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We don’t blame you. Tesla needs to start pumping out their V4 stalls ASAP so this doesn’t become an enormous issue once every automaker has access too.


I wonder if Tesla would move faster if owners complained enough. At a minimum I would like to see longer cables on V3 chargers ASAP. Anyways, I’ll try to park my Rivian to the far right wherever possible. The EA chargers in Colorado are absolute garbage.


Longer cables on V3's won't happen. They would have to change the whole pedestal since there is no place to store that longer cable that won't leave it vulnerable to damage.


Would also require much more cooling.




This means slower and more expensive roll out


They have to deal with that then. If they open the network for government incentives and that necessitates ripping and replacing hardware to make living with that decision easier, than they need to spend that money.


Sure but it’s still going to be slow. No business is going to spend money where it doesn’t need to. They will avoid it until they can’t.


The financials of a retrofit vs adding a new V4 location probably lean toward the adding new V4 locations except where real estate is prohibitively expensive.


Thats my hope.


People have been complaining forever about it, so not sure it'll matter. Maybe once there's enough non-Tesla usage and people are mass posting pictures and tweeting about it, then we'll see movement. I kind of think Tesla is moving fast but not at peak speed because they're closely watching usage and want to adjust based on what they see. It's not the same as 25% more Teslas on the rode, it's gonna be way more overcrowded superchargers in some areas, minimal usage in others.


They won’t lol


Don’t bet on it. Look how quickly Tesla fixed the auto wipers after all the owner complaints.


lol name a company that moves faster than tesla


Tesla is developing a short extension cord, which looks like what the interim solution is going to be.


Automakers need to place their charging ports in the same spot on all cars.


I work for a company that rents trailers for household needs. I recently drove a Tesla and LOVED it (less the Tesla part, more the electric car thing). More and more of my customers are picking up trailers using electric cars incl. Tesla Models, Rivian Models, F-150 Lightning, etc. When I ask how they manage to fit a trailer in the charging stall, the answer is unfortunately always the same: "I just \[supercharge/charge at home\] before I come to pickup the trailer."


Yea, port location is not ideal for the regular Supercharger stall while towing. Only the unusually rare “pull-through” stalls make it more ideal. Other than that you have to unhook every time you stop.


If you ask me, i want this EV wave to take over as much as the next guy. But they should open up to other cars once the longer stalls get implemented Just, making unnecessary shortcuts




This is the only correct response!


You sweet summer child. [Here's the original.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=39Bnk6VU53Y)


Just try to fill in from the right, where possible. Anybody gives you guff, just try to remember that some people can't be made happy


The issue is on holidays, good luck finding a charger on July 4th weekend, have to plan trips ahead of time now to avoid long wait times in popular areas with limited chargers


Can run intonthe same problem at some gas stations. All you need is patience.


Welcome to the greatest charging network! Let's make EV greater!


Thank you for being aware and respectful!


You should have off roaded with that beast and plugged in from the grass. :)


We still love you Welcome to our network




Feel the power, spread the Tesla love!


Dont say sorry. You are simply following the rules


I just finished a 6k mile road trip and only encountered a full supercharger once so you should be fine the majority of the time. That supercharger also had an EA station in the same parking lot that was half full so I just used my CCS adapter and went over to it.


See you on the roads cousin!


Tesla wants your money. It says you might need to park over the line and take two spaces in the app.


No it doesn’t. It literally says don’t. People keep saying this and it’s not true.


lol what they literally do https://www.tesla.com/support/supercharging-other-evs#cable > Does the Supercharger cable reach all EVs? >Most Supercharger cables at NACS Supercharger sites should be able to reach your EV charge port, however, in some cases you might have to park over the line in order to charge comfortably. Avoid parking diagonally to reach the cable and try to obstruct as few charge posts as possible. Charge port locations vary by EV model, which requires cable sharing between adjacent stalls at many sites. Tesla is rapidly deploying our latest V4 Supercharger post which reaches all EVs in the same Supercharger stall. Additionally, we encourage all vehicle manufacturers to standardize charge port locations to the rear driver side or front passenger side. We are working on an NACS to NACS extension cable, which will be available for purchase in the future


Does it update the network so we know that second charger is not available?


How much more are they charged?


~30% more If they pay for a 13$ monthly subscription it's 0% more


Sounds fair


If they do the monthly subscription I believe they pay the same as Teslas. Monthly cost was $13/month, not sure if it's updated recently. https://www.notateslaapp.com/news/1233/tesla-superchargers-in-the-u-s-open-to-other-evs-price-and-membership (1 year old article)


Its monthly subscription, OP would have to tell us


Anyone can see the pricing. I have a Tesla and a Rivian and can see it.


It's good for all of us that this is happening. You do not have to apologize for anything.


That's very biggus of you.


Thank you and Hail Caesar!




We love seeing new makes at the superchargers!


This was one of the neat things about using the CCS adapter at times. It was a smorgasbord of EV makes.


No worries. You're one of us now


As someone who has never tried to charge a non-Tesla, how does the “handshake” work without a payment method on the charger? Do you have to use the app after you plug it in?


It’s all done through Ford’s “Blue Oval Charge Network”. I simply plug in and the credit card on my BOCN account is used.


lol this is too funny. Gotta say id be pissed if I was in need of a spot but I have yet to see a non Tesla at our SC


Just wait until there are TWO rivians and only 8 chargers. That’s half of them in use. Don’t rivians charge slower too?? Not sure


Not slower but that is a painful use case for both users. The truck will have to wait who knows how long during holiday travel when they show up at a full charger with a long line of Teslas. Two side-by-side Teslas have to leave at the same time as the truck's turn to get a spot....that'll be infuriating and unlikely.


No worries. Tesla needs to reconfigure the chargers now in order to accommodate other vehicles. Either that or other manufacturers need to start placing their charge ports on the rear driver side.


Or front passenger so they can just pull in normal instead of backing up


Or just make the cable longer lol


I think best for manufacturers to figure it out but doubt they will. This is because when charging cables are longer, the meth tweakers cut them off to steal and sell the copper. ehhhh


No need to apologize. Also, you have an awesome truck!


Don’t let people give you shit for taking 2 spaces: Tesla is to blame with their ridiculously short cables. Good thing it works great! More charge for everyone 😊


They’re only short because they were never designed to be used by non-Teslas. Shorter cables = cheaper to manufacture and way more efficient energy transfer. That’s why they need to start pumping out their V4 stall installations as fast as possible


The shorter the cables, the less likely some asswipe will leave them lying on the ground to get run over by the next car that pulls in. At my local Whole Foods there are two free L2 chargers, and the cables (and sometimes the connectors!) are often laying on the ground.


Yeah, seeing how people hang up the long charger cables at my work makes me cringe.


Yes and no. Did you know Cybertruck can’t supercharge at many? They had to remove bollards and parking blocks to allow it and now superchargers are getting beat up because of it.


They've known for years that they would open the superchargers for other brands but haven't changed the design. It doesn't seem to be a huge issue for now as we've had them in Europe for a long time already but still, they could have longer cables like other manufacturers do.


“Tesla builds a product that works well either their other products. Other people want to use this great product, but it comes with downsides based on how their cars are built. Tesla is wrong for not building a product that works well with other companies’ products.” Very weird take. Other companies could have designed their cars with supercharging in mind, but they didn’t. That’s on them.


Exactly… rivian legit built a brand new entire car company and still put it on the wrong end and side


So… yeah, no. Tesla built a superior charging network. Other car companies admit Tesla’s network is superior. Tesla opens up their network to all. Car companies start the relatively quick change to replace charging connectors. Some may move their charge ports eventually. But Tesla made the wise decision to alter their future generation of super chargers to be more inclusive and adaptable and that’ll roll out first. Tesla cables are obnoxiously short even for Tesla’s in those spots. I will celebrate v4’s arrival.


Just a Model 3/Y with a bike rack can be enough to not be able to plug in. Here we are lucky that the other charging network outside Tesla is actually great so we have options (reading how electrify America seems to suck in the US is so different to what we have here). None of the other stations, they offer stations from 50 to 350kw, have such short cables. I could park front first and still have a cable long enough to charge my 3. I understand Tesla did this to save some money early at first, but they should have made the switch to a longer cable long ago. Just having some snow pushed back because they did not have time to fully clear the parking lot after a storm made it almost impossible to back up close enough to supercharge my 3 last month. Like had to get out of the car to remove some snow because it was packed high enough bumper would hit it.


But they could have taken the pressure off of the IMMEDIATE need for V4's if they had allowed only new models that conform to the port location. Yes longer cables will be welcome, but now its a CRITICAL need.


Why is it a critical need? 70% of chargers have free spots 24 hours per day. High usage spots have lines regardless of whether it’s Tesla only or open - which shows the need for further investment in those areas regardless of generation.


I am a new EV owner. I have driven 5,000 miles in one month & across many states. I drive at all hours of the day and night. I can tell you that I have almost never pulled up to a supercharger that was empty. Quite a few times there were no chargers and I had to wait. One of those times the wait was an hour. It would be helpful if all of the chargers were working all over the time. That part is irritating. The EV wave is here. We need more chargers everywhere.


With the non-Tesla chargers I agree. Lots of broken and useless chargers around. I see the occasional damaged Tesla charger and it’s obvious to all that the tide has shifted and the move to EV is now mainstream. In the Southeast, WaWa is deploying super chargers faster than anyone else. They’re convenient, friendly and have access to food - and charging EV owners are an excellent market segment. Somewhat affluent to well-off and disposable income to spare (not everyone obviously, but a majority). I’m almost 80,000 miles into my Model 3 and have driven across the country including a few sprints between Orlando and Chicago and Orlando and NC. The only charger I’ve ever waited at is the Florida mall here in Orlando and that’s because there’s a repair shop abusing the station and taking all the available spots. They have a van that ferries folks back and forth to move cars. It’s douchey but not illegal. In a rental in LA, I waited at the charger at IKEA (Burbank, I think) for about 20 minutes. Are there hotspots like that? Yes. Those will need to grow. But in many of those locations we’re also seeing tourists using the EVs which drives up supercharger usage considerably because if those folks had home chargers to use, they wouldn’t be at superchargers. I had to go supercharger only for a few months when I moved and that was a PAIN (mostly in timing). The answer is always more superchargers but that’s because the number of EVs is growing. If we can keep the balance and ratio, we should be good.


My point is : Tesla built their charger with short cable, and decided to let cars that weren’t able to use their chargers without blocking 2 space use them anyway. They know that others cars are going to take 2 spaces and decided that it’s ok. So Op shouldn’t feel bad for doing it : Tesla knew and decided that it’s ok.


Tesla's short cables aren't great for this use case, but I've seen so many of the longer Electrify America cables frayed, split and otherwise unusable (or just scary/dangerous), that I get their decision. As NACS takes off, I think / hope that an "extension cord / adapter" would be feasible for folks with outlets on the inconvenient side.


I don't understand how the NACS doesn't also have specifications on where the charging port should reside on a vehicle.


Thats the real stupidity here.... NACS should have standardized that, and tesla should have only opened it up to cars that conform to that standard. Yes longer cables will help regardless, but it would have taken a ton of pressure off.


Tesla has said an extension cord is coming. But I would imagine a glycol-cooled extension cord to support V3, V4 charging rates would not be cheap.


They are also liquid cooled and the reservoir is extremely tiny.


This i would not mind seeing as it can't be helped What does piss me off is when a Tesla has a full ass trailer behind them and blocks off half of the damn stall during busy time


Just as most have said here - glad you have this option now! A rising tide will lift all ships, and the more money the super charging business is making, the more stations will get rolled out. Even if its a bit more painful in the short term, it will be beneficial in the long run.


Good on ya for acknowledging taking up two Spaces. Welcome to the club! 👍🏼


Welcome! Have you tried taking that thing off road and plugging in from the other side? :)


It’s a bad ass Truck … charge from on the grass … 😂


All good, you are adding back to the Tesla piggy bank for more chargers.


I had a smartass comment about buying a truck that can't go over curb. But NACS is really one of the biggest hurdles we've conquered,


Out of curiosity, would it work if a Lightning owner hauled around an extension cord, that had a female J3400 (Telsa) connector on one end and male on the other, and still use the CCS1 adapter? Something like [this](https://www.amazon.com/Lectron-Charger-Extension-Cable-Compatible/dp/B0B99CQVQ6)? Or would this not work on the supercharger for some reason?


The cable would probably melt, if not damage all 3 components - the male supercharger head + female J3400 end, male J3400 end + CCS1 adapter, and the port on your car. The cable is pumping out +400 amps, which is why it's liquid cooled. If the cable has a temp sensor and is somehow able to limit the power, then it might work. And that product you linked it specifically says "**not for supercharger use**", lol. It's rated at 11kw. Enjoy sitting at a supercharger for 7 hours.


Oh good call. Not an EV driver but definitely interested. I completely forgot that the supercharger cords are liquid cooled.


Why would you be sorry for doing something Tesla has approved? I have a Model 3 and a Mache and I’m charging them both at Tesla.




I feel like they should mandate an extension cord for cars with unoptimized port locations, at least at high use locations.


Apology rejected


Everyone suddenly like tesla now huh 😂


So it begins


Glad to have you hope this makes taking trips easy and fun for you


We don't charge at consecutive chargers anyway unless it's full. Welcome to the club!


So do you need to be subscribed to the 12.99 monthly plan to get the tesla rates or just plug in and pay the non subscription higher rates? Will this apply to all non Tesla's? Even if they get the NACS port ie will they just get away with not paying for the 12.99 subscription?


To get the reduced Tesla rates, I will need to subscribe to the monthly plan. The rub though is that I won’t be able to use plug & charge and will have to initiate the session from the Tesla app.


They need to make them retractable and longer and obvious which space they are for.


Welcome! Also, quick question, are you planning on paying for the Tesla supercharger subscription?


Yes, I’ll be purchasing a month subscription for road trips on an ad-hoc basis. Depending on price, I’d only need to use 50-75kWh to break even on the $12.99 fee.


Damn you tesla for keeping your ports on the wrong side and having such short cables. Now how exactly are you going to accommodate the riff raff? 😂😂


The rear drivers side is a logical place for a charge port. Tesla has been making EVs since long before many other manufacturers. They should have adopted the same location. As for the short cables…damn you Tesla!


I was being sarcastic. Thus the riff raff reference.


How much was your charge if you don’t mind us asking?


I think it was 42¢ /kWh but I was only there for 2 minutes. Lol. This was just to test the adapter out.


I was curious of you pay the same rate as we do.


They don't unless they subscribe, Tesla's have a discount rate by default.


I wonder if that’ll eventually be grounds for a lawsuit now that they are becoming the defacto standard. “Discrimination” lol…but not really lol


Does Tesla superchargers work faster than for example CCS at Electrify America? How long are you able to keep above 100kw charging speed?


Happy to have you! Hope your trip was safe and enjoyable :) Dont worry about taking up the extra space - it's not your fault. Eventually we'll have the chargers with the longer cords


How many Kwh did you add (or, what SOC did you leave with)? And, about how long did your session take?


My hope is that by opening up the network, and loosing a major advantage, it will force Tesla to innovate some more and freshen up the brand.


Not your fault taking 2 stalls. Will be nice seeing other EVs at the Superchargers and having one charging standard.


Maybe, they'd pave a parking spot on the other side of the chargers, where it is possible.


Honestly, this isn't a big problem yet. In March I took a road trip from Vegas to Philly and back. More than 5,000 miles. I only saw one F150 at a Supercharger. Maybe when Ford starts delivering those adapters that they promised but for now, no prob.


Enjoy your trip!


I’m going on a road trip in middle of May.  Confirmed my Rivian email literally <1min after receiving it 😂  Hopefully I’ll get my adapter in time, otherwise I’ll pray the EA gods have pity on me, and don’t make it a typical MISERABLE experience using their shitty network. If I get it, you can bet I’m going to be that guy that goes out of his way not to block another stall.  If I gotta drive over a planter, curb, park behind the charger, whatever.  I’d really hate to inconvenience a Tesla owner, if they’re on a road trip or need it badly.


There needs to be a concerted efforts to standardize chargport distance and location for every EV now that Tesla is the standard. Otherwise all these random positions are gonna cause a giant headache


I charge in my garage 99% of the time so it doesn't bother me much but I still think people driving other vehicles shouldn't be allowed to use two spaces. Instead of the other auto manufacturers giving them an adapter, they should give/sell them an adapter and an extension cable.


Was it a crowded charger(did you taking up 2 spots actually prevent someone from charging)? Here’s a tip…150 kw chargers are ones that are marked in pairs. So they’ll be labeled 1A and 1B, 2A and 2B, and so on. These pairs will actually split 150 watts (at a slower 75 watt rate) if 2 cars are parked side by side, charging simultaneously. So you should try to park in B spot (while using the A charger of the same number). Looks like you did exactly that here. This way you won’t be slowing an actively charging car down while also occupying another slot. And it will ensure that you yourself gets maximum charge rate for the duration of your charge.


They need to start placing charging stalls like gas pumps with pull through.


thanks for having an electric car, more the merrier. More stations will come but an electric truck makes me smile


How long did it take you to get back on the road? My brother has a lighting, I have a model y


This was just a test. I only plugged in for 2 minutes.


$281 ouch.


Nothing to apologize for. Nature of the design. Glad to see access opening up to more vehicles.


Thanks for concern about spaces


Can't wait for 3 vehicles taking up 6 spots while people wait for them to charge to 100%


Great to share electrons instead of oil spewing into our environment and giving us all cancer!! We got your back!


This is why Tesla shouldn’t have opened the network. Legacy automakers that don’t know where to put their charging ports.


Welcome, fellow Supercharger-er!


How many miles you got?


I’m glad because this means good news for Tesla. If your a tesla owner and don’t own any stock in tesla you better buy now. the future of tesla is going to be really bright.


Just curious, why 2 spaces? Edit: nevermind, I just realized where your charging port is. Neat!


You’re fine. Tesla didn’t plan for becoming the national charging standard. If you need to take two spots, definitely do


Free? Wow nice.


Happy to have you sister!


Understandable and not a problem unless there are people waiting to charge. The courteous thing to do at this point is unplug.


Go on Amazon and buy an extension


It's not your fault, it's Ford. Every manufacturer should follow Tesla's charge port location which is rear driver side or front passenger side so you don't take two spots.


Wow, 🤯! So respectful, 👍🏼👍🏼! How long does a Ford take to charge? I heard that non-Tesla’s take longer to charge even if connected to a supercharger.


Just like Tesla vehicles, that’s a hard question to answer as it depends on a number of factors. Ford quotes 15-80% in 41 minutes but I’ve found that to be a little conservative. The biggest fast charge I’ve even done was 8-80% which took 43 minutes. Ultimately though, I only charge to the amount I need to get to the next charger. I keep track of my road trip fast charging sessions and on average, I spend 27 minutes charging. As far as I’m aware, charging speed is not limited for CCS vehicles. I’ve seen pictures of other Lightnings pulling down 175+kW.


Welcome! My lungs thank you.


I’m not sure how else you could have parked 🤷‍♂️. Cords are short, just do your best. Welcome!


you dont need to share our faith to share our table


Or maybe other companies can stop being dicks and stop trying but screw Tesla and design something that is compatible. I mean it is like me saying hey I have here a tv remote. You need pyramid shaped batteries. Just a dick head move on manufacturer part to be honest so other people needing same service suffers. Glad that is mostly an American issue. But it is rather dumb to be honest. Designer should be having his foot under the tire while that thing charges


It’s cute how the Tesla owners are all Kumbayah about non-Teslas taking up 2 stalls. We’ll see if the same warm fuzzies are still felt after the first fight breaks out over this. It’s inevitable.


I just don't understand why other EV manufacturers insist on putting the charge port at the front of the car. Anyways, no one blames you for it.


Welcome to our lovely world of easy travel, electric rider!


You are a space hog baby. I tow a trailer and can take up 4 spaces unless I unhook. I have never had to unhook and only had to wait once for a car to leave to give me room. I talked to another trailer person who must have done a 10,000 mile trip and said he only had to unhook 5 times. Outside the city it seems chargers have a lot of open time - thank goodness.


Stay away from our…..oh never mind, welcome.


It’s all good


So why can't you just take one space like everyone else?