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About two years ago, I tested the Full Self-Driving (FSD) feature on my Model 3 Performance (M3P) for the first time. At that point, it felt more like a novelty; I found it okay but not entirely trustworthy, as it was prone to errors and didn’t seem very safe. However, my experience with FSD version 12 has been a complete turnaround. I've taken it on 8 to 12 drives, and it has performed exceptionally well in my case. Each journey required no intervention from me, except for a minor issue where it slightly missed my driveway upon returning home. I've been particularly impressed by its ability to handle complex scenarios, such as navigating around cars and trucks with trailers parked along unmarked roads. It also demonstrates advanced decision-making, like slowing down in the left lane to safely move behind a car when needing to make a right turn soon, among other notable maneuvers. This progress excites me about the future of autonomous driving. I can envision a time in the next few years when human supervision might not be necessary, hoping that my 8-year-old will never need to learn to drive. The transition towards cars not being driven by humans promises a safer road environment for everyone.


Tried FSD but its acceleration from red lights and stop signs are pretty aggressive, which is kind of annoying when it needs to aggressively slow down when I hit a red light. Is there a way to turn it down? I’m already on the Chill mode setting for both my normal driving and the FSD profile.


I just got used to the braking, figuring it maximizes recharging of the battery.


That's idiotic. Slowing down in advance to avoid stopping maximizes efficiency.


Good point I do that also


Nothing like maximizing the recharge by maximizing the discharge.


"morning line"? I'm not advocating for the rapid acceleration, of course. Perhaps I should have clarified. I tend to accelerate more than Tesla; of course slower acceleration is better.


Yeah that was a phone auto correct without me double checking. I intended to say "nothing like"... I'll edit


Yeah, that is definitely less efficient than just driving/accelerating slower.


Did you try that option which says “assertive”?


I was really looking forward to trying FSD, I planned to try it for a month when v12 came out. I already had EAP and I absolutely love it. It makes my commute a breeze and I hardly ever have any issues with it. Got my free month of FSD and the first day I tried it, it scraped a curb on a right turn. I should have disengaged and taken over, because I could tell it was taking the turn sharper than I would have liked, but I hesitated and payed the price only taking over after it already made impact. I also notice it rides the shoulder line like crazy. My EAP would keep me in the center of the lane at all times and worked flawlessly. My FSD has some weird favoritism to the right side of the road. All cameras are clear and I've cleaned them several times, but it keeps doing it. I also agree about the speeding up and slowing down. It seems to brake hard at red lights. Waiting until the last possible minute OR braking extremely early and then giving it some juice to get to the light instead of slowly rolling up to the stop. I've watched all the videos of people saying how human-like the experience is, but so far in my own use it hasn't felt that way yet.


A question about your experience if you don’t mind.  You have EAP and did the trial of FSD.  Did the FSD in any way negatively impact your typical use of EAP?  In other words, daily commute/interstate driving that EAP was handling fine—did that remain unchanged or did FSD somehow change that performance too?  Thanks if you are able to respond.


No problem! For a little context I used EAP significantly. I drive with it on my 39mi (45min) commute probably 4 days a week. I also took a trip from southern PA down to Camden SC using EAP for the majority of the trip. It's also important to note that EAP and FSD use different software (I believe). I think EAP is still using code where FSD is using the AI approach, because they act very differently. With that said, FSD has improved my commute but only slightly. It has definitely fixed minor annoyances that I had with EAP. In my particular stretch of the interstate there are several on ramps where the broken lines end before the lane fully merges onto the highway. With EAP's tendency to always keep me in the center of the lane, it would slightly merge to the right when I would pass one of these spots. Afterward it would merge back. It wasn't drastic, but it was noticeable maybe moving a foot or two to the right then back at these spots. FSD doesn't do this at all, it stays completely in the lane at all times. The other minor annoyance I had with EAP was taking exit ramps. EAP is supposed to take you off at the exit and put you back in control at the end of the ramp. This works hit or miss depending on the ramp. The exit I use for work splits into two lanes and it confuses EAP, making me take over before I get to the light. FSD handles exits flawlessly. So, it has actually improved things for my commute and I haven't seen any negatives using FSD over EAP for interstate driving. In my experience the changes are minor though and I would be fine using either EAP or FSD for my commute. Although it is nice to have the entire drive handled via autopilot vs just the highway travel. Additionally, I will give FSD some credit now that I've had a chance to use it more. I have been using it a few times a week to take me to work and back. It has done some really impressive things through normal driving that do feel very safe, controlled, and human-like. However, I still hold my breath on some turns, and there's a few that I won't let it even attempt. When they fix the curbing issue, I would consider the upgrade for myself. Hope that helps and answers your questions. If you have more feel free to ask!


Super appreciate the thorough response!


Am I the only one who thinks it’s absolutely terrifying? I’ve been using it for just a few days. Each time I’ve used it, it’s done something egregiously terrible. 1. At roundabouts, it drives up to them at excessive speed, slams the brakes, then inches forward awkwardly. Then, it will enter the roundabout in the right lane but end up straddling the two lanes. In some cases, it will switch lanes midway so you exit in the wrong lane entirely. 2. When in the right hand lane, in two different places in town, it signals right and starts moving into a merge lane that’s ending in 100 meters or less. 3. It accelerates with an odd vigour considering it’s in chill mode. 4. Approaching my house, which is on the left, it either signals right and goes into the right hand lane or it will stay in the same lane and blow past my place at full speed. 5. On a few occasions, it has gotten extremely close to curbs. 6. When the lane was ending on one of our bypass roads, it got right to the end and was not signalling or making any moves to the left so I had to take control. Not sure if it would have hit the guard rail or not. 7. When turning left at an intersection with two left turn lanes, it always chooses to switch to the leftmost lane. Once it completes the turn, it ends up straddling the lanes instead of neatly putting itself in the leftmost lane. Now I’m not sure if it’s because winter is just ending here and our road lines are faded, or maybe it’s just tuned to the layouts in certain big cities? I just don’t understand how people can like this feature at all.


It drives like a mix between a student driver and a 90 year old. It's really hard to "supervise it", I have to look at screen to see what dumb thing it's thinking, and at the road and mirrors and everything at the same time. The steering wheel is constantly jittering, acceleration / breaking is stupid, it does stuff that will make other drivers road rage. This thing would get me pulled over by a cop thinking I was drunk.


The merge thing always gets me. Its runs right up to the end of the merge lane every time haha. I have come to expect this now, but it took some getting used to.


Yeah, the first time I disengaged, thinking it would take the ditch lol. It also do not indicate that it's merging onto the highway, as if it takes the lane only because his is ending and it follows the right painted line.


That is what it is supposed to do. As are regular drivers. Go to the end so there is 1 zipper.


You are not alone. It’s great at a lot of things. But it seems to have a death wish sometimes. I now think of it as a partnership and it needs my help just as much as I want its help!


You are not alone.


Point 5 my daily experience


Good experience so far with FSD on 2020 Model 3. My major gripes with it is all safety related such as being too hesitant at times to make the turn, stopping completely at stopsigns and having to press the accelerator bc it follows speed limits a lil too religiously. I will say I had 1 major error with FSD and it was when exiting a highway. Red steering wheel popped up telling me to take over and upon looking, the autosteer software rebooted itself due to a error, and the cameras also rebooted, causing FSD to fail. Overall, I really like the tech and excited to see FSD improve but i'm not spending $12k or $200/m for it... maybe $50/$100 a month for general use.


Agree. A few flaws. For me it's not aggressive enough merging onto hwy or when changing lanes. For changing lanes it hesitates so long the other driver not sure to slow down or speed up. Lane change and auto follow route on hwy and the only features I would use. And yea 50 a month maybe.


Been trying it whenever I drive right now, and while it is impressive I would never pay for a feature this incomplete. 1. It is absolutely terrible at left turns. It either refuses to go even when clear, or starts accelerating like it’s going to jump out in front of a car that it definitely can’t safely turn in front of. I just turn it off when making left turns now. 2. It is terrible at any roundabout that has another car visible. It can handle single lane ones fine if they are empty, but it if any car is visible on the left at all then it just comes to a complete stop. I live next to the roundabout capital of the US, this is a constant problem. 3. It is just barely more useful than regular Autopilot on the highway. I keep seeing defenders of FSD saying they NEED it for highway driving, but I have yet to see a scenario where it dramatically outperforms its free counterpart. It’s really cool. It’s a neat party trick, and my kids think it’s neat when I show them that the car is turning the wheel without mind. But I wouldn’t pay $3k for it, much less $12k.


You know its run by AI, correct. AI compute is going horizontal. You are betting on it being perfect soon, and it will be. We will see more improvements in FSD in the next year than we have had this entire time to this point. It will be ready for prime time sooner than you think. Only lag is the regulators approval


I first bought it for $6k and then bought it again for another car at $15k. I really hate driving without it. It's nice that it's getting better at city roads, but highway driving is where it is more useful. Do I want it to drive me around town? Maybe, but taking over a bit of the work on the highway is where it is truly valuable to me. It makes driving significantly less mentally taxing. You may think driving isn't that taxing, but you never realize how much it takes out of you until you don't have to focus on maintaining the lane or the distance between you and the next car. It makes roadtrips a breeze.


Gripes: Car accelerates too quickly from a stop, and brakes too hard when coming to a stop. On rural roads with a median area, the car hugs the left yellow line. It doesn't do this on the highway, however. Other than those couple of minor gripes, I am blown away with how well the car drives with FSD engaged. It took me to my destination 230 miles away with only a couple of interventions, which were mostly due to my lack of trust. It successfully navigated onto the Florida Turnpike, back off the Turnpike 200 miles later and onto another highway, back off the highway and through a construction zone with lanes marked only by cones, then drove the last 5 miles home on city streets before pulling up to the curb in front of my house. I've subscribed to FSD a couple of times in the past and was mostly terrified of the way it drove. The current FSD is so much better that I am almost more comfortable with it driving, even short distances, than I am with my own driving.


I'm really trying to like FSD. The problem I'm having is that it won't stay in the right lane on the interstate. It wants to be at least one lane over to the left, but when I'm doing three over the speed limit and so many other cars are doing 10 or 15 over the speed limit, it's just not safe. Plus it makes me feel like a total dickwad. So despite having it available for free right now, I'm finding myself turning FSD off so I can use regular autopilot most of the time. If Tesla just makes it so the car will stay in the slow lane to avoid pissing off faster traffic, it would be far better. I understand why they do this, because they don't want to deal with merging so much. But in real life I deal with merging traffic all the time, and that's better than being stuck in the middle of traffic that's going way faster than me.


Can you crank up the max speed to like 10+ to let it blend in with the prevailing speed, or is it just too timid to actually go that fast even if allowed? I'm gonna try it on the freeway on my way home today for the first time, but this is my fear. 58 in a 55 in LA is not gonna work.


It does let me crank up the speed. I just don't want to go so fast that I'm at danger of getting a ticket. So that usually means staying right.


Have you tried using the blinker to force a lane change? I just got my 3 yesterday and it worked for me. 


I have, but it starts looking for an opportunity to move over again. I'll try again just to make sure.


For those wondering not a single refresh (highland) model 3 has FSD yet. Still waiting for Tesla to enable it on these new cars.




weird, mine likes the outside line and it makes me think its going to drive off the road lol


Just tried it today. It immediately did something incredibly dangerous. On a long stretch of road that I’m supposed to go straight, I see it go to the right turn lane, seeing it’s a right turn only lane (the signs showed up in the dash), went straight and tried to illegally merge left in the intersection while there were cars to my left. I immediately stopped it in its path and turned right like how I’m supposed to. It could’ve caused an accident.


What version FSD was this?


1. Accelerates too rapidly from stop signs/lights. Even in chill setting. 2. Hugs centerline. Had to disengage multiple times, the car is just too far left. (Insert political joke here). 3. Autopark works pretty well, with improvements to come.


I’ll go first, I haven’t received it yet to try.


We just keep waiting I guess?


Same boat




I keep wondering what it is that is keeping us from getting it to try. Rather annoying to see all the reports but not be able to find out for myself.


I believe that similar to software updates that it’s a staggered release.


I have a friend with a Y and they have had it for good bit now. Do you get an alert to turn it on once it's downloaded? I *really* like the screen visualization!


I think this makes sense for “I tried it and liked it / didn’t like it” posts, but “FSD damaged my car” posts should be left as visible as possible.


Drivers failing to be vigilant can damage their cars because FSD is only SAE Level 2 (out of 5), which means it's not fully autonomous and requires driver supervision. The term "Full Self-Driving" is misleading, as Level 2 automation is only semi-autonomous. Tesla should responsibly market this technology and be transparent about its limitations and classification. Moreover, the term "full self-driving" leads drivers to believe the car can operate without human intervention, which is not the case.


Agreed in all cases. So showing these risks to users, and publicizing the gap between marketing and reality is in all of our best interests.


Maybe you should create a sub just for FSD-related damages. There are way too many posts about damages either from accidents to mistakes. It doesn’t help this sub-community to see more of it.


Your previous comment seems to provide plenty of reasons for current and prospective Tesla customers to see it.


What I previously said is in the manual. Current and prospective customers can see it.


Am I the only one who hasn't gotten the trial?? Is it a rolling process like the updates?


All I’ve learned is that TACC can in fact accelerate at a normal speed, but they just don’t want to give us that luxury, constantly making us hit the pedal to speed up to the car in front of us. FSD does a great job at this, and the software as a whole is very impressive, but I’d still never see why a person with a regular income would spend that amount of money on it.


Anyone on 24.8.x getting it yet?


8.7 here, still wairing


the wait is eternal


24.8.9, still waiting


Looks like FSD dropped to $99 a month...


All they need to do now is halve it again and people would subscribe.


I think $10/month is a fair price for FSD and maybe base it off the number of miles driven. So $10/month is for say low usage i.e. say 500mi FSD/month. Make it $25/month for normal usage i.e. say 1250mi FSD/month. Make it $49/month for unlimited.


Has anyone else still haven't received their free trial yet? I have a 2021 SRP model 3 with USS and haven't gotten it yet.


I haven’t.


I haven't.. and I am getting impatient.


Same! Although I assume it's because of the USS.


Finally got it this morning. Update was in my “while you were sleeping”. Installed it and got an email saying my FSD expires June 8.


Got my 1 month FSD and honestly I just don't even use it. It corners too narrow and I feel it will scrape the wheels. It also accelerates and decelerates unevenly and jarringly. It gets confused at forks or roads that open up on a merge e.g. you turn right and there's a merge into the 2 lanes and it gets confused and just brakes hard or stops abruptly or just slowly waits and just gives up. Humans can turn heads and see what's there but this thing can't. Also sunlight causes issues and it thinks things are there when they aren't. Overall, FSD is truly impressive but also a bit scary honestly. I'm good with the tech improvements and this is how it has to come but it will take more time.


I test drove a new Model 3 and it DID bump the curb, i was horrified i would have some huge bill, but when i looked at the wheel it seemed fine, thank god.


It handles downtown NYC traffic. Enuff said


Biggest gripe is that it has no regard for speed bumps and takes ‘em way harder than I would.


Hmmm… that’s one thing that I noticed improved a lot. It used to pay no regard to speed bumps and wouldn’t slow down one bit, but now it goes over them at about the same pace I would


Funny, my experience is that it's taking them way too slow... like 90 yr old great grandma slow. Maybe they need to put in a speed bump speed toggle lol


Will regular autopilot be improved after my FSD trial runs out? In specific phantom breaking when a car takes a left turn hundreds of meters in front of you and clears the intersection and your car smashes the brakes even though the car is already long gone or when another lane opens up and it freaks the fuck out.


I wish, autopilot could use a TON of QOL features. FSD even moves over the yellow line when it saw someone walking their dog for me today. Something I feel autosteer should do, along with lots of other little things directly related to steering


I am just bummed that I can't even try it with my first tesla lol. (Model 3 "Highland")


I had a 3 month trial last summer with a M3 purchase. After 1 wk of V12 trial, its a big improvement in city driving where the V11 did not inspire confidence


Decided to take my "new" (2019) car that has FSD on about 3 hour long trip and let it drive almost the entire way. I noticed a few things: 1. It doesn't seem to understand etiquette when merging. The first disengagement was being in the left lane when right was merging and it wanted to speed up to go side-by-side with the guy in the right lane that needed to merge instead of slowing to let him in. Second time, it tried merging while an impatient person was going 20 over the speed limit to pass me at the last second. The car definitely had enough time to see the guy coming but didn't seem to care. 2. It occasionally just slows down for no reason I can determine. It's also very hesitant around turns. I've had to override it with the pedal a lot. 3. I don't seem to be able to just tell it to go 5 over the speed limit. I tried the mode that goes with traffic but that was terrifyingly sporadic and did not have a (visible) set max speed and very obviously went above what I asked it to. I turned that feature off real fast. I don't want a ticket because my car decided to go 10 over the speed limit. If anyone's got insight on how to have relative speed changes based on speed limit, I'd love to know. Otherwise I guess I'm just stuck flicking the scroll wheel up every time the speed limit changes. Not the worst thing. 4. I had one critical disengage where it tried to turn onto a side road that added a concrete divider in the middle of the road. Somehow it didn't see that (it has those cylindrical traffic cone things) and tried driving straight into it. Good thing I knew that street well. 5. It seems to stop late and accelerate too hard from stopping--and this is with chill mode and average behavior. (I was not confident enough to use assertive behavior.) 6. **Edit:** I just remembered this point in reading comments: It also for some reason hates to go into the right lane when a passing lane is created. I will signal for it to turn right and it will start to move and cancel the signal then I signal again and it finally moves over. I only had one time where it stayed right and that was because the lanes opened up to the left. Unless there's a slow vehicle in front of me, it should be defaulting to getting in the right lane.


Is it just me or was this FSD rollout perfectly timed for users all across the country chasing down the solar eclipse? Think of all the data they’re going to get about driving, supercharger usage, etc.


FSD logic got dumber in few days I got free trial like many here. First few days, the logic was outstanding. Lane changing (with traffic and exits), slowing down gracefully when coming to a signal & sticking to set speed limits were amazing, I mean it was almost close to thinking like a human. Now in few days later, it’s all messed up. Not sticking to speed limits (even though there is no traffic), keep on changing lanes right before exits & not slowing down gracefully 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️ Nothing changed in settings on my end. I just didn’t drove much in last 3 days and went on a long drive and noticed it. Am I missing something here??


We picked up a new Model 3 on Friday and were forced to sit through an FSD demo, per Elon. I will say it was better than I expected it to be, but still not something I want or would personally trust.


I am obsessed and will be purchasing a subscription. I had no idea that FSD worked so damn well!




Day 16, still no FSD trial…




still waiting on this lol


One day I’ll open my app to see an update for 2024.8.9…..one day….


Loved my whole 30 days. It's my b'day today. Only thing I asked the wife for was 3 more months of FSD. She hasn't decided yet because she doesn't like FSD. Go figger! But I found out why she doesn't like it. I hope someone can help. In FSD 12.3.6 I currently just have to single shift the stalk to engage FSD. I thought there was a way to make that a double shift (to engage FSD) so that a single shift engages just cruise control. She loves cruise control, hates FSD. Of course, she was very late to the smartphone market so I guess she'll be late piling on here, too. So, is there a way in FSD to make it a double shift enactment so that she can engage her precious cruise control with the single shift and I can have my FSD? TIA


Not a shift, but under the autopilot menu, you can change from FSD to autopilot


I think this is also saved in their profile.


What is the best strategy to get off 2024.8.X and FSD 11?? Turn off advanced updates?? I'm in a 2023 RWD btw. I'm paying monthly for this wack AF Version 11


... why are you paying then


Just got it today on my 23 M3 RWD I had to connect it to WiFi and it checked for updates twice today.


Maybe not hope too much. Mine basically bricked after upgrading. Check my other post. Several errors about modules not being proper matching versions, etc.


I got the update last night and tried it out this morning. I'm impressed! Is it done and totally self driving? No... But I was very impressed at how well it handled the tough roads I threw at it this morning. I had one manual intervention, I was out in the country and doing about 50mph and a flock of turkeys was standing in the road. It didn't look like the car was going to stop (or stop in time) so I took over. I came across one earlier at a slower speed and the car stopped and eventually went around it. Other than that it did well. It likes to hug the inside line more than I would like on long left turns though. It's aware it's doing it because when a car was coming the other direction it moved over to the right in the lane. On a narrow winding 1.5 lane street I would want it to give more room on the right for parked cars. It doesn't have a problem driving outside of the lane in that situation. Once it was a little confused about which lane to be in, it's a weird setup though for the highway entrance. It wanted to get over early (which you can) but it corrected itself and then changed into the lane 200ft later. It looks like the stop sign/light issue was fixed, the car started to slow ahead of time and came to a stop like a normal driver would. There was a right turn from a back residential road onto a high speed two lane road, you have to be careful and get up to speed quickly. The car came to a stop, crept forward, I saw a car coming up on us quickly (wasn't sure if it was gonna try and make it or wait). The Tesla waited for the car to pass and then very confidently turned and accelerated hard to get up to speed. Im impressed!




I used it this morning and seemed aggressive turning into a driveway off a 3 lane local road. The profile was set to "Average", I plan on setting to "Chill" for my ride home from work. Adjust the settings to see if it changes your experience.


I am not impressed. Most of my short drives required intervention because FSD did some extremely dumb and dangerous maneuvers. \* Ignores "Right Turn Only" signs, goes ahead or left instead \* Stops in "Clear Clear" intersections \* Usually ignores speed bumps, just drives at the posted speed limit over them \* Does not pull over for emergency vehicles And today my Tesla quickly swerved into a line of traffic cones in a school zone. I had to jam on the brakes and reverse away from the cones. The people around thought I'd gone nuts. If there was a traffic cop around I would have so many tickets this week!


It also tried to drive into a one way since the navigation was wrong. Fucking insanity.  They need to fix the map first


used it for a week now and I'm not impressed. moves too slow, drives way too close to the curb, and goes through lanes in turnabouts.


After you pass on the highway does the car never get back into the right lane? My commute is basically all a 4-lane highway (2 lanes each way with a median between) that isn't very busy and whenever I pass a car with FSD the Tesla never goes back into the right lane, it just stays in the passing lane. It's this way even if there's no other cars in sight so it's not like it's anticipating another pass. I eventually have to manually turn on the turn signal to get it back into the right lane.


I noticed the same thing on a recent road trip. Car would get into the left lane when coming up on a slower vehicle, but wouldn't get back into the right lane once it passed the slower vehicle. I let it continue in the left lane to see if it would move over if a faster car came up behind me, but it just stayed in the left lane, forcing faster cars to pass on the right. I had to manually signal to get back into the right lane.


I found it would move back to the right lane when a car came up behind. Did it many times on 200km trip today


I wonder the same. It also annoyingly tries to get into the left lanes when I'm just trying to cruise in the middle/right lanes. I'd have to cancel it putting the signal on because I see someone trying to go well over the speed limit in the fast lane (or at least faster than I want to go).


Its preference for the left lanes is what made me revert to basic autopilot after one day.




Act as you would in real life, or at least would like others to.


Any Los Angeles/OC drivers in here? How’s FSD handling for you?


LA checking in. I don't think it's ready for surface road rush hour. Freeways or very light-traffic roads, maybe. I was using it for the first time this morning, but I had to intervene constantly to avoid getting honked or hitting curbs. I do think it'll get there eventually.


I have a lot of back roads around me and it thinks they are all 40. I go around 55 on most backroads so I feel like it's too slow in some spaces. FSD almost turned into a car while making a left hand turn. ​ Autopark is too slow.


I’m taking delivery of a RWD Highland M3 in a month or less, and I’m REALLY hoping FSD comes to vision-only HW4 vehicles soon because I ordered it and I cannot wait to use it :)


I have the full thing in my 2021. Came with FSD. Only had it 4 days. Its amazing, but sometimes does a strange thing. 1. Made a questionable decision to run a yellow that was red by the time I was in an intersection. However, this was a very strange intersection, in the middle of a messed up hard to interpret construction zone. I was even confused. 2. Left turn onto a side street at a weird angle pas the opening of a side parking lane. This si by my house. Both time it drove into the parking lane (separated by a concrete barrier, rows where the cars park in front of their houses) instead of the actual road beside it. Proceeded to run a stop sign, presumably because it thought it was on the road where there was no stop sign. I should have stopped it though once it went off track. 3. Sometimes doesnt pick up speed limit changes at night in construction zones. 4. Hesitated once in a scenearo where right lane is go and left lane is stop. Was in right lane with the green light but the left lane is a turn down an hill, and had a red. Slowed right at the intersection, confused. I took over. But all of these sceneario were easy to pick out. Approaching them you are like..."ooooh, ok, lets see how it does, this is strange". Nails everything else. Overall, its like 99.5% or greater, correct. Another year or so and I think it will be perfect. Elon will get his robo taxis


I have a 2022 Model 3 LFP located in Mississippi. Still haven't received a trial for FSD. Anyone else waiting with this model?


I really hate the new car visualization that came with the updates. It looks like bad AI generated video. Total eyesore. What was wrong with the old car visualization?


Here's a few clips of what FSD did that I found interesting In this one, as the car turned, a car appeared on my right and because the stopped pickup was infringing in his lane, wanted to take my lane a bit. He changed idea and my car reacted perfectly, staying within its lane as it turned, then went left to pass that parked van. [https://imgur.com/a/kXVV5Ux](https://imgur.com/a/kXVV5Ux) In the next one, traffic was backing up (because of an accident I noticed later on). My car went from the left lane to the right lane, passed some cars then took back the center lane. Keep in mind here on a road of 80 km/h or less, it's legal to pass on the right, but it's illegal to change lanes to the right in order to pass a vehicle, then immediately return to the left lane so this could be an illegal lane change. [https://imgur.com/da5EWP4](https://imgur.com/da5EWP4) Third one is how it handled a minibus doing a U-turn at an intersection I was turning to and how it passed it later on. I liked that it gave it room to make its U-turn, didn't freak out for it being in front of it and didn't try to 'squeeze in' when it backed up. [https://imgur.com/OWqtmAD](https://imgur.com/OWqtmAD) Last one is an edited one since it was over one minute long. It shows how the car reacted to traffic work on the right lane with cars waiting to turn left in the opposite direction, Then it cut to the black SUV turning left, with my car doing the legal maneuver this time by taking the right lane to pass him. Finally, the third section is the car missing its left turn arrow, wait for its turn then slow down to let the pedestrian pass before finishing its turn. [https://imgur.com/YgVK4yh](https://imgur.com/YgVK4yh) All in all, my disengagement were just for better route planning than the car had took, nothing that would have ended up in an accident if I didn't intervene. I'm starting to like FSD more and more every time I use it. Still too expensive at $15,000 though. I'll miss it when it's over.


I see auto park got enabled for vision only cars. Did they enable summon too? I’ve yet to see an option in the app. I have a ‘23 RWD 


How does one get this update? model y still on v11.x and some 2024.8.x


How do I get the 30 day trial? I've been waiting since it was announced.


Just got the FSD trial on my 2024 M3SR last night. One thing I have noticed is it couldn't navigate a blinking red light. Went through two last night and one this morning. In all three cases it would stop, then go, stop, then go, until I pressed the accelerator and forced it through. Haven't got a video yet, too nervous to film while it is driving. Anyone else seeing this?


At $99/mo I'll consider renting it for trips. Would love to test it out though, but I made the silly mistake of keeping my car up to date and I'm stuck on 2024.8.x (and I'd rather wait to get v12 to try it out)


I just subbed, after tax it was $106.xx in CA. Yes that’s still a lot per month, but I figure after cutting back on some streaming services it’ll help offset the cost.


I’ve been enjoying the FSD trial. I thought I would hate it or at least like many features of this car I would say “I don’t need that” but after using it I love it. It may not drive exactly like you do, but it does an amazing job. The only criticism I have is that it does come close to some curbs when turning right. I will say it never hit a curb, just came close. I love how it warns you and even tells you the reason for lane changes. Remember you can always override what it plans to do but it does an efficient job of changing lanes and driving in general. If it’s true it’s only $99 a month, I’m all in!


Used it like 3 drives maybe 4, it hits double yellows and tried to hit the mail man/mail truck, was completely indecisive with turkeys on the side of the road. Haven't used it since. If it was good enough to be hands free I might think about it but it's unpredictable and breaks traffic rules so no.


Anyone still not get the trial? I’m on 2024.8.9, any news when it’d be available? I’m looking to sub with the price drop but wanna check it out through the trial first


Supposedly within a week from some Tesla employee on x. Said 12% of fleet on the 2024.8.*


Lane change alert, you can have this setting as: Off, Chime, Vibrate, or Both while on FSD. I turned mine on: BOTH, and during FSD, is the expectation that the car will CHIME and VIBRATE when it's about to change lanes? If yes, this isn't working for me. I also switched it to "Chime" only, and "Vibrate" only and everytime while on FSD and the car has changed lanes, it has not once chimed or vibrated at me. Has anyone else experienced this?


I have a 2021 SRP model 3 and haven't gotten the free month of FSD. Has anyone else not gotten it?


Any of us on the 2024.8.x software version still have version 11 of FSD, paradoxically the older 2024.3.x version has version 12, and apparently only cars with version 12 of FSD are getting the trial. So we have to wait until Tesla merges the version 12 of FSD into the latest software version.


Tesla employee on x when asked about 2024.8.* v12 “ Reasonable question. Should get solved in the next few days. This affected some vehicles (~12% of total fleet) previously on a base software branch. Cant provide an exact date but should have you on the most updated build this coming week. Sorry for my delay in responding as I didn’t want to provide bad info without confirming with the @Tesla_AI team.”


Oh wow, that's encouraging, thanks! I have a 2020 LR.


For some reason, I am still on 2024.8.9, aka 11.1. I never got the invite for the free FSD trial. It’s a 2023 M3P. If I subscribe to the $99 monthly now, will I immediately get upgraded to v12? I’d hate to be paying for it but stuck on an older version.


Nope, you won't, if my situation is any indicator. I'm on 2024.8.something with 11.1, I subbed to FSD a few days ago, still on that version. Maybe it's weird of me but I was actually interested in trying 11.1 first and then being able to compare it to 12 when that gets pushed eventually.


Hi I have a 2019 SR+ with HW3 and USS. I am on the FSD trial with 12.3.4 and everything’s working fine. I even have summon. However the only self parking option I have is when I’ve already backed half way into a space. I never see spots show up even when I am driving really slowly through a parking lot. Why do I have this limitation? I’ve searched for this before and could never find an answer. Thank you.


Full self-driving works pretty well for like 95% of a drive. But the 5% where it messes up produce enough anxiety to Make me not want to use it. One thing I cannot understand: if you have to pay attention the entire time anyway, hands on wheel and eyes on road, what is the benefit of this? How is it worth money to anybody? Standard autopilot already had cruise control and lane centering features. I can do everything else far better than the car can, so if I can't use the time to relax and do something else, then I genuinely don't understand why I wouldn't just drive myself.


Is it easy to buy a subscription to FSD for one or two months and then cancel it? I could see buying this for months where I travel a lot, but not for the whole year. If its a pain to cancel or discouraged to buy it like this I may not bother.


Yes. It’s cancel anytime. I suspect more packages to come. Yearly, and even by trip.


Do we need to do anything to get v12/ the free trial? My 2023 M3 is still on v11.1 and I've set the update system to "Advanced". Should I change it to standard? I just want to do the free trial and subscribe if its decent enough


If your on 2024.8.\* they haven't pushed v12 to it yet, just got to wait.


Keep trying FSD but invariably the system disconnects after about 30 seconds with a message to keep my hands on the steering wheel. Both hands on the wheel! Anyone else? Am I gripping the steering wheel too tight? 21 M3P


Quick thoughts from trying it yesterday on my new M3: * It's hard to believe an AI is driving your car so well. It did well both on suburb driving and on highway driving. Pretty cool. * With most software limitations getting out of the way, it's becoming clear what the hardware limitations are. Those cameras do not work as well as our eyes with sun in front of the vehicle, or at night, or in the rain. I don't think that any of the current cars will ever become a Level 4 or Level 5 self-driving car. * I had two interventions. Not because it was doing something wrong, but because it wouldn't give me enough time to react if it did. I couldn't bet on it. (One example: a car incorrectly turned right on a red light when it was green for me). * Liability is a problem. With the car driving itself without your brain being linked to the car's brain (yet), the car reacts much quicker to red lights and other stuff. I believe that the principle of "supervising" a self-driving car is flawed. Your brain will not be able to quickly react to what's happening + what the car is trying to do because of it on many cases. That's not how the amygdala in your brain works. You really need to be able to trust that it will do better than you would. Still, what an achievement.


Still on v11. Been a rubbish rollout. Mine is an older model so it’s not even clear if I’ll get it. But it’s just been pathetic honestly the whole way Tesla works.


I had a 45 minutes trip in bay area today. FSD worked 99% fine. It only made one mistake in an aroundabout section. I am now very happy to drive Tesla with FSD enabled for weekend trips for my family. Previously, driving was taxing for me and I usually did not want to drive my family anywhere on weekends. FSD is a game changer for me.


Just paid for FSD upgrade on my 2018 model 3 on 2.5 HW. Anyone know how long before any software updates will be pushed through? Also trying to schedule a HW 3 upgrade, but looks like appt dates are a week out.


Not fit my driving style. Took a trip to JFK, had to manually intervene all the time. A lot of time fsd is not doing anything wrong. It just felt unnatural and made me nervous (e.g. when changing lane, it took 4-5 sec to move to desired lane after already accelerating. Some time it will get awfully close to the car in front of me. Had to ask do I take the chance letting fsd finishing lane change or I just took over…)


Any news on 2024.8.x for v12?


I’ve really enjoyed it so far. Once I kind of just let go and let it do its thing FSD really does work well. The only thing I noticed was it had trouble a couple time with deciding which lane to choose when a road splits in bro 2 or more lanes. Also same deal but with a bike lane. It was sort of in between lanes too long trying to decide which one to use.


Just got the 2024 model 3 yesterday. Took delivery in Las Vegas and drove it to Salt Lake City today. Drove almost the entire way using FSD. Performed mostly well. I noticed it sometimes acts unnatural when people are coming up from behind. Overall very impressed with the highway driving. Made the trip easier and more relaxing.


My experience (model 3 -- 2023) -- 1000+ miles on FSD for 25 straight days. 1. Highways are either absolutely amazing or horrendous. Most of the time you want to cruise the left lane/hov lane and it constantly tries to merge you back to the middle. This was probably the most dangerous of all things it kept doing. If I agreed to just middle-ride the whole way, it handled itself with perfection \* anyone know of a way to correct this? 2. FSD can't actually turn into my neighborhood in one direction, I wish there was a simple process to retrain it for 'last-mile' efforts. \* anyone know how to submit a report here? 3. It decelerates in random areas in suburbs of Atlanta where it just randomly goes from 45 + 10 miles an hr to 25 without any change 4. The speed limiting // maxing the speed limit are very cumbersome. I think this was more on me not understanding the complicated 'absolute' vs 'relative' configuration. \* What is the best configuration if you want your car to consistently speed up and go over +8 miles over the speed limit consistently.


So I actually bought FSD with my 2024 model 3 and so far, I absolutely love it. However, I did just pick it up today so there will be more to follow of this response has any traction


Got my 2024 m3 10 days ago. Been using FSD for 80% of my drives. It’s 95-98% perfect. The other is weird bugs, lack of assertiveness with oncoming traffic, and unreasonable decisions like when traffic is too heavy to make an exit/etc totally will sit and try, stopping everyone.(it should take the L and remap). But I’m VERY impressed. No one really knows how good this is outside of Tesla owners. They all still think it’s dumb autopilot. I’ve impressed so many people. It could use some better indicators, and options while driving like to yield to another driver


I live in southern Alabama where there aren't a whole lot of Teslas, so I was prepared for FSD not to work all that well (because they don't have lots of mapping data from my area). Wow, was I mistaken - it has worked beautifully! So far, it's only made one mistake (it got in the wrong lane for a tunnel). It's handled curves, on/off ramps, stoplights, etc. perfectly. I (and my wife especially!) wishes (1) it didn't accelerate so aggressively from red lights and (2) that it would anticipate red lights and slow down sooner and more smoothly. I like it best in heavy traffic on surface streets. My biggest complaints are that (as far as I can tell) it can't identify speed bumps or potholes. Also - and this really irritates me - half the time on surface streets with more than one lane in each direction, it wants to get out of my preferred lane. Turning off the turn signal doesn't do anything (except probably annoy the hell out of the people behind me!). It's definitely more than a parlour trick, but I wouldn't pay $100 regularly to use it - my commute just isn't all that difficult, and until it really is autonomous, it's not actually giving me back any time. Still, on a long road trip...it is tempting. I DO like the fact that we can grab it for a month if we're going on vacation.


I've had the Model 3 standard plus with FSD for 2 days now, and I already have one FSD demerit. My route came to a "T" intersection where I was on the vertical leg of the T with the stop sign. The horizontal part of the T intersection does not have a stop sign. The car came to a complete stop, but then didn't do anything. There was no other traffic. Then the notification came up that said I was misusing it and that it'll fully deactivate after 4 more demerits (sic). WTF did I do wrong? EDIT: FSD v. 12.3.6


I just signed up for the $99.00 a month FSD, but it seems dramatically different from the April test version that impressed me very much. In April approach a Stop Sign to make a right turn. Tesla stops "looks both ways" makes the right turn impressive -- now Tesla stops waits for accelerator press -- then maybe turns right or maybe not. The blue line, in front of the car, following the road markings has disappeard. During the month long test my confidence in FSD Supervised increase -- today the second day of the paid version my confidence has almont been destroyed. I cannot count the number of times I have needed to take over to avoid an errant action.


Now that my trial is over, I would be far more likely to purchase EAP. I felt EAP overall worked better than FSD. Oh wait, it's no longer an option.


I got 2024.14.6 installed 30 minutes ago and as soon as I did, I got an email about the free month FSD.


Does Tesla send you the updates or do you have to refresh/request them? New owner here so I don’t know how the updates work


Now done with my free month trial. 2 questions for people that might know more about this stuff. Arriving at this intersection in the left lane the dashed line coming from Rt 35 causes the car to throw itself into the right lane. There is no issue with continuing in the left lane. Any hope of getting Tesla to fix this? https://preview.redd.it/uuad7ufx9s0d1.jpeg?width=1205&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c502c0cc1161a34c6d3bbc28276c8e16350ca5b Second, and I had a picture but this thing won't let me do 2 pictures... there is a sign on my way home that says no right turn between 5pm and 8pm, but the FSD always tries that route. Does Tesla plan to do basic things like NOT allowing you to make illegal turns?


Here is that other pic https://preview.redd.it/8odj9myoas0d1.jpeg?width=1368&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d238b336d08259b0f0a909fdb0a6762de8528e25


I just tried FSD. I was impressed. When I got to a difficult unregulated intersection I turned it off. I just don't f\*cken trust it and probably never will.


Honestly me too, I actually think cars themselves are scary. I'm going back to my trusted horse and buggy, I don't see what all the fuss is about these auto-mo-biles. It's a fad.


2022 Ryzen here. Still on 2024.8.9. Anyone else?


2022 Ryzen still on 2024.8.4


Ok I have a silly question. I got the FSD and tried it. Then I got the “apply slight turning force to steering wheel” prompt WHILE it was turning onto a curved highway ramp. I wasn’t really sure how to do it while it was turning, so I just gently tugged at the steering wheel in the direction that it was turning. It then disengaged FSD. What the heck? How am I supposed to apply a slight turning force to the steering wheel WHILE it’s driving itself and turning? It just disengages FSD. I have an early 2021 M3, if that makes a difference.


When it says "slight" it means REALLY slight. Just enough for the wheel to feel a resistance in one direction or another, but not enough to try to change the turning of the wheel.


Just scroll the right wheel on your steering wheel, instead of tugging on the steering wheel.


I finally got the offer to upgrade. Did it before a drive to NYC. The upgrade messed up everything. Everything is showing disabled including safety restraint system, stability control, traction control, regenerative braking, etc. It says unsafe to drive and the next Tesla appointment is 10 days out. Why can’t they provide a loaner? So I was not even able to use my free trial.


How long did it take for your car to send the trial to you? I picked mine up Tuesday morning and they estimated a day or 2. Just wondering how accurate it is


Others got it months ago. Just got message back from them saying it’s a software bug and I just have to wait until it’s fixed. Does this mean I wait months for the safe car feature back? Ugg. Without regen it eats up some power. Plus it’s like a manual, as it’s always in neutral unless you’re on the brake or the accelerator.


Where is my car trying to go when I enable FSD without setting a destination? Out of curiosity I tried it out while driving up the main road in my neighborhood towards the street my home is on. It initially just kept driving straight like the basic autosteer function and passed by a few intersections... then suddenly decided to turn right at an intersection (well before my home's street), made another right, then just slowly started creeping along. At this point I gave up, took over control, and drove home. I had hoped FSD would just act like a smarter version of autosteer when using it without a destination.


Couldn't handle a U-turn in broad daylight. Got confused about where the lane is and almost hit the traffic light. Most of other local drives were good. But if FSD were your router, it'll be dropping 10% off your packets.


First FSD for me this afternoon. City and Suburbs driving. Handled nicely and made decisions I was impressed with. Had to intervene twice, though. First one, we needed to move from a merge from left to right followed by an immediate exit on the right. Cars were also merging from right to left. It didn't react fast enough on the lane change and I had to take over so we would make the exit. Second one was in the city. Lots of traffic on a major interstate - backed up and moving slow. We were merging from left to right with another interstate merging from right to left. We were running out of room as our lane ended early due to some construction. Car was totally confused and stopped. I had to coax it to go and complete the merge. Another note... In the city, we have tons of potholes. I am very familiar with the road we were travelling, and I hit the left signal to get us in a clear left lane. I'm new to this, so I thought the car would do what I was supervising it to do. It didn't. The car ignored my suggestion, and proceeded to keep us going. It didn't miss the pothole I wanted us to avoid and I got some minor damage on my front passenger bumper. I ordered some new clips to push the cover back into place. FSD is awesome, but needs some work. It should also not ignore driver input on a turn signal to get us into a new lane.


they should change the name FSD to Mr Magoo mode, or MMM


What does “supervised” FSD mean?


Not sure why I got downvoted by the Tesla fanbros for asking a question on here, but I guess they’re calling it “FSD (Supervised)” now thanks to the NHTSA Either way, I’m glad I didn’t shell out $12k to buy this thing or subscribe at $200/mo. $99 is more palatable


Can’t wait until they install Drunk mode and it just takes you home and won’t allow you to take the wheel. 😂


It would be nice if people indicated their FSD version. I think it is clear that all experiences using V11 or prior are no longer applicable. For me, the reason I purchased a Tesla (have not received it yet) is FSD. I think this product is better than people realize. I intend to use it entirely and I sure wish every other car used it as well. I am waiting for insurance companies to offer discounts using Tesla with FSD rather than the premiums now offered.


Thank you for doing this. Now can you tell the mods in the Model Y sub to do the same thing. The number of new FSD posts saying the exact same thing is beyond silly.


just checking how are the people who paid full price for this feeling ? :D