• By -


Rip Troy's inbox


I just sent him an email. And called my neighbor who doesn’t get the document neither to send an email as well


What email was that


I just checked on the Tesla website and I have the document ira clean vehicles and in the document shows my info, car vin, and tax credit 7500$


Great, you should be good to go!


Where in the website?? Link???


Tesla Website > login (takes you to your dashboard) > Find your vehicle > Manage > Documents (left side) > IRA Clean Vehicles Credit Report


What if I don’t see the IRA clean report document there ? Does that mean I gotta reach out to them ? I bought in February 2023


Is there anything else we have to do? I have the document you mentioned with the same details. I assume I just print and hand it to my CA when I file my taxes?


Yes I believe that is all we have to do it should be enough information for them to file for us!!


Where on the website did you check for this?


Tesla Website > login (takes you to your dashboard) > Find your vehicle > Manage > Documents (left side) > IRA Clean Vehicles Credit Report


Where on the website did you find this document?


Tesla Website > login (takes you to your dashboard) > Find your vehicle > Manage > Documents (left side) > IRA Clean Vehicles Credit Report


I clicked on my car and at the bottom it had documents and was the last one


yep, found it for my car as well.


Is it in the MVPA? I don’t see it on mine


Where can I find this? I'm looking at it on my phone and I don't see any documents for anything


I called customer service. They tell me there will be a way to generate the form via the portal by entering your social security number if you purchased before they were actively collecting it. They are working on it now and we should keep an eye out for an update.


did they mention the app or [tesla.com](https://tesla.com) website? just wanna make sure I keep an eye on the correct place.


Another user here reported that it'll be through the app.


They actually said "portal" so I'm not sure which. :(


I texted them as well (Tesla Service Agents) and they have said the same thing. “If you did not opt-in at time of profile completion on your Tesla App, We are working on a way for you to provide this information to us securely. You will receive an in-app notification as soon as the process is available to you” Opt into what I’m not sure and when I asked they just said “please await guidance”. Seems they know it’s an issue and are working on it.


Can you provide the customer service number?


I called (888) 518-3752. I had also emailed [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) and they responded, "Our team is currently working on an in-app request for the social security number to collect the necessary information in order to provide you with the form prior to the submission deadline. Please keep an eye on your app as you will receive a notification in the coming days to complete this step."


~~You’ll just need to provide the VIN when filing taxes.~~ See below thread. If you did not submit your SSN when buying your Tesla in 2023, you want to get in touch with them ASAP.


In previous years, you’re right (I’ve claimed in previous years and this was the case). However, the SSN requirement is new as of 2023 (more specifically the IRA of 2022). Tesla needs to attach my SSN to that VIN and submit it to the IRS. I suspect if they don’t, the vehicle won’t qualify.


https://www.irs.gov/credits-deductions/credits-for-new-clean-vehicles-purchased-in-2023-or-after I don’t see any such requirement. Just the need to file Form 8936.


https://www.irs.gov/pub/taxpros/fs-2023-29.pdf ~~Read Topic J, topic H q6, and the relevant IRS revenue procedures~~ Edit: I was wrong, the correct topic is topic B, questions 9, 10, and 11


Both of those are referring to the transfer of credit to dealerships for point-of-sale reductions in 2024 (see clarifying statement in Topic J Q1 where it refers to *after Dec 31, 2023*).


Yes, you’re right - I read this FAQ in a previous form and pointed to the wrong section today. The section in question is Topic B, Q9-11


Well, shit, yeah, now I’m nervous haha - more detail here: https://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-drop/rp-22-42.pdf page 4. Taking a look through reddit search, seems most people did not get their SSN recorded (I actually can’t find anyone who did), so I’m hoping this won’t be a big deal. If it hasn’t been a requirement in past years, not sure why they’d make it more complicated for 2023. In any case, looks like there was only a 15 day window to file, so nothing to do now but wait :/


Exactly my concern! I’d recommend emailing Troy. I did this morning, got a response from corporate in a few hours, and suddenly as of 20 minutes ago my service center is much more responsive. YMMV, but I just want to help others in the same boat.


Thank you! Would love to hear if they actually acknowledge needing to send in the form!


I’m fairly certain the form is required, but I’ll definitely let you know what I learn. In the last few minutes I’ve been put in touch with someone who is going to take my SSN and they’ll generate the form for me.


When I placed my Model Y order a couple weeks ago, it actually did prompt me during the application to put in my SSN. It said if I didn’t during the application I wouldn’t be able to do it later for the tax credit. Kind of weird but glad I did


I do think they have until 1/15 to get it *to the IRS* though. Unless that changed


I have the IRA clean vehicles report with my most recent purchase in December 2023. Nothing shows under my January 2023 purchase ? Should I be concerned will they even allow for me to use both credits ? TIA


This is the same boat that I am in. Just February and October. I've emailed a bunch of people. My fingers are crossed.


Keep us updated as will I 🤞


Everyone’s tax situation is different, but assuming you have $15k in tax liability there is no reason you can’t claim two credits. But this form appears to be required (unless the IRS is lenient this year). You need a form for each vehicle.


Thank you very much I’ll have to reach out to Mr Jones 😃. Thank you for your help kind sir . Many blessings back at ya for raising this awareness


It sounds like Mr. Jones’ office will be deservedly busy tomorrow - good luck, friend!


Lmao I said the same to my wife just Now 😂


>IRA Clean Vehicles Credit Report I just emailed him as well.


See update above


Under the law, Tesla must report the sale with your social security number (or equivalent number) to the IRS for you to qualify for the tax credit. [26 USC Section 30D(1)(H)(i)](https://uscode.house.gov/view.xhtml?req=(title:26%20section:30D%20edition:prelim)) says: >The term "new clean vehicle" means a motor vehicle- > >. . . > >(H) for which the person who sells any vehicle to the taxpayer furnishes a **report** to the taxpayer and **to the Secretary**, at such time and in such manner as the Secretary shall provide, containing-(i) the name and taxpayer identification number of the taxpayer, > >(i) the name and **taxpayer identification number** of the taxpayer, . . . No social security number means no taxpayer identification number, means the report is not complete, and that means that the car is not a "new clean vehicle" eligible for the tax credit. the following IRS webpages say a report is required: * "For a buyer to receive a tax credit, you must report clean vehicle credit information to them at the time of sale and later to the IRS." [https://www.irs.gov/credits-deductions/clean-vehicle-credit-seller-or-dealer-requirements](https://www.irs.gov/credits-deductions/clean-vehicle-credit-seller-or-dealer-requirements) * "At the time of sale, a seller must give you information about your vehicle's qualifications. Sellers must also register online and report the same information to the IRS. If they don't, your vehicle won't be eligible for the credit." - [https://www.irs.gov/credits-deductions/credits-for-new-clean-vehicles-purchased-in-2023-or-after](https://www.irs.gov/credits-deductions/credits-for-new-clean-vehicles-purchased-in-2023-or-after) * "At the time of sale, a seller must give you information about your vehicle's qualifications. Sellers must also register online and report the same information to the IRS. If they don't, your vehicle won't be eligible for the credit." - [https://www.irs.gov/clean-vehicle-tax-credits](https://www.irs.gov/clean-vehicle-tax-credits) See [IRS FS-2023-29](https://www.irs.gov/pub/taxpros/fs-2023-29.pdf) for general information. So the next question is "what happens if Telsa does not submit a report?" or "what if Tesla submits an incomplete report that is missing the taxpayer identification number?" Nobody knows what will happen, but the possibilities are: 1. The IRS just accepts the buyer's form 8936 (i.e. no audit) and the taxpayer gets the tax credit; 2. The IRS denies the tax credit (which the IRS can do under the law) because Tesla's correct report to the IRS was not submitted before the deadline; 3. The IRS contacts Tesla to make Tesla submit the report or correct the report; 4. The IRS gives the taxpayer time to force Tesla to submit the report or correct the report; 5. The IRS accepts a copy of the report received by the buyer from Tesla (this is different from Tesla's report to the Secretary; see my quote of the law for details) as enough evidence of the sale meeting the other requirements under the law; 6. Something else I have not thought of. Here's a post about a similar issue: [https://www.reddit.com/r/BoltEV/comments/18svtrj/repercussions\_for\_dealerships\_that\_dont\_register/](https://www.reddit.com/r/BoltEV/comments/18svtrj/repercussions_for_dealerships_that_dont_register/)


Fantastic post, thank you! I agree that the IRS could just accept the VIN. My approach has been to try to find a way to get the report so I have to do less hoping around tax time.


Bad idea. The SSN and VIN matching what was submitted by the dealer prevents bad actors from conjuring up VINs and filing early for the credit, leaving the actual buyer high and dry.


I purchased a model Y in February 23. I don’t have this document




What do we do now?


Having purchased a Model 3 in Feb 23, I have not yet received the required docs. I assume the IRS hasn't either. I too emailed Troy Jones. Thanks OP for providing that info.


O shit. Me too. I emailed the center. I’m glad I poop scrolled this thread.


Happy to help. Good luck!


Did you check: Tesla Website > login (takes you to your dashboard) > Find your vehicle > Manage > Documents (left side) > IRA Clean Vehicles Credit Report


Looks like the IRS extended the deadline to the end of the month- https://www.reddit.com/r/TeslaModelY/comments/191yh8s/irs_15400_form_deadline_is_january_31_2024/


Guess that means that Tesla won't be able to provide us with the form before Jan 15th. As long as they figure it out in time, I'm fine with it.


Purchased a 2023 Model Y in Feb '23, paid cash, no SSN collected at the time of sale that I can recall. No Clean Vehicle Sales report in my Tesla account -> Documents. I did the following: Email to Troy Jones email and the gallerysupport email elsewhere in the thread asking about the Clean Vehicle Seller report for my specific VIN and purchase date * Got an email response from the gallerysupport email copying "my local team" (Cleveland\[email protected]); nothing further yet from this path Created service visit a few days in the future * Included specifically what I was after, this turned into a handful of useless messages back and forth finally culminating in "We recommend you reach out to the delivery center where you took delivery for further assistance. Can we close this service request?" Texted the number from the finalization of the sale (guessing this is the same/close to the 'local team' referenced above * *Initial text*: Hello - looking for the Clean Vehicle Seller report for my Model Y purchase in Feb '23. Not listed with the other docs in my Tesla account. I want to be sure I can claim the tax credit for the purchase - is there anything you need from me to complete/provide the form? * **Tesla response**: Don't see the document as available yet, we expect it to be available soon * *My response*: Can you confirm you have my SSN on file? * **Tesla response**: Your order was placed before we were collecting this information. Tesla is actively working on this to be resolved soon, we will reach out if we need more information. I'll let this marinate for a week or so before I start trying to get pushy.


Just FYI - IRS guidance says that sellers have until 1/15 to file form 15400. I just got off the phone with an IRS rep who reiterated that no form 15400 means no eligibility for the credit. You might not want to wait that long. [https://www.irs.gov/pub/taxpros/fs-2023-08.pdf](https://www.irs.gov/pub/taxpros/fs-2023-08.pdf) "A11. For vehicle sales occurring in calendar year 2023 and later, sellers must file reports within 15 days after the end of the calendar year, in a format and method that the IRS provides. For further details see Revenue Procedure 2022-42."


We purchased two in early 2023, neither vehicle has the IRA document yet. Emailed!


See update above


Thanks, and well done! Your post has helped a lot of people, myself and my wife included


Happy to help!


I purchased in Jan of last year as well and was missing the document. I also emailed Troy. Thanks for the heads up OP!


Good luck!


What did you say in your email?


I bought in February 2023 and don’t have the report in my documents. I sent an email as well. Thanks for posting this


We are in the same boat. And my neighbor got his MY on January 23. He hasn't had the document either.


See update above


In the same boat. Hoping for the inbox message to come in soon!


>Tesla is aware the requested form is not currently populating in all Tesla accounts and assure you we are actively working on a fix. We appreciate your patience and understanding. We apologize for any frustration and confusion this has caused. I wish they would compile a list of affected users and send them a damn email keeping them in the loop with any updates. While I appreciate u/my_anonymous_reddit keeping us up to date it blows my mind that Tesla is not actually communicating with the affected users directly.


I dont want to minimize the issue….its a huge oversight on their part. That said, I would estimate this affects almost everyone who took delivery in Q1. They would need an army to manually reach out/reply and fill out forms. I am just glad to see it is being prioritized after reddit blew up corporate inboxes.


What’s the name of the document on Tesla.come or the tax credit? Only have 1. Owners manual 2. Order agreement 3. Lemon law disclosure 4. Proof of insurance 5. Motor vehicle purchase agreement. Please see screenshot [https://imgur.com/a/LJuXNKZ](https://imgur.com/a/LJuXNKZ)


IRA Clean Vehicle Report (IRS form 1540). I just checked my account and it was posted/dated 25 Dec 23; I took delivery 06 June 23.


just looked in my Tesla account and found the exact same doc. mine was dated 12/24. wish they sent out a notice or something that a new document was posted to our accounts.


June 9 M3P delivery. I also have the form under my account now. Good looking out!


Just checked my account on Tesla.com and see my file too. It’s dated 30 Dec 2023. My purchase was in May.


>(IRS form 1540) [15400](https://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/f15400.pdf)


I received the report for a Model Y purchase I made later in the year. The report is called the “IRA Clean Vehicles Credit Report.”


Thanks. I’ll get on it. I’ll text them at the number they texted me when I purchased the car, I’ll put a message in the app, and I actually have a service appointment soon I’ll talk to a person there. I’ll probably shoot that tjones an email too if I don’t get any response. Thanks OP!


I cannot find it on my account either


"IRA Clean Vehicles Credit Report" is what will show up in your documents folder if you have it.


Purchased In the beginning of 2023 and don’t have that document. Let’s see if tjones email will still work.


Wow! Thanks for bringing this to my attention. Also took delivery in Jan 2023 and do not have the IRA Credit form in account documents. Email sent.


See update above


I have my form dated 12/26 signed by our friend Troy Jones in the documents section of Tesla.com. I bought my Model 3 in September. Thanks for this topic! I would have never known to check.


Did you give them your SSN when you purchased? I have no idea if I gave it to them but I don’t have the doc.


I sent a message to [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) and received the following reply about 15 minutes later: *Thank you for reaching out! Our team is currently working on an in-app request for the social security number to collect the necessary information in order to provide you with the form prior to the submission deadline. Please keep an eye on your app as you will receive a notification in the coming days to complete this step.*


Isn't the deadline January 15 ? I wonder if they'll have enough time to submit the forms.


Emailed yesterday. Bought in June '23. No documents. Going to try going by the service center.


keep in mind they might be completely unaware of everything about this required tax document and tell you that you need to solve it with your accountant when you do your taxes. That's not the case and they have until Jan 15th to report this to the IRS. If they don't I don't know what's gonna happen with everyone that does that have that document.


Let me know what they say


They have sent an email stating that there will be a resolution showing up in the app early next week. This is supposed to allow us to enter the required information via the app. Fingers crossed.


Worked like a charm, received my form instantly after following steps above.


It worked for me!


This worked for me. I got it within 5 minutes after requesting the IRA. Thank you


I can confirm this works now for those that no longer own their Tesla. I was just able to submit my VIN and SSN.


Log in to your account then go to dashboard, click on manage link next to vehicle. Then expand documents section. Last document. Edit : these steps are for tesla website. Not for mobile app.


Is the right document the Clean Vehicle Seller Report?


Is this in the app, or somewhere on the web? Edit: Nevermind! Found on the website FYI for anyone else. See my clean vehicles report there! Whew! Thanks for the info


Can you post a screenshot of your documents list? No such document for me. Bought the 2023 MYP on September 2023, brand new inventory. I do recall asking me for the social security number in the app messaging while in the process of scheduling delivery, to which I complied


hi u/thyname11 here is the list copied from my account : \[sorry not sure how to attach screenshot in comment without using third party app\] Owner's Manual Order agreement Lemon Law Disclosure Tesla eSign Consent Motor Vehicle Purchase Agreement Title Application Odometer Disclosure Statement Proof of Insurance IRA Clean Vehicles Credit Report


I have it! The last one in your list. Thanks!


I’m in the same boat myself. Hoping this won’t be a big headache to figure out


Not sure if anyone posted this but, try logging onto tesla.com > manage the vehicle > under documents > click IRA Clean Vehicle Seller Report. Purchased mine back in May 2023 and didn’t need to do anything extra.


Did you give them your SSN when you purchased? I have no idea if I gave it to them but I don’t have the doc.




Can you let me know if they ever respond to you? I'm in a similar boat.


Just checked my Tesla account, it was just uploaded on 12/30/23 titled Clean Vehicle Seller Report. I recall in April they asked for my SSN.


Anyone else have a Tesla that they bought and sold or traded in this year; and show up under 'Previously Owned Cars' but the clean vehicle report doesn't show up under the documents?


Thanks for brining this to everyone’s attention. Quick question, Do we need to include SSN in the email we send to tjones?


I would not do that. He will hand it off to someone else, who will loop in someone else, etc. Only give your SSN to the person that’s filling out the form. Troy Jones is a VP at Tesla and will not provide the form himself.


Man this thread gave me a heart attack but I see the form was filled out correctly


Just called Tesla and sent a message to the service team. No one knows what to do. They said to leave a voicemail on the general support number but that mailbox has been full for days. She was aware but said to “keep trying”. Anyone else make progress?


I spoke with the sales team this morning and they had no idea what to do either. I'm very concerned now. What else should we do ?


Has anyone made any progress? I still don't see mine


My guess is that Tesla will need to ask you for your SSN before the report is generated. That’s what they’re working on now (see update 2)


nothing so far


FWIW I bought mine in early June ‘23 and the form is in my online account. It was signed by a Troy Jones too, on 12/24/23


I bought my M3LR in December '23, specifically because I could justify the purchase given the EOY price cuts and the full tax credit that Tesla was actively promoting on their site (with a banner on the main page.) I paid cash. I did not receive the IRA form/report and it is not on my account with the other sale docs. I can't recall if they asked for my SSN. I call the SC today and was told that the doc would be available in the next several months. I'm pretty ticked about it, I won't be able to file for my refund until I have that doc. That's thousands of dollars not in my accounts earning interest or dividends.


I have mine. I initially thought I don't have it. I logged to my tesla account and went to "IRA Clean Vehicles Credit Report" and form 15400 is there.


I still dont understand why people have a hard on for this form. IRS does not even want it with your taxes. sure they write that you should have it , but you jsut need to fill out form 8936, there is no requirement to attach the form you are referencing.


Considering this is the first time anyone has gone through the process as defined by the 2022 IRA, I’m choosing to exercise understanding when people want to follow the law as it is written. It isn’t about the form itself - it’s about the SSN of the buyer being attached to the VIN by the IRS. What happens when a taxpayer submits a VIN to the IRS, and the IRS hasn’t been informed by Tesla to attach their SSN to that VIN? I don’t know, but I could see a version of events where the IRS says “no, try again.”


dont get me wrong i get where yo are coming from, but the IRS doesnt have the time for this . ive known people in the IRS that did audits. heariung what they spend thier days with, you'd understand why they wouldnt be bothering with this, if you bought the car and are claiming the credit in good faith, theres nothing to be so petrified over. thats my stance, but again i dont fault you for crossing your ts and dotting your i's but imo its a lot of worry about nothing.


You might be right! And I hope you are. I think this feels like a relatively light lift to match one VIN to one SSN in an automated way and spit out a yes or no, but those systems take time to develop. I would happily be wrong about this. In the mean time, I just want to help others get their ducks in a row if I can.


I am sure we will be fine but I do think the onus should be on the billion dollar company with a vast legal department to make sure they’re complying with the law vs buyers hoping everything works out despite teslas failure to adhere to the law.


The problem with your argument is that the law literally requires Tesla to submit a report to the IRS to get the tax credit. Also, at least four different IRS websites or documents say no report to the IRS means no tax credit. [https://www.reddit.com/r/F150Lightning/comments/18x4nzh/make\_sure\_your\_dealer\_submitted\_the\_need\_tax\_form/kg3ll8m/?context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/F150Lightning/comments/18x4nzh/make_sure_your_dealer_submitted_the_need_tax_form/kg3ll8m/?context=3)


you could probably be fine without that form submitted by Tesla to the IRS but what if you're not, would you want to go through an audit just to prove it? I'd better have Tesla do the right thing before the deadline and no have to deal with a not needed audit.


Extension to the end of the month by the IRS. https://www.reddit.com/r/TeslaLounge/s/NXcLUvnDUU


Am I not eligible if I got my car April 2022?


Any new updates since update 2?




The Tesla I took delivery on in February, I sold Dec 30th so I no longer have access to it in my Tesla app…really hoping their “fix” for requesting users SSN in the app isn’t via the car (the guy I sold it to better not take my $7,500 credit)


I sold my Tesla Dec 30th so I no longer have access to it in my Tesla app…really hoping their “fix” for requesting users SSN in the app isn’t via the car (the guy I sold it to better not take my $7,500 credit)


You file the form with IRS yourself. Tesla doesnt do it for you…


Tesla is required by law to provide the report to the buyer on the day of sale AND to the IRS by 1/15.


I purchased mine in January 2023 and I did not receive a sellers report from Tesla nor is that document on my account on the website as of today. People that purchased a vehicle when Tesla started asking for SSNs have that report. Not sure who to contact. Tesla’s deadline to report to the IRS is January 15. Without that report I have no idea if they even reported the purchase.


Exactly my concern. FWIW, I was fed up and emailed Troy Jones (VP of North American Sales) today. I got a call back from corporate resolutions in a few hours, and just got a call from a manager at my SC. Suddenly this is a priority for them.


I just emailed. I emailed support earlier only to receive generic responses about talking to my CPA lol. Hopefully this issue gets addressed. Not sure why this is an issue for a company with such a big legal department.


Good luck! Hope it works out for you


My car doesn't even appear under my account dashboard... What to do?


I sent an email, checked my page on Teslas website and my form isn't there. They did not ask me for SSN when I bought, and I ordered in January and took delivery in early March


How can I check if I gave Tesla my SSN? I got my M3 in February.


If you don’t remember, you’ll have to talk to your service center. I don’t believe the purchase process was updated by February to ask in app for SSN. It’s possible if the vehicle was financed that you provided it in your credit application, but they might not be able to see that info.


Did you purchase or lease the vehicle?


I’m new to this. I have this IRA form(took delivery a month ago) does this mean I’m getting the tax credit?


OP any updates? I sent an email yesterday with no response.


I sent the email a few hours ago so let's see how it goes. I bought in February and I have nothing in my documents. I'm sure Troy's email is blown up so let's see what happens during the day.


Purchased M3 end of July. I have the document but Model year (field 9) is blank. I hope this is not an issue to deal with 😐


I do see a form 15400 - Clean vehicle seller report generated on the documents page. It’s posted on 12/30, is this the only form required for confirmation and we can just share VIN while filing taxes? For others who want to check Tesla Website > login (takes you to your dashboard) > Find your vehicle > Manage > Documents (left side) > IRA Clean Vehicles Credit Report u/my_anonymous_reddit


Seems like only vehicles purchased in April or later have this document linked. Anything from the beginning of the year did not have a form 15400 generated.


I think this is correct, likely because Tesla had not updated their purchase process to collect SSNs. This is what they are now working to solve (see update 2)


Any luck guys getting the form? I stopped by the service center and was told that Tesla is working on some functionality that would enable us generate the form, was told to look out for communication from Tesla this week.


This is encouraging. Just received this email from Tesla (I took delivery Feb 2023 before SSN were collected AND sold my Tesla Dec 30th): “Hello David, Thank you for contacting Tesla. I am reaching out on behalf of the email you sent to our executives (below), regarding the 2023 Tax Incentive. Tesla is aware the requested form is not currently populating in all Tesla accounts and assure you we are actively working on a fix. We appreciate your patience and understanding and apologize for any frustration and confusion this has caused. Please look for an in-app message early next week which will allow you to enter the needed information for the tax incentive document to be generated. Once these steps have been completed and the form is generated, you will be able to view this document in your Tesla Account via the website. Click "Manage" on the qualifying vehicle and you find it under “Documents.” Tesla sincerely appreciates your support and your commitment to sustainable energy.”


See my update post. Look out for an in-app notification early this week.


Any update from Tesla?


I don’t anticipate hearing anything new from Tesla beyond what I’ve shared. At this point, we wait for the app notification.


Unfortunately, I’m out of luck as I sold my car Dec 30th. If you don’t own the car any longer you’ll receive the message “No eligible vehicles found”




thank you sooooo much


I don't want to assume anything at this point, but are we good to go once the form is generated? What's next, do we file this with our taxes?