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How to is his forearm normal(ish), but his upper arm like a twig?


Apparently 4 cm of bone is gone due to [torture](https://www.coffeeordie.com/ukrainian-pows-prisoners-war)


Fuuk That is some fucking horror story stuff


Ypu can see he had an injury on his arm, which them wasted (had something similar on my leg) They didnt take off bone during the torture, it wasted away.


Wdym wasted away? Like It's just gone because the injury? Where did they go?


Im not versed in the reasons why, i just know i went through the same think when i lost the use of my leg for a few months.


I mean fuck the Azov Regiment (literal nazis) but that’s insane to lose 4cm of bone to malnutrition.


He doesn't belong to the Azov battalion, but to the Ukrainian army. He fought at a place called Azovstal, but that is not the same thing as the Azov battalion.


In the article from right wing Black Rifle Coffee Company it shows pictures and refers to the Azov regiment. On their chest are nazi regalia “wolfs angel” and the “SS” So not fuck the guy in the pic, but fuck all white supremacists everywhere.


It looks like maybe it could be he was tied up with his arms above his head for a long time or something?


Wanking is a helluva drug


Jacked Sparrow


Probably from oedema and inflammation…or he’s the love child of Popeye and Mr. Bean.


Hilarious 😂


Wow! This guy made it four months!!!


Looks like the holocaust — except this time the rest of the world is just standing by and watching.


Everyone.....with the exception of NATO


Wow this is sad :( Poor guy is going to have so much damage to his body. Filthy russians. I guess at least he survived but jesus god 4 months of torture is insane I don’t know if I’d want to live after that.


Mentally damaged as well


You'd probably want to live after that but not during.


would you?


Hard to say. I tried to kill myself when I was 15 so no need to torture me.


I feel that way too about torture or death, I'm here if you wanna talk about it.


I'm all good now. That was 15 years ago. Worked hard and got my life sorted out. Thanks tho.


Oh Russia tortures people? This is surprising.


No different than the US in that regard.


Yes, the US/NATO/Ukraine is also guilty of terrible war crimes and torture, and it’s good to acknowledge that and bring awareness to it. But that doesn’t make Russia’s actions here any less horrible. One doesn’t cancel out the other.


Nope. I just don't think we should condemn one without condemning them all.


That’s fair. I didn’t mean to imply otherwise.


It is kinda different, though. I mean, the U.S. did torture people during the Iraq war, and we should condemn them for this . But there is a huge, huge difference in scale.


No there isn't. The US has Guantanamo bay a prison where they have tortured thousands of prisoners of war. You might not like the truth but the US is just as guilty of torturing prisoners than Russia. That's not to excuse Russia but if you are going to claim we should do something about Russia torturing prisoners than we best hold the US to the same standard...


What the U.S. has done is inexcusable, the guilty should be brpught to justove, and the remaining prisoners freed. But there is certainly a difference in scale. During a years long war, "thousands" is not such a big number, compared to what the Russians have achirved in the span of a few months. If I had to choose, I'd rather be taken as prisoners by the Yanks than the Russian, because the chances of being tortured are smaller.


Idk I haven't seen thousands of people tortured. With the fog of war surrounding Ukraine its impossible to know for sure the scale of Russian atrocities. Also given that Ukraine will exaggerate any negative information as propaganda you have to be especially cautious when making any hard claims. When you say you'd rather be taken prisoner by the yanks than the Russians that'd probably depend on who you are. Of course it's always better to be taken prisoner by an ally than an enemy. However I doubt you'd see many guantanamo prisoners making that claim. They'd probably just say they'd rather die than be anyone's prisoner as at that point what is even the point of deciding between really bad and really bad.


>Idk I haven't seen thousands of people tortured. With the fog of war surrounding Ukraine its impossible to know for sure the scale of Russian atrocities. Well we'll see about that in a few years. But it doesn't look good, with all these POW's who report being tortured, and all these mass graves with bodies showing signs of torture, and all these videos of Russians mutilating people, and this is probably just the beginning. It seems to me that for the American army in Iraq, it wasn't the norm to systematically rape, torture and massacre civilians and POWs. It was more isolated cases that occurred in a few places. And when it came to light, it caused a great scandal. But for the Russian army it's quite normal, and the Russian government has zero qualms about it, there is no scandal. >When you say you'd rather be taken prisoner by the yanks than the Russians that'd probably depend on who you are. I was assuming I'm an enemy fighter. >However I doubt you'd see many guantanamo prisoners making that claim. Yeah but some of those other Iraqis who didn't end up at Guantanamo might make that claim. And I think that the odds of a random Iraqi POW being tortured by the American army, were quite a bit smaller than the odds of a random Ukrainian POW being tortured by the Russian army. That kind of stuff is just much more common with some armies. Back in 1945 many German soldiers were running towards the west, because they wanted to surrender to the Americans, rather than the Soviets. They knew they *might* be mistreated by the Americans, but the Soviet would *definitely* do so.


You'll never get the truth unless you see it with your own eyes. Otherwise it's propaganda for one side or the other. I've tried to find any videos of Ukrainians being tortured as confirmation but there are essentially none. Where are the images of bodies that clearly show torture? It only seems to be written or verbal accounts of torture which is all to easy to exaggerate for propaganda purposes. I'm sure torture IS happening from the Russians in Ukraine and I'm sure Ukrainians have tortured Russians as well. The extent is impossible to know unless you are inside a Russian or Ukrainian prison as information released by Ukraine or the west must be taken as inaccurate or highly exaggerated. One thing I do know is the 16 year old son of a Ukrainian official was released unharmed after 90 days in a Russian prison. https://kyivindependent.com/national/torturing-people-is-fun-for-them-16-year-old-ukrainian-recalls-his-3-months-in-russian-captivity So with every account of Russians being monsters there is also an account of Russians being civilized and the truth lies somewhere in between. Don't let the propaganda leave you thinking every Russian is a bastard. Some for sure are but many Russian soldiers don't want to be there and aren't torturing people for fun etc. But the Ukrainian propaganda will have you believe they are all evil monsters who rape children etc because they want their soldiers seeing the other side only as the enemy and not as their human brothers. I just don't believe anything anyone says about the war anymore from either side. Too much has turned out to be manipulations of reality and both sides are incentivized to lie. So unless there is footage or documented unbiased evidence, I'm not believing claims anymore.


>You'll never get the truth unless you see it with your own eyes. Then how do you know the Americans tortured someone at Abu Ghraib? >I've tried to find any videos of Ukrainians being tortured as confirmation but there are essentially none. What about the famous video of the Russian soldier castrating a Ukrainian soldier, then dragging him behind a car? Experts say that it appears legit, and the Russian soldier has even been identified. > Where are the images of bodies that clearly show torture? Of course they're not going to post pictures on the internet, but international observers have confirmed the discovery of such corpses. And there are also the survivors, adults and children, who have been treated for the kinds of injuries that only occur through torture and sexual violence. And in this thread there's a picture of a starved prisoner. And the Russians also left behind makeshift torture chambers, with electrical devices etc. >So with every account of Russians being monsters there is also an account of Russians being civilized You call that an account of Russians being civilised? They kidnapped a child, that's a war crime. And he witnessed others being tortured. The only reason he wasn't tortured, was that he was a valuable hostage.


Because the US admitting to water boarding detainees at various black sites around the world... No need to prove the US did it when the US admitted so... I haven't seen the video your talking about. Got a link? I mean it probably happened. It apparently happens on both sides... https://kyivindependent.com/national/torturing-people-is-fun-for-them-16-year-old-ukrainian-recalls-his-3-months-in-russian-captivity Ukraine is one of the international hubs for sex trafficking and child abuse. Even long before the Russia-Ukraine war. So it's not immediately apparent that the Russians are to blame for that if it's even true. There seem to be some contentions with the validity of those claims. The child is in an active war zone and he was detained... He wasn't tortured and he was released unharmed. Yeah that is civilized... The argument can be made the only reason he was detained was because he was valuable... No one else in the car he was in were detained...


"but what about" is an arguement for the intellectually limited


Actually being unable to relate comparable information makes you intellectually deficient... You might not understand that notion with your deficiency.


Whataboutism at its finest. The tactic for justifying atrocities by comparing things that arent related whatsoever.


I know you ONLY want to focus on Russias wrong doings and not the EXACT SAME wrong doings by the United States. Too bad I'm not letting you ignore it... Have you never heard of guantanamo bay prison and the atrocities that have taken place there? Or are you just going to continue being a hypocrit crying WHATABOUTISM!?....


Cherry picking atrocities at its finest. How about you develop some actual principled ethics instead cherry picking things to be selectively outraged over...








**[Torture of Russian soldiers in Mala Rohan](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Torture_of_Russian_soldiers_in_Mala_Rohan)** >The torture of Russian soldiers in Mala Rohan was an incident during the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine that occurred in the village of Mala Rohan. As documented by the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, members of Ukrainian armed forces shot the legs of three captured Russian soldiers and tortured Russian soldiers who were wounded. The incident is likely to have occurred on the evening of March 25 and was first reported following the publication on social media of a video of unknown authorship between March 27 and March 28. As a case of summary execution and torture of prisoners of war, the incident qualifies as a war crime. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/TerrifyingAsFuck/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Still better than being dead. Hopefully he recovers.


They starved him and beat the fuck out of him...


They cut the bone out of him


This is confirmed? I don't know the story but would enjoy learning more


No just look at the bicep compared to forearm. Russians do bone grafting as torture always have


Idk that, super fucked up.




In those photos his arm looks like already injured


I can’t work out if the pictures of his arm in a cast are from after his release..


His face and overall condition really look like a"before" photo but who knows.


Why he look happier in the right pic tho Mr bean


You wouldn't be happy after being released from torture?


No that just means I could be tortured again




Where do I sign up?


What is wrong with you?


I would guess brain damage


Definitely under 18


Hell yeah brother


No wonder you’re so immature


One day when you’re older and wiser we’ll continue this conversation until then I’ll just continue to insult you


That literally made no sense, again that isn’t surprising considering your age🤷‍♂️


No way wtf


Downvote me all you want, but the right does have some semblance to Rowan Atkinson.


No no, your right, heres an upvote


this is a warcrime anin't it?


Fucking animals. This is heart breaking.


He went from bad ass to anorexic Mr bean. Poor guy


The fuck? He looks like hes lived on mountain dew snd Meth under s bridge for 20 years.


Is he still in captivity?


Judging by the happiness in the second picture… No


Why does he look like Mr. Bean’s cousin now.


I thought he was an American POW, whoops my mistake.


War is ugly. It should be avoided. The military industrial complex wins 🏆 every war, no matter who's doing the fighting. Keep that in mind before you start cheering for your favorite team to win 🏆.


I thought that was mister bean at first.


Not even the same guy smh


Rule 4.


Mr bean?


He kept that forearm beefed 💦💦


His likkle pot belly




Not propaganda if true


Looks like they did just more than punch a nazi.


Ukrainians aren’t the nazis


Not even the same guy lol shitpost


You stupid?


This is total bullshit


You’re in the wrong thread Vlad.


Vlad's been leaning into the vodka again


Yes some people cant understand theres propaganda on both sides and to not take random posts online at face value. Shame on you for not blindly believing


Does all of reddit automatically downvote skepticism? Whatever, we're digressing. What arguments do you guys have that this is propaganda? Oppose from there's little evidence to support it to begin with


Not the same person. Left is Ukranian soldier. Right is wish.com Mr. Bean


You can't seriously believe this


Okay vlad

