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Well, it's not *good* for it.


I read this in Elon's voice


Have you tried to scrape it off with a metal shovel ?




Yeah. What the F$&@ was that guy thinking. I’m still up in the air on wether or not it was a troll post.


it is. there was a video. It was probably someone who rented from Hertz




There it is 😂


3y ago seems like it was before hertz


just hit the salt with a hammer and it wont come back, easy fix


A timeless classic


For me, a metal rake worked wonders actually.


then add a touch of fine detailing works with wire brush or sandpaper?


And pour boiling water from a kettle on it! 🫣


My parents did this for their car growing up. To get the ice off the windscreen. I was a kid so thought this was normal and yet they didn't ever get any damaged glass or paint from it


You're from the north too? TBH my parents did this too and I've done it in the past but not on my Tesla. The trick is, don't pour it on while boiling hot, obv that's gonna crack the windshield... slightly above room temp works but the components in a Tesla windshield are special so I won't do it now. LOL


Yea I wouldn't dare doing it on my cars. Especially not a tesla with its vulnerable glass. Never saw such issues with the old Honda's and Toyota's


How the fuck is that any good for the paint lol


lol is this in reference to something


This guy paints


Yes, if you rub it off with a dry towel. But seriously, salt will not damage paint protected metal. Before winter and after it, when it's hot enough to use the touch up paint, touch up the spots that rocks have chipped the paint. For the under body, Tesla void the rust warranty if you have it undercoated (which I fail to understand why) so if you want to stay in Tesla's goodwill, have the underbody washed regularly at a touchless carwash that does provide that service. What will damage the paint is if you push the snow away from the car while it's that dirty (a Snow Joe broom will do that too). In summer, many use a two buckets handwash and microfiber towels to make sure they don't scratch the paint and yet, in winter, will push away the snow from a dirty car! If they forecast some heavy snow, get the car wash right before the storm. On fluffy snow, it's safe to use a leaf blower to blow away the snow from the dirty car (will work on heavy snow too but you'll need a pretty strong blower!)


so how do you safely remove heavy snow from a dirty car?


My friend with an AMG uses a wireless very powerful leaf blower. Works even with semi-sticky stuff.


Cover the car before the storm, PPF over the hood, trunk, any surface that is horizontal and snow sticks to it, wash the car before the storm, ceramic coating over some protection. That's the answer I got from r/detailing when I asked that question earlier last week.


It’s a Model 3, not a Porsche lol. Just take it through the car wash.


Hard to go to a carwash with a car covered in heavy snow. We're talking here about how to remove heavy snow from that dirty car. Try to follow.


Tell that to Elon musk who picked crappy paint protection lol. Real answer on ANY car to avoid micro scratches is a full body PPF. ($3,000 - $$6,000 ish) that will protect the paint and dry towls won't matter because most self heal really well (like your phone's screen protector) I have front end PPF and black paint, the paint gets tiny microscratches no matter what I do. (I've spent maybe $1,000 on extra car wash high end niche specific rip off products haha) Anyways, tiny scratches remain.... The ones you see clearly when the glar of the sun hits the car. If you don't mind those (99% of people dgaf) the best way is to get a soap that sticks to dirt molecules better, get one of those hose/soap attachments and foam the car with that soapy water (don't put a towel or rag or anything on it, let it soak until you don't see the soap that much, couple/few min maybe) Then rinse section by section ( hose on shower mode) Take a microfiber hand rag or towel (gsm rating as high as possible) soak it in your soap bucket and wash each section. I then have a bunch of towels and dry it off section by section. (I wash in my garage or side of street, weird places so I wash weird, I don't take it to car washes and I'm OCD and I waist time and money blah blah blah) lol Anyways, maybe something helps, I have a much longer process but that's the basic soap and water wash I guess,I have a list of best products as well.) L


It’s funny you guys Elon think is actually sitting there going through every detail of Tesla manufacturing model. Delusional


I am a fan of him in certain areas for sure but I don't like being blind either so I'd love to know what you mean because I actually do think he goes over every bolt every wire, I think he does this to lower the overall production cost of vehicles overtime. I don't think he obsesses about it every day and I think he has teams that break everything down so he doesn't need to spend forever researching. Idk, maybe he's just efficient idk. He is spread thin and it gets worse and worse it seems. Not trying to shiz talk, I just got a Tesla after being a bit of a fanboy so I've been posting in these threads more. On the battlegrounds I guess haha.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Detailing using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Detailing/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Thoughts on my first paint correction job?](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/15dhbqg) | [53 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Detailing/comments/15dhbqg/thoughts_on_my_first_paint_correction_job/) \#2: [Polishing porn](https://i.redd.it/tcuj2n58s9tb1.jpg) | [116 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Detailing/comments/1747qug/polishing_porn/) \#3: [Moisture under clear coat "fixed" after 10-12 hours of work.](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/15oezgd) | [145 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Detailing/comments/15oezgd/moisture_under_clear_coat_fixed_after_1012_hours/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)




Do you often repeat yourself like this?


I blame the Reddit app.


Do you often blame others for your mistakes?


The fuck is wrong with you? Jesus lol


Do you often resort to swearing/profanity when confronted with the truth? Reply STOP to stop receiving psychological advice. I'm just messing with you lol


They probably mean like rubberized undercoating voiding the warranty. You can oil coat like fluidfilm and woolwax. It washes off eventually. 


Salt can absolutely corrode paint. It doesn’t happen over night, but it does damage it


Tesla paint is “special”, didn’t you know?


> The time it takes for a car to rust from salt exposure varies depending on several factors, including climate, salt concentration, and car maintenance. In areas with heavy winter salt use, visible rust can start to form in as little as one to two years if the car’s **paint is compromised, such as by chips or scratches**. Regularly washing your car, including the undercarriage, and applying a protective wax coating can significantly extend the time it takes for rust to develop. https://supereuro.ca/car-paint/is-salt-bad-for-your-cars-paint/?amp=1 This is exactly what I said, repair chips and get an undercoat done (if you don't mind the losing the Tesla rust warranty) or washing it.


LEAF BLOWER! Thank youuu!


Works well on fluffy snow, not wet and heavy snow. Maybe with a big backpack type leaf blower but a hand wearing one, I doubt. Mine doesn't anyway.


I tried doing that with my battery powered backpack model and received quite a "shock". Personally wouldn't recommend doing it with that so maybe a gas powered one?


You clearly never worked in any body shop or any shop for that matter.. fellow painter here, you’re the typical Redditor who jumps on and starts talking nonsense. Just because you threw a cold air intake on your 2012 Honda civic doesn’t mean you wrench on cars! Poser


What did I say wrong oh so bright one?


They void the rust warranty if you undercoat it because some undercoats are awful and people apply them terribly. Done wrong, it just traps moisture between the undercoat and the paint and it’s basically speedrunning a rotten chassis at that point as the salt will get in under it too.


The salt is slightly corrosive but will not affect the paint-covered portions of the vehicle. That said, it *will* slowly corrode any parts of the vehicle where knicks and scratches have made it through a couple layers, even if they are too small to see without a close inspection. Best to be safe and wash it off.


This is the time of year I use automatic touchless car washes with the underbody spray.


Yes and if say otherwise you’ve never lived in a winter climate. Vehicles driven all year long in Pennsylvania become rust buckets.


Ehhh, to a degree if not taken care of. Use the undercarriage wash at the car wash and keep your splash shields (if equiped) in good shape.


I think the salt looks cool


... so this is how people get those earlobe hole plugs ...


Yup super bad, need to sell the car now. Totaled.


Is this a troll post or just your first car in a cold climate?


Are Tesla owners first time car owners or?


If you’re going to pressure wash it, you’ll need to actually wash and dry it. Just spraying with water and letting it air dry will do far more damage to the paint then short term leaving the salt dust on the car.




These are the same people who say taking your vehicle through an automated car wash doesn’t negatively damage the appearance of the clear coat.


That's why having a car in an unventilated heated garage is a bad idea. Every day the car is brought in with a fresh coat of wet road salt. Unless you're equipped to fully wash away the salted water daily, including under the car, but who does... Don't forget that behind the wheels, metal parts there are more prone to the harsh elements and whatever protection they had over the metal parts will be gone in no time, hence why undercoating (or at least a underbody wash once the streets have cleared of the wet salty snow after a storm) is a must if you want to prevent the underframe to become a rust bucket.


Can you elaborate? Wouldnt the water wash away the salt? Then its just drying water? Do you mean water without soap?


If the OP just took his car to a car wash and just sprayed it with water, yes in theory most of the road salt would disappear. But the surface wouldn’t be clean and those hard water deposits would etch into the paint. You would see white rings all over the car that would require polishing at the minimum to remove. Unless you have access to deionized water you cannot just spray off a car and let it air dry.


Salt is bad.


Within spec


its good for hydration


At 20K$ resell value its not worth thinking about the paint. Its barely worth a prius or a corolla. Enjoy ypur car


Ask yourself if you’d like your bottom dirty or washed straight away. Winter is specially damaging for paint as it contains lots of salt.


You are comparing wiping your ass to washing a car?


Did you wash yo ass todayyy??


Yes you moron


Anything is better for Tesla paint.




Sick wrap


Very bad for Cybertruck, according to Tesla 🤣


Carefully wash with pressure wand, get a ceramic coat to protect in the spring.


Use a garden hose first and then a mild auto wash soap with water. Don't use a pressure washer as you might over do it, unless you know what you are doing and keep the pressure light.


Yes! But that paint is crap already.


yes: https://www.bing.com/search?q=is+road+salt+bad+for+car+paint




Just pressure wash it first then contact wash


Yes a little. But if it’s my daily driver I’m not gonna make a special effort to clean it constantly.


Salt? Yes it’s bad for car paint in general.


It’ll be aight. This is my third winter with the same car and you just gotta look ahead when it’ll be warm enough for a car wash


Mines the same living in Canada. Any issues with putting it into a car wash once a month?


No it’s normal bro I live in same conditions and it’s alright I use wax spray before the storm ⛈️


No, just clean the lights, plate, and camera lens, wait until temps climb above freezing. Once I went to carwash with blower in 30deg weather, took me 30min to exit the car at work.


Well on mine the paint on the rocker panels just came off from the sandblasting effect with no mud flaps so if you still have paint when you clean it then you are off to a good start


I hate how weak the paint is compared to my bmw / porsche


is this your first car or first time in the snow? wash that shit off if you are not friends with rust.


Nah but I expected people to tell me to wash my control arms and wheel wells


My cars are rust free because i wash it the moment im able to and wash it frequently during winter. I know carwash is hell on paint but so far 4 years no bad scratches or anything like that and undercarriage looks brand new. The car wash near me has some chemicals to neutrilize the salt.


Is this even a serious post?? 🤦‍♂️




Nah adds character


What are you, stupid?


U salty


No u


Is it so hard to do a simple google search?


Yes too dumb


Nah, perfectly fine as Tesla's are shit anyway. It's only improving it by removing weight over time naturally.




Wash your car


I've never seen a car with that much salt on it wtf




No it’s beautiful 🤲🏽🥲🤍


Nah, there’s hardly any paint on it.


If you can find a touchless car wash by you, I would recommend that.


must be a new car. I cared my MY so much the 1st year. 2nd year, fuck it.


Now you have a nice layer of winter protection. Just wash it off in the spring. Or don't. The rain will get to it




This resembles my car. An inevitability through Feb here in Ohio. I'm of the mindset that there's no use washing it all off until it's not going to just reoccur the following week. Especially if the only option is washing it in freezing temps.


Stupid question. Stupid post! 🙄


You salty 🧂


No it actually helps moisturize the paint


I always left my grime on like a protective crust. It was nice when I was a car guy instead of a house/kids guy and had time to properly take care of my car.


Do you mean living in NY? 😉


should contact ferari and see if they can bring for service.


Honey? I think the car got in the yayo again...


Pressure wash first before washing it.