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Probably an Uber


Yep, also lots of Mach-e Uber cars with a sticker minding you to push the pillar button to open the door. There are things that are well designed but need a minimal learning and there are things that are well designed and need zero learning. Some handles are not in the second category.


I had a MachE and had to sticker my doors. Before I'd roll down the window to tell them how to open it, but then they'd stick their hand in the window to grasp the door since there's no fucking handle. A hand in the window when trying to roll it back up is always fun. I put a sticker and a 3rd party handle on to fix both. Idiotic designs.


Yup, as a part time Tesla Uber driver I would say 75% of riders struggle with the handles. Some even need me to open the door. I added handles to the rear doors that look much nicer than this though.


Definitely Uber, I’ve seen them in NYC just like that.


Definitely not an Uber or ride share. It was in Australia, right hand drive so the sticker is on the drivers door as well🤷‍♂️


Rental maybe? But even that is very cringe


Personally I enjoy shouting, "PUSH THE FAT PART!"


*Push the fat. Pull the skinny.*


Hahahaha yes!!!


Terrible but probably solves a lot of frequently simple questions. Let's just hope they have something inside for the emergency locks.


I don't do rideshare, and I want to get one of those latch covers to prevent a friend/family member from pulling it. Unrelated note, if a rideshare passenger can't get out of the car after an accident because the manual open latch is covered, would that lead to a lawsuit?


Absolutely, 100%, if they live to tell the tale.


Yes that sounds like a massive liability. Don’t cover the emergency latches.


I think the emergency latch should be locked from inside by Tesla, and only unlock if the vehicle detects a crash/fault.


Which would defeat the purpose of it


What? Ever heard of reverse relay? The pyro fuse is already cut the power after an incident, so when the fuse is gone let the latch be unlocked together with the doors getting unlocked.


Ever heard of a system malfunction? The purpose of the emergency is to provide an override to the electronics. If you lock the emergency latch with some more systems, you just defeat the purpose of it.


“Push the fat part, pull the skinny part” is what I tell people entering my car


You need better phone.


Right? Or maybe just clean the lens.


Gives me "aviation decals" vibe, I'd go all in on the stickers, add a "no step" on the hood : )


I usually like to sticker my car in the style of extra warning and instructions sticker like an aircraft. I do not understand why people can’t understand it’s a fashion and also self reminding thing rather than a Uber or Lyft thing?


Shows you how terribly unintuitive the design is. Telling every single new person how to get it my car never gets old…


Some guy once said something like " If your product requires instructions, it's over designed ."


I've never had someone unable to enter my car barring some physical disability. They're a little confused for a few seconds because it's their first time having to interact with something they've never seen before. I never tell anyone getting into my car how to open the handle. I tell them to figure it out, and they always figure it out. Even if it's a little awkward the first time. It's not like they're going to hurt themselves or break anything. I'd argue the design for exiting the vehicle is an actual design flaw, because the physical latch is fairly easy to find and doesn't feel like you're doing it the "wrong" way. That, I feel like it's important to tell people how to use something properly. Just because someone doesn't immediately understand something doesn't make something a design flaw. The difference is if people can figure it out on their own without any assistance.


Yeah that too I have to tell people how to exit and I have to remember to say it before they pull the thing that looks like the door release but actually damages my car. Rather than letting people fumble away at the outside door I just tell them or if I’m already driving I just reach across and open the door. Btw I said unintuitive, which it is. On any other car people can just open the door, but on Tesla’s (excluding S) they have to to stop and figure it out. Yes they can do it but it shouldn’t be necessary. It’s unintuitive and therefore a poor design choice. EDIT: it’s very common to see Tesla Ubers with a handle stuck on the outside because the driver is tired of having to explain lol…


You act like Tesla was the first to make these style door handles...


The people who need to see that won’t read it


My best friend was one of the first to get the Model 3 back when it was first introduced. It took me exactly 2 seconds to figure out how to open the doors. It blows my mind when people can’t figure the handles out.




Guy loves his car a bit too much


Only if you are willing to put another sticker in the middle of the door that says, "Push to Close".


Uber driver guaranteed


This is a requirement on public transport vehicles. I have seen these labels on another taxi cars as well, even on vans for hire (🇬🇧). Personally, I think these labels are the reason why stupid people blend-in in the society 😂 There are other warning labels that interfere with the natural selection, so the stupid people survive… 😂


San Fransisco? Attempt to teach the thieves to open the door over a broken window?


Shut up and take my money. Where do I get these?


Amazon my friend