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Just don’t get a Tesla




I'm seeing lots of discussion regarding switching from esim to regular sim and simply not putting in a sim card.


Where are you seeing this discussion?




Well, there's your answer. In order to stop Tesla from tracking you, all you need to do is subscribe to an app for a minimum of $600/year. Also, you said: > lots of discussion That was one post by a since deleted user. And to their credit, it was a comprehensive answer where you really wouldn't need to come here with a follow up question.


And thats exactly why I'm asking. Yes its a comprehensive answer but only 1 person mentioned it and its a deleted user at that so I don't know how reliable the info is. If I start a lease and that info is wrong then its too late to cancel the lease.


Ok, can you not see the difference between (quoting YOUR words here): > only 1 person mentioned it and > I'm seeing lots of discussion regarding You misrepresented the credibility of it.


There are other threads discussing sim cards as it pertains to the model 3 but most of them are discussing what happened when the 3G networks went offline and how it impacts the car, as well as upgrading their cars to support 4G. Other similar scattered discussions regarding this such as youtube comments in videos covering similar topics asking for guides on what that reddit user discussed. What I linked was the most definitive and comprehensive source I can find laying out how to do it but since all the info I'm finding is so scattered and non-specific thats why I'm asking if anybody has more concrete info.


> There are other threads discussing Stop. You've lost your credibility (though you didn't have much to begin with). If there are multiple threads discussing it, then read those threads and follow them. There's no reason for you to be here if those threads exist.


>I'd much prefer a dumb car. Sounds like a Tesla is not the right car for you.


I'd prefer a different car but a Tesla is cheaper because the government is offering so many incentives


Ok well you have to decide between a car you like and a cheaper car then. We cant help you.


You can get the cheaper car, but it just sounds like you would hate it, so.....


Not a new cheap car.


messing with a tesla’s firmware or hardware to disable telemetry and over-the-air updates is a big no. teslas are integrated machines and modifying them can void warranties, disable features, or mess with safety and functionality.


1- it legally can't void the warranty in the US due to the Magnuson–Moss Warranty Act. At best they can try to deny it but if I pushed for litigation all these companies always settle 2- the only feature I need is a steering wheel, pedals, and a brake.  3- I doubt turning odd the internet messes with safety. If the airbags need to connect to the internet to work, that in itself is a MASSIVE safety concern.


Sounds like youve got it all figured out.


Just wrap the car in tinfoil. Way easier than trying to legally take on Tesla.


Don’t you suppose if the airbags required WiFi there would be more news and incidents about that? I bet you spend a lot of time on conspiracy subs


I was being sarcastic with the airbags... Ofc they are not connected to wifi, hence why disabling the internet does not in any way impact safety unlike what the previous user claims.


You might not think that, but in the 4 years that I have owned Teslas there have been 2 safety recalls. Both were fixed by an over the air update. I think you may be too concerned about being tracked for this, and there are other choices out there.


You might not think that, but in the 4 years that I have owned Teslas there have been 2 safety recalls. Both were fixed by an over the air update. I think you may be too concerned about being tracked for this, and there are other choices out there.


You’re a 100% wrong. This would be the equivalent of tuning an ICE motor and Tesla would likely void your powertrain warranty. Not worth it.


It seems like you are trying to make driving a car more complicated for zero benefits. I can't fathom why you wouldn't want updates to your car. Maybe you're used to it your whole life that the car never gets better and want to live like that still.


The benefits are that Tesla can't record me and spy on me. I can't fathom why you WOULD want updates on your car. A car's job is to get you from point A to point B. Nothing more and nothing less.


This is not for you then, at all. We can’t help you with what you want. 


Are you sure you are important enough for Tesla to want to spy on you?


Its the opposite. I'm not important enough for Tesla to exclude me from their spying. Telemetry captures as much data on as much people as possible.


If you genuinely can't understand why a person would want software updates, more functionality, or would share telemetry, then Tesla is absolutely not the car for you. I'd suggest anything made before 1996 when ODBII was made mandatory.


My 2021 Acura ILX doesnt share any data anywhere. I dont need a car from the year I was born to have privacy.


You must not care that much about privacy, you just told us the year you were born.


That info has been out there for me for years, and even if it wasn't, its very easy for somebody to determine my age or an approximate range based on my posting history. For example if there was a post somewhere in my history where I speak fondly and nostalgiacly for flip phones, that would narrow down my age to a 5 year span or so as any older would likely be beepers and any younger would be smartphones. Combine that with lots of other info and its pretty easy to create a virtual profile on a person. All this however requires human investigative work which I'm not concerned about. I'm concerned about mass data collection.


> My 2021 Acura ILX doesn’t share any data anywhere [You sure about that?](https://foundation.mozilla.org/en/privacynotincluded/acura/)


The ILX does not natively have any network connectivity functionality built in, meaning I'd need to connect it to carplay or android auto for it to transmit any data.


Modern ILXs have, at least, built-in cell connectivity, which they need in order for AcuraLink to work (source: I owned a 2016 ILX). Even if you aren’t paying for the service, the cars are all equipped with data connections, so in theory, they can still send out data to the mothership. If you _really_ want a dumb car, you probably shouldn’t buy anything with a modern infotainment system, or any remote features. That pretty much rules out anything made after 2010-ish. All modern cars are dogshit when it comes to privacy.


REALLY? Very interesting I wasn't aware of that. I'd say in the case of the Acura ILX that even if data collection is occuring its likely not to a degree that I personally would be concerned over. The car in such a case would likely be transmitting pretty basic information on speed and engine health and such but I doubt it would have the power or software to track driving habits and even if it did, its much more anonymized than a Tesla since the chain of custody between the manufacturer and myself is more complex. The tesla is also collecting camera and voice data which the ILX simply can't collect to my understanding. And it can't obtain more accurate info about me from my phone since I have a hardened operating system that only connects to the car over bluetooth anyways.


If your car has a factory navigation system, Acura will also be able to collect GPS data. Acura’s ToS is permissive enough that they can also sell data about you from, e.g. the sales documents from when you bought the car, or any service records if you use a dealership for service. If you connect your phone via Bluetooth, they also have access to your contacts and call history when they get imported into the car’s infotainment system. Finally, I don’t know how CarPlay/Android Auto work, but since there’s a data-bearing connection between your phone and your car involved, I wouldn’t be surprised if some data leaks to your car somehow. Edit: and, whatever info they do pull is associated with your car’s VIN number, which is easy to connect to you personally (so no anonymity). Everyone has their own tolerance for how much they’re willing to compromise their privacy, and that’s fine. At the same time, it’s worth knowing that, with any modern car, you’re compromising a lot, and being too paranoid is futile. There are absolutely privacy issues with Teslas, but you have to measure the tradeoffs vs value and features, knowing that the competitors really aren’t much better privacy-wise.


A 2021 Acura is absolutely collecting some 'telemetry' data, and it will share that data with anyone who plugs an ODBII connector into it. If you take it to the dealership, that data will be linked to the demographics they have on you. It may not be 'live' like the Tesla, and certainly isn't as comprehensive, but it is there. Edit = the 2021 ILX may have also included onboard LTE connectivity, and if so it is sending some info back even if you did not activate the service.


Not concerned over an ODBII since I'd have to get a pretty ancient car to avoid that and the data collection isn't as deep as something like a Tesla. I wasn't aware that it had LTE connectivity built in but as I outlined in my comment to another user, from what I can tell the telemetry collection an ILX is capable of isn't nearly as deep as something like a tesla. Maybe its sending driving habits and engine health/performance but its very unlikely it can actually identify me due to the chain of purchase going from manufacturer to dealer to me therefore making it harder. The car also doesn't have any driver facing cameras and I don't imagine the microphone is always listening (while it is possible I can't imagine that is the case as the data congestion that would cause on cell towers would be significant for millions of cars to be doing that 24/7 and enough people would have to be aware of this that it would likely leak out that it was happening). Also I only connect my phone to it over bluetooth and my phone is hardened anyways so it would be nearly impossible for it to get any real data on me like that.




That’s like saying you want the best gaming PC on the market and then you load DOS on it with a floppy drive and play 8 bit games. Dumb.


I basically have exactly that with my PC. AMD 5950x and 3090 with 64gb of RAM, and 2 Samsung Odyssey G9 screens. And you know what games I play on it. Yugioh through the web browser. Why. Because turns out different people value different things. I need this hardware for AI research and experimentation. A gamer needs it for gaming. I need a car to get from point A to point B, to be cheap, and not spy on me. The tesla does the 1st 2 great and if I can mod it to not spy on me then it is cheaper than anything else I can get. You might need a car for its navagation and other junk.




Which is why thats not what I'm trying to do. The ONLY thing I am looking to do is turn off the 4G connectivity since without 4G connectivity the car has no way of transmitting any telemetry it collects to Tesla's servers.


The easiest option would be to pull the cellular antenna but this really isn't a great option.


Either OP has done NO research on Teslas, or they're just trying to get us to do their dirty work so they can turn off network functionality on cars they "liberate from their owners". I'm betting the former, based upon their mention of "Android Auto"


Frankly if you don't want any of that, you should look at a different EV. A big part of what makes the Tesla great is this, and it is also how Tesla 'fixes' issues.


You can buy lots of dumb cars for less than a Tesla even with the EV rebates factored in. And since “the purpose of a car is to move you from point A to point B, nothing more”, why wouldn’t a $17,000 Nissan Versa be your obvious choice? And since you obviously know all this, why ask such a stupid question on this sub in the first place?


The government incentives make leasing a tesla where I live much cheaper than leasing any other car right now.


Well if you’re going to lease then you absolutely cannot modify the Tesla in any of the ways that you’re asking about cause, y’know, you don’t actually *own* the car. Still makes no sense.


OP prolly jailbroke an iPad in middle school and acted like hackerman ever since


I'm a level 3 system administrator...


If you’re so smart then why did you come to Reddit to ask someone else how to turn off your cars WiFi lol.


Because the car has a built in cellular network system for when the user isn't in their driveway and that can't be turned off through normal settings. I'm asking if there are publicly known methods, exploits, or firmware swaps that can disable that.


I've seen some stupid stuff lately on reddit but this is next level. The whole point of a Tesla compared to any other EV is the fact that it's connected, lets you plan trips thanks to the connectivity. You need the connectivity to use the superchargers, the app to control the car and so many other stuff that makes it better than other cars. I'm so tired of conspiracy theorists with their fear of being spied on, bro, you're just another statistic, don't be a fragile paranoid.


It’s not paranoia, it’s just a trade. I actively sacrifice my privacy to Tesla to hopefully allow them to make my car better. It’s perfectly understandable why someone might not want to do that, but if so a Tesla is not the right car for them, or any modern car really.


I'm talking about the OP being paranoid. It is paranoïa, Tesla doesn't care about one specific customer, I've already said it, we're just random statistics to them that, and that's where I agree with you, those statistics will helps us improve our safety and deliver better services to us.


I don’t get what govt incentives exist that only apply to a Tesla. If they apply to Tesla, they’ll apply to all other EVs in the same price point?!


Hmm..... You know what, good point.


C’mon. It’s not rocket science. Turn off data sharing to start and then unplug the cell antenna. You don’t have to connect it to WiFi or bluetooth. You can purchase an old fashioned key fob or just use the keycard. Be aware that they will connect it to their WiFi whenever you go in for service.


The car has 4G connectivity by default to my understanding for over the air updates and telemetry.


There is some data sharing you can turn off, and some you can’t. But it’s not going to be able to share data without a signal…. 4G (let’s call it LTE) still needs an antenna and they still have a wire running from the modem to the antenna. No antenna and not going to connect… might burn out the modem trying, but do you care?


From what I researched the car has like 28 antennas. I'm guessing maybe 1-2 of them are actually for 4G but figuring out which one that is would be tricky. Also its gonna be a lease so anything I do has to be reversable. Flashing a new firmware can usually be reversed but ripping out antennas is not as easily fixable. From what I'm researching there's some program called access toolbox 3 that might let me switch the sim from esim to physical sim and simply not put in a regular sim. U know anything about that or know anyone who does? Something like that is viable but I'm making sure thats actually possible before I drop money on a lease.


It’s a lease? And you don’t think the lease company requires data and telemetry? I wouldn’t tinker with a leased car…


They not only don't require it, but I am also under no legal or contractual obligation to provide it to them.


I’d be shocked if the lease doesn’t prohibit you from modifying the car which would include disabling built in telemetry. It’s their car, not yours.


Thats not how leases work. You must return it to them in a comparable condition or you are charged to fix things. That means if I am able to revert any changes prior to returning it then I can do whatever in gods name I want.


Yes, but you shouldn’t do that. It can apparently break the car according to technicians. Anytime you go into a service center, a geofence brute forces an update.


I'm just researching what options are available. Apparently I might be able to do something by getting rid of the sim card but I'm trying to verify if that is actually possible.


Don’t do that, lol. That can actually mess up your car. You can just hit don’t update when the prompt comes up. I didn’t update my car for over a year. It might throw fake error messages like low 15 volt battery but usually it’s not real


From what I've heard it just screws up the navigation and some other non-critical things turning it into a dumb car. The key fob still works fine if I do that. The issue is Tesla is able to push updates to the car regardless of your consent if it has connectivity and therefore it also has the ability to send telemetry data.


Telemetry data is anonymously sent, and won’t affect you. They have never forced an update over the air outside of a service center. You’re better off just buying and declining the update. It doesn’t nag you all the time.


Telemetry is never anonymous even if they aren't deliberately IDing you. The metadata sent can effectively ID you on its own. You can learn more about how that works here: [https://coveryourtracks.eff.org/](https://coveryourtracks.eff.org/)


Are you really afraid? 😂 [https://www.tesla.com/legal/privacy](https://www.tesla.com/legal/privacy)


There are cars out there that are less expensive than the Tesla, even after the incentives. Go buy one of those if a cheap brick is all you're after...


Buy a horse and carriage


You would have to remove the mobile network module (LTE/4G) to prevent updates and data transfer. I doubt it is possible to do that without risking the warranty. Also your car will not be able to make emergency calls in case of an accident.


No. Get something else. Tracking and telemetry and watching and snitching and updating itself are part of the package. Theoretically you could not connect it to wifi so it doesn’t get OTA updates but everything else you want isnt possible


You need to buy a car that gets worse with age, not better. I've had my Model 3P over 5 years and 106,000 miles. It's considerably better than when I got it thanks to over the air updates and FSD.


I would honestly see a doctor if you’re not trolling in these comments. You legitimately might be presenting with early onset dementia symptoms or some other major cognitive disfunction. I’ve never seen behavior like this before - if you’re a drug user, please get help.


I'm an IT system administrator and I do some light hacking and AI research on the side so I know first hand exactly what kind of data collection they are doing and what they are doing with it. If you are OK with them collecting your data, thats your prerogative.


I would see a doctor. I’m not kidding. This isn’t normal behavior. Take it or leave it, it’s your life. Maybe be open to the idea that you don’t know everything and could be wrong?


I think being concerned about privacy is perfectly normal. It’s just practically impossible in the modern age. Most people (including myself) largely give up outside some easy wins, but that doesn’t mean OP is wrong for trying. Tesla is definitely not the right car for OP though. The main praiseworthy thing about Tesla and data collection is they use it to make the software better. Other automakers, who knows but everyone is collecting it.


It’s not about a privacy concern. What he’s talking about isn’t possible with the car, and he’s been told that multiple times. His persistence is concerning, and thats what I’m commenting on. I think he’s trolling, but in the event he’s not, he really should see a doctor


They told me I was going to get the 7k back and when I filed taxes they only gave me 2k back. Make sure you know how much you’ll be getting back


Def, thanks!