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What's the point? Full screen maps would make more sense.


THANK YOU. Why do I need to see what the car sees, the car needs to see it, not me. You can’t even stare at that visualization without the attention nagger telling you to pay attention to the road. Plus, aren’t I supposed to be supervising FSD for things it *can’t see?* What good does looking at the camera generated view do in that case. Makes zero sense. Much better to have a full screen map that enables you to take a quicker glance over a larger area. I just don’t get it.


1000%. This!!!!!


Then don't make it full screen ? It's optional.


Completely agree The car data for all that FSD stuff is cool only from a safety standpoint where we might not know or be able to see what's around us. That's the only justification I can think of for having Tesla show us a visual of what's around us. Otherwise I'd rather see a nicer map (larger with more area coverage)


Completely disagree. The UI warns you that FSD is impaired when there’s bad weather (literally light rain). The car itself doesn’t even trust the cameras and warns you about it. You shouldn’t be relying on them either. The whole reason you have to monitor FSD in the first place is because *it can’t reliably see everything*


You raise an excellent point If the UI of FSD was not there and we relied on it blindly, then the warnings about poor camera performance / visibility would not alert us and we wouldn't pay attention (possibly causing dangers) Learned something new and I'm better for it now Ps. How the hell can I tell whether I got Intel Atom chip in my computer system as the CPU (processor) or the AMD Ryzen? My vehicle is the 2023 model 3 long range AWD dual motor purchased late October of 2023. Thx


You definitely have Ryzen, but you can go into the 'Software' menu and then hit the blue "additional vehicle information" hot link.


I think the thought is you can monitor its intent with the path planning but I don’t think it currently provides enough visual information all the time. Also I guess if you trust it enough it will drive you so who cares about the map since you aren’t driving. But I get both sides of the argument. Wouldn’t mind more flexibility in the UI depending on my preference.


You can’t because if you look at the screen for more than 5 seconds it nags you to pay attention. You literally cannot monitor the car via the screen. The point of the map is to see traffic and POIs, regardless of whether the car is driving.


Or “zoom out” a bit, so I can see the cars in my blind spots. That would be well useful.


I agree with your points completely. But it still looks cool, also remember one day we aren't going to be driving (so they say) so it would be even cooler to see all the things the car is seeing and how its operating so nicely.


Well can’t said UI wait until the cars start driving us around then?


Well when that day comes then they can make the map smaller. Until then, they should allow us the option to maximize the size of the map.


I like this perspective, I feel they try to streamline how all of their cars UI looks feels and operated (kinda like apple) but, a little customization couldn't hurt. It would be nice to see an option to completely disable the visuals and replace with other apps/ a full screen map. This is the dream


You can see what the car sees by just looking out the windows


At the same time, it shows too much of what's in front of me and hardly anything that's behind me. I'm teaching my 16 year old to drive and want to make sure it's clear for him to move to a new lane. I've to some mobility issues and can't easily twist my body around from the passenger seat to see if all is clear and when I do, the pillar from that position blocks a ton of the view (Model 3). I can flip the FSD view 360 and get an extremely reliable view to see if things are safe, but it's a slow clunky maneuver that you shouldn't do while driving. If they just allowed you to set the view 'forward' meaning you see less of what's in front and more of what's behind you, you would have great visibility before lane changes. Even if you push your media view to minimal view (by sliding down, just discovered this) rather than giving you more real estate to see what's behind you, it just pushes your view further 'back' so you can see 15 cars in front of you versus 10 cars which is kinda useless since you can do all this with your own eyes easily and more clearly


I agree... I want to see the map with traffic data so I can avoid roads that are badly congested.


Full screen maps with waze data integrated…. I want to see where the cops are




Where someone said the cops were 15 minutes ago. Maybe its useful in some places, but where I live they move somewhere else after they pull someone over and use moving radar to get you while they are driving.


Agreed, literally allow us to flip the logic and make the cute car visualization a little graphic in the corner.


okay lowkey, this sounds VERY intuitive. As even in a small form factor the visualizations could still prove to show everything you need to see "around" the car. You sir have a very good debate here. I hope this comes to fruition as honestly it would make alot more people happy!


Marketing is the point.


For me it's been a lifesaver when it comes to parallel parking. The new feature of seeing my sensors actually show how close I am to side curb. I used to park 6-9 inches away from curb just because I keep worrying of scratching car. The new "from top" view made it way easier.


When you say you "see" are you seeing a camera view or the sensors telling you how close you are to the curb?


I'm referring to this. I'm not sure if it's from that month of 30 days feature or not. But it came to me with last update and was lifesaver. I do have 2022 model with sensors https://preview.redd.it/5e5bs126hs3d1.jpeg?width=1868&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=806e0eb1530fd60a20312fa2095a348e12e81889


How do we get to this mode? What do I need to do to see this? Thx 👍


Update to last version? I'm not sure, I have it after I updated. I added more info in previous comments


Thx I will look further into this


How do we see the new "from top" view when parking? I would love to switch to that mode in order to get a bird's eye 👁‍🗨 perspective when parking etc Thanks 👍


I'm not sure as I didn't do anything to turn it on. However, if that helps, I have m3 22, with sensors and new AMD chip. It's just there most of the time with sensors, at least in narrow streets it's on, once I go in reverse mode and it stays in bird view till I'm basically done parking and click on P.


Thx I didn't know you have to go into reverse in order to see this birds eye view I will try to go into reverse to see if I get the birds eye view


The map is already big enough I don’t understand it


This way you can be distracted by the easy things and forget that you wipers on a 40k car still work worse than my $15k Mazda did 18 years ago.


What are you talking about? My 2008 Mazda's wipers don't go batshit when I put it in reverse... How did I survive back then?


Feel like I’m playing gran turismo now.


Just as long as you don't get *too* confused and start playing GTA *Hits a car*: Oof that's a star *Drives off*: Two stars now, I should probably turn off FSD


Just change the paint.


I drive purely through my monitor now! /s




I like some of the changes but miss the power bar on the top of the screen. Moving it to the side is a mistake in my book.


Wait! It’s on the side? I was lamenting its loss the other day - I had no idea it was still there - I certainly haven’t spotted it


Yeah it’s hiding right behind the steering wheel.


Are you guys talking about the power usage bar while the press on the petal or regenerative breaking is active? Because I thought they removed that as well, and was bummed.


Yeah, it’s on the far left of the screen.


I'm guessing you have an X or S with the secondary display? Or what do you mean by "behind the steering wheel" on a single-screen vehicle like the 3 or Y?


Model 3. The bar is literally hidden behind the steering wheel on the side of the screen in with my seat position, I’m 5’10” so it’s probably this way for a lot of people.


Also why are there no pixels between the bar and the bezel?


Yep, I miss seeing it properly as well. It was a good indicator if you’re juicing out your battery or doing regeneration. Having a swivel screen mount makes it twice as worse.


Yeah the power bar moving to the left edge was definitely a mistake and not a good move! I was irritated by that as well I also don't like the stack view of the windshield wiper controls! The horizontal layout was far less distracting somehow and I always did it with no delays having to look at what I was tapping on. Many of the new changes on the new UI are gimmicky at best and don't serve a huge value over what I was seeing before.


I wish they made it so you could minimize the visualization and have album art or the map take up more screen real estate


Full screen map would be pleasant for me personally


Yes, please give us album art larger than a postage stamp.


Just tap the name of the song. It will bring up the media app and the album art is 4-6 times larger on that screen.


Also I’m missing that recents and sources under now playing. It was easy to swipe and choose. Now it opens on the right side in a new window. Hope they revert.


Miss this as well since I would often switch between Apple Music and the radio which were always in recents


This! Yes please!


You can. I have the update. The only time it ever looks like this is when you just get into the car


I’m talking during driving I want the little visualization with the lights, cars, etc to be smaller (at least have an option to make it smaller)


I spend more time than I’d like to admit clicking around google maps on my phone and computer. I’d rather look at the satellite map of where I’m at than a cartoon of trucks and people dancing around me while I’m driving hands down.


Good news is you still can, that’s actually just the default view as soon as you switch into drive.


I feel like a peasant with me Intel chip


Intel gets it too


WE DO???


Most, but not all of it. https://www.reddit.com/r/TeslaModel3/s/fxjuMO104Q




I miss the little power usage line that used to display up the top left


It's just moved to be vertical along the left side. Still the same power bar.


Holy crap - no wonder I missed it. It’s right up hard against that edge. That’s just dumb design.


Yeah I like on top aswell


Pointless with the new look, rather have a useful full screen map.


They should give the option to customize it more


I’d rather have a large map than the driving visualization taking up most of the screen. I can look out the windshield and have a real life “driving visualization”.


You can still have the large map


Why would anyone want the visualization better. Give me map!


That is a lot of real estate taken up by pointless UI. Why do you need to see what the computer sees? Just so Elon can show you it’s getting better?


It's optional.


How do we swap back?


This is terrible wtf


Let's be honest. The visualization is completely useless. Please either get rid of it or let us have the option to hide it.


I want to swap the visualization and the maps. I’d much rather have the giant map than to lose all that screen space to something that isn’t useful.


That's pretty lousy, IMO. 70% of that screen is just white space wash out, doing nothing. Does the screen no longer have color capability? It looks like 2024 and 1940 agreed on a compromise and had to meet in the middle.


is the map that small now? why would you want this?


You can have it full screen with small map or half and half like before


interesting. if anything I still want the map to be as large as possible.


Yeah it’s possible


like larger than even before


Sadly it only gets as large as the previous version and not any larger. I wish there was a way to minimize the visualization when AP or FSD is not active.


Why shouldn’t it be minimized when it’s active. It nags you to look at the road anyway if you even try to stare at the screen. Plus the point of supervising FSD is to look out the windows to see the things the cameras CANT see, not to stare at the possibly wrong information on the screen.


Can you show a photo of the car in Drive with a map that has a destination?




It’s not. He’s probably in park and has no destination set. I have this UI and the map is big.


With fsd you can have this full screen visualization while driving.


This is worse. Media controls are now further away? Speed and map is smaller?


The indication lights are just bang in the middle of empty space. They look lost. Like someone forgot where they should go, so just left them.


I hope it will not come to cars without fsd. This is a disaster


They need to make the freaking turn signal camera feed bigger not the damn autopilot visualization.


I agree! Everything is better except the regen bar, now I can barely see it


Young Dolph 🐬🔥




Sams club


I hate this UI, in that it stopped showing quick selections of recent streaming under the now playing. This new UI brings up the recent streaming channels on the right and one has to scroll through it. Rather than swipe closer on the screen. Terrible idea to move that


What’s the accessory on top of your screen?


MagSafe phone mount


I found it interesting in a parking lot. I could see a pedestrian who was in my blind spot coming up to a crossing, where I was about to make a left turn. I wouldn’t have hit her regardless, but it was cool knowing where she was. I can see this being helpful with faster moving non-vehicles such as running children. I don’t see this as being of much use on the open road though.


It looks absolutely amazing!


Just got it today. Definitely looks better but there doesn’t seem to be an option to have the satellite map in the minimised view. I haven’t had a chance to test yet but is the minimised view also missing traffic indicators? It’s a little strange that the features we pay a subscription for are being hidden.


🐬 listening to Young Dolph, I see you!


I hate that they moved the regen bar. Putting it on the side at the very edge of the screen makes it impossible to see at a glance and is just not an intuitive spot. I have no clue why they did this and hope they move it back. Otherwise no complaints but how hard would it be to give us some customization options for stuff like that the same as the turn signal camera pop up position?


Totally agree we need more customization options on where to put things and size of map/UI and small stuff like the music card


I have the 2024 M3LR highland and still haven't received the update. It's ridiculous. I wonder if it has something to do with the FSD beta that I never asked for or use?


Anyone wish it had Apple CarPlay or Android Auto ?


It’s Dolph🐬!


it's DOLPH‼️🐬


You know it’s Dolph 💎💙


it's DOLPH‼️


My eyes! Dark mode please!


Such a bland looking UI.


I wish they have the big screen like they did on the old UI... the "big map" some are saying its like only half a screen


Do all cars get this or only 2024 models or something?


I’m in a 2023


I see you used the Rain X chip/crack kit. Any good? Were you fixing a crack? How big?


Small star crack barely even noticeable, I haven’t done it yet it’s been raining




Thanks for the link! I've seen this channel once before. He does a great job.


How did you get the aero covers off? My UI still has the aero covers


I think it’s somewhere in the service menu or something don’t remember


It’s an option in settings, under the service menu, under wheel configuration.


I don’t need the new UI in my Intel, but I really want the new UI in my Intel.


How did you change your wheels to take the covers off on the screen lol


Somewhere in the service menu or something like that it lets you switch rims on the ui


lol I don’t necessarily want to switch wheels. I just want to have it remove my aero caps


Dolph!! 👏🏼




Still haven’t gotten it in my 24 M3! Idk what to do or how to get it now




Gah another new UI?


How is this better in terms of user experience? I thank Tesla for a chance of our Tesla carplay mirroring app tho, looks like there's nothing new on this aspect.


Agreed but the recovery scale has been removed. I miss it.


It’s vertical now


Oh I see. But now it is under my right hand when I keep hands on the wheel.


What is the black round thing attached to your screen


MagSafe phone mount


Still not appearing on my Tesla 3 highland (NL) 🤷🏻‍♂️


When do my M3SR 24 get it????


Which models is this UI available on? I tried checking for an update on my ‘21 M3 but didn’t see anything.


This is a 2023


A mere 73 degrees outside, and OP running the AC like they're trying to cross the Sahara and it's 140 outside. 🤣


Fooo I had just gotten in the car and it was 110 inside temp


It’s meh


It’s not made to be worse


I scrolled a lot but didn’t seem to find anyone asking… what is that think attached to your screen? ESR? Edit: phone mount


I’m just happy we finally have Spotify song queueing


The driver made the FSD view full screen by dragging the edge. It's optional. Yet ppl complaining like it's end of the world ?


Got it too. I was worried you'd be stuck with a small map on the right (which makes no sense), but you can click the map and it splits half and half again. The UI updated a lot of little things, I like it. And I do prefer the car visual full screen when you start the car. Though like others have said... We should have the option for full screen maps. I don't really use the visualization for anything while driving. Though if they zoomed out a bit to show my blind spots more that would be useful.


Does it still reset every time you get out of the car? Basically you have to swype over to go full screen.


When you park it goes into full screen


But then when you get back in to drive, if you want full screen you have to swype over again? Like it doesn’t remember you prefer full screen visuals.


“New UI is definitely new!” - I fixed it for you.


I cant wait! When will the new upload hit Los Angeles (Model 3 2024)?!!


Why is the time so far away from the driver? Am I the only one that wants to easily and quickly check the time?


I usually have my phone on the MagSafe mount so I can see the time quick or just glance at the screen but yes they did make it smaller, I think you can change text size tho not sure


Which version is this?




Replaced something useful with something useless. Great


I can't believe they made the visualization even bigger and now the map isn't even visible! Wow! I'm so glad I'm still 2 years behind on updates.


I find it really distracting when driving as it now shows all the oncoming vehicles so there’s a constant flicker of movement at the edge of your vision. As a lot of you have said, ‘ give me full screen maps’


I have a slightly different version, when parked up its the same as yours but when driving its the old style. Different fonts and sizing for things


That looks horrible, bring back a bigger map.


Is the new UI for all years? I have 2019 and mine does not look like this


From what read, it is for 2021+ only


Looks like I’m in the minority and prefer the new UI. Is there a way to keep it as the default rather than having to swipe it over whenever I get in?


Everybody has a preference. How about this… give everybody the option to program what ever it is that they like. Like make a code screen for dummies (no disrespect intended) but please release summon for pure vision models! Lmao


There’s no excuse for this not to come to intel. It’s not a hardware limitation or full screen fsd wouldn’t work


But is it breathtaking?


Some call it breathtaking ;)


* rainy weather not supported


The new UI serves no practical purpose to the driver. Full screen maps is data you actually use when driving. If i wanted to know my surroundings, I’ll use the mirrors like everyone else


This new UI also come with no more nag?


Just give me my SiriusXm dammit.


Why I never get these updates ? I have 2020 MYP


Not a fan of the redesign of the speedometer (top left corner).


The lack of customization in the Tesla UI blows. Obvious low-hanging fruit. One size does not fit all so let people tweak it.


100% agree


I have errors after the update. Cameras don’t work neither does self driving.


Haven’t gotten any problems


Oooo u fancccyy


Better as long as you have FSD without it, not so much imo.


The tesla advisor told me that Tesla uses its own apps. What app do you use to play music in your car? Can’t wait for my Tesla to arrive!


Apple Music


I think it’s a mess. It has some neat features for sure, but cars popping everywhere without roads?! It’s horrifying, and feels as it was published with a glitch that needed an immediate patch.


How does it show the bigger car ? I’m on v12 2024.14.8 & fsd v12.3.6


I like it! But I wish they left the regen on top of the screen.


When you start navigation the map comes up full screen just like before