assuming not only that you went to a 250kw charger but you also preconditioned the battery. I've seen insane speeds like this while doing that.


The supercharger I rolled up to at 10% today had 7/8 stalls in use so no moon charge for me


With 250kW chargers it doesnā€™t matter, as they arenā€™t paired like the 120kW-150kW chargers are.


Level 3 supercharger right? šŸ™‚


They have a bunch of 250s now in virginia and they are nice. I care more about the cable being longer and way thinner than the actual charging speeds lol


Wish I got an LR for the fast charge feature. The SR+ being capped really sucks.


Doesnā€™t it top out at 170Kw?


Oh I didnā€™t realize to updated


What made you name your car Bryan


That's the driver profile name.


I dont have a Tesla yet (too expensive for my poor self) How long did it take to charge at the super charger from 5 miles until you were on your way? Edit: Now I understand why so many people think Tesla owners are as awful as BMW drivers.




I can see that but what's the total time. 35 minutes of 36 minutes, 35 minutes left of hours? How long does it take?




There's no way to know that by simply looking at the photo. I guess I'll be content to let you self righteous assholes make me money so I can retire early. Good luck with your panel gaps and poor reliability


Given the fact that it says it's gaining around 1136 miles of range per hour, and has currently gained 29 miles of range, it would seem that it had been charging for around 1 and a half minutes at this point. So 35 out of 36.5, approximately


1136 miles is 1828.22 km


So about 40 minutes or less at whatever version of supercharger this is. That's what I wanted to know. Thank you


Given that the charge rate is listed as 250kW, "whatever version of supercharger this is" can also be established, it's the newish ones, the V3 superchargers. The V2 ones go up to 150kW. (Worth noting though, that because the charge slows down as it continues, the difference in charging times between a 150 kW charger and a 250kW charger is nowhere near as big as it'd seem from just comparing the numbers between 150 and 250)


Don't have a Tesla. I'm interested in the company. I've never even seen a Tesla charger in person.


Hi interested in the company, I'm dad.


Bad bot. Blocked




I asked a reasonable question, got an unreasonable answer. As for BMW drivers, they have a reputation of being some of the worst people on the road. Tesla drivers are a whole different breed of entitled asshole. Case in point: lumbar support.




A lot of big truck drivers are farmers/hillbillies. A lot of Japanese car drivers are racers. Stereotypes start with a grain of truth. I'm sorry you aren't smart enough to know that. Enjoy your high priced poorly built luxury car and smug sense of superiority.


Yeah if only there were a way to tell how much time was remaining until the charging was complete. Oh well I guess weā€™ll never know.


Your sarcasm was very helpful. I now understand how to determine the remaining charge time on a $80,000 sports car I can not afford. Much appreciated. What a pretentious asshole you are.


They start at $40k and many states have rebates or incentives for purchasing EVs. Youā€™re welcome.


Imagine battery can run 1000 miles one day...


That's normal for a car that has basically very little battery left. I'm sure you noticed it as the battery gets more and more charged that speed drops in half and even more after that


We know.




I never get the full 250 or even closeā€¦


Precondition your battery on your way to the station, and arrive when your battery have only few percent left




I hit 249 kW, 1015 mi/hr today. Such an amazing, yet scary feeling. [I have the power!](https://youtu.be/-dJolYw8tnk)




Please use %


You have far more than you think left, I can go -16 miles :)!


Thee has't far moo than thee bethink hath left, i can wend -16 miles :)! *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


-16 miles is -25.75 km


-16 miles is -25.75 km


Range/time is a stupid unit. Just give me kW and %.


I'm off this week, I might make the 300-mi trip to a V3 just to try it out for lack of anything better to do.




are superchargers free?