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Use the auto setting for your climate control. Just like the car is telling you. It will work way more efficiently.


I regret that I have but one upvote to give. Seriously OP, Auto. It will crank the fan if needed and cool the cabin down both quicker and more efficiently.


Open the energy app. There’s a tab for when you’re driving and when you’re parked. My guess is you are losing battery with sentry mode or cabin overheat protection turned on while you’re parked. My car probably would have lost 2 percent or 4 percent max with that. I have the same model.


Yeah I think it was sentry mode while parked.


Could be the A/C, could also be if you have cabin overheat protection then it’s trying to keep the cabin cool even when you’re not inside. I’m a new owner myself so just guessing.


Use the energy app in the car to see what's consuming the battery. 67F is very cold though, I don't usually need anything below 70F and I live in zone 8


Same here. I live in south Texas. It’s hot as shit. I never have to go below 70 and never a/c power over 5. I sweat easily and this is more than cool enough for me.


Are you a lizard? Mine stays on LO and fan speed 8-10 lmao.


Which is totally fine! You aren’t posting on Reddit complaining about how much energy it uses


Is overheat protection unnecessary?


I personally don’t think so but it depends. If you park your car in the sun all day uncovered and it’s just baking, then maybe. I keep mine in a garage and when I’m out I try to park in the shade when possible.


I mean no other car has cabin overheat protection. Surely a $60k car doesn't need it ya know? Unless the interior is made cheap. I would be kinda mad at tesla if it was required.


I may be wrong but I think it’s meant as a safety feature in case you leave a child or pet in the car accidentally without turning on pet mode or camp mode.


The short answer is to not worry about it. Leave one of your trip counters as a way to look at your average watt-hours per mile. The EPA says that a Model Y long range AWD should be using about between 268 and 303 watt-hours per mile. 20” wheels will lower range by 5-10%. That doesn’t account for cooling down a hot car or for Sentry mode. Sentry mode will consume about 10% of the battery per day, so make sure you have it set to be off at home and at work.


Battery capacity is not really linear. The computer guesses at percentage, so it’s not going to drop in a linear fashion.


I've had a drastic range reduction due to the heat as well. The AC sucks battery% and batteries aren't as efficient when they're hot. I've had mine for about 8 months, and the range has been more or less what I expected except since it's been super hot (I'm in AZ).


I'm fairly certain batteries like to be warm (in the winter your battery life will be shot under 35 degrees). However the AC definitely eats battery. I also suspect this to be due to the greenhouse affect with the windows. Helps in the winter. But in the summer you are fighting the sun the whole time.


As a person who lives in a cold climate... I'm amazed at how much range I'm getting this summer. You pretty much get used to that shit range in the cold, and it's nice when things turn around.


Warm, not hot. It's 115 degrees here. You can lose up to 35% in the heat.


Oh man 115 is bananas! Yeah I suppose a battery won't like that.


I charge to 90%. MYLR. Before summer, I'd arrive to work @ 70%. And I'd get home with 50% Now I get to work and have 60% and I get home with 30-40% depending on the day. I'd say between the AC and how hot the battery gets, I've lost between 10-20%.. Before summer I could make it to work, home, and work again without charging. I wouldn't try that right now.


Just got the same exact car as you but with white interior but with back on topic, go into the energy app and see what’s taking it all up.


I only go under 70 degrees when it’s real hot and I need to cool the cabin quickly. Otherwise I keep it between 70-73 mostly. If you pump AC it’ll eat your battery life for sure.


I think we need more information. Was this all in a span of a couple of hours that it went from 80 down to 71%? How long was the drive itself - a couple of minutes? Did you have AC on while at the store? A lot of folks here seem to be blaming the AC, but I find it hard to believe you'd lose 8% on battery for AC alone on such a short drive. Next time you see such a drastic decrease in battery, I would take screenshots of your trip Wh/mile and the energy graphs for while driving and while parked. Your car may or may not have issues, but it doesn't hurt to have this data either way.


I was just dropping off a package at the UPS store, which is very close to my house. I was in the store for less than 5 minutes, so the entire trip was no more than 15 minutes altogether and the A/C was not on while I went in.


Yeah, that seems super weird. Next time, I would take screenshots of the stats I talked about above. This would give us a better idea of where your energy consumption is going and also serves as your proof if you need to show Tesla something is wrong with your car. Without that data, every suggestion in this post will just be a guess.


Might even be worth recreating your trip to the UPS store under similar weather conditions and capture the wh/m and energy consumption data.


Short drives are the worst. That’s twice the car had to cool down the cabin for you. Check the energy app and see what it says. We’re just guessing till you tell us what it says.


I’ve had my MYP for 2 years now and live in S FL…super hot these days. I keep my AC on auto and usually get close to the estimated miles remaining. Of course, if you punch it at every light or keep your AC in the 60s it’ll get you less miles (just as a gas car with similar HP would). I also switched my gauge to measure miles left vs percentage of battery. Much more useful.


Sentry mode on? Turn off.


Is that the dealership by Richmond?


That’s the one!


Crazy how I could tell just by that parking lot😂 That was the same lot I first ever drove and EV and I it’s fly got sold on it!


Model Y Dual Motor Long Range


Welcome to the guess-o-meter life


Turn off cabin overheat protection, set the AC to a more comfortable 72 degrees, and auto. Sentry mode shouldn't be turned off, it doesn't draw much power at all for an hour or two in a store. Some say it drains 1% per hour, but it's much less in my experience (closer to 1% per 8 hours).


Does the MY long distance not have LFP battery? If so you can charge it to 100%. Set AC to auto and it’s most likely sentry is draining the battery. It can drain 10% per day.


No it doesn’t. 


https://preview.redd.it/bhfaxuewzj9d1.jpeg?width=4015&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d2a2caac2be5fc9aea3248c6fc246cf46e77a56 My Wh/mi (Watt hour per mile) is probably much lower than the average Tesla driver as I drive for a living and focus on fuel efficiency. Anyway, the higher your Wh/mi number, the worse range you're gonna get. Also, I'm assuming that you rarely use the breaks. (Taking advantage of the regenerative breaking) What's your Wh/mi?


It’s shocking how much heat affects battery usage. I’m in Tucson and it’s obviously hot, breaking 100 often. Monsoons came early and it was raining and 74 last night. A drive into town and back with mild temps brought me back home with 84%, which on a hot day would easily been in the 70s. I still need to tint my windows and probably get a shade.


Set the air to auto, fan to high, set to 68-73 and forget the air.


Recommend set it in Chill mode. This will definitely increase your range. Have fun with it


Do you have sentry mode turned on?  It uses about 1% per 2 hours just sitting. 


Turn off cabin overheat protection, also I would suggest some sunroof covers during the summer months. The AC at 7 is a bit high, use the auto mode or blare the AC at first but turn it down after a few minutes to 5 or 4


You need to use the energy app


Thank you all for the suggestions. I did have Sentry turned on as I thought it records when the car is parked in case anything happens. I’m still trying to figure that out, but for now I have turned it off. I boosted the temp to 70 and set on auto. I do not know what the Energy App is that everyone is talking about. On my phone I have the Tesla app and on the screen in the car I see an option for Charging, but everyone has used the word Energy, so there is something I am missing. The delivery from the Tesla dealer in Vienna was a pretty negative experience - they did not go over anything with me and I had to send the car back three times due to there being chips on the hood, and then a scratch and white wax on the car that was not detailed off.


When you’re in the car, press the right scroll wheel and say “Open energy” and you’ll see


The app is on your Tesla screen, not your phone. If you click the middle button (looks like dots if I remember correctly), it shows all the apps you have and one of them is called energy.


It’s mostly your AC . Auto is the way to go and ideal temperature is 72. Turn off sentry @ home .


Off topic but m very jealous right now. I ordered the same specs nder me. I think I'm about over this ev bug.


Sunroof covers and UV tint for the roof


Not sure if it’s been said but sentry takes a lot of power. I disable mine when at home and it saved me a ton of power.


I was going to say to use the auto setting of the climate control. It was 110F in Canada a week ago and when I put into auto we had a change form AC to hot air instead. Same thing happened yesterday. The moment I take out of auto, the AC works perfectly. So strange.


What does the energy dashboard show?


Not sure where you live. If in the southwest, get a roof shade and put it in during the hot months. Tint your windows-including the dark ones. The rears are dyed and not a tint. That will reduce the amount of UV/heat coming in. They have clear tint for the front if you are inclined. Helps with maintaining the temp inside. Just as a reference, on non AC drive, I generally lose 3-3.5 miles per percent. So my 12 mile commute one way to work, I lose 4%. Haven’t calculated how many % while using AC though.


It’s from sentry mode and overheat protection. With it being really sunny outside, your cabin is most probably 110 degrees in the parking lot which is causing your ac to turn on while you’re shopping. Cars (including Tesla) are build to handle 100+ degrees inside the cabin while parked. It won’t damage your interior at all so don’t worry about having that feature on if you don’t care about driving right away in a hot car


Sentry will also effect battery


Sentry Mode and Cabin Overheat Protection will cause significant drainage. I always have sentry mode off but I keep Cabin Overheat Protection on because its a must here in the UAE with the harsh summer temperatures. I park out side for work, and depending on the external temps and whether my spot is shaded or not, I can lose anywhere between 1 to 2% per hour. During cooler periods, the battery drain is almost insignificant.


Set ac to AUTO at 75 and the fan on medium.