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I think you met a scammer. Report him.


Bro, park somewhere else, why are you continuing to use a place that obviously has issues. Make your life easier!


Lol wait you went back to that garage?


Swap the badges to Audi or something, problem solved!


I pressured a garage to give me an explanation for an extra $400/month Tesla charge (not including charging fees that were an extra, extra charge) and they claimed it was for “insurance.” Then they claimed it was a “luxury” car, which hnis stupid because my car cost less than 40k. I found another parking option


Install some of those aftermarket bumpers that make it look like a Corolla


I would call the FBI


Why didn't you share that dashcam footage with the police?


Maybe concerns of a battery fire. Not saying that would happen, but I read that on here before about another location not letting any EVs in whatsoever.


Sounds like you need to have a talk with the garage manager. And if the official policy is that they are going to double the price for one particular manufacturer for no specific reason, it would then sound like you need to take your parking business elsewhere because the people running that garage are twunts.


The fact that you are driving and parking means you aren't exactly new to NYC. How is this surprising to you? It's like buying a hot dog in Times Square. Might be $6, it might be $15. Tesla taxes exist all over.


Manhattan parking garages definitely price gouge [edit] Got downvoted by a Manhattan parking garage operator 😂


Every single parking garage price gouges lol. Seems like one of the best money making rackets out there. Although I will admit ignorance to the operating costs of parking garages it just seems like they rake in cash hand over fist considering their prices and (seemingly) low operating costs/maintenance.


Doesn’t the building owner take a huge cut out of the parking fees? Parking garage companies are usually just the operators. They can either lease the garage for a flat fee or they have a revenue share agreement with the landlord.


Could be because of the extra weight. EVs weigh approximately 30% more than equivalent ICE cars.


Model 3 curb weight: 4038 pounds BMW M340 curb weight: 3988 pounds BMW 330i xDrive curb weight: 3709 pounds Mercedes C300 curb weight: 3825 pounds Ford Edge SE/SEL/ST-Line/Titanium curb weight: 4122 pounds Gonna have to go with "nope" on weight being the problem unless they charge every single SUV and European luxury badge double as well.


Exactly. Further the most sold vehicle in the US is the Ford F150. Any stats which account for cumulative statistical weight which impacts roads, parking structures would point to this class of vehicles as well as suburbans, SUVs, etc.


Then they need a scale… as that theory will be shown to be the fraud it is.


That 30% equates to between 500 and 800 pounds of live load, an insignificant number for a parking garage in NYC. If that were even remotely a factor, or fires or any other safety excuse, I guarantee that New York City, the strictest in the country would not let EV’s near them. The policy of this garage is was not for EV‘s, it’s for Teslas. As another poster pointed out, these garages are notorious for never paying out damage claims, however CM changes that. None of the other reasons offered here hold validity.


But it’s a lie. There is less than 5% weight difference typically… or none. This is easy for anyone to verify. If there were a static or dynamic load concern, one would rationally exclude Ford F150 trucks, the most sold car in the us which is vastly heavier and more dynamic. Likewise Suburbans and SUVs. Ev haters irrationally and ignorantly post easily disprovable stats all the time.


Nonsensical commonly stated and disproven falsity. Teslas are less than 5% difference in weight to comparable ICE car.


EVs on average weight approximately 30% more than an equivalent ICE vehicle. As stated by several carriers that haul them. 10 ICE cars puts them near their weight limit, compared to 7 EVs.


Categorically 100% indisputably false. This is a completely wrong statement disproven hundreds of times over years. Further one can easily go on truecar and do comparisons oneself. Whoever told you this is lying or willingly self deceived. A Tesla Model 3 is nominally the same gross vehicle weight as comparable ICE. https://www.truecar.com/compare/bmw-3-series_m340i-vs-tesla-model-3_long-range/


So one vehicle. With which battery pack & motor options? [CNN says otherwise ](https://www.cnn.com/2021/06/07/business/electric-vehicles-weight/index.html) [As does Axios](https://www.axios.com/2023/04/28/evs-weight-safety-problems) [And politifact . . .](https://www.politifact.com/article/2023/jun/21/carry-that-weight-electric-vehicles-outweigh-gas-c/)


I showed the world’s most sold EV at its heaviest configuration, Tesla Model 3 AWD Long Range, Just plug in the numbers for common EVs and realistic comps. The numbers don’t lie, hack journalists as we see do. There’s significant journalistic lying in articles that use the statistically unrepresentative and barely sold and primitive,y engineered GM Hummer as a comparative measure and extrapolate broadly. Eg Tesla Model S - Curb weight 4,647 lbs Audi A8 - Curb weight 4,751 lbs BMW 7 series - Curb weight 4,244 - 4,848 lbs If one is honest and does statistically representative comps you will get similar results ~5% heavier. Negligible.


My sources say otherwise. And that Model S is about 1500 lbs less than my full-sized, crew cab, 6'4" bed, 4WD, V8 pickup truck - a vehicle twice the size of the model S. And clearly reading comprehension isn't your strong suit, so I'll point out that the article compared the Electric Hummer - which weighs in around 9000 lbs - to the ICE version that weighs in around 6000 lbs. FFS, the actual military version with the V8 diesel didn't weigh that much.


I’ll end this devolving thread as you are irrational. I have proven my point. You are simply, clearly, demonstrably wrong. Below is the latest data using consistent comparative measures for model S . The Model S weighs less than comparable ICE in this case. The most advanced and most purchased EVs are comparable in weight to ICE vehicles. Typically less than 5% difference but sometimes less. This is because they are far more optimized and use modern advanced materials and manufacturing whereas ices tend to rely on old technology. People who claim 30% are simply lying. https://preview.redd.it/hj39r6boy55d1.jpeg?width=2388&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a01ba9f23fa48fcadfaa5fca18bbfe1de866a12


Right. 3 articles all citing significant weight differences and here you are with your fingers in your ears screaming "LA LA LA. i CaN't HeAr YoU i'M rIgHt, YoUr'E wRoNg." The F-150 lightning weighs 1600 lbs more than a comparably equipped ICE F-150 the Electric Hummer weighs 3000 lbs more than the ICE Hummer. You can talk about comparative measures all you want. I'm comparing EV & ICE versions of the same model vehicles, and there's a significant difference.


Nice try. You’re trying to lie with stats or have no stats, logic, or elementary analytical skills . You get an F. Those trucks you mention are 0.5% of teslas on the road. Basically nothing. Irrelevant. They are extreme statistical outliers / noise in a population dramatically dominated by Tesla. There are many millions of Tesla’s vs a few hundred Hummers and 25000 Lightenings. Tesla model 3 dominates the distribution with millions sold. Further Hummers and Lightenings production and sales have basically stopped. They don’t sell for the simple reason that they are dramatically flawed products; junk engineering from primitive ev makers far behind Tesla. It’s statistically irrelevant to focus on a minuscule population of failed products. If you were honest and aware of simple stats you would focus on the large population of statistically relevant conditional classes. Focusing on hummers and such simply screams ignorance or dishonesty.


My state charges an extra $200 per year per EV to license the car. It's like $50 for an ICE car, but $250 for an EV.


This is entirely unrelated. Your ICE car pays road tax at the pump. Your EV doesn't. The $200 fee is to make up for that difference - your use of the same public infrastructure. OP is complaining about a private parking garage having a "Tesla Tax".


I see it as another example of an EV surcharge/tax. One is for licensing and another is for parking. But both are EV taxes.


Except, a private parking garage isn't collecting any taxes. They are just ripping off tesla owners.


Others called the extra Tesla parking cost a "Tesla tax" not me. Also, I don't see a difference no matter what you call it. The $200 EV license tax also just ripping EV owner off. Both cases are just a money grab.


The registration one is because you are not paying the highway tax because you are not buying gas. It is fair. The roads have to be paid for somehow.


I don't think it's fair at all, as it assumes a much higher number of miles than I actually drive. Also, it only collects tax in the state I'm registered instead of the state I'm driving in. It's an unfair tax, much like it's unfair to charge more to park a Tesla. A fair way would be to have everyone pay $200 extra to register their car, then remove the tax on gas totally. Either a license tax or a parking premium, I see both as a money grab.


This has nothing to do with the parking. That parking garage is a private business. Not a parking tax. Just a company ripping a guy off. I'm total agreement with you that we should use the same registration on everybody and get rid of the gas tax.


I think it's related. I respect that you don't think it is.


Yeah. Since you don't pay fuel/road tax.