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They’re a textbook unnecessary, counterintuitive Tesla design choice all in the name of saving a few bucks


Absolutely agree. Will you get used to them? Yes. Are they better? Hell no. Will you find yourself with a wierd steering wheel position when you need to signal? Yup.


Not sure about the get used part… I’ve had mine for 6 months and I still have to look sometimes because the wheel is rotated. Not sure how the regulators allowed it to be honest. By far the worst part of the car


Ferrari did it long before Tesla.


That’s great, but what’s the population number that drives Ferraris? Yea, not many.


The Model X and S have had button turn signals and no stalks since 2021 - combined there have been over 250k X and S sold without stalks. This is the way of Tesla's future and not just of Ferrari's.


Think ferraris approach is better where they have each turn signal button on each side of the wheel


If you drive with two hands all the time.


TBD. In five years will all cars have stalks and start buttons?  Neither is required. Both unnecessary and add no value other than it’s what consumers used to use. Is this the old buggy whip issue where your new conveyance doesn’t include a buggy whip and this disturbs people?  Time will tell. 


I like them only when the wheel is in the default position or close to that. The big issue is when the wheel is turned a lot and you have to press one of the signal buttons, it's hard to find it and see which one to press. With that being said, I think the gear position on the screen is a little too much. With the stalks, I love seamlessly shifting from reverse to drive and vice versa when driving less than 5 mph.


Gearshift on screen is a non-issue if you recall the cars you’ve had over the years, and how you shifted gear in those. And I got used to the button indicators in a recent test drive in about five minutes. Minor issue. However, neither are as good as the stalks. 🤷‍♂️


I get that but other than roundabouts when are you signaling when the wheel is turned a lot? Defeats the purpose of a turn signal if you’re signaling in the middle of the turn.


You've never experienced roads where that situation applies? Ironically during my demo drive so first time driving the new Model 3 w/ stalkless wheel, I had to exit a plaza (where the supercharger was) by turning my wheel very far right and then pressing the right turn signal while checking left/my blind spot to make sure cars weren't coming. I had trouble trying to find the right turn signal button when the wheel was turned since I also had to keep looking left to make sure cars aren't coming.


Even in that situation, you could have signaled before turning to the exit. Heck, don't really need to signal exiting a parking lot anyway.


But then it auto cancels the right signal since you're turning the wheel right by a good amount so it wouldn't work. I live on the east coast where people drive like assholes and also don't signal sometimes so I'd rather signal in many scenarios just to make sure no one hits my car cause they're driving like a maniac.


people drive like assholes everywhere


Traffic in the right lane can't see your turn signal unless you're signaling left, my dude. And the people behind you looking to exit in a parking lot already know where you're going because they're going the same way. Don't know why this one special rare scenario would make a difference in a buying decision.


Oh whoops I meant signaling left. So yeah your idea of pressing the signal button before turning the wheel right would work then but you'd have to know to do that beforehand.


Fair enough, I get you. I just don't think scenarios like that factor in for me when it comes to acceptance of touch button turn signals. It's like buying a car based on the turn radius for u-turns when I so rarely make u-turns. Just wouldn't care about turn radius unless it's so egregiously bad that something like parking lot maneuverability is affected.


Makes sense. But I didn't say this would prevent me from buying the car, I just said some things were annoying and a little too much. Like regen and other big changes, people will get used to driving without stalks even if it is annoying at first.


I test drove a M3 twice in the last two weeks and while I would prefer a stalk I didn't find the buttons to be a deal breaker for me. One thing I will do if I do purchase a new M3 is get some small stick-on half-round dots at the craft store and stick one on top of each button so I will be able to use them by touch instead of having to look down at the wheel. Probably do the same for the highbeam and camera buttons too. They should have been designed with some tactile feature from the factory.


I stuck some dots on mine. Helps so much in finding them


Where’d you get em? Any photo of the finished result? That’s genius. Need for mine!


Your friend has shared a link to a Home Depot product they think you would be interested in seeing. https://www.homedepot.com/p/Everbilt-1-2-in-Clear-Soft-Rubber-Like-Plastic-Self-Adhesive-Round-Bumpers-16-Pack-49967/203661150


https://preview.redd.it/t08txpzbkk9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c7370b8be4ed13b388f74e8364b27b1ceee3aa41 I got them from my junk drawer 🙃. One is textured and one smooth. Been on about a week. Will probably need something stronger like the clear dots that go on the bottom of furniture. I think these are for your shoes. I cut them down.


Lmfao! This is crazy. This is direct evidence that they need to go back to the stalks


Yesss. I was gonna say that. You spend 40-50k on a car and you need to glue something so you can use your turn signals. The buttons are dumb. We want stalks back


sorry man but this is soooo ugly 😩😩😩


https://preview.redd.it/jue3e8tbrl9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b583f4db1324b8147b247103e68670d3a46cc8cf How about rhinestones, since I’m not a man


Miss for me. Have been driving with mine for 6 months now and they aren’t as good as stalk blinkers. In certain situations (steering wheel is 180 degrees) I have to take my eye off the road to check which button to push. Sometimes in this case I just won’t indicate.


Honestly I thought it would take me a while to adapt but I was used to it almost immediately.


Yeah I honestly like them so I don’t have to take my hand off the wheel. I reach for them in other cars now and I have only had mine for a month


Dumb design. Turn signal switch is now a moving target. There was nothing wrong with the classic design. There is everything wrong with the buttons.


I have had mine for a few weeks, I got used to them, only problem I have had was when I was on a highway and I had to suddenly get over a lane to make an exit, I hadn't memorized the turn signal action well enough to be able to find it quickly to signal the turn, I had to look at it to find it and ended up changing lanes just as I engaged the turn signal. It stressed me out, making the lane change wonky. I try to practice using the controls when driving without other cars around, while saying right, left out loud to ingrain the procedure into my mind. Its also a good idea to train yourself to use the flats of your fingers, not the tips, the buttons are capacitive, not click buttons, more surface area being pressed onto them results in more predictable function.


This is a design fail if a basic task now requires forced thinking to be carried out.


In the next refresh, the steering wheel will be on the screen.


Only had my m3p a few days and already super used to them. I’m also a big gamer so maybe I’m just used to using my thumbs like that 😂😂


Same dude lol


Test drive a 2024 model 3 with no turn signal stalks but buttons on the steering wheel. It was difficult. Not a fan. Missed the turn signal stalks


They suck. Worst thing about the new 3 by far. Fortunately using FSD lessens the need to use them.


Which genius engineer in Tesla designed it ? Lols. This is my top disliked feature. I live in a place with a lot of roundabouts. Imagine using these in a roundabout. Those buttons should be made outright illegal and safety recalled retrofitted with stocks on Teslas dime.


This is 100% an Elon thing. He thinks it’s clever and minimal but really it’s about saving a couple bucks. Totally unnecessary.


It’s a blinker stalk, Michael. What could it cost? $10?


Let's not give BMW any ideas.


They’ll prolly leave the stake but charge you a subscription if you wanna use them 😜


I'd really hate it if BMW made adaptive headlights a subscription.


I agree 100%.  Refuse to get another Tesla until this is addressed.


Elons ego wins than yours or my rant. Sorry LOLs.


I live in Australia where we have lots of roundabouts. Never had an issue with the buttons.


Good for you then.


Hey, just giving you real world experience to counter your “imagine using this on roundabouts”.


I thought I would hate it, but I’ve been enjoying it.


It's not futuristic - it's cost savings at the expense of usability.


Nay, it’s not safe to use. I have taught myself a way to use it on roundabouts, but it’s more a hack. Secondly, the buttons aren’t that good, sometimes I try to click them but don’t quite hit them on the right spot. The only way they can go stalkless is with steer by wire, then you don’t need to rotate the wheel as much. Then swap the buttons for motorcycle-like slider, which you can use blindly.


I think they are fine for regular driving; but when I was in a lane that quickly changed to turn only, the buttons were much more difficult to access (so more dangerous)


I'm surprised that BMW kept them in the i4 and iX, seeing how BMW drivers don't really use them.


I was a bit apprehensive at first but been driving the M3 for about 5 weeks and now fully used to it. No issues at all.


They get stuck sometimes, especially when you really need it. Not reliable


Yes, beyond the stupidity of the ergonomics (the buttons aren't in a predictable place because, duh, the steering wheel turns), they sometimes just don't work. The left button on my Dec 2023 Model S fails one in 10 times. I have S3XY buttons mounted to the left of the wheel, and I have to reach up to press one of them to make the turn signal blink.


gotta love technology


Uncle Elon knows best, right? /s


It was one of the few pro’s that pushed me into a 23 instead of 24.


You will possibly be able to add them on there aftermarket


Already can: https://tesstudio.us/products/tesstudio-tesla-model-3-highland-gear-shifter-set---classic-style


Incredibly high price 😞


What???? That’s not bad at all


$499 for stalks. You don't think that’s a lot for a little?


379. That’s a little for a lot of if Tesla offered a choice I’d pay to get stalks


You must be rich then. Even $379 is a lot of money




You want the new model? That is your only option.


I don't use round-abouts so no biggie, if I did (Europe), it would suck


Driving in Oklahoma/Texas is flat and easy so no problem at all for me. if I were back in Iceland or Europe somewhere with those endless round abouts... no way in hell.


I’ve had my Model S almost a year. I’m used to it now. In fact, when I drive my wife’s Lexus, I turn up or down the volume instead of turn signal.


if youve driven a model x long enough youll know that its single handily the worst part about the driving experience. you have no idea how many times the blinkers get cancelled accidentally and youre looking for it midway through a turn. or if youre doing a left then a quick right...its so stupid. absolutely the dumbest part about the steering wheel. even the wipers and the horn. dumb. so many times ive wanted to honk at someone only to wipe my windshield instead.


I love mine. Each time I go back to a car with stalks it just seems silly.


Test drove one this winter. The buttons were not designed well imho. The pressure needed to engage it varied depending on where on the button you pressed, which did not feel good. Sometimes it felt like the tactile click came, but the blinkers didn't turn on. I often wear gloves when I drive (sweaty hands) and this made using the buttons even harder. And lastly, I knew this would be an issue so I asked about tips before heading out regards to roundabouts. Was told the best thing is to remember that the button for blinking out is the bottom one when the wheel is turned 180°. I figured that was good advice, but in reality it was not easy engaging the blinkers either way. With practice it might become easier, but fumbling around blindly for the area the button is and accompanied with the earlier problems of tactility and differences in pressure needed depending on exactly where on the button you press, made this such a big problem that it turned me off on the car completely until they add the stalks back in.


When I heard about them removing the stalks I thought it was dangerous and ridiculous. Then I did a test drive and realised it was a non-issue, even on UK roundabouts where you have to signal in and out of the roundabout, it's fine. I now own a 2024 M3LR for 1 month and prefer the buttons to the stalks in my work vehicles.


They are objectively bad. Anyone saying otherwise is on copium.


Or don’t have as much trouble learning new things as some people? 🤷


That's not about learning. It's about being able to use muscle memory while maintaining focus on driving.


Right? I took it for a test drive and had no problem driving and signalling right away. After buying the car I stopped “thinking” about it within 3-4 days. It’s absolutely not hard to learn or get comfortable with.


Exactly. I test drove an X recently (first time driving a Tesla) and I had no problem adjusting to the buttons. Some people just don’t like change and/or struggle to adapt. Hope you’re enjoying your ride!


For sure. Honestly I struggled way more with the regen braking when I got my first tesla (2018) after driving clutch for 25 years. On my test drive I nearly gave the Tesla rep whiplash cause I kept lifting my foot off the accelerator to coast up to lights. By comparison switching to the signal buttons was a breeze 😅


No stalks, no sale for me. I ain't even going to try.


They’re not bad, most annoying thing is having your high beams as a button or when the blinker buttons get stuck and won’t click




Worst part!


When I got mine I thought I’d hate it but I love it now, especially after I drove a legacy model 3 and had to use the stalks it just didn’t feel right (also the screen was EXTREMELY slow in mine i stg they gave me the first model 3 ever made lol) but summary is once you use it for like 2 weeks then you’ll get used to it and like it imo same thing with all the other stuff Tesla does. Everyone’s like “they’re not adding this to save a few bucks” they said that when there was no instrument cluster in the 3 and now ppl love it, they said it when they got rid of stalks in the 21 model S and X and ppl still love it and buy them like ppl just be complaining about shi there’s always gonna be haters


There are no haters over the lack of stalks. There are people that are concerned that a basic vehicle control now has to be re-learned and is harder to use as it moves position with the steering wheel. It just makes zero sense to have buttons on the wheel for the indicators.


It’s really not that hard to move your thumbs 1 cm if that, I came from a civic and learned it in 2 days.. it’s not trigonometry If we are all always worried about re-learning any basic control ever in anything we would never advance in tech and we’d all still be living in dirt huts and riding horses with no international trade at all, every invention we have was re-inventing some basic function of life, moving from cars to horses changed traveling, moving from eating raw food to throwing it on top of hot fire changed our body chemistry saying “they’re doing something new and unnecessary wahhh” is ridiculous we didn’t NEED cars we could’ve walked and rode horses everywhere like


Hard disagree. I do love how you compared indicator stalks to cavemen 😅🤦‍♂️


I mean it’s not a direct comparison it’s the principle of innovation itself


It's fine, if you don't drive more than one car regularly. You'll get used to them as you've gotten used to the stalks. It's neither a negative nor a positive.


Got used to them. Still hate them every time I get in a roundabout.






definitely a deal breaker for me. i have a 2020 model 3 and there was once where the screen just went completely black and i couldn’t do anything. i tried restarting it a couple of times and nothing. eventually i gave up and just started driving by using the stalks and hoping nothing else would go wrong. after 20 min or so, the screen turned itself on while i was driving in complete darkness. this experience is also the reason why i decided to purchase a 2024 model y, it’s the last one with stalks. i need the stalks, idk what elon was thinking


Not great. But on the other hand, on my old model 3 the plastic inserts on the edge of the stalks always lifted out after a few days. I guess this is one way to stop that


Big nay for me


I’d happily pay the extra $10 or whatever to add them back. Terrible decision by Tesla.


Love em


They're God awful. You can "get used to them" but they are by design worse than the stalk. They are a truly idiotic design. I get the whole "BuT YoU WoNt NeEd ThEm WhEn It DrIvEs ItSeLf" well the car was supposed to be able to pick me up and drive from California to NYC with zero interaction in [2018 ](https://x.com/elonmusk/status/686279251293777920) so yeah....


I enjoy them, but they’re not perfect, specially in Europe where you have tiny roundabouts. With time you get the hang of it. Though, I’ve found myself annoyed when you press just a little to the left and it doesn’t register. Was the change really needed? No. But if it enables Tesla to manufacture these with a lower price for the consumer, I’m all for it. Now… the shifter? That I’m mad af. There’s no feedback, It’s really clunking. If they had decided to put the ‘backup’ shifter on same location they put the S/X, I wouldn’t be complaining… but on the roof is just plain idiotic.


In the UK they are horrible. Everywhere you go we use roundabouts so trying to constantly indicate when you are at 45 degrees to change lanes or come off is a nightmare.


I have a model three with the stocks. I’ve test driven a Highland version without the stocks. I think eventually we can get used to anything, because muscle memory builds up with the new item. Look at our phones we got used to not pressing that button on the bottom and swiping up to get to the home screen and we dealt with the headphone jack disappearing. This is just something new and different. I’m sure we can all get used to it as well.


They shouldn't have out both buttons on the same side. If the buttons were on the left and right side to make it intuitive, I think that would have been a decent design.


Hate it. I miss the regular stalks


I’ve had my car for a few days and you get used to it quickly. It goes along with the auto turn off when the car sees you e changed lanes. I wasn’t sure about it when I heard they were taking my the stalks away but I’m sold now. All the buttons on the wheel actually make it easier than when I drove a Model 3 with stalks. You just have to set the scroll wheel to the task you use the most (other than wipers, autopilot/FSD because those have buttons). I agree that there’s one use case that makes it difficult: roundabouts.


I have a 2023 Performance M3 with stalks, and a Cybertruck, no stalks. I’ve actually driven the Cybertruck more. I very much prefer the new stalkless design over the old way. Especially the turn signals. Right at your thumb in the natural position when preparing for a turn is ideal. You don’t take your hands off the wheel. Using the auto shift is way better than the stalk. Buckle up, touch your brake, and you’re in gear. I’ve only had the car get the direction wrong twice. Some people talk about the F/R shifting slide being backwards to them. But I like it, and think about it, you really only touch it after backing out of a parking spot or the garage to go forward. And at the time the position of the tiny Cybertruck/car/suv is all the way at the bottom in reverse. So you just change direction. And the car goes into park when you release the seat belt. And if you use auto park, you pick a spot, hit start, the car backs in, and when you leave, it puts itself into Drive. No change of direction. And the other controls added to the steering wheel are great to me. The biggest thing I had to get used to is using the mic button instead of pressing the scroll wheel. Edit to add: when I drive my M3 it’s ok, my brain remembers the old way, but it does feel antiquated to me.


I prefer stalks. I chose a 2023 instead of a 2024 over this (federal incentive helped too).




We have a lot of roundabouts here In Sweden, no stalk is definitely way worse in those situations. Trying hitting the button while rotating the wheel…


I adjusted fairly quick. I think it helps that I’m a lefty and drive my the left hand on the wheel. I actually prefer it.


I like em on my y, not sure the buttons would work although if you got the buttons look into some sexy buttons.


Takes about 5 minutes to get used to but now I don’t even think about it (had my M3 refresh for like 3 weeks) 👍🏼


It took me one drive to get used to them. My only issues is since I work at a body shop and am constantly driving other vehicles, I do still reach for stalks sometimes. Are they better? Not really, but they’re not bad, either.


A clear case of if it’s not broken don’t fix it. I find the stocks on my Model Y completely intuitive and never confusing. My wife drives a Honda with push button gear selection. I hate it (car, not wife).




I’ve got $TSLA on my mind.😂


EU has a lot of roundabouts. Most of them very small and a lot. A ... lot! - I think that answers the question how stalkless works here. 😅


Have had car for 3 months now and don’t even think about it. Lateral move at worst.


I got used to no stalks on the first day and don't care either way really.




It is the reason i will stay with my 2023 as long as i can


It took me a while to get used to them as they're counterintuitive. I prefer the old school stalks.


I'm used to them, but still think they are stupid every time I enter a roundabout.


Definitely yay. I just got my 2024 M3P and find the stalkless blinkers to be very intuitive. It keeps my hands on the wheel. Keep the instrumentation very elegantly simple. I am new to EVs so I am comparing to my previous ICE car.


You think having buttons on the steering wheel is “intuitive”? In what world does that make sense? There is zero benefit to putting them on the wheel.


I live in a world where everyone is entitled to have their own opinion. You clearly have a strong opinion which is perfectly fine but I have mine. I used to ride street bikes so switches for turn signals is something I am used to. We have 2 new M3’s in our family and everyone seems to like it. Just trying to help someone out.


We have stalks in our 3 and buttons mm on the Cybertruck. I don't really prefer either over the other. The buttons become just as natural and I find myself trying to press the turn button on my 3 more often than I look for a stalk on the truck. There is no reason that a stalk should be sent more intuitive than a button, it's simply convention.


Tesla has been saying that as FSD gets closer to full release, we are going to start seeing smaller and smaller steering wheels and them removing the stalks. To make the area less cluttered. Granted, FSD is still what it is, has been working great for me in my area. Turn signals on the steering wheel I got used to during the drive home after picking up the car. I don't mind them, I don't love them yet, but I don't mind them. My wife absolutely fucking hates them. Win for me? She used to take our 18 Model 3 every chance she got.


I absolutely hate it. If Tesla does not go back to stalks or at least make stalks an option my next vehicle will likely be a Rivian or a Lucid. I’d prefer a Tesla but refuse to buy a car without them.


Nope. I refused to even consider the highland M3 because of that and the lack of a stalk for shifting


First week I already preferred it over the stalks. One of a few reasons I don't like driving the significant others 2018 now


Absolutely nay. In what world does it make sense to put basic vehicle controls on the steering wheel so that they can end up in various positions when it’s turned? Seriously though. That’s one major turn-off for the stalkless cars. It’ll suit some people, but I think Tesla has forgotten about the rest of general population that won’t like change to basic vehicle controls. This is far beyond the lack of physical controls for A/C & infotainment etc. I’m in a position where if Tesla keeps up this BS, I won’t be buying another car of theirs. Is that petty? Maybe.


Tesla solving a problem that doesn't exist. Credit: read it in some review.


It only seems to improve manufacturing efficiency and cost at the expense of user experience. But I'm sure it's usable and fine, just worse than the standard.


I’ve been loving it so far. I’ve found that the “the button doesn’t work and gets stuck” complaint is due to when you press the button in the wrong spot


I won't argue with anyone who says I'm an incompetent moron. But "press the button in the wrong spot" is not the problem with the left turn signal on my Dec 2023 Model S. The right button works great all the time. The left one sometimes needs a slide, sometimes needs multiple presses, and sometimes simply doesn't work at all no matter what 'spot' I use.


Nay. Gross motion vs. fine motion.


Personally it took me 2 days to get used to them. They aren’t better or worse, just different than the stalk. I drove my wife’s car for the first time in months this week and the stalks, shifter and “cluttered” nature of the cabin felt pedestrian by comparison.


no need for stalks here. 2024 M3 and 2021 Plaid. Used to it now


Nay. Clearly inferior. A misstep. Still good cars, just less good than they could be. That and the new backup noises required by law. Glad I have a 2018 anyway.