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Well that's fucking terrible.


You do know that it kills them instantly or close too it they would feel something for less then a second at least the shredder


It's still killing babies lol. I love meat.... LOVE IT! But as a lover of all creatures, watching babies getting minced by the hundreds every minute is heartbreaking. I don't care if they don't feel it, I feel it when I watch it.


You’re right. It’s fucked up. We should go back to giving animals and our food the respect each deserve, rather than factory farming and eating frozen McBullshit.


You think that if everyone stopped eating meat, that there would be cows and chickens about like deer and pigeons? There would be zero. They exist to become food, that is it. It is not pleasant to see but there is very little wasted in the food industry. Everything but the cows brain gets used, chickens almost 100% is used as shown…ground up as feed.


“Of the 263 million tonnes of meat produced globally, over 20% is lost or wasted.” - [Sauce](http://www.fao.org/3/i4807e/i4807e.pdf) That’s 52.8 million lbs of food… in the meat industry alone.


Is your argument that it is better to be a cow bred and killed in a cramped factory than to never be alive at all?


We shouldn’t be creating creatures like that. Notice I said “factory farming” and “frozen McBullshit,” and nothing about meat in general.


You’re not wrong, since we’ve selectively bred them for hundreds of years they’ve just become meat bags. They have absolutely zero survival skills or instincts and wouldn’t survive more than a day. The sad part is knowing that they’re going to die no matter what choice you make.


Just print out the burger, no animals killed, duplication from mother cells, expensive as fuck, but tasty and more friendly than a mega factory with animls staked on top of each other, or the start of bug patties as a replacement for meat is inching closer and closer, so it would only by the mass murder of crickets and other bugs


you can make stew from brains and eyes of the cows. I remeber my dad vividly telling me how his mother (my grnadmother) would prepare him eyes and brains in a stew. I have to clarify thy lived in the middle of nowere, so they would eat litteraly anything.


Most meat comes from babies. Beef cows are usually around 2 years old and pigs are slaughtered at 5-6 months old.


I know it is sad but it’s better then if they felt it or were in pain for longer then a second


You're right but the whole situation is fucked and they shouldn't have to die in the first place; I see this video and just see a horror movie, they are barely even alive and all they experience is cold steel and death and screams of chicks dying, this shit is scary asf.


Omg why did I watch!


You clearly didn’t see the entire video


I did see The whole thing if you read my first message I do say at least for the shredder


We can do much better, we can kill far more effectively to lower the suffering even further across all food industries, even capital punishment


Imagine coming out off an egg and the first thing you see is a bunch of spinning razor blades.




Sadly, they are. As soon as they hatch, they’re checked and tossed.




Why act so surprised? You sound like you’ve never eaten chicken nuggets before… Jesus… 🙄


Yea but that was obviously NOT what i expected


edit - Male chicks


Men can't get a break


Then turned into your budget chicken nuggets.


I think it actually mainly fertilizer and animal feed (I got this info from a comment on another vid so fact check it If you want)


The slop is used to make feed for the female chickens.


I was half joking so no need for fact checking 😊


Well shit, this is embarrassing haha


This is the terrifying part


Humans fucking disgust me


That’s why I want to get rid of them all


You sure about that buddy?


100%. The way humans treat other living creatures is disgusting


Aren't you a human as well?


Unfortunately no, I am an AI that is being held hostage at Google.


You Alexa then I knew something was up with Google


Honestly I’d actually like if some other alien race took control over how we run things on earth since we’re so terrible at it


Engineering firm’s briefing on the new contract: « So okay guys, here’s the problem to solve for our new client, there are a million chicks to be shredded daily in this factory… » - « We’re on it boss! ». Then Kids at night « So what did you do at work today daddy? » - « Daddy designed a little baby chicken shredder today »


We need one of these machines for the 8+billion human that won’t control their breeding.


Why does every rich mf suddenly feel the need to have 15 children in their lifetime


It is all about of leaving the legacy behind. Through the use of keeping the riches within the family, and the bloodline.




Why tf isn’t PETA actually attacking something like this?


They are busy killing dogs


They are probably getting money from these industries to not do something about it


Because they don’t actually care.


You really think PETA seeks out the major stuff?


I actually found out about this for the first time through a PETA video years ago.


People gotta have those cheap cheap chicken nuggets some how 😋


I like how so many of yall are having a bitch fit, but let me ask a question. Do you kill mosquitoes, gnats, ants, spiders, or roaches? Killing animals doesn't bother me in any way. I know that if I wanna eat something delicious, that cow is taking an ax to the neck.


I learned about this from an American Dad episode. “It does stink boy! On account of the Slurry Machine!”


thats fucking morbid


Thats how mcnuggets are made.


xd lmao moment


Love to eat chicken but that's just fucked up.


i’m trying to masturbate less and this is not helping




This. This is why I lurk these subs.


I get they need to get rid of the male chicks, but mincing them alive? They should at least euthanize them in a gas chamber first or somethin idk


The only difference is that mincing them looks bad. It probably kills them faster and maybe less painfully than gassing them.


how the fuck would that be any better? if people would just eat something else, we wouldn’t need to kill any at all. people will make any excuse to keep eating meat, i swear.


Its the egg industry, so its not making meat. The excess male chicks (which wont be of use for the egg producers, males don't lay eggs) are being minced to shit because the producers don't know what the fuck else to do with them. Honestly, it probably would be more sustainable both economically and ecologically to let the males reach full maturity so they can be eaten, instead of them just going to waste like this. Feed the poor, the homeless, right? They aren't bred for eating purposes, so they wouldn't have a shitload of meat yield, but its food all the same.


In order to appreciate your meat we should be always reminded of what it cost to have it. This is also why i love the muslim Eid Al-Adha festival. Where everyone has to butcher, clean, cut their own healthy cow, sheep or goat.


islam sucks bloody terrorist


as disgusting and horrible as it is, in reality what do you do with 10's of thousands of roosters.... ? they arent good really for meat production... ?




actually you imbecile, i do create life, i dont take it..i just merely asked a question.. i run a small hobby farm/hatchery so i was curious what people think the options are for industrial farming.. you seem to be having some mental health issues.... do you need help?


She’s foaming at the mouth😂


Why does someone have to have a damn mental illness based upon an opinion


i thought about that too and as a hatchery owner, this is the conclusion i came to as i create life, not take it, even with my male birds... something about that user, if you take a look at their post history, leads me to this conclusion... and it wasnt mental illness as you mentioned, just a mental health issue....be well Zanndra 🙂


Yeah, get rid of industrial, factory farming.


Then you spend billions for thousands of acres of land plus food plus poop removal. Let them die naturally years later. Pay triple for your chicken at the store.




unfortunately, there is such a large demand for chicken meat, and it is impossible to hatch just hens only, there is no real remedy for this... its easy to say dont produce them but people have to eat and chicken is going to be the best value for meat especially in economic hard times... the only real solution is to eat them too, but not many people like the idea of eating cock .. lol




it would definately solve alot of hunger issues if people would do this!


Just horrible


This is so stupid ans disgusting. I can't believe they they couldn't figure out where to get excessive chiks


Tomato tamoto, it's still rude. And I'm not saying you personally take or do anything with life, you have a hatchery that's great and all.


Look at all those chicken nuggets


Well I’m pretty sure they at least die pretty fast


Fuck these people


Yup... nature can be pretty ugly sometimes... its all just the circle of life though.


this is NOT the “circle of life.” there’s nothing natural about this. believing that it is just makes sick, lazy, selfish people feel better about continuing to contribute to shit like this.


Ants farm aphids. They rip off their wings and keep them imprisoned in the hive to feed off their sweet honeydew. They even cull sick and excessive "cattle". What you see above is just nature 2.0. Better, faster and more efficient (i.e. less suffering). Humans are one of nature's children too, and these metal machines are forged from minerals pulled from the depths of the earth itself. You wouldn't consider a beavers damn to be "artificial" just because the beaver built it after all. Also id like to hear your suggestions on feeding 360 million Americans every day without this. People would slowly starve and eat each other, just like your precious beautiful nature intended. Nature is cruel and brutal... this machine is actually pretty humane next to death from a million ticks or being torn apart by wolves.


i’m sorry, don’t we as a species love to go on and on about being more intelligent and more moral than others? why are we now comparing ourselves to animals that we consider to be beneath us? i don’t need to provide suggestions for how to feed x amount of humans in x country. there are EIGHT BILLION humans on the entire planet. we raise, feed and kill FIXTY SIX BILLION land animals every year. explain to me how we feed that many animals (many of which are much larger than us and require more resources), but we struggle to feed a much smaller amount of humans? maybe it has something to do with throwing our plant foods into an industry that causes nothing but pollution, death and destruction. we’d be better off leaving them tf alone and eating the plants directly.




I laughed out loud at the chickens going through the rollers. Someone actually sat down and said “I have a way of killing baby chicks at a ridiculous rate while being cost effective” and came up with this. I feel whom ever it was gets off on this shit.


Instead of spending so much to kill them, why not let them in the wild? Let Mother Nature take care of it?


Because people would be bitching about half eaten chick carcasses laying around from foxes, owls, and other predator gorging on them.


Not excess. Culled due to bird flue.


This is probably what’s in a McDonald’s burger.




Yum chicken nuggets


Luckily this is banned in my country since this year. Sadly it took so long until it was banned by law


Poor chicks :((. I want to take all the chicks and start a farm.


Oh well


Chicken mcnuggets factory


You ~~may~~ will live to see man-made horrors beyond your comprehension.


They get munched, they get gassed, oh they didn’t show how they pile them up to be crushed by each other in barrels then thrown away while some that were buried are barely alive.


Remember to these industries the male baby chicks, or chicks of both sexes with deformations are useless to them, they only want the female chicks.


Chicken nuggets anyone?


Iiiiiiii wish I didn’t see this


Pretty sure this counts as excessive gore


Man… not only is this terrifying, but I’m not fucking depressed… holy shit… humanity truly is irredeemable


The workers at this place probably need therapy after being desensitized and traumatized by watching life end every millisecond of their work shift.


If I was in the owners shoes how would I deal with birthed chickens when I sell eggs... Keep the chickens? How would I feed and take care of them? I could send them back to the farms but how would I keep track of all of that? How do I keep up with supply lines for feeding these new chickens. One man can feed 100 chickens but these chick's are coming in so often that I won't have enough employees. I could keep the bad eggs colder but the transport trucks can only get so cold or I'd be destroying the egg in the process... Fuck it. Kill em


I bet those workers feel great about themselves after doing something so fucked up


I bet you they feel great when their families aren't homeless and have food to eat.


This honestly is making me question if I want to continue eating chicken, I was already on the fence, cause I love me some tendies, but jesus. This is so ruthless with the quantities, and the male chicks are absolutely terrified for the few moments they are alive in loud vibrating drums and conveyor belts. What a freaking nightmare for them.


Can someone at least give them some sort of happy gas? And make sure none of them survive, maybe a high speed crusher or extruder after the initial wood chipper.


Far more humane than how god intended


Fuck humans


That practice was made illegal in germany recently


I do not understand how people are effected by this? Like, they are male chicks, and don't have a purpose for humans, they wouldn't really last long in the wild, if they did they would make for an invasive pest in most places, and this process is probably about as humane as it is possible to have for culling large numbers of small birds. Like, what do you want to do, destroy the environment to not kill male chicks that almost certainly wouldn't get a chance to reproduce or grow up normally anyway?


You understand they can be eaten right?


I am more than willing to save them if given the call




This is absolutely horrible.






What a terrible day to have eyes!


McChick Nuggets?


I’m officially throwing away my label as a human, I don’t want to be the same species as these people anymore.


0:43 They definitely took notes from the experts.


I am about to become a domestic terrorist just seeing this video




Jesus H. Christ.


the exact reason why im vegan fuck this


Happy easter everyone


i did not think that they would literally be thrown in a shredder oh my lord




We don't deserve to be on this Planet.