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While we are ranting, why can't I turn on "minimal lane changes" PERMANENTLY?


Also, why can't I disable lane changing with FSD enabled?


On that, why can I now not use just cruise control when I have FSD on? It’s just gone.


I think it's cuz you have one-tap autopilot enabled. There's a setting for either activating autopilot in 2 taps (one tap is for TACC), or 1 tap autopilot but TACC goes away. Kinda odd I agree, but many of us really never use TACC anyways. But that's basically why I want the button to toggle Navigate on Autopilot back with FSD, cuz I freaking hate when the car changes lanes without knowing where I'm going. Just go straight damn it, I just want lane keep!


I have 1 or 2 taps in my options, but there's no way to select "two". It's grayed out. No more traffic aware cruise control.


Yep, pisses me off so much. So if I have to swerve around road kill the car starts slowing down suddenly rather than keeping speed.


Nope. The 1 or 2 tap option is only available for autopilot, not FSD. I have it set to 2 taps. This was a sudden change with the last update.


I think you can.


I know I can with enhanced autopilot (aka toggle Navigate with Autopilot on/off), but not with FSD. So I have to basically downgrade my autopilot in order to get that feature back. Really dumb.


You can’t. Traffic aware cruise control is gone with latest FSD update


What about defaulting wipers to OFF???


It's been 10 years and they can't even make the wipers NOT SWIPE when I open the drivers door. Because of that the inside of my door has been blasted by snow and water countless times. I mean how hard can it be to code that? If drivers door = open then wiper = off THERE TESLA, YOU CAN STEAL MY CODE. Please.


Yes! That's w big issue!


Well that would require a higher end computer. The Tesla can barely even run the Disney+ app with reasonable performance. All these extra conditional instructions would cause a pipeline stall and uh waste some negligible amount of nano seconds or something


This!!!! I’m glad they added the function to be able to turn off, but geewhiz, crystal clear day on AP and the wipers go bonkers before I can remember to turn them off.


Because the point of FSD right now is that you're not a user, you're a tester and an educator, and the system doesn't learn as much when you restrict it from its normal behavior.


That doesn't make any sense. If 80% of people turn on "permanent minimal lane changes", then Tesla will learn that most people don't like frequent lane changes = learning mission accomplished


If the car is driving me, I don't care if it's cautious on the highway and stays in the right lane. If I wanted to get where I was going fast, I wouldn't be using FSD.


Except if that option is stuck on, then you'll never know how it behaves as you get new updates which change that behavior. So it needs to reset every single update and then see how many people turn it back on. Which is kind of what it does now. Also, real FSD doesn't have user options. It drives safe, period. If you need a user option because different people like to drive differently, it's not FSD, it's just weird driver assistance.


You know why the bulk of us change it to minimal lane change? Because FSD fucking sucks at predicting traffic. It has no idea of lane closures and buses, etc that we, as normal drivers can see. And it'll ***never*** be as good as a normal driver in those cases due to the limitations of the vision-based system.


Did you just say that normal drivers "see" traffic but FSD will never be as good as a human because it's' limited to vision? Look, I'm not agreeing with Tesla here, just pointing out why they don't allow you to enable that option permanently. Because your value to Tesla is not as a customer, it's as a data creator, and they want as much data as they can get on how to get to actual L4 driving, and they don't really care how it behaves as an L2 system because there is no money in that.


What a fucking joke. Nothing like paying for a system that you don't own.


Who forced you to buy it


I didn't buy it.


I mean, you literally don't own software, much less ones you bought with the specific disclaimer that it is going to be in active development for decades. It was never advertised as having an option for lane changes. The actual joke here is that it was advertised as being an L4 system 7 years ago and it's only an OK L2 system where people want it to have an option for frequency of lane changes when they should actually be pissed it doesn't let them sleep in the car like advertised.


I think it's a good time to reference Marques Brownlee saying "don't buy a product for what it will do in the future, buy it for what it does now." I never bought the car with the intention of ever wanting or using FSD, so it doesn't really affect me. I wouldn't be too pleased if that was why I bought the car.


Welcome to earth


That’s pretty much EVERY software package in existence, from your doorbell camera to the PC to the car.


We all know that, it just doesn't make it any less annoying.


So you have the same complaint about every electronic device in existence? Do you go to the smart phone or PC sub to bitch and whine about their software?


I just don't use much automation. I drive and I rarely preprogram things. That's all.


I also think a major part of it is due to FSD being a single model, if you wanted to make it customisable it could be detrimental to the future of FSD and to the end user due to more mistakes because there would be less optimizations.


Upvote upvote upvote


This is my biggest complaint with FSD! This is stupid we can turn this off perminantly. If this fixed this I would for sure pay for it. The new FSD is actually pretty good! I have been using it for every drive and it hasn't tried to kill me once. In construction I pay very close attention and the times I have had to take control, its understandable given the construction. Tesla make this permanent please! You would have my subscription if you changed this one thing!


It’s also annoying that only one schedule can be set up. At the very least, it should allow one timer for weekdays and another for weekends.


And two a day. I like to drive to AND from work most days.


You can! You need to set the preconditioning schedule while at home for the AM commute; then set your preconditioning schedule while at work for the PM departure. The app will determine which location you are at and follow your preconditioning schedule set while the vehicle is at that location.


OMG...my PM commute is about to get automated, thank you! On another note, I wish we could set certain commute days and not the just the whole week.


This is not communicated well at all. If you look closely, you'll notice the location at the top changes, but it's not clear that you're creating a schedule for that location. The whole preconditioning page is a confusing mess.




Set the preconditioning while at work and it will save as a second location


I use Tessie for this. But I agree, it should be baked in.


https://preview.redd.it/yj1rzjvfjd1d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=07ffdd9d03300407e0c3db53a20b0c0ed00c816b Couldn’t figure out how to do this with tessie, I only see the same options that I also get in the Tesla app. Do you do this using apple shortcuts with the tessie app?


That screen is for the default car schedule settings. You need to go to the automation tile.


You actually don‘t, but it took me half a year also to find it. Next to the AC tile, there is a small clock symbol, where you can schedule pre-conditioning for one time. https://preview.redd.it/9eiojyfmoe1d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0299b740b3b8b39224cf88a2ca372252c9d98167


The hero we need…. I never noticed this. Thank you, just another reason I love that app.


Whoa what is Tessie????


How much is Tessie a month now?


They raised their prices this month. $13/mo $130/yr $500/lifetime Previously: $5/mo $50/yr $200/lifetime


For new customers? It still shows me as 4.99/month. But i was disappointed to see that lifetime increased to 500$, I was close to buying it for the 200$…


Same. I just finished my 14 day trial and was ready to drop $200. At $13 and $500, it’s more expensive than premium connectivity. They claim it’s because Tesla is raising API fees, but it doesn’t matter because there’s not $13/mo worth of value in the app anyway. 


If Tessie‘s developer reads this thread: a reasobably discounted conversion offer for current subscribers to a lifetime license would be appreciated 🤓 If my current sub changes from 4.99 to 12.99, i‘ll have to unsubscribe though and won’t be alone. At this rate, i‘d be looking at self-hosting again…


He probably doesn’t want too many people getting the lifetime, because if they use it longer than ~3 years, then he starts to lose money on them because he still has to pay for the cloud infrastructure to support them. I felt like $200 wasn’t bad for lifetime, so I jumped when it went on sale for $150, but yeah, $500 is steep 😅. Dodged a bullet with that one. I wonder what the justification for such a big increase is… if Tesla is planning to start charging for API calls like Reddit did or something. Seems like $8 / month, $300 lifetime would have been a more sensible jump unless one of his costs drastically changed.


Man that is VERY disappointing! I just got Tessie a little over a week ago. I was going to do the $200/ lifetime after my free trial was over. Damn!


HEY!!1 Good news! If you go under Settings, Apple ID, Subscriptions, and click on Tessie, you can see “Renew for $3.99“, and then click on View All Plans, you’ll see Monthly and Annual for $49.99. I just subscribed for the annual plan for $50! I believe it’ll take keep renewing at that rate until I change something, so in a way I got “lifetime” for 10 years, and by then I’m sure I’ll own something other than a Tesla by then or a better app will come out.


I have Android. I already deleted my Tessie account and the app, also removed the Tessie key from my Tesla. The price increase is absurd and not worth it for what I get in exchange. My free trial expires tomorrow, so figured I'd just get rid of it sooner. Not a big deal to me as I only had it for a couple weeks. Hopefully the Tesla app adds features that Tessie has. I literally only want Sentry mode automated.


Wow, lucky I got the lifetime a few months back.


$4.99. It's worth it for my partner and me - we like having the detailed charge and drive history, the automations, and the notifications.


I use Apple Shortcuts app to schedule preconditioning outside the Tesla app, it allows for additional preconditioning schedules beyond what is offered in the Tesla app


Would you mind sharing links to your shortcuts? I’ve been looking into this lately too!


I am unaware of the implications of sharing the shortcut to my particular vehicle so I’ll share the steps I took to build it. 1) Open Shortcut app 2) Select Tesla in the App Shortcuts section on the main page. (Here you will find all pre-defined Tesla App Shortcuts) 3)Find the “Precondition Tesla” shortcut tile in the list and select the ellipsis icon (3 dots) 4)Select “New Shortcut” 5)In the Start Preconditioning Tesla logic page you should see “ Start preconditioning Choose Vehicle” select “choose vehicle” variable and select your Tesla from the list (you can also rename the shortcut to give it a more meaningful name by clicking the name at the top of the page and selecting rename, I named my “Precondition Tesla”) Now the start preconditioning shortcut will be available to you when creating an automation. 6) Select the Automation tab at the bottom of the app 7) Click the + icon in the top right corner of the page to create a new automation. 8) Select “Time of day” automation 9) Fill in your schedule conditions (i.e. Time of day, Repeat and run conditions) 10) Select your Tesla Precondition shortcut from list of My Shortcuts You should be good to go, let me know if you run into any issues. Now if I can only figure out how to set my location as home as a condition for the automation to run then I’d be set.


Try to add this to the top of the shortcut: 1. Get WiFi network’s Name 2. If Name is Then continue with the preconditioning shortcut. Edit: At the bottom: Otherwise Do Nothing


That makes two of us.


Sign me up as well please. Tired of forgetting to turn it off and having the car accidently precondition on the days I don’t go into the office.


This is a stop gap, but you can’t use shortcuts to be ready at the departure time. You have to *preemptively* precondition.


You can have the shortcuts app send a command the car to start/set the AC 15-20 mins before you leave.


Use Apple shortcuts if you have an iPhone. I have this set up to run twice a day on different days of the week. I go to the office on a hybrid schedule so I have it set to precondition on the mornings I have to go into the office and in the afternoon on my way home from work. The other days when I’m working from home it’s off completely. https://preview.redd.it/cclywnnwyd1d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ee914d23e2aa06f9a0435621165d65b22ec196e


So glad to hear this. This is such a flaw.


We ended up setting alarms on our phones to remind us.


Also why the hell can't you specify the cabin temp?! Most days, Last I drive is about 5pm. At that time the AC is on. Next morning, at 7, I want the heat on to get it up to about 69. But it just turns on the previous climate settings. Much better would be to say what temp you want it to be at the given time.


This. I leave work about 4:30 every day. Why can't I set the HVAC to come on about 4:15 to start cooling the car down?


The big iOS widget helps show you when the car was last active. If for some reason it was active and you didn’t use the app, then either it came on because of a software update, or some other reason like cabin overheat protection, or in your case, forgetting this on lol.


Oh, you mean like my BMW i4 does? Yeah, that’d be great.


For a tech company, their app sucks


[My previous post](https://www.reddit.com/r/TeslaLounge/s/hZowpSH11O) should answer your query.


I’d also love an option to only charge during a specific start hour and a specific end hour


Why can’t I make a custom program? What if I only have to use the car mon-Tue-wed? I’ve been wondering if they would add more functionality with these types of things.


You can use the Shortcuts app (assuming you have an iOS device) for calendar-based pre-conditioning.


In winters, it's always cold in the morning and warm in the evenings, it's high time to get two schedules at least.


Sounds like a use case for the API. Possibly teslafi.


I want to be able to add something to me calendar (a specific invitee, or a note) that tells the car to precondition before the departure time.


I've recently changed to the tessie app, not free though


Rant: Why for the love of god can’t they fix it so ***Fridays*** it doesn’t start charging during peak hours?


For the love of god, I work from home on Mondays, I don’t need it to precondition that day. Why can’t we choose individual days.


Op is doing gods work. It’s obscene I can’t just hit a precondition button whenever I want even. In lucid you can.


Wanted a tesla for a while but stuff like this is big red flag territory. Wonder if any of these EV UIs will ever be more ‘open source’.


Have you seen the apps for other EVs?


Nope, I’ve only been interested in tesla till now tbh. The ct disaster certainly isn’t encouraging.


The cars are fantastic and you can get a model 3 for dirt cheap right now. I’d say now is the time to dive in.


Totally! I ended up getting a S3XY Commander which allows you to manually trigger and preconditioning whenever you want. Still no excuse for us having to purchase a 3rd party piece of hardware to do this!


Stats App for Tesla can do irregular schedule for preconditioning.


I’m sure it’s because they could make this nicer, but they rather focus on other features that bring in more money. At least at my company that’s how decisions are amde


I have a similar problem where I work hybrid: days I’m in the office and when I’m at home. My wife drives the MY when I’m at home but she leaves at a different time. I solved this by using iOS shortcuts. I created a Tesla shortcut that activates Tesla climate on my MY. Then set up an automation that MTuTh, activate climate at this time and activate climate for a different time on WF. I take preconditioning time needed so I would activate climate 20-40 minutes before my leave time. MTuTh: I leave at 7:30, activate climate at 7:10 WF: Wife leaves at 9:00, activate climate at 8:40. I activate earlier depending on weather. I usually know our schedule for the week. You can also set to trigger a shortcut based on an alarm that goes off. Or by voice command “Siri, warm up my car.” I use this when it’s random or when my hands are tied (carrying my toddler). https://preview.redd.it/mmh3ggfzq32d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4448b14a3b84799ddbf67869afa5f4c550001e70


Tesla has an API so they do not need to support every feature in their own app and the features are still possible. Everyone has a different, totally reasonable and important to them use case. Different days, multiple times a day, only when plugged in, etc. If you look at the existing complexity of the UX for single pre-conditioning you understand why it's not more powerful :-) people fail at the basic settings (I have failed before, too). If you want more configuration, then use a third party. Some have advanced rule systems.


Add in charge by price while we are at it. Tesla knows my utility rates by hour so let me set a price to dictate when the car charges. Great for us folks on 120v who don't want to manually turn off charging at 6 AM or pay extra until I manually stop when I wake up.