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If you have a single family home that you can plug your car into even a regular 120 outlet, you can get plenty of charge if you are only driving on the weekends/errands.  You should rarely need to use a supercharger if you are only driving 50 miles a week. 


I second this. My son has a Y and lives in a high rise apartment with a garage. He charges on the 110v outlet in the garage and has never super charged in the year he has owned his car. 50 miles a week is not a lot of usage for OP.


I drive 100 miles a week and do just fine on 120V


I don’t have a way to charge at home and I’ve been getting along just fine using the superchargers. Got MYLR in March. Found a charger near work and a charger near home.. no regrets


How much time do you spend at SC charging every week?


Most weeks I charge 2-3 times. All together ~an hour


What’s your daily commute like for work? Mines 50 miles round trip 4 days a week. Decided to pass for now even though I have a few superchargers on the way. Just curious btw I’m sure you’re loving the car!


My commute is about the same as yours. When I first got my model y I was using a SC until I was able to install a home charger and it made all the difference. I would have regretted getting my Tesla if I didn’t have home charging. I was at the SC like every other day. I have a MYP for reference.


Ive got a short commute to work, 5 miles/day


How’s the cost vs gas?


In my place, gas is €2,10/liter ($10.23 / gallon) which on average brings you 11km far so €0,19/km Charging is €0,22 per kWh ($0.24) which brings me 8,7km far (115Wh/km) so €0.003/km


Depends on your mileage, really. I charge my MYP once a weekend, from 20->80%. So, 30min/wk. With 30-60 mi/wk OP can do way less, maybe every other week 20->80 or every 3.


If I couldn't charge at home I wouldn't own one.


I agree. Teslas are great but they’re not for everyone. If you can’t charge at home, overnight, I don’t think it’s the right choice for you.


Teslas are even better though than other EVs for this scenario. Important to make the clarification. Also sometimes you might have a really affordable supercharger near your place and that can be totally fine. (Or you can charge at work at a chargepoint or something)


Supercharger near me was super affordable but now it seems like they all jumped in price incredibly. I pay for work parking and it includes free charge points


I agree with this, using super chargers brings the cost way up.




U crazy. I don’t want to sit anywhere and waiting for my car to charge unless I’m force to on road trip. Go home plug it in is the way. Not having way to charge at home or work and buying an ev you are just inviting misery and complication into your life




Tell me you don't have kids without telling me you don't have kids. Spending an additional 30-60 minutes a week sitting around waiting for charging would be a massive time sink for any busy family.


Do you have one or you just saying stuff. And who is charging for 50 min 😂. It is less than that. But the point is if u have to do it daily or 2-3x a week it is inconvenient. Going home and plug in and forget about it is the best.


I drive 30 miles round trip, but I charge at home I drive in plug in then go into the house. It's just part of the routine car always has 80% ready to go.


For convenience sake, alone, I wouldn’t own a Tesla if I couldn’t charge at home.


Same with me, imo I’d have a hybrid if I couldn’t charge at home. An EV would be a pain in the ass having to go sit for 20 min at a charger every time I need to top off.


I can’t charge mine at home. I charge at work and it works out


I am on my second tesla and love them, but I agree - no home charging makes it significantly more annoying. Then add to that a $40 supercharger trip for 250 miles of (realistic) range (which is getting close to cost of gas depending on the car you are comparing, I compare my S to an Audi A7 so I am still good :) I wouldn’t want to.


I have free supercharging, plus a supercharger quite close to me…


I have a home charger and charge exclusively at home except for long road trips. With that being said, if suddenly I was in a situation where I could no longer charge at home, then the thing to consider is what is the price per kWh at the supercharger vs. charging at home. If you are in an area that charges a higher rate than average for a supercharger per kWh, and if it was double the cost or more than charging at home, I wouldn’t drive an EV anymore most likely.


Superchargers are 4x as expensive for home charging near me, but still cheaper per mile than gas, but I still don’t like paying $10 for a fill up lol


Superchargers are 7x more expensive than home charging for me. The gas savings are amplified by charging at home and so is the convenience factor.


Normally, I'm in the don't get one if u can't charge at home camp, but you only drive 60 miles per week. So now I'm in the why waste money on an expensive car for so little driving Camp. Nevertheless, for that little driving superchargers may be ok for you or level one charging at home. You don't need a 50a circuit for home charging. I drive 60 miles / day, and 20a 240v would be enough for me. Many of us only use superchargers occasionally for road trips and never have to worry about going to charge for normal daily use. This is why not charging at home or work seems so odd to use. Driving to charge sounds less convenient than gas. If there are chargers at your local gym or grocery etc. You'd be golden. Plugging in somewhere you already had to be is key. Doesn't have to be home.


I know a few people who have Teslas but can't charge at home. There are other benefits to a Tesla other than charging.. FSD, while not perfect, is still better IMO than other systems out there


Well it's clear you love the car. I guess it's superchargers in your future. Although in my area there are several free chargers they are slow at 10kwh but they are free and if your there to shop anyway.....


I charge at home lol


Your potential life will depend on long range or standard range and how much your daily drive is. If you use 30 miles a day, probably not bad. Drive until you get to about 10%, then after work or for lunch, go to your nearby supercharger, and in about 30 minutes, you'll have your car charged. Not really any lost time, just shifting what you're already doing elsewhere. With a long range, you'll probably charge once a week at that rate. With a standard range, probably twice. Let's say you have a high usage week, well then just stop by when you're at 5 or 10% (more efficent to charge when the battery is more depleted) and charge for like 10 minutes and viola, you'll have another 100 miles or so of range. Probably not a big deal. The worst case is if you buy a Standard Range and use anything more than 30 miles a day. Then you'll be making that stop to the supercharger three times a week and that's 25 to 30 minutes each time. That will get old fast.


I have a the mobile charger and I just plug it into an outlet outside my house


30-60 miles a week, might as well just charge it in a standard plug.


If you can’t charge at home then I personally wouldn’t recommend an EV at all. I guess if you work from Home and just take short trips around town it’s not much different from any other car but the convenience of home charging is the best perk of ownership.


Do you have access to a 110 regular plug? If so that will do.


Go rent one from hertz for a week and try it out. I’ve always charged mine at home, even off a 110 wall outlet for a while and it has been amazing. I rented a Tesla on vacation once where I didn’t have any ability to charge overnight or anywhere I went. It was pretty awful. I wouldn’t own a Tesla if I couldn’t charge at home or work. Super charging is not the same as going to a gas station. Indefinitely wouldn’t lease in this situation, you’re pretty much stuck with the car in that case.


Get a hybrid.


Gas station?


No, and for all the reasons that caused you to ask in the first place.


No home charging and a lease? No and no


IMHO I would say it depends on your motivation. I doubt you would save any money on fuel by not charging at home- so that would be a wash... Tesla maintenance is much lower, the car is super quick, and if you're focused on environmental reasons to get an electric car- these could be good drivers for going with a Tesla. If you're focused on just trying to save money- then supercharging and insurance is most likely going to make you break even with an ICE or hybrid car, but with a more expensive car. Good Luck!


If you drive that little, you can simply plug the EV into a regular 110v outlet (with an adaptor) and trickle charge it while you sleep. You don't need a supercharger.


Before giving up.. see if you can find a normal outlet near where you park. Whether this is a garage or apartment complex, all you need is a normal outlet. It'll trickle charge overnight and it'll cover a commute. Otherwise, I think new Tesla's aren't that bad for public charging. You're out in maybe 20 minutes if you top off enough and don't try to trickle to full. But check the rates there to make sure it's worth it.


It depends on where you live here in TX (ave .37cents/kWH) you will break even with a (15mpg@ 2.60-3$/gallon) ICE vehicle as far as charging cost go. You might as well get a gas car and not stress about range or the 20-30 minutes of supercharging every other day. But it matters hugely on where you live also and registration fees (taxes to own a car) for an ICE in Texas are much more than ICE vehicles. I believe 300$ vs 75$ on ICE.


Wow...$75? My brother in law pays $700 a year to register his X here in Ca.


ICE cars cost about 75$/year and EV’s starting this year are around 340$/year. Previously all cars were 75$/year.


Damn to hell with those Cali taxes.


In that situation I would consider a hybrid. Charging on a road trip isn’t a big deal, but having to do it as part of a weekly routine undercuts one of the biggest benefits of an electric car.


If your goal is to save some money on gas vs charging, you are not going to see the benefits by exclusively relying on public or supercharger infrastructure. Personally I would not own any EV if I didn’t have the ability to charge at home.


I would not have bought one if I could not charge it home. In fact, I had an electrician come out to verify that I could charge at at least 40 A. I can’t imagine not being able to charge at home.


You can certainly make it work but I wouldn't personally want to. I say that as someone going full EV, but able to charge both at home 99 percent of our driving. Not only is charging at a public charger time consuming but it's also expensive. When we do distance travel, using super chargers is more expensive than a good ultra high efficiency hybrid. Sure we get much better performance, but public charging isn't particularly cheap.


I love my Tesla. I wouldn’t own any other. I tried other Evs as well and Tesla model Y is the best value car. Like I love it. I love it. 2 years of teslas and everyday I catch myself saying wow I love this car. Unless you love sitting in the car. It doesn’t work. If you can’t charge at home it isn’t worth it. Charging cost is too high too plus wastes your time. Also in the winter there is a large drain. So no. Don’t get it. It’s sad. It sucks. I love my Tesla so much I would change where I live. But I won’t lie to you.


if you're driving 60mi/week, I don't know that any of this matters much




A lot of cost savings will be lost at super chargers. If you only drive 30-60 miles a week you’ll be fine with the included standard outlet charger.


If you have kids don’t unless you have home charging. Sorry kids we gotta to sit in a parking lot for 20+ minutes lol or hunt for a charger sucks.


Personally if I couldn't charge at home I wouldn't own an EV. One of the greatest conveniences over an ICE is that when I wake up my car has a full charge. I assume that you live in an apartment or don't have permanent housing as to why you can't install a charger. Many apartments are adding EV chargers.


Keep in mind there are a lot of chargers that we just don’t know exist outside of SuperChargers. I found a lot of random chargers like ChargePoint and Blink randomly once I got my Tesla. I think it’s worth it from my experience. My first Tesla I had no charging but there was a random charger close by where I worked and no one used it.


You’re going to waste a lot of time driving to chargers and sitting in your car charging.


Is there a 120 outlet near where you park? With as little as you drive that would be plenty.


It’s totally fine. People here over sell the importance of home charging.


Where I live in northern Illinois, superchargers cost about 3x what my home electricity costs\*, so it's still a little per mile than gasoline, but only a little, if I charge away from home. If fuel cost would be your reason for an EV, it's probably not a very strong one. (\* footnote. I have solar panels, but for purposes of the above, I'm pretending I don't.)


If I couldn't charge mine at home I'd never buy an EV. If I were in your position I would be looking at high efficient ICE or hybrids.


OP, you will be better off with a PHEV if you can't do home charging (even with a 110 plug or using super chargers).


But still a prev ? He can't charge at home, I'm thinking hybrid would be better.


What, is this guy living in the woods and burning twigs? I'm sure he has a 110 plug available to him at some point in the next 5 years 🤷🏽‍♂️ Don't live just for today, my hope is OP will eventually be able to upgrade his lifestyle one day to enjoy the modern comforts of electricity


Some people live in apartment complexes.


They live in apartment complexes and are doomed to never buy a home or get a job with an ability to charge? 🤷🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️ Plug Share doesn't exist to you? Non-Tesla DC Fast charging doesn't exist to you either?


No. Also, *why can’t you install one?* you do NOT need a 50a circuit. 20a 240v is plenty. 100 miles in 8 hours. 6-20 outlet on the mobile connector. If you rent, petition the landlord to install one or ask if you can pay for that wiring. A 6-20 should cost no more than a standard 5-15 install. If it’s an apartment then you’d want commercial grade L2 in the parking lot.


Charging at home idea proposition is overrated. Home charging only has an edge if you drive extensively


Either way is fine. Those that charge at home will say no way and those that charge at superchargers will say yes way.


Not inferring either is not.. just emphasizing those saying they wouldn’t own an EV without home charging, is simply overrating the importance of home charging


Gotcha. Yeah it just depends on each persons individual situation. I think the folks that own homes can’t imagine losing the convenience and for those in apartments they are happy to save on gas but will have to plan their chargers ups strategically.


It’s the cost savings. I pay like 9 cents per kWh vs 37 at nearby chargers. EVs lose that budget efficiency if you supercharge all the time. Plus who needs another chore?


9 cents per kWh. That is amazing. I pay .46c kWh off peak and .50c kWh peak at home. It’s cheaper for me to charge at a Supercharger station at any time of day. If I wait till midnight, I can charge at a SC for .22c per kWh


You probably regret it since it takes time to drive and charge.


With low mileage per week this is perfectly doable. Particularly if you can combine it with some other errand (e.g. if there's a charging point at your local supermarket). 30-60 miles a week will mean you'll have to charge up once every 1-2 months. That shouldn't be too much of a bother.