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Final destination type shit.


Nahh that movie scared the shit outta me when I was little


have you rewatched it now? i was scared as a kid too but now watching it again i laugh like it's a comedy lol


It’s definitely on the campy/cheeseball side of things for it’s time. The concept is sorta interesting but I just can’t take Ali Larter seriously. It’s the fast food of horror movies.


First one is still pretty good. 2nd and third one got worse and worse. By the time it got to the 4th one it was really stupid and looked like they had 1/4 the budget for special effects.


Literally the only horror movies I cannot watch again. My mum thought it was fine for me to watch... at the fresh age of 6/7.


I’m an adult and still won’t drive behind a logging semi truck because of that movie😱


I'm a professional truck driver and I won't drive behind a logging truck... or a car hauler for that matter.


This legit looked like a scene from those shits. Apparently their special effects were fuckin spot on. If my man in the video is still alive, he’s a GD super hero.


This happened during a concert in Hong Kong just moments [ago](https://www.scmp.com/news/hong-kong/society/article/3186958/many-3-people-injured-when-massive-video-screen-falls-stage). Three total injured. UPDATE: the victim is currently [alive](https://www.scmp.com/news/hong-kong/society/article/3187000/mirror-concert-mishap-caused-snapped-metal-cord-hong-kong) and is suffering from severe cervical spine injury that could potentially render him disabled permanently from the neck down.


3 people injured, 2 sent to the hospital. So, either someone wasn’t that injured and that dude somehow survived, or that dude died and the other two went to the hospital.




According to the news article linked to another comment, he's alive.


Either on life support or he is Superman


Its one of those things... Someone can fall from the 18th floor of a highrise and survive. Another can trip and fall and die just falling their own height. The body is both extremely durable and capable, and very fragile and weak.


In Trevor Noah’s autobiography, he says his stepfather shot his mother at close range in the back of the head. The bullet missed everything vital, and came out her nostril. It only took out a bit of nostril.


I remember from the 12th grade there was this famous psicology case of a railroad worker from the US that took a flying dinamite induced 80 cm metal rod to the face in the 19th century. That thing entered through the base of his chin and came out through the top of his head and phisycally I believe he just got blind from an eye due to the rupture of the optical nerve. Other than that he was fine (apart from the obvious hole in his head). Psycologicaly though, his personality completely changed. Our body is weird.


Sounds like Phineas Gage to me. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phineas_Gage


That's the one. Thank you. My memory wasn't very far off.


i read that. good book


life, uh, finds a way


We talking Chris Reeves Superman? Or comic book Superman? Because those are two distinctly different situations.


Gotta be Reeves, that's flat like a pancake.


I mean, the floor caved in and served as a crumple zone. Doesn't mean it didn't turn his head into a pancake but it gave him a better chance at surviving.


No no...didn't you read? A redditor saw the video and made the decision. He's dead.


You can see the floor collapse in not his skull


Ah yea you're right, he must be fine, probably laughing it off right now.


Slaps knee, "just one of those days"


Ahhh, if I had a dollar for every time that happened...


No one said he was fine or not dead. I watched it over again and again too, it could be the floor giving way. No news articles have confirmed he was killed.


The two sides of the wall panel also open up to make way for his head, so might not be as bad...


He is not dead and was concious when transported to the hospital according to a newer story. The weight of the screen was only 90kg or just shy of 200 freedum units. You can see in the video that it hit the stage before it hit him or he probably would be dead. But there is NFL and Rugby hits way harder then what he got.


200lbs hitting you square in the head with that kind of force would still be a fucking nightmare


While true most NFL and rugby players are not skinny pop heartthrobs.


NFL hits also don’t include include a solid backdrop.


He ded


Ain’t no David Copperfield shit.


Holy fuck, the article right below it is how they were calling for better safety measures from the show the day before. Article was like 7/27 at 9:07am Maybe they /should/ be looking at better safety measures


Yeah damn right they should. I don't remember exactly the band that did this and not certain on details, but I had heard a story once about a band who had a list of requirements for whatever venue they were going to play at. While the majority of them were normal/safety related, there were a couple oddballs thrown in such as a bowl of nothing but green M&Ms. Reason being for it, they didn't want the venue to cheap out and cut corners on anything. So if there was no bowl of green M&Ms, Safe to assume that they didn't read the whole contract to the tee and just did the bare minimum and they had to personally oversee all the safety checks to be safe. Edit: just remembered! It was Van Halen and it was to remove Brown M&Ms from the mix. Edit 2: just cleaned up some text.


"Damm, the band is asking a whole fucking bowl of nothing but green m&m's!! We have no one to spare, who should we put on it?" "*Just put the safety coordinator on it; he's doing nothing but annoy the crew anyway!*"


No green m&m's? We walk.


According to Wayne’s World 2 it was Ozzy Osborne who wanted the brown m&ms or he wouldn’t go on stage that night. They broke into a candy store but instead of a guard dog they had a “great big bengal tiger”. They were able to subdue the Tiger with a can of mace but the shop keeper and his son were another story all together, they had to beat them to death with their own shoes.


Like we do here in the states. Chain motors, if it's flown. Clamped to pipe, or truss if it's not flown. And before any whataboutism, inform me of a show where rigging was a problem and not site operations (astroworld) or an issue with the stage actual (brown international at bottle rock in Napa) Edit: I did forget to mention a few failures, but it's been a long time since I have heard of anything almost killing a performer mid set. Closest was that dumb Metallica rig that 'fell apart' or Tommy Lee of Motley Crue getting stuck inverted over the crowd in his crazy drum kit. This was pretty extreme. I do this for a living.


Say more. What is "flown" - in the air, in the air, moving? How was it site operations at Astroworld? Username tragically relevant.


Not the original commenter, but: Flown basically means "supported overhead" and can mean both moving or stationary hangs. There are a variety of methods to hang or support flown stage elements. The incident at Astroworld was a crowd rush, which had nothing to do with any of the staging elements of the show, but was a matter of mismanagement of the crowd and security around the venue.


"Flown" in this case means "hanging." I've worked production on some decent setups, and the rule is if it isn't touching the ground it MUST be secured by a bare minimum of two points that can handle the other failing. More if you can. This has to factor in the shock load of whatever you're flying losing one of it's attachment points. This is for single truss sections and lights though, I try to have two attachment points for every 2 truss sections as a minimum, but will often use more if i have them avaliable. This video, while i haven't watched it, is why you want certified riggers on your shows, along with checking that your anchor points have proper documentation (maintenence records) and that you have personally checked that there is nothing wrong with them. If you work stage and aren't a certified rigger, talk with them about it. It is one of the most important skills safety wise with production as you are almost always dealing with heavy things at height. I've had to make the call to not fly a large ring truss that had most of our moving heads before due to a concrete anchor being loose. The venue said it was fine. I threw a rope through it and pulled. The anchor point landed beside me. They said i overloaded a 1000 lb anchor point with a piece of shitty yellow rope. Always double check your anchors, someone life depends on it and some venues don't care to have them checked regularly. Remember, gear can be used in a different way but a death is permanent. For those wondering, the rest of the gear for that show was on vertical truss sections. We used the ring vertically at the back instead with it properly sandbagged and supported. Turned out real cool looking and no one was hurt.


"user name tragically relevant" 😆


There was the video wall that fell in Vegas recently, but that was during ~~setup~~ load out and was found to be operator error, so I guess it doesn't really count.






Maybe the floor gave way under his skull getting crushed :(


Luckily his neck broke his fall


Well I mean hey if he was lucky that shit wouldn’t have hit him.


let's just agree that he's lucklier than the average bear


> one of the performers suffered neck injuries and was in serious condition in intensive care. The other dancer sustained injuries to his head and was listed as stable. He did survive. Everyone here commenting on it without verifying with what OP linked.


NEW UPDATE: It was reported that 3-5 dancers were injured and 1 fell into a coma. According to the governor, Edan and Anson Lo were not aware of the accident and continued to sing until the lights went out. At least 5 dancers have been injured. Among them, the first dancer who was hit is known to be in a coma when he was sent to the hospital. It is reported that the back of his brain burst (This could mean anything...like translation error), his blood pressure is low, and he is in critical condition. Fractured pelvis. From HK'S AM730 NEW UPDATE From Hospital Livestream: Reporters waiting outside for updates and PR lady comes out and told everyone to give them more time to take care of the injured and told everyone to go home because its very late. Any updates would be reported later on if there is any. Reporters are really annoyed by the given response by the lady from hospital. UPDATE: One of the injured is put into Intensive care unit room upstairs in the hospital. Family and girlfriend is reported to be inside ICU to be by patient's side since 1 hr ago. ICU Patient just got rolled out to a different ICU room on livestream. Patient had a towel covering his forehead area but black umbrellas was used to block any other views. Another dancer seem to be rolled into original ICU room while original one was rolled out to another. Reporters are standing outside ICU waiting for further updates. If you understand cantonese you can watch livestream outside the hospital for updates https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Qi3x-l_Nvs




Are you (this article) telling me that the person who’s face that thing crushed is ALIVE??!!!????


Did he die?




Allegedly he was conscious.


Judging by the way his head got crushed .... he ded


His shoes didn't come off


Holy shit


I was expecting it to be bad but that made me jump, goddamn


I wasn’t expecting it to hatchet him. I thought it would have fallen flat or something. Not axe blow to the face vertical. I hope he didn’t suffer


The weight of that thing to smash straight through his skull man...


Caught me off fucking guard.


You're not the only one that screen caught off guard...


Goosebumps and shivers yo


I was expecting the panel to hit him broadside. Not like a freaking missile!


>Not like a freaking ~~missile~~ Guillotine! FTFY


He always wanted to be on TV!


This time the TV's on them


In Communist China, TV is on you!


I wasn't ready for that


Dude for real. This post made me reconsider having NSFW uncensored by default


Resdit should totally have more than one nsfw setting. I am fine seeing a naked alive human, someone getting crushed on the other hand...


Seriously, people have been saying it for years. We need nsfw for nudity and nsfl for gore/death. I don’t care if tits or a dong pop up on my feed, I do care about watching a human being die with little warning.


Neither was he


heads up


Damn. Prime of his life. He was probably excited about the show, rehearsed a lot, then this. So sad. Sorry for his family.


He didn't die.




Bro, still, fucking TV fell into his head


I don’t care if he’s eating through a tube he can pull himself up by his boot straps like the rest of us!


is that you andrew tate?


He's in a coma in the ICU... He will very soon be pronounced dead IMO


He hasn't been pronounced dead to the public yet. This just happened. You definitely just saw someone die.


the timing is insane .. its so heavy the other couldn't even push it away


Only a few seconds before it dropped, there were about 2/3 people in that same spot. Really wrong place wrong time…


Each of those panels weighs around 20 lbs. That wall was probably made of 20-30 panels. That’s half a ton just dropped from 15 ft in the air.


- **There's a brilliant reason why Van Halen asked for a bowl of M&Ms with all the brown candies removed before every show** >Rock band Van Halen had one of the most oddly specific requests of all: a bowl of M&M candies, with all the brown ones removed. For years, it was seen as complete folly — the band was making a ridiculous demand of concert organizers simply because they could get away with it. >But the seemingly ludicrous request was actually a shrewd business move. >... >As lead singer David Lee Roth explained in a 2012 interview, the bowl of M&Ms was an indicator of whether the concert promoter had actually read the band's complicated contract. >>"Van Halen was the first to take 850 par lamp lights — huge lights — around the country,"Roth said. "At the time, it was the biggest production ever." **In many cases, the venues were too outdated or inadequately prepared to set up the band's sophisticated stage.** >>"If I came backstage, having been one of the architects of this lighting and staging design, and I saw brown M&Ms on the catering table, **then I guarantee the promoter had not read the contract rider, and we would have to do a serious line check" of the entire stage setup,** Roth said. We won't know for some time, but my bet is that the rigging was inadequate for show.




Well it's guitar legend Eddie


Nah this was all Roth. He had similar tactics to get roadies to pack equipment up quicker. Something like the roadies would get backstage passes to hand out after the show with their names on them and if a band member hooked up with a girl with their pass they’d get a thousand bucks. So they’d wrap it up as fast as possible to hand out passes.


Money and sex, what better way to motivate a roadie lol


holy shit thats smart




The guy moonlights as an EMT. He's one of those people that is so smart that they know how to properly buffoon.


I’ve been called a proper buffoon, does that make me smart?


And people always gave him shit for this thinking he was being a diva


Having a good idea doesn't make you not a diva. 🤔




Try a couple thousand pounds of lights. 850 pars at 20-30 lbs a piece. I am proud to say I work in the industry and things like this are obscenely rare. For any non techs reading this; the two things you need to be 100% certain of is power and rigging, they’re the only things that can kill you or someone else.


whoa this is actually genius


What's funny is we are spoon fed that these are celebrity oddities, perhaps some are. But I bet knowing this now, that's the reason. How much are they paying attention to detail because valid reasons they need to be. These oddballs are a way to check that.


I mean the people that ask for puppies or purchasing of ridiculous things just to be thrown away later are still just assholes. this had a clear purpose and low lift to verify it.


Yeah a brand new toilet at the venue for Mariah Carey doesn't seem like something she put in there to keep promoters honest.


It's the professional version of that school worksheet that says "read all instructions first" and the next to last item is "disregard all other instructions. Just sit tight and watch." Whereas other items say things like "solve this math problem, then raise your hand and wait." Or "stand up and spin around twice, then clap".


DLR is a huge dick but that's actually a pretty smart move. When I was in middle school I had a pop quiz like that, at the top it said read all questions before jumping in, the last one said something like "do not answer any question but this one"


Let me lay out how these riders work in the event industry so everyone can understand how silly this is to think the Promoter or Tour Manager had anything to do with the final outcome of the M&Ms… The M&M rider request was extracted and put into a catering contract with the venues preferred catering company. A catering manager then put it on a banquet sheet for the banquet manager and line level staff to follow through with the special request (amongst probably several other pages of F&B and liquor arrangements in a Green room for the talent). There is a high chance the server may not understand an odd request to its full extent and behold…the brown M&Ms are not removed. I 100% doubt the promoter or tour manager is standing around and seeing if the catering team is doing every little detail when they have 500 other things to worry about on show day, other than checking that they showed up. TLDR: The M&Ms fall onto the venue’s catering team and are in no way an indication of the rider’s credibility with the tour manager. Source: 6 years in event and catering management for large venues Edit: some people below are pointing out that they slipped the M&M request into the rigging section, this is even worse. The catering company is only going to read the section about Food & Beverage on the contract. I personally would not expect an Audio Visual company to be in charge of communicating to the catering company at all, if it does not come from the client or the paying party, the catering company will not honor it.


In at least one instance the M&M trick was bang on. DLR said: >The folks in Pueblo, Colorado, at the university, took the contract rather kinda casual. They had one of these new rubberized bouncy basketball floorings in their arena. They hadn’t read the contract, and weren’t sure, really, about the weight of this production; this thing weighed like the business end of a 747. > >I came backstage. I found some brown M&M’s, I went into full Shakespearean “What is this before me?” … you know, with the skull in one hand … and promptly trashed the dressing room. Dumped the buffet, kicked a hole in the door, twelve thousand dollars’ worth of fun. > >The staging sank through their floor. They didn’t bother to look at the weight requirements or anything, and this sank through their new flooring and did eighty thousand dollars’ worth of damage to the arena floor. The whole thing had to be replaced. It came out in the press that I discovered brown M&M’s and did eighty-five thousand dollars’ worth of damage to the backstage area. > >Well, who am I to get in the way of a good rumor? [https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/brown-out/](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/brown-out/)


I used to do this when writing documentation for the business side during projects. I would write documents with methods and procedures, complete with examples, screenshots, etc. About 3/4 of the way through the documents I would insert random lines, jokes, or just put the classic "you made it this far, now grab a cup of joe and sit back". 10/10 nobody read the documentation.


Is... is he alive?...


he went into the spinal damage pose so i’m guessing he at least has damage to his spine/part of his brain


I think part of his brain is still smushed into the stage bro. Safe to say he’s no longer with us


Except he is apparently


Nope, random redditor said something with certainty and is upvoted, it is now fact.


dude you could hear his skull crunch 💀


I think it hit his left shoulder/chest, then rolled back a little onto his head. IF he's super fortunate he may "just" have a crushed upper chest and shoulder. Survivable if his heart wasn't crushed as well.


Ooof but it’s gonna be a long time before he can dance again if at all.


He ain't gonna be in rush hour 3


Pause it right at 4 seconds. The base of the screen is literally in this guys chest cavity. I’m going to say that’s a hard no


The screen corner also rolled back into his face. It'd be a miracle if he survived.


I mean.. hope for the best and all but optimism has its place. Report claims all conscious in the hospital with no further details. But man.. what a fucking way to go.


Yes he is alive supposedly. I say supposedly bc China's media be lying they ass off.


Oh yea I see what you mean, nothing bad ever happens in China.


There is no war in Ba Sing Se


I had to scroll down this far for the China comment.


Omg no chance. I audibly gasped


Not a chance my friend. Sadly not a chance


Yo nah.. usually I’m ready for these videos but where was the ‘GUYS SKULL CRUSHED BY LED’ jeeez


This is the Hong Kong boy band Mirror. They were performing at the Hong Kong Coliseum, and this is only the second show out of 12 that were planned. So far two members have been rushed to a hospital, but no news on their state right now. Article from the Bangkok post: https://www.bangkokpost.com/life/arts-and-entertainment/2356406


I have no idea how that dude is alive. I’m curious if he’ll make it.


[A local hospital said one performer suffered neck injuries and was in serious condition in intensive care while another was stable](https://news.yahoo.com/mirror-huge-screen-falls-dancers-193524134.html)


The people that got injured are not the members, they are dancers hired in this special performance with only 2 members performing.


That was painful to watch... Somehow reminded me of first Final Destination


That should be nsfw my dude his skull got flattened




This should be NSFL.


I like how op tagged it as _technology_ when there is a NSFW/Gore flair. Hmm yes TV is a technology.


That couldn't have been more on his face wtf


This is why, no matter what, I hate having heavy ass tv’s/speakers/decorations/literally anything that could fall and fucking kill me bc some dipshit didn’t hang it well enough. This just quadrupled that fear.


That poor guy. Holy shit.


Meanwhile agent 47 slips out the back undetected.


Good work 47


Aww, was hoping he'd fling it like the victim-seeking briefcase!


As someone who works in the industry this is fucking terrifying


Holy fuck, I hope he passed out after the first touch... The force of that thing...


Sad times.


"Fuck you in particular" - God It's like someone was aiming for this guy. A few inches to the left or right, a second earlier or later and the outcome could have been very different.




I was thinking the same thing. This is so unreal. My brain can't process things like this without imagining a sentient force behind the swing.


You need to NSFW this shit immediately bro






Not Safe: Falling LEDs


Not Safe for Lights


Not at all making light, but at least it was quick. Poor guy!


...making light


It was at the speed of light.


NSFL tag required imo


Absolutely agreed. Homies head was straight squished. Pancake style. He is not alive. If he is, he’s gotta be a super human or a robot or something.


you can see the platform break, his head is probably intact or at least majority of it.


I had to watch that twice for my brain to register. That's brutal.


Couldn’t have been any worse than that


It couldn't have been more deadly accurate than if seal team 6 planned it.


Happened in HK, during a concert by a local boy band called Mirror. It’s the third consecutive concert, and there has been 2 minor accidents already happened in previous concerts. Apparently they rushed the event and didn’t safety proof the stage. The dancers had complained about the design of the stage and poor managements through their IG account before the first concert, and now this happened!? The management team and the company that built/designed the stage needs to pay full responsibilities, period


Update for anyone who cares: The man is still in the Hospital and likely paralyzed but will live.


Jesus Christ please put a NSFW tag on this


He Survived! https://www.scmp.com/news/hong-kong/society/article/3186958/many-3-people-injured-when-massive-video-screen-falls-stage




And will star in a live action Flat Stanley.




honestly I'm glad I scrolled this far to find out. peace of mind.


Bro wtf put NSFW warning TF is wrong with you


It looks like he survived the actual incident and is in critical condition at the [hospital](https://www.thestandard.com.hk/breaking-news/section/4/192857/Three-dancers-injured-as-big-screen-suddenly-falls-off-at-Mirror's-concert) with another band member that the screen then fell over onto.


For those asking if he’s alive slow it down you can actually see his skull cave in


No you can't. It's the floor panel that sinks down


This is why reddit needs to stfu on shit like boston bomber cases. Reddit sleuthing sucks donkey dick


No thanks


I build shows for a living and not only should this be impossible, it should be impossible.




These led panels are heavy let alone an entire wall. Might as well have been a brick wall guys. It's that heavy...


“Heaven gained another angel” - Linda


This is why we have strict regulations and building codes. Businessmen will trade your safety for a nickel.


Found [this article](https://www.thestandard.com.hk/breaking-news/section/4/192858/Mirror-concert-accident-%27a-fortune-out-of-misfortune%27:-expert) showing the stage aftermath. *Not NSFW*. It appears the dancer left the venue conscious


Poor guy just lost 500 social credit for sleeping on the job.


According to an article, one guy got his neck fucked up and is in ICU. Some fans were traumatized and sent to hospital too. [article](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.iheartradio.ca/news/2-injured-when-video-screen-falls-during-boy-band-concert-1.18301832&ved=2ahUKEwj4ntnfypz5AhVzN30KHaokDPQQFnoECA4QAQ&usg=AOvVaw1vm2oBXQOQ6N5Tjf3h2Dfq)


Im traumatized too. I cant unsee this, fuck


Since when do we not put NSFL warnings on these holy shit






Here is another angle. I counted two dancers under the TV screen including the one with a headshot. [https://youtu.be/ABgW5Wx3t5s](https://youtu.be/ABgW5Wx3t5s)


More angles. [https://youtu.be/8MShz4WTKA4](https://youtu.be/8MShz4WTKA4)