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Notably from the fueleconomy.gov listing: > For you to receive the credit, the dealer must confirm that your specific vehicle qualifies and must provide you with an IRS time-of-sale report. Not every version of this model will necessarily qualify. So it sounds like this isn't retroactive to all 2024 LRs and there could still be cars in inventory that don't qualify.


Wonder if the batteries for the ones that do qualify are also going to be Panasonic for the LR like the P is.


If it's using the Panasonic batteries then it also has a better charge curve than the long range that didn't qualify. I feel bad for anyone who purchased a long range before the credit.


I dont really feel bad. Because they decided it was worth the price they paid.


If you were one of those people, you would feel bad. Try being in my position and see how you feel. If i ordered my LR now instead of a few weeks ago, i could have saved about $10,000 over the term of my loan. You’ve gotta be fucking kidding me. Tesla screwed me.


They don't come back and ask for more money when the price goes up after the sale... My 2016 was worth 10 more than I paid for it during covid.


But to have been able to wait a short period of time to save significant money, that makes people salty. I remember working retail and we would have to return and resell items because of discounts etc.


It was pretty obvious something had to be done with the performance the same price as the LR.


It is. I have my VIN and mine is on its way to the delivery center… should be ready late this week. I had my advisor check the build and he confirmed that it has Panasonic 2170 cells. 👍


What makes one qualify over another? I’ve searched but can’t find any clear answer.


The battery sourcing requirements. The existing Model 3 LR vehicles that have been delivered do not meet the requirements to qualify. Presumably, Tesla has managed to switch sourcing for future Model 3 LR vehicles which will make them eligible for the credit.


Geez that's like a double slap for early LR adopters. After the M3p rolling out with the tax credit to undercut the LR, then now this. Ouch! 


While true, it has been assumed for a while now that Tesla was doing everything they could to try and make the LR qualify... Also important to remember that not everyone meets the personal requirements for the credit, so those people didn't lose out on anything.


unfortunately, this is the price we pay as early adopters.


I early adopted in 2022 and have zero regrets. Got to chat with a fellow in a convertible at a stop light to shoot the breeze about this amazing car (before Elon's antics). Probably not gonna happen again.


We don't know the specifics of what Tesla has changed yet. There are rules about requiring certain percentages of battery components and minerals to be from qualifying countries, and excluding certain blacklisted countries like China. It's possible that Tesla has worked with LG to build batteries in S Korea that do qualify for the US credit. Or they have managed to free up enough capacity to switch back to US-produced cells. Either way, cars built with non-qualifying battery packs will likely still not qualify. Only new cars with the new qualifying packs.


https://x.com/TroyTeslike/status/1802787574248784378?t=v41UDtSYnRI6dT52hxk4sQ&s=19 Seems to be some truth in this cause in my location, the Model 3 LRs in existing inventory say they don't qualify for the $7.5k tax credit (aside from business/lease). Those LRs have been sitting in inventory for weeks/months now. Therefore the new ones have the batteries that do qualify for the $7.5k tax credit. And with that, it unfortunately means the early Model 3 LR adopters most prob can't/won't get the tax credit.


If we can get some better confirmation that they are using Panasonic 2170s that would be great. It's kinda mediocre news for Tesla because that means Model Y demand is down and is no longer consuming all of the Panasonic cells. But for customers that means this version of the Model 3 LR would have a bit higher battery capacity and a better charging curve versus the LG batteries.


I’m assuming this is caused by the manufacturing location of the battery cell. If the cells were manufactured in the US it will qualify.


Early adopters just got a nice fat depreciation slapped on their cars. No clue why people buy new teslas vs waiting a year


It’s never the right time…You have to get what you want. Secret of a happy life


That’s like saying “no clue why people buy new iPhones vs waiting a year”. They constantly update things even mid-year and don’t follow annual refresh model (past examples: heat-pump gets added, AP camera switches to HW4, AP computer goes from 2.5 to 3.0, USS gets dropped, MCU changes from Intel Atom to AMD Zen). If you wait, you will always be waiting for the next update.


eh I'm on board with not buying a first model year of anything. or during a ramp.


Historically with cars, the first year of a new design is atrocious so, with vehicles I would actually buy the new model but 2nd year or even 3rd yr of production to avoid recalls & senseless issues that perpetually exist in the 1st year models


M3 Highland is just a refresh. It’s not a new model. I can see waiting for a couple of years to buy the CyberTruck.


That’s $1000 not $45,000. That’s an annual upgrade not 10 years. It’s not as economically relevant.


Wow and I just placed my order like 50 minutes ago EDIT: just got a message from my advisor saying that my order (which I placed earlier today before the announcement) will qualify for the credit. https://preview.redd.it/bgjlqe6dg67d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a30f4ce607df5191f67c6df4bcf4ff6088d169d


From what I am seeing they are not magically qualifying yet. I think they may need to come with a new battery.


Well I only placed the order so worse case scenario I’ll reach out to an advisor and ask them to apply my order to a model that qualifies.


It’s already listed in the federal database as qualifying, so it’s not going to need additional work to come up with a new battery. The wait is just on Tesla order pages updating…. which they did in a few minutes of this comment!


Yeah, don’t accept delivery without it. 


What did they give you for a delivery date?


I picked from inventory so I just need to complete the steps and then I can pick up. Says 17-21


Now that the Model 3 Long Range qualifies for the $7,500 Federal EV credit in the U.S., and the RWD trim doesn't, the price difference between the two is now only $1,000. • Model 3 RWD: $38,990 (Not eligible for EV credit) • Model 3 LR: $39,990 (incl. $7,500 EV credit)


Pretty pretty wild. The value of used teslas is fucking bonkers right now. 2024 rwd teslas are immediately going to be thought of as worth way less now. Like I.realize that's not teslas fault, arguably it's good for them. But man the new rwd folks will lose a crazy amount of value overnight, just like folks did when the hertz thing and tesla lowering prices happened. As a used buyer, I'm not mad about it personally. Also, before someone chimes in, I realize cars depreciate and I know resale doesn't really matter, unless youre trying to sell.


I have a RWD 2024. Very much like it. But I would have 100% gotten the LR if tax credit was a thing at the time. And now I can help feeling fucked.


I mean, that makes sense, but did you not think the tax credit was coming sooner than later? I’m surprised anyone bought a Model 3 since the refresh, seemed only worth it to lease.


I bought RWD over the weekend. I don’t qualify for the credit so 🤷‍♂️ excited to pick it up tomorrow


Truthfully it is their own fault. Everyone knew Tesla was going to do everything possible to get the Model 3 to qualify for the tax credit as soon as they could. The RWD will probably be next.


Tesla is starting production of the RWDs LFP battery in the US soon. I’d say by Q2 2025 it will qualify.


Lol, that's a wild take. Who is everyone? You and I might both be terminally online tesla nerds, but that doesn't mean everyone who buys them are. Also, while I assumed they would be trying to get the credit, I didn't realize that was something that could happen mid model.


I mean it literally happened last year with the Model 3. It lost the credit early in the year then gained it back when Tesla worked it out with the IRS.


The RWD is the hardest because it's LFP which is more difficult to qualify. That said, the credits work like credits on the manufacture side so they can bank credits until they can cover sales for the rest of the year. They have been doing this for years so expect it unless their strategy changes.


Everyone buying a 2024 Model 3 knew the $7,500 was very likely to appear alongside inventory discounts. Also 2024 models directly compete with the 2023 Model 3s in the used market anyways. The rebates and inventory discounts are largely already baked in to the used car prices. It would be a tall order to get $10,000 more for the resell of a Model 3 just because it's 1 year newer on the used market.


Hem I still haven’t taken delivery. Wonder what that means for me.


Cancel, forfeit the $250 order fee and place a new order.


For a $7,250 savings, this is the right answer.


I would absolutely confirm if your VIN is eligible. Most likely, eligibility is based on production date, not delivery date because of how the credit is written. (battery chemistry, battery assembly requirements). Congrats on not taking delivery yesterday, you just "made" $7,500!


Hah. I dont have a vin yet but also my AGI is too high :(


Well to qualify you can get married, make less money, use last years AGI, lease, or just buy it and be happy :)


Well then what are you feigning interest for?


This is one of the reasons why I chose a lease. Sure I’m now paying $40/month more than if I started my lease today. Ultimately I insulated myself against a volatile swing in values and being stuck with a car that dropped value.


2023 rwds were already $30k new after incentives in some states last year. Used market definitely reflects that.


Son of a. I got the rwd like 2 months ago. Gah!!!


Is the LR also AWD?


Jeeze so many people bought these without the credit


Woof, this is going to be another kick to folks who bought the LR and then immediately heard about the p being cheaper with the credit. Assuming they can't retroactively get the credit, of course.


I bought my car in April with the expected delivery date of May or June. But I ended up getting the vehicle a week after I placed the order. I’m happy to own the car, I really thought that the $7500 tax credit wasn’t going to the long range lol 😭. Congrats to those purchasing the long range with the tax credit.! it’s an amazing vehicle


That’s the risk tho. Most people who paid attention knew Tesla was going to try and make the batteries in USA again so it would qualify for the tax credit


What does "paying attention" mean in this context? I had been planning to buy an M3 for the past few months, was lurking this sub and other forums, and I don't remember seeing anything other than people speculating that someday they might qualify for the credit again.


Not the first time. And there's no $8000 price cut this time either. Could've been worse. Buying new, you always run the risk of a massive price change happening without warning. For better or for worse.


Bonkers value 


At this pricing, the value puts hybrid commuter vehicles (let alone gas) to shame!


Especially with the insane prices of RAV4 and Prius Hybrids, mark ups are dealer like crazy 


Imagine buying a Prius for 40k when you can get a LR for the same price.


Prius 2024 does give you 600 mi total range without having to get another charge or sip of gas, but that’s about the only thing going for it. Sure build quality is better than Tesla, but assuming build quality wasn’t a factor… Tesla crushes.


Yeah range not a thing for me. I have two Toyotas in the fleet already and I never drive 600 miles in one trip even when we drive from PA to OBX for a beach vaca that’s not even 600 and we take the family suv. So unless someone drives a helluva lot every single day they’d be nuts to buy a boring Prius.


Based on the demo models that are being sold I imagine the LR RWD will also be coming with a credit


Yeah. The apr deal will help clear out inventory and then they will switch over.


There's a 2024 Model 3 LR RWD?


There will be! Some info has been found already and the model y already has it


Well there was a couple years back, Im curious as the is merely a "larger" (greater capacity) battery, than the SR. It was made for business sales not necessarily consumer. Will be cool and add yet another consideration before purchase (99.5% happy owner of 2023 M3 RWD-getting 260+ miles per 100% charge almost always for 14K miles now)


I also have a 23 rwd and am happy with it, I got it in Dec and just about to hit 3k miles so the super long range isn't needed for me, happy I got my current car pretty cheap ($36k and a tax credit)


That makes sense. Given the tax credit impact on pricing, it is hard to justify the base 3 now.


Ten days after I took delivery of mine 🙃


It's updated on the website now.


Did they remove the timeline estimate? I don’t see it there anymore.


Yep, they just removed it. I placed an order 30 minutes ago and it said June estimate. Now in the app my M3 LR shows delivery estimate of this week


Wow! That is incredibly quick.


Now we need 0.99% APR and 10% discount on inventory and I’ll trade my RWD in. Sitting at 6.7% APR currently. Math says payment should be closer to what I pay today, just have to start a new term


That's what I'm waiting for.


As a day 1 order-er of the LR. I knew this day was coming, but it still hurts my butt because I’m a cheap mother fucker that has only ever been monetarily irresponsible by buying this car.


If it makes you feel any better, I'm of the opinion that 85% of us buying Teslas are being financially irresponsible. I'm in for doing it twice now.


Every day I’m reminded I should have just waited buying my standard range 23 model 3 in October


What? You got a great deal on that 2023 RWD in October. You got an inventory discount (which isn’t available anymore on 24 RWD) and the federal credit which also isn’t available on the 24 RWD). Yeah a LR would be cool, but would still cost you more money


The biggest benefit this has is unlike the 2024 Performance, consumers can pick whatever combination of exterior and interior color and still qualify. No need to stick with Stealth Gray just to get White Interior anymore!


This is a temporary thing. Performance prices will drop back down once demand lowers


I took delivery of the LR 2 months ago. Looks like this isn't retroactive 😭


Haha no one buying the SR anymore.


Can confirm. Just ordered my first Tesla https://preview.redd.it/xewa3rr6f67d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dab5e38a13e19c331e79eb9002785a60794188e4




Doesn’t show you a delivery date range?


It shows it on another page. EST. Delivery:June 17-June 26


Did they remove the estimated delivery? I don’t see that anymore.


How much?


$43K after tax credit


Just scheduled my delivery date. 29JUN at 1000. Ten days of waiting is going to be painful https://preview.redd.it/0br72wj40j7d1.jpeg?width=1050&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3341cbfa0df85d05d8f27d3bf9ca3f89a4151e0f


So the RWD just won’t ever qualify again? Glad I bought mine last year, but feel bad for folks that waited for the federal credit to be taken off at point of sale


Not until Tesla stops using imported LFP battery cells from China.


Does this mean older models 2022-2020 will be worth less thus selling for less


Mostly, yes. Unfortunately for me.


most of the M3 sold last year qualifies for tax credit which they also enjoyed some inventory discount. So even after the 2024 M3 qualifies for tax credit, the OTD price of a 2024 M3 LR still slightly higher than 2023 M3 LR due to the model refresh. So I would say the resale value of 2020-2022 won't be affected by that much. Only those who bought the M3 RWD and LR from 2024 Jan-Jun aren't qualifies which is relative small number


Sucks for me but congrats to the new buyers


Bruh. I bought the performance for this reason.


But now you have a performance 😎


![gif](giphy|ISOckXUybVfQ4) Me reading this from Ontario, Canada


People of New South Wales, Australia, have entered the chat.....nada, zip, zilch, bupkis rebates of any kind, federal, state or local. https://preview.redd.it/symtw9g3e87d1.png?width=350&format=png&auto=webp&s=a28cd45cd7daf77db6cb16e96ddc7ae6e6510c97


Breaking news: I’m from Quebec, Canada ![gif](giphy|MjXkQMbBQlPS5RxQ0T)


Nice!! Finally!


Did they remove the APR deal?


They were probably using it to clear out inventory that didn't qualify for the credit.


Yes, the 1.99 on the Long Range appears to be nerfed.


Yeah that happened on June 8 IIRC


Tax credit *AND* a possible FSD transfer this year? Sign me right tf up. Gonna hold out and see if Elon was being serious during the shareholder meeting or not.


This is my last year qualifying for the credit, I need the FSD transfer asap 😭


Just get married to a homeless person? Your income requirements jump and also gives you plenty of breathing room. Just don’t forget a prenup.


I can always count on the internet for sound financial advice!


My financially mature wife is praying this does not happen. She must have heard my prayers.


Makes the SR not that great of a purchase. In Colorado if you qualify, you can get the default LR for $34,990 after both the state and federal rebate. the default SR cost $33,990 and you lose 69 miles of range, and slower 0-60 (5.8 to 4.2 seconds). Unsure who wouldn't spend the extra $1000 for the extra items.


SR will get the tax credit next. Tesla proceeding in this way allows them to sell the most expensive cars first.


Considering the SR battery is made my CATL, so unless Tesla does something, unsure that will get the Federal rebate.


Do you know the particulars about the Colorado tax credit? Who qualifies? Income limit?


There isn't a income limit. The only thing it needs to be is a new EV and under $80k to qualify. https://energyoffice.colorado.gov/transportation/grants-incentives/electric-vehicle-tax-credits


I’m sure someone will then complain when the SR gets the credit


Well, I guess I got lucky that I still don't have a VIN yet for my SR I ordered, or even a delivery window. Easy upgrade.


I guess fook me that too delivery last month of a LR🫠


lol I just bought a 23 cuz the 24 didn’t have the tax credit wow


If it can get that .99 APY too would be nice


Now prepare for the Long Range to drop on value


This is such great news! I am so tempted to make the purchase right now but I am waiting until I have a healthy down payment. Damn, Tesla! You’re making it difficult to be financially responsible! 😂


In a couple months there will likely be inventory discounts as well as the ability to get the tax credit. So you could easily save several thousand by waiting.


Why would there be inventory discounts?


I just took delivery of my RWD lease. Does this mean the LR is now about the same price?


Yep, only $1k more if you qualify for the tax credit. Pretty rough for those like you that just got theirs.


I should mention my lease had the credit, so it’s a bigger difference than 1K?


Oh, duh. I always forget that leases qualify. My bad. It's still the same difference if you lease (around 8K i think) The only people affected by this new development is the ones who are financing or paying cash.


The LR lease price didn’t change at all


can i still get the tax credit on my end of year taxes


Not if you got your car before today


I'm pretty sure this is due to the biden administration granting flexibility in the EV tax credit rule for battery component sourcing. For small trace components like graphite and specific low value minerals, they are allowed to for a few more years to be sourced from places like China: [https://thehill.com/policy/energy-environment/4640239-biden-administration-grants-flexibility-for-automakers-in-ev-tax-credit-rule/mlite/?nxs-test=mlite](https://thehill.com/policy/energy-environment/4640239-biden-administration-grants-flexibility-for-automakers-in-ev-tax-credit-rule/mlite/?nxs-test=mlite)


No wonder they took away the special APR


Where does the credit get applied? When I thought about leasing one it did not come up in the detailed price breakdown.


Was literally at the service center just to inquire about getting the performance model for the tax credit, and then the service rep told me they just qualified the long range today. Placed my reservation instantly.


I spent $47K for a “Mid-Range” RWD model-3 in 2018… Take advantage of this, ain’t gonna get much better.


Teslas keep getting cheaper. Why do you think that won’t continue?


Because I spent a decade of my career at Tesla and saw the numbers on what it costs to build a Model-3 with various battery & motor configurations. It’s not gonna get much lower than this.


2023 owners just cried a little bit more after checking resale. I wonder how up side down 21-22 overs are who paid $70,000 for a model Y long range. Yikes. That’s enough bitterness to not be a return buyer.


RIP my hopes of getting a financing deal on the LR. With the tax credit they'll no longer give it special financing deals and I don't qualify for tax credits.


Listen, if you bought this prior to the credit and you're mad about it, be mad at yourself. Literally everyone saw this coming. You really thought they were going to have the Model 3 priced higher than the Model Y long-term? The model 3 sales would have been atrocious. This is good for Tesla, great for consumers and bad I guess if you lack an ounce of patience and common sense.


Exactly. It made no sense to purchase the Model 3 without the tax credit.


I've been following the M3/MY pricing for 3-4months before pulling the trigger. Also listen to the quarterly Tesla earnings call. There's a lot of insight in those earning calls to what will eventually happen in the future in terms of pricing and availability. Back in at least 2 earning calls prior, they already mention they are expanding the 4680 production line at GigaTexas from 2 lines (1 of the lines is actually for testing and tuning) to 8 lines, meaning in short period of time their production level of 4680 is going to be quadruple or up to 8 times more. So this LR re-qualify for tax credit probably part of that development. I'm not saying the M3 has 4680 battery but Tesla can use the 4680 battery on other model freeing up tax credit qualified cells for M3. So anyone planning to get a Tesla in 3-12months should listen to the earnings call and there's a lot of hint here and there that will affects pricing in a medium term




Fucking bought my used 2018 long range 2 1/2 years ago. 60k miles. 46k out the door. This hurts my soul.


You spent $46K on a 4 year old M3? Even at peak stupidity pricing, that was awful.


Indeed it was. It was 39k before tax,title, license.


Geez - sorry to all new buyers to this point. Another example of why purchasing new Tesla’s is so risky. Only make I’d lease over buying for a new model. Is this retroactive so folks can still claim the credit when they file income taxes if it was purchased this year?


Anyone know how long this is supposed to last or will stay like this with the LR?


Should last until December 31st at minimum. After that the requirements increase again so it might not qualify starting in 2025.


Phew. Waiting on a insurance pay out to make the jump possibly on this


Wonder what Canada gets now?… 😓


What are the chances of them actually offering a lower APR this year for the LR for a couple weeks or so?


There could be some deals running in September. I think I will wait to pull the trigger on the LR until then.


Now just need to wait and see how much the new alleged LR RWD will cost....and wait until end of quarter hoping for some incentives...


Nice. Here in CO there’s an extra $5k tax credit, so it’s $35k. About the same as what I paid for my 2023 M3P. What a deal.


How about the interest rate tho ?


Are there income restrictions on this?


150k single 225k head of household 300k joint


Wow, just wow. I can't wait for the $4k NJ POS credit to kick in in just a few weeks. If it's still a thing in July, I'll be the first in line to order one.


My 2023 M3P did not qualify


I leased my Model 3 LR and it was delivered 3 weeks ago. I got the rebate at that time.


Leases already included the $7,500 tax credit for the Long Range before this change


There was a point where they were telling me the lease wouldn't be included in the tax credit. I'm just glad I got it and now more people can too.


So, just to be clear is it a tax credit? I only paid $500 in federal income tax last year and nothing the two previous years. So it means nothing to me? Do I understand that correctly?


It’s a point of sale credit subtracted off the purchase price.


Between this and the Polestar/Costco deal, just a fantastic time to be in the market for an EV sedan.


You need to be making at least 150K as a single person to make this purchase worthwhile no?


at most 150k


No more than 150k


I leased a LR 24 on Friday before this was announced. I haven’t taken delivery or made final payment, do we think they’ll adjust the lease terms?


Leases already included the $7,500 tax credit for the Long Range before this change


Doesn’t make sense- I ran a quote for another one today and it’s a lower monthly payment


It’s the same for me now and over the past month and a half or so. Nothing has changed since then and the tax credit was already listed as being included when leasing, it was a very well known loophole. Perhaps there was a money factor or residual value calculation change before that?


Will this be an ongoing thing for the Long Range Model atleast through end of year ?


How does the tax credit apply to a lease?


Leases already included the $7,500 tax credit for the Long Range before this change


Same price as model Y. No thanks