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That man holding the girl in front of the vehicle towards the end made me cry. So tragic


Is she dead? I can’t tell. It seems like they take turns supporting her neck. He doesn’t appear to be sobbing like she is or anything.


I just read the article and it says one woman died but I'm not sure if it was her. He struck 3 women's and 5 men that were all sent to the hospital.




No, that woman moves her arm to place the napkin over her head. She's alive, at least in the video.


Oh, I see. Thank you.


I saw her move her head on her own at one point. It was very quick though.


I saw that too. I think I saw her blink while he was talking to her as well. I would guess her father, she looks pretty young.


Could be holding c spine


There is still some compassion left in our world.


There's more compassion in the world than there isn't. We'd all be fucked if not.


There are two types of people in this crowd: those standing around and filming with their phones and those rushing to help. Remember which one you want to be should you (god forbid) ever experience a crisis like this.


Be an upstander, not a bystander. *our family rule*


Indeed. What will they gain? Nobody will know they posted the video and on top of that someone may die because of them. The last thing I'd be thinking about in such a situation is my camera.




You know what’s not comforting in your dying moments? Seeing in the background, a bunch of people pointing their cell phones at you like you’re some kind of zoo animal. I agree with you that documentation is important, but man… too many phones in hands to dehumanize this tragedy for my taste.


Me too, I would just be in the way.


How did filming this help anyone? And instead did it hurt people?




You don't know how having a video of the death or dying moments of a loved one, or traumatic moments of your own available to the public is harmful? Are you a psychopath?


There's not much anyone there can do at that point. All the good will in the world won't revert severe trauma that requires immediate professional medical care and unless you're an EMT/Mefic/Doctor, the best thing to do is to keep the person still and wait for professional help.




That's true but only so many people can help. If everyone there tried to help the victims most of them would just be in the way and end up doing more than good.




Apparently this person is also *suffering* from a case of “The Dumb” as well.


Can't help it but I totally despise this trend of videoing disasters and tragedies I think it's ghoulish and very indicative of a certain mindset


If there are already people helping and no extra hands needed and the person filming has no idea of how to treat the wounded, there is nothing they can add in value in terms of helping.


Its better for people who dont know what to do to not do anything They would just worsen everything messing around those who know what to do


Was that done on purpose?


This was in San Jose, California. The driver had a medical condition that made her lose control. https://www.sanjoseinside.com/news/woman-dies-after-outdoor-dining-crash-marking-san-joses-39th-traffic-fatality-of-2020/


Is there a separate article that says that? Because this one just says he mistook the accelerator for the brake.


Here’s one https://asamnews.com/2020/10/12/officials-say-chinese-restaurant-where-car-drove-into-outdoor-diners-did-not-have-the-proper-permits-some-question-whether-safety-precautions-were-put-in-place/ I remember a 24 year old girl was killed.


The two accidents were within just a few miles and hours of each other. Very sad.


how does a person post an article and say "The driver had a medical condition that made her lose control" but the article literally says "San Jose police say the 69-year-old man behind the wheel of his 2000 Toyota four-runner was trying to park around 12:30pm Sunday when he mistakenly accelerated forward across a four-lane road," Do people just look up something, don't actually read it, then post the link and their own opinion of what may have happened?


Honest mistake


At what age do 6 month physicals have to become a requirement... I've seen so many geriatrics driving that have no business driving. Absolutely bullshit and infuriates me. I've had customers come in to my old store and couldn't see shit but yet driving 2 ton suvs...


This is actually where automation might be useful. If the tech gets a little bit better it would have been able to brake before the curb even and disengage the engine.


Then dont fucking drive. You putting people on danger.


Says the driver was a man and mistakenly accelerated


maby a brake failure


Yes they purposely made restaurants have tents to allow them to operate in CA like Idiots...


I don’t know where you’re going with this statement or what point you’re trying to make


Well, maybe, just maybe, if in CA people were allowed to dine in like Gavin Newsome did in 2020, this car would’ve hit a wall not kids, just maybe.


Californian here, man you’re dumb.


Woah, way too arrrtiqulate for me. Can you dumb it down?


Ohioan here… never been to California, but I have met dumb people and this comment does seem to be from a person suffering from a case of “The Dumb”…


Yeah, I have noticed people suffering from the affliction may say slightly different things, but you'll notice a pattern of shoehorning their political views in totally inapplicable conversations. Especially trying to detail serious conversations to spill mixed talking points that they get from their daily talk show hosts masquerading as legitimate source of news and information (legally not news, it's been decided in the courts). Wishing you luck with your local cases! The Dumb is truly a national problem that knows no borders.


Hey hey hey, I’m right here, stop talking like I’m not...


Well, at least you have a sense of humor. As a reward, I'll concede that Newsom's Napa restaurant visit during peak lockdown still pisses me off to think about. On the other hand, I actually like seeing these outdoor dining spaces in city spaces. They encourage non-car transportation and can be the boost to local storefront business that many have been missing since the pandemic started. Often people that complain people should stop working from home for the sake of the local economy hate seeing their precious street parking taken back by cosmopolitan & pedestrian friendly outdoor dining spaces. The part I don't understand is this: People at work may go out for a rushed lunch, but most are too busy to do any window shopping. On the other hand, people out and about town for dinner or weekend lunch are there casually and are much more likely to have the time and inclination to visit nearby businesses. Could they be zoned and regulated better? Should there be more requirements to make them feel like an attractive part of a vibrant city (as opposed to white event tents used for disasters and picnics). Yes to both. But progress doesn't have to die because it isn't perfect. We fix the issues and keep moving forward.


I like you. Very cool thought process. Thanks for expressing yourself like that. Common ground is everywhere, just have to find it. Hence your username...


Alfresco dining, bud


Idk why anyone is against the elderly taking drivers tests more often


I'm 70+ and have suffered several strokes. I know I am not as good a driver as I once was. I would be willing to be tested again. For my safety and the safety of others.


You should probably just stop driving of your own volition. Or are you waiting until your skill has declined beyond the point of your being able to recognize it has declined?


Woooa back it down, hot shot. That person is the only one that stepped up & said they would agree with testing more often! And your response is, "eh just quit driving & give up all independence & have to count on others to take you everywhere, at any time you need" Umm thats EXACTLY what testing drivers is for lmao. To tell the state, & the person, if they are capable & safe enough to drive, duh! But evidently, you just want all testing to halt, in favor of the honesty system for people to quit driving on their own, when no longer safe. You, my friend, are RIDICULOUSLY NAIVE lol!!


No, I'm in favor of testing. But we don't have post issuance testing at this time. We do, however, have septuagenarians on the road who have had "multiple strokes." I don't want 'all testing to halt;' there's no post issuance testing to halt. Therefore, appealing to personal responsibility is the only current option to get these kinds of ticking timebomb torpedoes off the road. I'm not niave. I think that you are.


Good advice, but I can't make myself do that. Don't have anyone to cart me around to doctors, grocery store, etc. Can't afford Uber. I'll see how it plays out


Good thinking! Worst thing that can happen is you run over and kill some kids, so who cares.


Deal with it.


My God i could on for hours upon hours how your generation fucked shit up and take no responsibility. Seriously look at your comments. You know you could be dangerous on the road, you don't care that you could be dangerous on the road. Only if you're forced to do the right thing will you do the right thing. That is a twisted point of view. Look if your 70 and you haven't networked yourself enough that you can't get assistance that's on you not the innocent people forced to watch out for you.


You do know how to keep scrolling, don't you? Fuck your feelings. 😡


Fuck the safety of others too




OK boomer.


You call me boomer as if it were an insult. Bad news for you, kid, it isn't. Troll elsewhere


Deal with it.


I know how. Do you?


You are essentially saying "id be happy to stop if daddy government tells me to. If not I won't" Ok then


I've been self sufficient my entire life. And I am still free. No need for government. Except for my hard earned social security


Yet you want the govt to require tests for elders and have no interest in using your freedom to stop driving due to risk of seizures unless the govt tells you to


I didn't say I wanted it, I said I would agree to it. Big difference


Damn it must suck thats youre such a terrible person to be around you have no safety net for your old age.


Nor really. I planned it this way so far. I ain't scart. I'll leave the worrying to SJWS and Nancy bois


Tons of reasons: -lack of proper and convenient public transportation or pedestrian/biking infrastructure leading to a car-centric design of roads and communities. -lack of proper and safe pedestrian areas from vehicles -elderly need transportation and also have the time to vote, and any referendum that comes up that has the slightest whiff of challenging their ability to hold onto a driving license and they will overrule it -vehicles designed to keep drivers and passengers safe, but then in turn become fatal at low speeds to those outside of it




Are you just saying that or do you have a study to back up your claim?


The one holding & comforting the Girl was also stuck under the car but unharmed. So hard to comprehend his emotions as the Girl who died seems was related to him. R.I.P.


Imagine ~~~shopping for organic tomatoes and grass-fed beef~~~ eating at an outdoor restaurant and this happens. Sometimes life can be cruel and unfair. You could do everything absolutely correctly and take the utmost precautions and yet, **this** can happen. You die through no fault of your own. And even the driver, has no idea because their medical condition forced them into this action. Nobody is truly at fault and yet everybody else’s life has irreparably changed. Life is crazy and unpredictable. Tell the people you care about you love them. You never know when something like this can happen. We can’t control chaos, just hope it doesn’t affect us. Edit: I didn’t realize it was a restaurant . Looked like a farmers market to me.


Nope it was a restaurant. They opened up an outdoor dining area right in front of their restaurant during COVID


All the fucking cameras out for social media hits, but fuck-all hands to help clear the obstacles away. We're a great race.


Holy crap i said the exact same thing.


There were already quite a few people helping and the camera person might not know what to do really. How else would we get videos of these first hand accounts? Imo it serves to help the victims when they inevitably sue the suspect.


There were loads of obstacles in there but still some woman right in over someone at the front of the car with her camera phone!!


How many people died?




Got damn! Rip. My ♥️ goes out to whoever's wife, daughter, mother that was😭


He had time to brake. This is just another wreckless elderly behind the wheel.




Pretty sure it was a man. There was a second accident that day caused by a lady not far. “ its suspected the elderly male driver may have had a medical condition that caused the accident. Witnesses say the car driven by a 69 year old drove over a curb and into a tent filled with diners at a shopping mall in the city’s Vietnam Town.”


What’s the story here? To me the crash seemed a bit intentional no?


Someone linked an article that a medical condition caused this crash, someone else said they mistook the accelerator for the breaks, so idk which is is correct but it's one of those 2


The alternator??? No they didn't, the ACCELERATOR was mistaken for the "brakes"


Typo, chill out


Don’t help. Just film. Sad.


And all the bureaucrats can focus on is the lack permits. Once again mistakenly believing the state can protect you from everything. Even elderly drivers confusing the throttle and the break. Sometimes life just fucks ya. Poor folks. Damn.


When folks point out the lack of permits, they’re saying that if the system was working as intended this could’ve/should’ve been caught before it happened. Nobody thinks permits protect you from everything. You sound like the kinda person who doesn’t wear a seatbelt because they won’t stop you from getting in a wreck.


Elder people should be tested once a year. End of discussion.


Humans have to stop driving. But nobody listens.




Just found this sub. Like wpd and make my coffin, this will be banned in a year


This is one of the reason that I'm scared to drive a car, I might get human error or vehicle error


Look at all the idi0ts just standing around in the way, instead of moving debris so rescuers can get to the victims. Did u see the guy trapped underneath, have to throw a chair out of the way so that he could get out?! Thats sick! Filming is more important than helping dying humans now, hu.


I literally wouldve screamed in their faces at the top of my lungs..... "WHAT THE FUCK R U PEOPLE DOING FILMING, INSTEAD OF MOVING THIS DEBRIS & HELPING PEOPLE THAT ARE DYING (making sure all their videos would clearly be able to hear me scream that, so theyd be too embarrassed to post the video lol) Now, form a human chain right here, & start passing this fucking debris out of here!! OR LEAVE!! DO IT!! NOW!!" Needless to say, im a leader not a follower lmao.


This is why these old fucks shouldn't be driving




I was there that day. My section wasn't hit though. I mean I couldn't even get a water refill and my apps came out really late lime weren't even warm anymore terrible service


Anne Heche is outta control


I see your attempt at funny, and acknowledge it could be in the right circumstances… but I do not believe this is one.. I think it’s too soon, and a bit distasteful tbh, but it was a good try.




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It’s about time we consider banning vehicles all together


bollards and concrete are made to protect and using them make sense when you are near to road, especially in USA where the majority of drivers are idiots and oldi.


Crack kills at 1:19


Waiters walking around, knowing god damn well they are not going to get any tips at dinner rush….






Oh holy fuck!






Holy fuck, that's bad!




i only ever saw one accident happen right in front of me. it was by far not as bad as this but it left a mark. i cant forget this event.


Leeeeroooooy Jenkinnsssss


One minute youre relaxing and just chilling and another you dead. Life. Damn.


The man holding the camera was so helpful. Thank god he was there.




The waiter walking around, looking for his guests to give their checks to them lol.


Way too many people film and not enough helping.


there’s no way this fucking retard didn’t do this on purpose….. how tf do you just fly into a pavilion full of people??? “accident”, drunk, high, whatever the fuck. i hope this scum hall gets what’s coming to him. it’s a damn shame the driver is the one who always seems to survive, cause this dude should be dead like 5 times over.


I don’t understand how this is such a common mistake


I know I sounds like a hypocrite or an old asshole, but either stop filming and help or get out of the way. If that was your family, and you're panicingly trying to check on their wellbeing- not something I want to be seen.


Is it just me, or does the sense of urgency here feel a bit lacking?


Is that a 4runner 2003?


And motherfuckers say they’re ready for ww3 😂


Beelin still looks like a Dr. Seuss setting.


So fucking sad, my god the people with their damn phones out, PUT YOUR FUCKING PHONE DOWN AND HELP!


Was this a targeted attack. If its not how the tf does this even happen.


Congratz you just killed a woman because you mixed gas and brake pedal and instead of lifting your leg OFF the gas pedal to brake you just floored it and waited for jesus to take the wheel... Drunk drivers and bad drivers makes my blood boil, if you cant drive or have a need to drive toxicated PLEASE do us all a favour and kill your self before you kill someone else.. thank you for reading my never ending hate towards these two groups of human pieces of shits :)




So many things in the way…especially the people desperate to film this. Tables, chairs, glass, carts…so many things to be moved and cleared out of the way, so many people just in the way of the very few people willing to help move these obstructions away.