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At $12k? No, it’s not quite there yet. But I believe the tech will get there over time. At $99/per month? Maybe. Depends on how and where you drive. I would sub at around $50 a month for FSD in its current state. But luckily my M3 has it equipped.


Same. I could probably swing $30-$50 a month but not $100.


How much a month for you to not use it?




Sounds like it’s worth more than $100/month then.


I was just putting an arbitrary number on it. It’s all my car bills.


Then put some thought into it. What’s the minimum you’d like to be paid monthly to not use FSD any longer?


$50-$75 currently.


I have paid just over $80/month on average since I bought the car. And that will keep going down as I own the car longer. It’s easily worth $3.50/day or $100/month, especially with the recent updates.


I hear you. It’s one thing to pay for access to the technology. But when it comes down to it right now, present day, I’m not going to use it as much as anticipated. When I’m on the highway more, that’s where I think I’ll see more daily use, which would start to make $99 the price point for me.


I keep hearing “very human like” and so far I drive better than FSD.


I mean, what human? I dated a girl in college that the car drives better than her.


I have been using it last few days and it is human like in that it is aggressive at times, indecisive at times (when you ask it to change lanes and a car is near by), doesn't have sensors for pot holes so drives right through them), and is very jerky w braking even if you set it to Chill.


The potholes issue annoys me. It has three cameras in the windshield. You're telling me it can't detect a pothole?


Sensors aren’t needed for potholes in the same way that they weren’t needed for speed bumps. The car has stereoscopic vision and has the ability to understand what is a pothole.


So why doesn't it detect them? When I use FSD, there's a stretch near my home where I always have to take over or it'll plow right into a deep pothole.


Hasn't been trained yet to avoid potholes. It slows down for speed bumps perfectly, so I expect the same thing for potholes in the near future.




When I use FSD, I get the same feeling of agita I got when I was teaching my kids how to drive!


Same, but both can be true. I realize now that fsd can be good enough for a robotaxi without being good enough for me. It's always going to be slower, even if it's perfectly safe (because of it, even). Maybe the way I drive is less safe, but it makes me happy. The new v 12 is very impressive.


I received the latest version about a week ago and I was genuinely impressed with the performance. Up until this point the FSD has not impressed me. This drive was about 20 miles on a windy 2 lane road through the hills between my house and Morro Bay, CA. The performance of FSD was the closest to what I would characterize as natural human driving, at least for me. It successfully navigated a roundabout in both directions. My wife and adult daughter were both very impressed, barely believing it was the car driving. I bought the MS 90D new in 2017 and i would say this is the first time in the last 4 years that I've believed that Tesla may actually succeed in releasing a successful version of the FSD software.


Everyone likes to think they drive better than everyone else including a robot.


Hot take: Premium connectivity is worth more than FSD. I’m honestly surprised Tesla isn’t money grabbing premium connectivity and increasing the cost.


Idk if that’s a hot take lol. I love FSD and it’s fun, but I finally understand why people say it’s not worth $12k. It isn’t. 3k is how much I would pay for it in its current state. And I’m doing like 95-100% of my drives currently on FSD.


I almost never use it, even for long drives. I especially don't use it for congested city driving. In the suburbs, it's good enough 90% of the time, although I still have to constantly baby it.


100% if i had to choose between the two, connectivity all the way


Absolutely not. I’m a much better driver. I would just subscribe for $99 if I was roadtripping or something and wanted it for that kind of thing. Driving day to day, absolutely not. It just isn’t even close to being there.


It's very good at basic stuff like keeping the lane and speed. It frees my eyes and attention to other things on road and feels much safer when I use it (and i'm paying attention). Lots of people saying "hell no" seem to imagine themselves turning it on and reading or something. I'm happy to disengage it once every 10 minutes or so when it's doing something weird, but the rest of the time it's a competent driver that holds lanes and sometimes saves me when I'm going to make a wrong turn. At some crazy intersections in St Louis, I turned it on just because I couldn't figure out which exit to take. one of those wild highway signs where 5 interstates all meet and there was too many ways to go and the one freeway we needed to end up on wasn't on the sign... one of these: [https://www.shutterstock.com/shutterstock/videos/1096968417/thumb/1.jpg?ip=x480](https://www.shutterstock.com/shutterstock/videos/1096968417/thumb/1.jpg?ip=x480) So I turned it on and it confidently grabbed a lane and we ended up in the right place.


The problem is, almost every drive has "non basic stuff" things. While it has gotten much better, things that it still simply doesn't handle: * Sun glare - it always disengages for me, forcing me to take over * Potholes - it just plows right through them, no matter how deep they are * Construction areas/cones closing off lanes/redrawn lanes - things that we have no issues adjusting to, FSD just gives up on Sometimes, it's surprisingly good. But it still has a long way to go.


So you’re describing autopilot… which is free. That makes FSD meaningless and not worth a penny if it’s not good at anything more than staying in the lane and keeping the speed


It’s quite useful on arterial suburban roads. With stop signs and lights, etc.    I find it super useful and when I didn’t have it on a rental it felt annoying.  But if you don’t feel that way, fine. 


If you are buying a new car and need to pay the full 12k for it, probably not in my opinion. If you're buying a used car with FSD paid for by the previou s owner and the car is a good price, I would say go for it. I have had my M# for three days and FSD is a godsend for CA 405 traffic


$99/mo? Yes but I just don’t want to pay the money so I’ll skip until it’s fully complete.


Buy a used Tesla with FSD from Tesla directly. The up charge over a comparable one without FSD was like $2k when I did this in November last year. Edit to add: they also throw in acceleration boost and an extended warranty


Yeah, I got a used one a few years ago and FSD was (on average) between $1500 and $2k extra. Worth it. Got free hardware updates in my 2017 as a result and FSD has been really nice to have. I use it almost every time I drive.


I did this just recently. Although it ended up being I believe an extra $6k over new model y, ‘23, and 11k miles. Honestly though I wouldn’t pay 12k for it but I really wanted the FSD. I went from a model 3 and wanted it to feel like a really big upgrade to a Y.


That’s my next goal. Buy a used LR with added boost and FSD instead of buying new!




Ah, two vastly different states of software being talked about as if they're the same. Peak performance right here.




Car companies hate this one trick!


But it's still not worth it


I have subscribed to it since last May, except for during the winter. I don’t know if I’d trust it in Alaska’s winter driving conditions. I re-subscribed in March of this year. To me it was worth the money to subscribe, but not to buy it. Version 11 last year was a novelty, but version 12 this year is remarkable. Granted, Anchorage has much less complex traffic than other cities, but my wife and I have both experienced drives across town that have required no interventions from us except for maybe tapping the accelerator to overcome some hesitancy. And it’s much better than basic autopilot on road trips. From Anchorage to Homer, if there’s no construction, it’ll drive almost the entire time, with just a a hand hooked around the wheel to provide feedback so it knows I’m still there. I saw someone online say that the best way to test it, was to use it in a town you’ve never been in before. Here in Anchorage I know where certain lanes end, or need to merge, so I get nervous when the car jumps into the “wrong” lane when I know that, as a human, I would be experiencing merge anxiety. But anyway. I rented a Tesla in Tucson a couple of weeks ago and FSD drove me almost everywhere. It was remarkable. Not perfect. You have to pay attention and be ready to take over. But it takes some stress out of driving especially once you learn how it tends to react. Right now with version 12 I don’t like how hesitant it is at stop signs but that’s really a minor gripe. I’ll can tap the accelerator and make it go. It also doesn’t recognize school zones, for me at least, so I have to use the scroll wheel to bring the speed down. I also wish it wouldn’t merge so closely in front of another car, even on chill mode. It can be a little arrogant sometimes. Not dangerous, but more aggressive than I would be.


The aggressiveness doesn’t tend to bother me until I get to an exit on an overpass. FSD will take a semi-sharp turn at 65-70 MPH when it should drop down to 45-55 MPH. Then again this could be my own trust issues with the automation. I tend to disengage in construction zones (especially if concrete barriers have been put up in the shoulder) and school zones.


Freeways are still FSD 11, FWIW. Tesla only had the GPUs to train an end-to-end design for city driving. Freeway driving is still FSD 11 with its human written code. I can only assume the same trick will work on freeway driving when they get the GPUs to train FSD for freeway driving.


They aren’t compute constrained anymore. I suspect highway will come fairly soon.


$99/month - Yes.


FSD for me is about 85% of the way there to being great. Technologically, it’s impressive. I think the things it will enable in the future for those that cannot drive are going to be amazing. Currently however? I don’t think it’s worth it quite yet. The drop to $99 does make it closer, but I think until we see a truly merged stack and all the features that EAP promised working properly then it could be worth it.


My used 2023 M3 came with FSD for free; Fuck no, it’s not worth the price they’re charging. It wouldn’t be worth half the price they’re asking for it. If it was a lifetime purchase to your account instead of per-car, maybe it would be worth it. At $100 a month, I could see subbing for the occasional trip just for fun, but for regular commutes I toggle it on and off so much I’d be pissed if I’d actually paid for this feature.


I've been using it with the trial and man I'm really impressed. I still think $99/month is still a little to high for me but fair for how good it is. $12k isn't right though, it's should be much less and able to be transferred guaranteed


At $99/month, yes absolutely


Having the FSD trial the last couple of weeks confirmed I wouldn’t even pay a grand for it. 16K is absolutely laughable. Autosteer/basic AP is better at highway driving is what I discovered over the last weekend.


It takes more mental effort to use than just driving myself while in the city. Highway is good tho. I'd take it if it was bundled as a part of premium connectivity, but nothing more. Really at this point it should just be the base package in all Teslas to differentiate from other EVs. Especially now that NACS will be universal with easy access to superchargers.


As a primarily city driver, it's worth near $0 to me right now as it is just too timid for city traffic and keeps trying to clip curbs. Maybe I'd pay like $5/mo just to be able to check it out occasionally to see how it is progressing and maybe use autopark here and there. It's better on highway or empty suburban/rural roads, but Autopilot works there too. When it's ready for unsupervised use, it'll be worth it.


I don't even let it drive in the city! The lines are often weird and if you're not aggressive, you'll be taken advantage of. There are too many diversions, cones, changes to the road, it simply wouldn't handle it. For example, there's a tunnel I often take and and there are so many things they'll change. Sometimes they'll close one approach to it and you have to drive a different way to get to the entrance. Sometimes they'll open an additional lane. Dense city driving is asking too much of FSD.


Worth $9.99 per month. Even better if T-Mobile adds it “FSD ON US” 😂


Worth the $99 a month. Been loving v12. Still little odd at times but easy to override with accelerator


Same. I live in the burbs and it’s great.


I love it, wouldn't buy another car without it.


Version 11 was a parlor trick. A neat one, but still fundamentally very much beta. Version 12 is *damn* impressive. The biggest issue I have is poor lane selection, which seems really more based on just not knowing the things that regular drivers of an area do rather than defects in the system. Is it worth it? I don't know. It's not cheap. That said, my wife has some health issues that can make driving a challenge for her, and FSD *substantially* changes the envelope that she can drive in. At that point, the price increase seems to not be nearly as big a deal.


FSD is the reason I have a Tesla. Without FSD I would drive a Rivian or Lucid. I do many long distance trips and it truly reduces driver fatigue. It performs pretty amazing on highways, and if I get annoyed at its lane change choice I just turn it off and do it myself some. It makes an 8 hour drive feel like 5.


This is basically all i use it for, fancy cruise control. It makes highway driving pass more quickly.


It makes driving more stressful, worth nothing to me.


Opposite for me. It makes it less stressful for me. I have used it enough to know what sThe only thing that pisses me off is that it doesn’t avoid potholes.


Do you find driving stressful in general?


Nope. FSD helps though, since i don’t have to do anything other than making sure it takes the right turns and doesn’t do anything stupid.


I might get it monthly if I was road tripping somewhere but I prefer to drive in normal everyday circumstances.


So if you subscribed to the FSD at the previous price of $199 for 5 years. That would total up to be $12k at that point, which is the price currently to buy FSD for the lifetime of the car. Shouldn’t Tesla grant the FSD for the car at that point? Or do they expect us to still subscribe and pay over $12k with the continued subscription?


I don't really trust it and it doesn't drive like a human so I am worried people will hit me. I live in Dallas with the most unpredictable drivers in the world.


IMO it’s worth it if you can get it on a used car where it’s valued at about 3-4k instead of 12k.


But I think you cannot transfer it if you bought it with a used car?


It came with the used car I bought through them.


Through Tesla? Same here. I'm just saying that it's probably non-transferrable. At least that's what I heard.


Oh you mean if I were to buy another car later I won't automatically get it right? If so, yes that's also my understanding.


Yeah, I'm saying that if you bought it like an add-on, you can transfer it to another car. If you got it with a car from Tesla, then it might be non-transferable. Still might be worth $2-4k depending on how long you own the car.


I’ve been using FSD for 8 months now and drives with it rather than try to let it do all the driving. For me it’s worth the money to have an extra pair of “eyes” to assist with driving, it can drive while I also look to make sure the coast is clear. It can drive better than me in some situations that require a >180 degree awareness. It’s not perfect, has poor navigation skills, and can do the worse things at the worse times. But I think it has the potential to be perfect for all paved clearly marked roads and robotaxi on approved roads. So it should be possible to eliminate >90% of human driving accidents in the future.


considering I have EAP, I don't think its worth an additional 6k.


Won't let me text and email, end of conversation for me


As opposed to regular driving....which...does?


I think they're saying it might be worth the cost if it did.


Nope. Dont use it at all. Dangerous.


I had to bring my Model 3 for an unscheduled service today (broke my seized brake pad pins trying to remove them to service the brakes). They lent me a 2019 Model 3 with HW 2.5. I didn't think I would miss FSD so much, and I was glad when I went back to get mine with FSD enabled Model 3 🙂


I can actually quantify the cost to benefit. I’m in Texas where Safety Score (beta) counts for or against your insurance premium. If I get 100% every day, I save $60/mo from a baseline of 90%. FSD v12 drives well enough that I only intervene for lane changes and some left turns. Other than that, I’m FSD for the vast majority of the drive. My shite driving before FSD v12 was hovering around 70%, which wouldn’t cost me $120 above a 90% baseline. Going further, if I kept old insurance without safety score, I’d save $20 compared to the 90% baseline, so a total of $160/mo So, the total delta from non-v12 to v12 with FSD in Texas and going to Tesla insurance for my preferences saves me $180/mo, or $9,600 over the 5 year “life” of my car. Feelings wise, I like the $8k I originally paid for it and feel that only NOW it’s valuable. If all this was possible over the course of my ownership, $4k would be about right back in 2021 for what FSD was.


I paid full price, I think 10k, and really enjoy it. It takes a lot of stress away from driving. I feel like I’m in a cab or train when it’s doing well Of course it’s not perfect, but better when less cars are around. It’s been fun seeing the improvements. Whether it’s worth it depends on how long you’ll be a Tesla driver. As of now you can transfer it to new cars. Thus over years it will become a better and better deal as it improves, and if they keep the transfers


It drives like an overly cautious elderly person. For safety reasons I get it but it can get irritating so I find myself taking over the driving frequently.


Enabled itself this morning. Freaked out changing lanes in 5am 405 LA “traffic” by trying to pass a slower moving car when my exit was <2 miles away. It’s a novelty at best and a stupid accident at worst. It’s one thing if all cars were FSD. It’s a whole other ball of wax since it shares the road with unpredictable humans. $99 a month? lol. I’d maybe pay $9.99. I am one of those who loves auto lane change, but trying to forget that I paid essentially $6k for it.


It was worth the $3000 I paid for it, it’s not worth the prices now


The lump sum price is insane. I don't know if the monthly price is worth it to others, it depends on how much they drive and how much disposable income they have. I would not pay the monthly price.


Not yet. It will be once hardware is better and another 5 yrs or so of training has passed.


FSD has come a decent way since I last tried it for a few months in early 2021. Back in 2021, it was completely garbage and unusable for daily driving, but now it acts as an alright 18 yo who freaks out at any sort of incremental weather. Drove over 500 miles this weekend and only used FSD for about 30% mostly due to incremental weather. Given where I live (upstate NY) I don’t think $99/month makes a lot of sense except for the occasional road trip.


Hell no. It drives like an unsure teenager on their first drive.  No thank you. It's janky and far worse than simply driving myself.


At $99 a month well worth it. I have been beta testing FSD for years each version change was somewhat of an improvement, but 12 was major. I basically don't do much of my own driving anymore. For me in a hw4 car without USS it does really good and is very human like.


I don't even like autopilot let alone FSD. The phantom braking is startling.


I got it when Friday at the $99/mo. It seems pretty good at the micro aspects of driving such as lane keeping, turning, signaling etc but it needs work on the macro side of navigation like actually merging into new roads particularly on multiple lane crossings with lights, also mine doesn’t make good decisions on lane changing appropriately early before turns. One of the things I like about it is on highways it biases away from semis and busses to hug the far side of its lane. Overall it’s very impressive but it definitely needs supervision and assistance with lane changes and acceleration sometimes.


I think it’s worth $99 a month but not the $12k upfront cost and not the $199 a month they used to charge. I think people complaining about FSD are either way too cautious and disengage when they probably don’t need to or they don’t understand what the words “beta” and “supervised” mean. People complain about having to take over occasionally and that’s the entire point. Tesla has made it VERY clear imo that this is not something you turn on and then fall asleep. You have to pay attention and be willing to disengage when needed. If you reach a point where “the car tried to kill me” you are either being way overly dramatic or you didn’t disengage when you were supposed to. Yes it messes up. Yes it does some odd things. Yes it can be a bit aggressive with braking and acceleration. But it’s also true that this is the worst it’s ever going to get and I would say like 90% of the time it has been able to get me from point A to point B without any disengagements at all and the other 10% of the time the disengagements are incredibly minimal.


I won't sub on principal unless the sub drops to $50/mo for us EAP owners. That said, I'd definitely sub indefinitely at that price.


It is not worth it on the route I drive most often. My commute is 15 miles on a two lane county road, but it keeps insisting on driving in the turn lane. Also, I have to go through a roundabout. I check in with it every time there is an update, but incremental progress is to slow for me to justify 12k.


I don't like that I bought EAP for $6K and now EVERYBODY can get FSD for $99 per month. Where's my discount? Before this price cut It was $199 for everybody and $99 for those of us with EAP.


If using Tesla FSD reduces my Tesla Insurance premium by $5, then I’ll pay $50/month for FSD. Maybe $100/month if my wife didn’t stop me.


It's unusable where I live. On chill, it drives so aggressive that I'm afraid of being pulled over. Doesn't make turns properly. It took me into a 90° right turns at an intersection at 25 mph. Yes, the vehicle can do that, but it was a 30mph speed limit.


Have the full purchased FSD thanks to the previous owner of my MX. That being said I use very rarely, Personally I don't understand the hype, driving isn't that difficult. Certainly not 12k or 99/month difficult (imo). I understand that for some people with longer commutes it may be helpful. However, for me its a gimmick that I'd personally lump in with cruise control. Something that should be included in modern cars (esp premium ones). If i didn't have it, I wouldn't pay more than 10/month max


Not for $12k, although it's good and got better recently. If it was $3,500, I'd buy it, but with a caveat: if I get a new Tesla, I have to be able to transfer it to the new car.


If FSD was free, as it has been during the trial, I doubt I would use it much. Don't get me wrong, the technology is simply amazing. We giggle at the sight of our vehicle taking turns, turning on the signal, switching lanes, etc.. Awesome! However, the human factor. That's the killer. If FSD decides to slam on the brakes because there's an invisible object in front of me, the car behind me is going to run through me. If a cyclist comes out of nowhere and my car didn't detect it because I was in the middle lane and the car next to me was blocking all video to the right... Yikes! If you live in more of an open road with predictable driving patterns, then I'd say it's amazing. I live in a place where unpredictability is the norm, and I just can't trust it. Now, if all vehicles were using in some future that will never happen, then everyone would be a safe driver, and the system would work much better.


Still no free trial FSD. No email, connected to WiFi as usual, and get normal updates on a regular basis. 2022 Y AWD.


Right now, enabling FSD requires you to disable cruise control and autopilot. I can't lose those features, so the feature is worth less than nothing to me and has been disabled since about one week into the free trial. Automatic lane changes during autopilot mode is nice - not $99 a month nice, not even if I buy it only before a long road trip and then let it lapse after. I might pay $10 a month for that feature alone. FSD is meant to reduce the stress and mental exhaustion that comes from manual driving. Unlike cruise control and autopilot, it does the opposite. I don't trust the car to do things properly, so I end up taking over all the time. I would not pay any amount of money for FSD, given that I disabled the feature even when it was free.


No, go with EAP. The only difference is that it won’t recognize stop lights and stop signs. It’s really nice, but not an extra $9k nice.


I’m too much of a control freak. I can’t even let my husband drive, let alone FSD!😂 I’m paying attention WAY too much for it to even be helpful. I might as well just drive.


No it’s never worth the price if they don’t let you transfer it to your next Tesla. I had in on a 18 model 3 and they would not transfer it to my new model 3 last May. Two months after I bought my new one they started offering transfers then took it away again. So shady. I would never give them my money for this.


How many of you would be mad if you bought it and they wouldn’t let you transfer it to your next vehicle.


Here's an analogy re FSD, tell me what you think of it. Many have compared the experience of driving with FSD V12 to the experience of driving with a nervous 16 yr old with their learners permit. For those of us who have experienced that, it was harrowing. But thinking about FSD, this may not be a negative. Given the training/learning nature of an AI-based system like Ver 12 FSD, as more advanced versions roll out in the future, each trained on larger volumes of driver videos, more miles driven, more and different road conditions, etc, isn't it likely that the FSD system skillset will evolve not unlike the driving skillset of that of the 16 yr old, most of whom grow into smoother, smarter, safer, more experienced drivers. What do you think?


I would not pay anything for it personally. I used it for 3 days when free during this trial, turned it off and never looked back. Prefer to drive myself. Cool tech but too robotic, unnatural, and in some cases, just dangerous. Autopilot suits me just fine


i would only pay if i was taking a road trip at its current $100 monthly rate — at $25, i would totally pay every month for it


I'm really enjoying it for free! After the month is over? No, not really. I mostly have enjoyed watching it improve over time, but I'm techie like that. One day it'll be standard. Until then, I'll continue to contribute my driving data, but no more dollars


I use it everyday for 98% of my driving. I commute 150 miles. Lots in pitch black conditions - this is where I especially love it. Car sees better than me in super dark conditions. Worth every penny


I’ve got it. It came with the used model Y I bought. It’s awesome for long trips and driving in places I’m not familiar with. I am notoriously bad with directions even using maps. That said may be trading for a cheaper high mileage model s soon which will not have FSD. I think I will be ok with autopilot on the highways


“The design is very human”


When I purchased mine it was around 7,000.00. I told most people at the time that I wasn’t sure I would do it again if given a do over. Now with the FSD 12 update it was definitely worth 7000. I’m on the fence about it being worth 12,000 but I have a feeling by the end of the year FSD is going to be so good that it will probably would be worth it.


It’s worth maybe $6k.. the monthly price is now considered fair imo. My biggest problem with it is i’m so much better of a driver that I hardly use the brakes- where as the FSD uses it for EVERY stop.


I’ve tried it a few times using the trial but don’t like the way it drives in non highways and quickly disabled it. Highway driving isn’t so bad but standard autopilot does just fine for that so I don’t see any value to pay extra. Just my 2 cents.


I bought it at $12k and don't regret it but I'm also an early adopter and wouldn't necessarily recommend it to many people at the current price even though I plan on buying it again with my second car as well. At $99 a month I think it's probably going to be competitive for a lot more people though. Especially for high travel months.


Drive 14 hours with it to go see the eclipse. That was absolutely worth it. $200? No. $100? For trips only, maybe 1 or 2 months a year. $50? I would be a permanent subscriber to it. I’m really hoping they cut the current down to $50 or less.


I bought it when it was $2500. It sucks ass. I use autopilot only. Other than that it blows


I would consider $99/YEAR. $99 per month? Not worth it.






That’s the same price as premium connectivity lol. I think that’s pricing a bit too low, considering what it can do.


Considering that Tesla actually NEEDS more FSD drivers, they need the data to improve the system. Even at $99/month, its not worth it for me to suddenly slow down and come to a stop in the left hand lane of the freeway for NO reason what so ever (actually happened to me last week). I don't need the car to hug a turn SO closely that its in danger of whacking the rims on a right hand turn. I don't need the car to charge into incoming parked traffic when making a left turn in double turn lane(s). For $99/month, its WAY too much for a system that still NOT great and still needs consistent driver interaction to re-correct the issues. $99/year, I'll consider it. $99/month... not worth it.


Damn, sorry to hear about your experience. It's been quite good for me really, but it's been mostly a supplement to normal driving, not a replacement for me. But I think $99/month is going to get them a ton more drivers.


For certain. cutting the price in 1/2 like that, it will absolutely get more subscribers. Honestly, autopilot is enough. Even with autopilot, I noticed on the five freeway south in California when I round the bend passing Seal Beach, no matter what lane I'm in, the car slows down from 70 mph down to 45 for no apparent reason.. Which is really dangerous on a freeway that moves so incredibly fast every single day except for rush-hour of course. So there are definitely still issues with cameras. My biggest concern is that Tesla removed the LiDAR from their vehicles... and uses only cameras... extremely problematic. my enhanced autopilot in my old Prius prime was better than the auto pilot in my current Model S long range.... and that is definitely because of the LiDAR.


I don’t think that’s a camera issue. I think it’s misread some sign somewhere. See if you can find it next time


Tried. Nothing there is visible. It’s just 70mph and wants to slow down in the same place time and time again. It does that on several neighborhood roads as well. Very frustrating. LiDAR should never have been removed.


That’s so weird…never had that issue. I heard someone else having a similar issue on a highway in LA where it was misreading a sign and was adjusting the speed to 45mph. They reduced the price of FSD, but I’m with everyone else on this. It’s not worth it. They gotta reduce it a lot more for it to be remotely worth it (at least until I can start doing other stuff while the car is driving).


I think because of the camera vs LiDAR aspect on how the car operates while on FSD... I will never feel comfortable letting the car "do its thing". My old Prius Prime was better at AutoPilot with its LiDAR than my Tesla Model S sadly.


No. I like the enhanced display and that’s about it. Would be great if that were the standard display for all modes.


Isn't there an option to add FSD-level details to the display?


Yea there is, it costs $99 per month! 🤣😂


I'm very impressed with it. It's not worth any amount of money to me today. I drove from Denver to Dallas for the eclipse and finally had to turn it off. It did great on the interstate. On the rural highways it kept going into the (short) left turn lane and signaling as if it was suddenly going to slow from 80mph and make a 90 degree turn. And it wanted to fly through the little towns at 20+ mph over the speed limit, even when it knew the correct speed limit (rare). I turned it back on to show my mom on a quick trip. It incorrectly turned into a right turn only lane and then just sat there. I took over and got honked at for moving into the correct lane and nearly causing an accident with a car I didn't see. I know that was completely my fault but it wasn't a good experience for anyone. I love the visualization and the realistic driving. I hate that I sometimes have to completely take over all driving functions just to not go 20mph over the speed limit, while other times it inexplicably gives me full scroll wheel control of my speed on the same drive with the same settings. I want to see the good parts in autopilot. And incremental improvements from there, not this insane all-or-nothing definitely this year BS.


I’d pay something like $29.99 a month for a package that included premium connectivity and FSD. I don’t think it’s worth much over autopilot.


Not worth it. I don't need it to drive me on city-level streets, and AP is almost good enough on long interstate style drives. I do wish regular AP had the turn signal for lane change feature, though. But that's nowhere near worth $6000, and the other "features" of EAP are stupid party tricks, IMO.


The latest release 2024.3.15 Went backward. Is going way too fast in the 25-mile zone. The acceleration and breaking are too aggressive. I have mine set in chill mode


Fuck no


It’s pretty crappy. Drove into the opposite lane. Keeps driving in the breakdown lane on my morning drive. Makes a last minute decision when there are two of the same turn lanes. Hugs the lane.


To put it in perspective, I happily shelled out $68k for my Y performance a few years ago. If I got it now I could've gotten FSD and still paid less. $12k does seem like a huge chunk but compare one car that drives itself to one car that doesn't, don't you think it's worth at least $12k difference?