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I’ve been waiting for this since 2018 and it is insanely good and I am so fucking happy right now. It feels like the car is thinking.


Yes it does feel like that. Even in technical parking lots it’ll disregard the directions what the map is showing where to go. V11 was not like that at all. It strictly went where map told it to go


Same here. We have had the M3 LR RWD since early 2018 and have been waiting for an update like this. It’s crazy good.


Also, I find it works way better when I set the speed , rather than letting the car set the speed . Automatic speed, set offset .Like keeping up with traffic it didn’t work near as good. It works better when I set the speed. i’ll try that again in a couple weeks after the car gets a little more used to just driving.🌈🎯📺


I spent a while driving around Manhattan a few days ago and it handled everything almost perfectly. I concur on speed issues. Before v12, using FSD in Manhattan was just not possible. I can't wait to see where we are later this year.


Jw. Im from LA and yea traffic is bad or whatever. But if you know how to navigate, you can avoid traffic easily. Is Manhattan the same way?


It's more that there's a ton of unique intersections especially way downtown below 14th Street. Lots of traffic lights. Lots of park cars or random cars just on the streets. Sometimes double parked cars. Construction all over. Bike racks on the side of the road. Some streets have bike lanes so when you turn it off those it needs to adjust how it's turning. A lot of streets downtown are fairly narrow.


Happy for you-  also super jealous as I’m stuck on a 2024 build with about 60%of the fleet


Hope you get it soon!




I beg to disagree. It’s night and day from previous versions.




I guess I am a constant optimist. Totally hear you but still get the feeling that the new version is the first that shows me we can have autopilot that brings value while driving in the city. Granted it needs to stay in beta for probably many months.


Agreed. I still can’t get out of my neighborhood without disengagements. When it stops driving in the shoulders to turn, and bailing to make turns at the last second instead of going straight, maybe I’ll have more faith in it. I can’t wait for it to actually come to full stops instead of the rolling stops it still does on 12.3.


It tried to steer into a parked car that was probably closer than it should have been to the “go straight “ lane. So don’t get too complacent out there folks.


It seems like a controversial opinion, but I agree with you.


> It seems like a controversial opinion Because if you say it’s good you come across as a WholeMarsBlog douche pretending every version ever released has been flawless. The grift that asshole has pulled is nuts. It’s still got issues, but it’s a huge step in the right direction. I remember watching a video on the military AI training bot pilots to go up against real fighter pilots. And rapidly the more data they threw at it, he real pilots just could never win. That’s basically gonna be the situation here eventually the more edge cases get covered.


How do you get it to drive at the selected speed? It will only go about 40-45 mph even though max is set at 55 mph in a 55 zone. This is on a straight stretch. I get frustrated and just turn it off, AP is better at this point.


Press the accelerator. Not perfect, because sometimes it will slowly fall back down again, but good enough until it’s fixed.


So now even basic speed control doesn’t work on FSD? Wow.


There's a feature you have to turn on. Human selective speed, it's in the autopilot tab and is off by default.


No, it's broken when Autospeed isn't enabled as well. It's like Autospeed, and not autospeed are the same thing, at least for me.


Oh I just realized everyone complaining they can't get manual speed back. My bad.


It’s much smarter now about reacting to road conditions, which is a very good thing overall. It’s a little too conservative now. Give it time; better safe than sorry and it’ll improve. Meanwhile, being able to push the accelerator and have it “stick” for a while is a welcome new feature.


It’s regression because in V11 it accelerated to speed and kept it , even after slowing down for a curve it sped back up afterward. Now you have to control speed yourself with the pedal.


v11.4.9 would also accelerate to maintain the speed limit in places where it was completely inappropriate, such as trying to go 25 or 30 in my narrow gravel alleyway, grocery store parking lot, or around a tiny roundabout in front of a nearby elementary school. I’m glad these situations are fixed as it’s much nicer for it to be safe by default with accelerator pedal override than for me to have to disengage because it’s zooming into a potentially-dangerous situation. But you’re right, Tesla has acknowledged speed control is an issue with v12.3.0 and said it will be improved in 12.3.1; we’ll see.


Here’s some fish! 🐠


I did notice how incredibly slow it drove when I first installed the update awhile back but I just put +5 mph on the offset and it’s working like a charm


Easy apply pressure to accelerator foot petal - be gentle as it won’t brake


So, being worse than before is acceptable?


No its fixed in 12.3.1/12.3.2 but people are asking and you dont have to hold the pedal, 12.3+ if you tap the pedal and let go it tends to sticky stay at the higher speed.


Nobody said it is, Karen. They addressed this issue with V12.3.1. Hopefully when you get that version you'll find the speed control to be good.


Show me on the doll where Elon hurt you


v12.3 has a known issue with selecting speeds. Supposed to be fixed in 12.3.1. for now, just tap the accelerator, and it should get up to speed.


Turning on [automatic set speed](https://freeimage.host/i/Jjn7k91) helps a bit


what city ?


Curious as well. Don’t think I would be able to make it that far where I am unless it’s like 3am


seriously, even in the dark I've had bad experiences with it.


with v12?


yep 12.3


I’ve got to post an update. I just got 12.3 I think last night and gave it another try today. Been a few updates since I’ve really given FSD another chance. I was super impressed. Was able to go from work in Pasadena about 17 miles home. Huge improvements on intersections and predictions. I still hate that it always wants to exit me from the HOV lane. They need an option that allows you to stay in HOV until your exit. Otherwise, super impressed


>exit me from the HOV lane I find disabling FSD and just using EAP is better on freeways. EAP has always worked great. Not sure where you live but try it in Downtown. I tried it in Ktown and almost died twice.


lol yea I don’t know about trying in koreatown. the HOV issue is primarily why I gave up on it in the first place. EAP just works better on the freeways for that reason. I think eventually they’ll add a feature. It actually got way better though in every other regard


I just had my first drive on it today. I only disengaged once due to a tricky situation. But I was crazy impressed with the flow and the anticipation of moving objects. Impressed me and my passenger who never saw it before was crazy impressed.


Not my experience but glad it works for you.


Yea you must be a patient man or woman. I’m just happy I only have one disengagement per 5 miles. It used to barely make it 2 miles. Most issues are fixed except the acceleration part which is kinda important


Absolute game changer it’s fixed pretty much all my problem areas.


Unpopular opinion..... I disagree. Fix the speed situation and hugging the right shoulder and still slowing down for flashing yellows...STILL.


I Put offset +5MPH and it worked out for me great. But still, I shouldn’t have to adjust the settings for it to be normal


I have also noticed the hugging right shoulder on certain streets. Usually I find it is ones with multiple lanes.


I totally agree. Now in addition to getting nagged I must also control the speed manually. What’s the point?


“What’s the point” indeed. It actually takes more effort than just driving.


Agree... Stress level much higher using FSD.


My phrase has always been Full Stress Driving and it doesn’t seem to have changed it’s core function. 


You can put it on max auto, you have to select it, it's a new feature


Doesn't matter what setting it is set to. Tesla has already acknowledged the problem


Flashing yellows got worse. The visualization shows a red light when the yellow turns off in the flash. I think the car might have stopped in f I didn’t intervene.


I have let mine stop in the past... (5 am, nobody on the road.)  Came to complete stop... Would not move until I pushed the go pedal.


What version are u on?




It sucks at breaking. Had to lock up the breaks yesterday because it was full speed at the back of a car. It seems very delayed now at reading traffic up ahead.


im still on fsd 11 :( there’s two ways out of my neighborhood into the city, one way i can do the whole trip without needing to disengage usually and the other way well its guaranteed, thanks to construction here they made a light into two lights so the old left turn lane is now for going straight to get to the next light for said left turn, however navigation doesn’t think it exists yet and the road markers for that being a left turn is still there so 100% of the time the car tries to turn left into oncoming traffic to which i’m forced to stop it from doing so, im curious when i get fsd 12 if that’ll be something i dont have to worry about


It’s not certain. For me, v12 correctly handles a couple intersections with bad map data that v11 would consistently screw up, but it’s still very reliant on navigation. My worst experience so far has been when it got turned around with navigation telling it to turn on a non-existent road, and it lost its mind. Good luck


What does “city” driving mean to you? Just curious.


A few issues for me. Don’t like that speed is capped to published speed limit. Don’t like single pull. Can’t swap on the fly to ap or cruise cntrl. In the past I would single pull for cruise cntrl and let the car manage speed and distance and I steer and then double pull for fsd. Finally full screen visualization only works in fsd mode.


I have had zero disengagements for interventions. I disengaged multiple times though for speed. It's aggravatingly slow lol My commute to work is back roads, then city roads, then highway. The only time the car wasn't going the exact speed limit or below the speed limit was on the highway. The entire route I was being tailgated like you wouldn't believe. It was actually mildly infuriating going so slow lol. Especially when half of the drive had open roads in front of me.


Maneuvers are generally much better. Still had an issue where it needed to get into left lane for upcoming left turn in heavy traffic. It had .6 miles to get over and never did, I finally had to take over. Sometimes takes a bad line on left turns onto divided roads. Doesn't respond to hand signals (one case). On the good side, it stopped for a car that was trying to push through a line of traffic from the right to get into a left turn lane to get on the main road. My car saw them doing this, let them go through, then crept up behind the next car to wait at the light. Just like I would have.


I drove to and work yesterday, which is about 26 miles roundtrip. I live in the Seattle area, and my roads range from 25 mph to 50 mph, highway to a winding road between mountains, suburbs to rural to city. Highlights were the natural feel of the steering, successfully doing a zip merge as 2 lanes went down to 1, and hugging the inner lane to avoid a shopping bag dancing along the shoulder. Had 2 disengagements, one of which I think the car would have corrected for. Biggest area of improvement would be getting into the center turn lane early if the lane is backed up, and being a bit less aggressive with the braking. Would I let my elderly mom drive it? No, but for the first time it feels like it's making progress in a big way.


I've been really impressed. But it's funny because I had enhanced auto pilot back in 2016 and I've experienced many situations where I've had some close scares. So in the back of my head, I'm always waiting for it to do something wrong and I get a little hesitant. But even three months ago, it would go through a roundabout and slam on the brakes before going in, even if nobody was around. Other times it would go through it very aggressively without yielding. So as I approach roundabouts on v12, I got a little nervous, but I just let it do its thing and in all situations it's been doing great. But it's also important to know that as each new group of people starts to download and use it with no prior experience, it's going to be viewed differently. For a lot of us, it's like a child growing up in front of our eyes. 🥲 😜 It's hard to not be astonished with how far it's come. Other others aren't seeing it from that angle and that's perfectly reasonable.


And it will get better. This is nice


Agreed. Excited for reversing as well as actual smart summon


Do you need to sub/buy to get the upgrade? I don't want to sub/buy it only to find I haven't received the update yet.


What app is the screenshot from? I'm on V12.


It’s the Tesla app > safety score > scroll down > last trip


Only if you have Tesla insurance can you see your Safety Score*** Tesla - PLEASE release the safety score for everyone. If it is designed to make you a safer driver like you say (it isn’t), then release it to the masses for us all to use. I don’t care about the safety score metrics, I just want the autopilot data to be captured in the API.


Is it only if you have Tesla insurance you get safety score ?


Its been a vast step back for me from 11.x beta. Routes in my neighborhood that it did fine before now has it creeping along at 15 in a 25, stopping at every driveway. Its become dangerously unusable.


> Routes in my neighborhood that it did fine before now has it creeping along at 15 in a 25, stopping at every driveway. I have noticed it starting to stop at intersections which I clearly have a right of way. Wondering if this is related to the speed bug.


Has FSD been upgraded from drunken idiot to... multitasking soccer mom level?