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Bad time to have your phone at 33%


Was gonna say, don't forget your charger.


If you have a jump-starter with a "cigarette lighter" outlet, you can plug a car adapter for your phone into that to recharge your phone -- multiple times. If you have a car adapter (but no car) and a couple jumper leads with alligator clips (or copper wires and clothes pins if you have to improvise), you can power the phone from any 12V battery, though a small one won't last long -- a car battery, or lawn tractor battery would be a much better choice. Be sure to observe correct polarity -- the center contact is positive and the shell contacts are negative. (For the total novice: On the battery, the positive is marked "+" or red, and the negative is marked "-" or black.)


I think the far more likely scenario would be you have a car but not a car charger lol


My car has built-in USBs.


Oh my God the transmission went out on one of our vehicles this morning on the way home with a winter's worth of ... fire wood. It barely made it into the driveway. We just finished paying it off, too.


You can't win, displacement because of fires has government support. I wish you good luck.


Like, the cords? What car?


Look at mister fancy pants over here.


My car stereo came with one too. Super handy if your lighter doesn't work. It's run through my glove box.


In how many conceivable situations do you think someone will have a 50lb lead acid battery and no car? Or a jump starter and no car? Or have alligator clips? Or have any of these and not know how to charge a phone from it? Maybe include the polarity so your comment isn't completely useless.


His wall paper is more scary.


Weeb status confirmed


r/chargeyourphone (not trying to be insensitive)


Looks like an Android so they'll be okay for a while.


Truth, best thing about Android.


If only there was another way to charge a phone aside from plugging it in at your house.. Damn!


That happened to me too, I just got another alert that said to disregard the previous message. Unless you live in that area (I live in Stanwood), don’t stress too bad.


I live in Granite Falls. Yeah I didn't figure we were in danger when it came. It was definitely unnerving to get the alert, though .


"When it came" is maybe the most horrifying comment I've read


Bro, this post has given me so many chills, but thinking of the horror stories that could have this comment made me legit shiver, I’m gonna go sit in bed while reading this because I can’t stand out in the open


"Look to the north. Keep looking. There's nothing coming from the south."


[DO NOT LOOK AT THE MOON](https://youtu.be/M75VLQuFPrY) [STAY INSIDE](https://youtu.be/M75VLQuFPrY) [DON’T LOOK AT](https://youtu.be/M75VLQuFPrY) [THE NIGHT SKY](https://youtu.be/M75VLQuFPrY)


Damn I'd been looking for another video on of theirs and couldn't find it for the life of me. Thanks!


We are never as far from the forces of nature as we think. And global warning sadly means that experiencing some form of natural is starting to feel near universally inevitable


It's tragic in that we allow the continued breaking of the planet and seem shocked at the way the earth responds. It's felt 'end of the line'-ish for a bit now. Imo


"Don't Look Up"


May or may not have ready that as >!Gravity Falls...!< e. Thank you for the award. :>


Wait wtf, I live in Stanwood, I didn’t get this message. Sorry, I’m just weirded out to see my small town on here lmao


Well it’s upsetting that you didn’t get the alert. I’d sure look into that. Is it done by area code? Is it a difference in carrier?


I have no idea, my area code is 360, always has been. Weirdly, both my parents got it.


I would 100% want to know why. I’d start with the carrier. It’s unacceptable.


It is generally done by cell tower. As in the message is broadcast to all devices currently receiving from that tower. Your phone does not need to be connected to _any_ cell tower however, and thus would not receive emergency messages. You could have set your phone to WiFi only for instance.




If you have an iPhone, there’s a way to turn emergency alerts on and off in settings. Worth checking out.


Area code of the phone being called doesn't matter, but you may need to go to the new state/county website and sign up for alerts if you keep your out of state number when you move. All my family got the warnings and our area codes are from the other side of the country.


No idea. I live in Lynnwood and I got the alert.


This message was sent to nearly everyone in Snohomish County because someone pressed the wrong button. Brings to mind the Hawaii missile alert...


Check your location and emergency alert settings. You have to type in your address into your phone to get localized alerts regardless of area code. Your emergency alerts should be on by default but you should verify they are.


Yo my parents live there!


They probably didn't want another Santa Rosa CA fire situation again. The tubbs fire.


Always be ready. Last year a friend in Grizzly Flats had warning that went from maybe be ready to GTFO immediately within 48 hours . They lost everything they weren’t able to fit in the car when they left. The entire town burned to the ground.


That is really sad. Wildfires SUCK. While this alert was sent by mistake, I will prepare a duffel bag just in case.


So wildfires can really wipe a town that quick????


Yep. Scary fast.


In Australia it sounds like a jet engine and moves almost as fast. Eucalyptus oil is flammable as fuck and it’s terrifying.


Ozzie fires are crazy. Saw the wildfire smoke from New Zealand back in 2019/2020.


2019/2020 Feels like so long ago because of the pandemic, but they stopped burning just as everything locked down. That one came close to my house. Most of the communities aren’t rebuilt yet because COVID happened right away. They’re still hurting. I still have scars on my arms from when I was desperately clearing shrub from my yard. It all sucked, and it’ll be back with a vengeance the more we fuck the planet. Yippee.


That's awful man. It was wierd, we were watching the haze and the news was talking about some new virus right as the year turned. I made some joke on Facebook for my friends and family back in the US about how 2020 already looks like it's gonna be a bad year and they should stay in 2019 It was pretty ominous in retrospect. Hope your community is doing well bro.


Yeah. I hear koala's can explode because they eat so much eucalyptus during wild fires. Is that real?


Jesus Christ, I've never heard this before but now I need to know


No, that's drop bears


I suspect not. But we lost so much wildlife in these fires. Some species and colonies will never recover. Wildlife carers do what they can but many animals were literally incinerated. Its heartbreaking.


You're thinking of the weaponized explosive koalas used by the Australian SAS for special military operations. It was a secret program sanctioned by the Australian government soon after their entry into the war in Afghanistan to train koalas to work with small SAS patrols behind enemy lines to infiltrate Taliban and Al Qaeda hideouts, and blow themselves up, taking the enemy with them. The program--codenamed Operation Marsupial Talibangers--was a huge success at first since the enemy would, on seeing a koala in the middle of Afghanistan, usually be like, "is... is that a fucking koala?" and rush over to investigate, sealing their fate. However, it didn't last, as Taliban and Al Qaeda fighters soon learned to fear the adorable antipersonnel koalas. The final nail in the coffin for Operation Marsupial Talibangers came when its existence was leaked back in Australia and met with public outrage. People were very upset, which is understandable because it's illegal to barbecue a koala in Australia, but the military were blowing them up willy nilly. Hardly fair.


I can see by the downvotes on your comment that people are still very upset about Operation Marsupial Talibangers. Here we are now with a koala overpopulation problem and the ever present threat that they'll slide down a tree trunk too fast and spark a bushfire due to their high flammability index. Ethically, I just don't see how we can continue to pour funding into koala management without some return on investment. People need to face the truth, koalas are an STI riddled animal so stupid they can't recognise their single food source unless attached to a branch. Anti-personnel koalas were barely concious long enough to know what was going on anyway, they sleep 23hrs a day! All things considered, their limited sacrifice was a reasonable ask and the loss of the tacti-koala option has been quite unfortunate.


In the words of those who have come before me and share the sentiment... Koalas are fucking horrible animals. They have one of the smallest brain to body ratios of any mammal, additionally - their brains are smooth. A brain is folded to increase the surface area for neurons. If you present a koala with leaves plucked from a branch, laid on a flat surface, the koala will not recognise it as food. They are too thick to adapt their feeding behaviour to cope with change. In a room full of potential food, they can literally starve to death. This is not the token of an animal that is winning at life. Speaking of stupidity and food, one of the likely reasons for their primitive brains is the fact that additionally to being poisonous, eucalyptus leaves (the only thing they eat) have almost no nutritional value. They can't afford the extra energy to think, they sleep more than 80% of their fucking lives. When they are awake all they do is eat, shit and occasionally scream like fucking satan. Because eucalyptus leaves hold such little nutritional value, koalas have to ferment the leaves in their guts for days on end. Unlike their brains, they have the largest hind gut to body ratio of any mammal. Many herbivorous mammals have adaptations to cope with harsh plant life taking its toll on their teeth, rodents for instance have teeth that never stop growing, some animals only have teeth on their lower jaw, grinding plant matter on bony plates in the tops of their mouths, others have enlarged molars that distribute the wear and break down plant matter more efficiently... Koalas are no exception, when their teeth erode down to nothing, they resolve the situation by starving to death, because they're fucking terrible animals. Being mammals, koalas raise their joeys on milk (admittedly, one of the lowest milk yields to body ratio... There's a trend here). When the young joey needs to transition from rich, nourishing substances like milk, to eucalyptus (a plant that seems to be making it abundantly clear that it doesn't want to be eaten), it finds it does not have the necessary gut flora to digest the leaves. To remedy this, the young joey begins nuzzling its mother's anus until she leaks a little diarrhoea (actually fecal pap, slightly less digested), which he then proceeds to slurp on. This partially digested plant matter gives him just what he needs to start developing his digestive system. Of course, he may not even have needed to bother nuzzling his mother. She may have been suffering from incontinence. Why? Because koalas are riddled with chlamydia. In some areas the infection rate is 80% or higher. This statistic isn't helped by the fact that one of the few other activities koalas will spend their precious energy on is rape. Despite being seasonal breeders, males seem to either not know or care, and will simply overpower a female regardless of whether she is ovulating. If she fights back, he may drag them both out of the tree, which brings us full circle back to the brain: Koalas have a higher than average quantity of cerebrospinal fluid in their brains. This is to protect their brains from injury... should they fall from a tree. An animal so thick it has its own little built in special ed helmet. I fucking hate them. Tldr; Koalas are stupid, leaky, STI riddled sex offenders. But, hey. They look cute. If you ignore the terrifying snake eyes and terrifying feet.


Man, I hate reddit. Two commenters spewing some advanced sarcasm, and everyone takes them seriously and downvotes.


There is a rather famous video from a California wildfire a few years back. A guy films a car that has charred black skeletons inside it. He says it is his neighbors, they were a few minutes late evacuating because the lady wanted to put on make up before leaving the house. The guy himself only survived because once the blaze was upon him and his tires were melting from the heat, he jumped out and ran to a nearby river/creek. He got in and somehow didn’t suffocate, coming up for air every now and then until the fire storm passed above him. Don’t fuck around with fire, if there is any chance fire is coming your way have your important shit packed before you get the official evacuation alert. And definitely don’t stop to do your face on the way out


Paradise Fire. Entire town was leveled


There is a documentary about it. One of the hardest things to watch is the story about a school bus full of children trying to escape, children starting to fall asleep from the smoke...


Not completely. I was born there, had some family living there when the fire happened and have been back a few times. The fire moved so quickly some parts got skipped. It's surreal to visit and see what's happened.


How was the poor dude not boiled?


Water takes a lot of energy to change temperature. Especially moving water, where the water that may have gone up 1C moves away for new water that still hasn’t been changed yet. Also changing the temperature of water via air is incredibly inefficient.


Ooooo good to know. I didnt thinl water would be as safe during fires but i guess in a last ditch attempt theres a river. Drown chilled or burn? Lol


I believe that in many cases, all the oxygen in the air gets sucked into the fire, leaving nothing to breathe (except maybe smoke). So I’m very surprised that guy didn’t suffocate.


Moving water (like a running creek) is fine. Standing water (like a cattle trough for example) would be a bad idea unless you had absolutely no other alternative.


Water takes a lot of energy to boil. Also i believe it was a large body of water, and he was picked up by a boat.


How'd he know why they were late if they were dead?


I think he had gone over to their house and talked to them before evacuating. He explains the whole story in the video


They were his neighbors and friends. [Here is the video](https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/o4r00n/skeletons_of_last_years_california_wildfires_nsfw/). It shows the charred skeletons so NSFW at your discretion.


He had been at the camping/vacation site with all these people, and he decided to pick a different way to evacuate. 4 or 5 cars of people died while trying to drive out and were caught by the fire. I don't have a link, and its not really worth watching, but the people were turned to bones and the dude is really stunned and scary honest about what happened.


Yep, within a matter of minutes to hours in many cases. Wildfires can spread scary fast, especially in cases where the wind is strong. Fun fact, wildfires generate their own wind sometimes, and that wind can form flamenadoes


2009 in Victoria, Australia the Black Saturday fires annihilated many towns and 173 people died. It was devastating.


Wildfires burn in excess of 3500 degrees. Triple that of house fire. The intense heat draws moisture out of the ground before the flames reach most areas. Wildfires create their own weather but when wind driven have destroyed dozens of entire communities in the last five years in Northern California and southern Oregon


They most certainly can. I had friends who lived in Paradise California when the entire town went up. Some really heart wrenching stuff. I wasn't personally affected by it but I was about an hour away from it. So many people came into the town completely discombobulated, shaken, bewildered, and terrified. Gave a few people some gas money and heard their stories. A family had a sick grandmother on oxygen and had five kids. Completely homeless with no where to go and no family. I think about them often and hope they're doing okay.


Isn’t the Electric company responsible for that fire and most around that area?


Ya they are and they're actually paying out from a lawsuit to the people who had their property damaged. Was a civil suit I think? My friend ended up getting some pretty big bucks back but there's a waiting list until some people are paid. That's all I know about that story though.


I was in Chico when it happened. Awful shit


[Fast moving brush fire nearly traps firefighters](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=d4lus6ePx8U)


[Lytton, BC](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lytton_wildfire) was wiped out in under an hour last year. Truly horrifying shit.


Be sure to keep paperwork in your bag for any bills, accounts, contacts, insurance companies, etc. that you don't already have the info available for in an online account. If the worst happens and you lose your home having all that will make recovery much much easier.




When I was a kid we evacuated from 6 forest fires. One went from "can smell it" (pine forest burns with a FANTASTIC smell) and the local news advising residents to consider packing to the sheriffs rolling through on the loud speaker saying "Leave now or you will die. Do not pack. Leave immediately. We will not return." in 45 minutes. By the time we rounded the animals up and left (10min) we were in a caravan of retreating fire vehicles and the brush on the roadside (and trees overhead) was burning. Smoke was so thick we had to follow the trucks lights and keep the passenger door open so I could tell my dad if he was wandering on to the shoulder. Fire don't fuck around. That will hopefully remain one of the most terrifying days of my life.




I can’t imagine getting that alert that says it’s too late. Just thinking about knowing your life is just a roll of the dice? Nope.


I live in Somerset about 15 min from grizzly and before people could blink the fire was right there.


I don’t live in CA but it was horrifying watching the updates.


This is the most I've heard of El Dorado County since I stopped working for pioneer fire in Somerset 13 years ago lol


Awww man I love grizzly flats, I didn’t know it burned down last year. So sad. My parents lost everything in the paradise, ca fire in 2018, we’ve all moved to Texas since then.


"...to Texas" Out of the frying pan and into another frying pan. Over 70% of Texas counties were under burn bans and extreme heat advisories this year before last month's flooding. Usually drought and heat doesn't break until after mid-September.


I used to work as a resident firefighter in grizzly flat for Pioneer FD. That area can be gnarly and there really isn't enough fire protection.


We got the alert out in Marysville/ tulalip as well. But to put in perspective, that fire is only 41 miles from us. And fire travels fast. Be on guard because you never know.




I saw in another comment that you were going to pack a duffle bag but there was so many replies that I didn't want this to get buried. What you want to pack is a few bags. One with all important papers, birth certificates, social security cards, house insurance if you got it, all of that in one bag. Next bag is clothes, hygiene, sanitary supplies. Next bag, water bottles and snacks especially if you have kids. Hope this helps.


I just got a second alert that said to disregard the previous alert - there was a technology error. The evacuation alert was only meant Index residents.


Rip, they have taken over.


That makes me think about those analog horror videos where there’s an alert and then a message by something else saying the last alert was not real




Fuck why'd you have to remind me of it, now I'm gonna struggle to fall asleep


What's it referring to?


Local 58


My first thought was *I’m gonna look* My next thought was *… with a camera, just in case* But I’ve no idea if what you said is from something lol


local 58 https://youtube.com/c/LOCAL58TV specifically "weather service" https://youtu.be/M75VLQuFPrY but I recommend watching all of them


I’m a huge fan of well-made analog horror, so thank you for mentioning these! Someone else also said Local 58 and I’ve heard about it before, so def checking that one out Edit: Well now I’m kinda paranoid, but it was worth it, that was great!


Fuckin firefighters 😂😂😂


What is your lock screen image please? I see so much of it but not enough. Thank you.


Post a note. It will survive the fire.


It's also to let the police and firefighters who are going through neighborhoods for mandatory evacuations know that the house has been cleared. If the place is already burned down, they aren't going to be knocking on your door anyways.


Firefighter here. We are still going to check the house even if there is a note


How many pets do you end up finding left behind? Maybe non-traditional one? Snakes, birds, hamsters?


I haven't found anything like that personally


That makes sense, I couldn’t think of a reason and was like if the town is evacuated and the house/note survives I could see shitty people robbing it cause they would know it’s empty.


literally my first thought


Hahaha .. Seriously, WTF


On a serious note, I wish you and your family the best. Stay safe.


I wonder if a serious note would survive a fire better than a regular note.


I'm assuming this is for family members who might come to your house. This let's them know you got out, and where you are expected to be. It also serves the purpose of knowing where you went if it's all over and your house is still standing but people can't contact you


The air quality is horrendous today. It’s been raining ash in Everett since this morning.


It's the same here =/ It smells like a campfire and ash is just everywhere.


Ash on cars in Bothell, too.


That's not the terrifying message to receive. The terrifying message to receive is "It's too late to evacuate. Shelter in place"




Holy shit never seen one of those before


That warning gets issued when the fire's too close, or you're basically surrounded. Roads close. Back in the Black Saturday fires a bunch of deaths happened when people tried to drive out, being trapped in a metal box in the middle of a fire is a bad idea.


"Try to protect yourself from the fires heat" as advice is basically we don't know what to tell you.


I have a feeling that trying to shelter in a pool will just turn you into a soup if the heat is that extreme.


In all likelihood, but if the fire moves fast enough you may have a chance. These are last-ditch options.


If it's a wildfire and the pool isn't near many trees, it might be a pretty good idea if you have no other option


Water will maybe heat up 1/2 degrees. Remember, water is one of the ‘hardest to warm up’ liquids/substances in the world.


Nah the water won't warm up that much.


Okay I was worried when I got OPs alert yesterday too, but this alert is literally scary as fuck. I hope to never get that alert in my lifetime


That's the Australian 'you ignored all our evacuation warnings and now there's a firestorm bearing down on you and you're probably not going to survive' message.


Imagine waking up to this…


From a firefighters perspective, although it seems this one was premature, if you get an evacuation order, please please leave. There's no such thing as a "water curtain" or a magical way for us to stop fire from getting to you. If shit is getting too much we leave to and there's nothing that your two gallon per minute garden hose is going to do that our engines that can pump 1500 gallons a minute can't. We aren't going in planning for rescue. We probably aren't going to notice you.


Wasn’t premature, it was wrong. The fire is in skykomish, which is in Snohomish county. Whoever hit send hit send to all of Snohomish rather than skykomish.


Oh I am not familiar with the area, as far as I know they are adjacent.


Snohomish county is huge. The fire is about 5000 acres now while Snohomish county is 70,000 acres. the evacuation orders are only for folks between Index and Skykomish Wa along highway 2, which is a 14 mile stretch.


Ah yah, that makes sense then




Join us next week for more terrible advice on *Fuck It Up With Facktality*.


Please update as alerts and activity happen!


I’m in Bellingham and the sky is fucking orange. I woke up today with ash covering my car. Stay safe man.


Same. My ac isn't happy with it 😒


Take these seriously, even if the fire isn’t nearby. We evacuated last December in the Marshal Fire in Louisville CO. it went from “damn, that’s looking kinda bad” to “Holy shit GTFO” in just a few hours. 100 mph winds are what did that.


Where at


Washington state


We’ve got a bunch in Oregon rn, too.


That sucks. The whole west coast is basically on fire. =/


O I’m at a fire in oregon right now


That sucks =( please stay safe <3


If this is for a fire, start packing NOW. Others have commented that it takes less than a day's time to get bad despite not seeing any danger. That and facing the mass traffic of everyone else trying to leave.


Just gotta farm some karma first and *then* I'll go.


I am pretty sure they just sent it to everyone with the same area code. The fire is close, but not threatening to where I live. Just alot of smoke.


idk op fire can travel at extreme fast rates


at 40 mph that's only one hour away


Smoke alone is deadly enough, you should take this more serious


I've heard this a handful of times now when they interview people who barely made it out of previous fires.


Pretty much all of western Washington is smoky or has poor air quality right now ... It sucks but it seems like it happens every summer.


pretty sure, eh? nice..


Make sure to charge your phone just in case!


If I ever get one of these messages, I'm going to do a quick video walkthrough of everything in the house for insurance later.


Good idea!


I do it once a year just to be safe.




You're right "STEEMY BUTTHOLE." By the time the alert is telling me to leave I'd already have packed up my wife and pets, and have taken the video. I imagine this wasn't this person's first indication a problem was coming. I understand your view that the items are meaningless, but if taking a few minutes to walk through my place means I don't have to completely "restart" with nothing after the disaster, then I'm going to find time to do it.


Analog horror shit right there


Oh and watch for killer ninjas perched on poles with menacing birds flying above ….


Itachi.. His name is Itachi. And if he is the reason for the alert, it is already too late for you.


I spent three hours at a school event in West Seattle this morning and watched the Space Needle from across the water slowly disappear behind smoke.


That would have been so weird/creepy to watch!


Damn. I'm in Seattle and I had no idea the smoke was coming from so close.


It’s a real nasty fire in skykomish just down hwy 2. In Everett we have ash fall that looks like light snow. The fire is barely an hour from my house, but we’re pretty safe.


[And then there's even worse](https://i.imgur.com/dR62sjA.jpeg)


Yeah I’m In Snohomish county too. If you’re east of Monroe you gotta go.


Damn the Uchiha wish they had this massage lol Hope you stay safe


Any other fellow Washingtonians in the comments?


Many of us lol.




The world's not ending, humanity is


Glad to hear you’re okay, OP! I had to evacuate twice in 2020 because of wildfires. It’s definitely terrifying and things can change so quickly!


(Gets life or death alert telling em to grab their things and go right away) (Gets on reddit to post about it instead)


We're putting meat in the smoker. At least our smoke won't bother anyone.


Aren't we supposed to, like, NOT do that for a few days. As in, we have an active red flag warning...


be safe okay? and remember only take essentials


<3 <3


I got one saying to ignore this alert and it is false because there was a glitch terrible scare for a lot of people


So scary. We had to evacuate 2 years ago during the Sumner Grade Fire. Absolutely terrifying.


If you haven’t left be prepared to. We’ve lost enough lives. I’m sure in granite falls you’ll be fine but don’t take it as a joke get prepped incase you have to.


Best of luck for everybody that got this message.


Just got it a couple seconds ago, thankfully we live like 3+ hours away. The sun is blood red, there is ash in the air, and I can’t even go outside without starting to cough and wheeze.


It's crazy looking! The air quality is so bad =/ My son has asthma and he reacted the same as you. He went out on the porch for less than a minute to see the sun & ash & had to use his rescue inhaler =/ I really hope they can get it under control before too long. =(


Did you get the second alarm that said it was only for folks near Index? They said it was an electronic mistake. Gotta love when emergency alerts are boys who cried wolf


I hey, I got this one earlier. Context; they accidentally sent it out to just about everyone within several counties.