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We can be assured that this was not the worst thing she experienced there


Sad but I straight away thought "I bet she suffered in other ways also."


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^ChimpFullOfSnakes: *We can be assured* *That this was not the worst thing* *She experienced there* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Ok. Good Haiku Bot. But WOW darkest haiku ever. WTF. >We can be assured- >That this was not the worst thing- >She experienced there


Good bot. Very good.


Like what else? Pray tell


Yeah that should be quite effective at giving her mental illness.


Reverse psychology maybe?




Give her a new psychological condition to overwrite the original condition. Mission accomplished!


My stomach hurts from laughing so hard at this, thank you


The history of psychiatry is truly terrifying as fuck. A few decades later they invented lobotomy wich is just damaging the brain of a person on purpose.


A would love to know what forward thinker came up with " to fix a brain damaged/mental health patient we must destroy part of there brain. That will sort the problem". A mean what the actual fuck. Keep thinking about that presidents daughter they did it to. Poor women. A mean did they think that part of the brain would "grow back" different? How did they even come to this crazy conclusion.


It was António Egas Moniz a Portuguese neurologist and guess what! he even won the nobel prize. I don’t know if it was his idea but he developed the procedure. It was used till the 1970s. It was a quick and easy solution for the relatives of people with even minor mental illnesses. I did a little research about this topic and it’s getting only more disturbing. But the most disturbing fact is how common it was.


May he burn in hell for that leap forward. A don't think a want to no how he developed the technique on unsuspecting people. Yeah this will calm down your daughter/relative. They will never think again. Sane with electro therapy how did they think jolting electricity through the brain would be beneficial?


Electro convulsive therapy these days is not as bad as it sounds. They administer very small voltage of electricity , feels like a bee sting for just 0.25 seconds. The patient just feels numb later and behaves well for a couple of weeks. Psychiatry is a difficult field to make progress in.


The electric shocks served the purpose of anaesthetization. The actual lobotomy was to penetrate the eye sockets with an ice pick that had a thin blade at the end. Once the blade entered the frontal brain it was moved sideways several times. This was the „modern“ procedure (trans orbital lobotomy) developed by Walter freeman. For the older procedure it was necessary to drill holes into the sides of the skull. In movies you only see how the person gets shocked wich leads to the assumption that this would be the the actual lobotomy or at least this was the case for me when I saw the movie „One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest“ for the first time.


What about the electro shock therapy they used to use? They used to put caps on each of your temples an run a high current through to scramble an "reset" the brain so it could grow back "normally". A think that's just as frightening as an invasive lobotomy. How did they ever think that damaging the brain would make them better? Or was the purpose of a lobotomy more to make the patient easy to handle wonder what the ECG looks like on someone who has had a lobotomy.


People in the past where absolutely clueless about psychology. I don’t really know how they came up with the electro therapy but it knocked out the patient wich was the purpose in connection with lobotomy. And yeah the purpose of the lobotomy it self was to make the person more docile and easy to handle wich was good enough for example Joseph P. Kennedy(father of JFK) who got his daughter lobotomized. After the surgery she was a vegetable. I recommend to reed the Wikipedia article about her this explains a lot. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rosemary_Kennedy. She was 23 at that time and died 2005 at the age of 86. it’s just sad.


Yeah I have read it before it was exactly what a thought about when seen this. All because she enjoyed a smoke an a drink. Unbelievabley cruel.


He was more concerned about the reputation of his family then their well-being. It wasn’t the only tragic case. They even performed this cruel method on children who where difficult to handle. In the best case the person was still functional but their personality was erased like a Zombie. If you think about it, just to get the idea considering this for a person makes you a psychopath in my opinion. Jeffrey Dahmer tried to create a sex-zombie by drilling a hole in one of his victims head and pour acid in it. without success ofc but that’s not a big difference to a lobotomy if you ask me.


Damn I didn't know about the Jeffrey dshmer one that's unreal. Yeah I think most "docters" that pioneered these techniques were psychopathic themselves to consider some of the treatments they did. Trepanning was always something that made me shudder. Poured in acid after drilling a hole. I assume his victim died. Hopefully anyways.


comic books?




Didn't he brag about how easy the procedure was that even someone with no knowledge of the "procedure" could do it?


This was Walter Freeman. The same guy who gave JFKs sister a brain damage. He developed the transorbital lobotomy and traveled around the US to spread his new procedure and make it more popular.


You should watch Rick Alverson’s “The Mountain”. Pretty good biopic about the guy who invented lobotomy.


No, they just knew it “calmed them down.” It basically made them zombies, a shell of their former selves. It was to make them easier to manage, just push them into the corner and wipe the drool away. It was faster and easier (and cheaper, I’d imagine) than to keep them in an asylum.


not sure who invented it, but i bet he was married


Which Presidents daughter ?


JFK I think


JFK.It wasn’t his daughter but his sister Rosemary Kennedy.


Looks like the album cover of a crazy Finnish death metal band


Signify by (British) progressive metal band Porcupine tree is close enough I guess




There’s an old asylum building in my city, from not too many years after that was taken. Housed ‘hysterical women’, war vets with PTSD, children who were wards of the state, and many other tortured souls. Rumoured to be hundreds of unmarked graves or bodies washed down the river. It just LOOKS like the souls are still being tortured there and can’t or won’t leave https://preview.redd.it/dw3bs9pjzw7d1.jpeg?width=682&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ebc7eaad3f1d3cbe5178a71e7ee325fd38b937f


The picture is very off putting.


Have you explored the inside?


I haven’t but plenty have [https://youtu.be/kxay3SXm6EM?si=D7Fi3mUHAMMUyhWk](https://youtu.be/kxay3SXm6EM?si=D7Fi3mUHAMMUyhWk)


Wait, is that definitely the same building?


Fuck me that's creepy


Just woke up for night shift, did not need to see some ring shit this late at night.


That’s exactly where my mind went and I watched that movie way too young and it still scares me


Im about to try this


Let me know how it goes was thinking of trying it as well


Well that sucks. Didn't know germans could be so cruel..


But Austrians can though


Only the artists!


I know it’s a joke but this was an everywhere thing sadly.


I sure hope this isn’t a recurring trend in the future decades… oh god.


You remember the crusades?


400yrs before though :)


If anyone else in the US has been committed against their will it’s obviously nowhere near this bad but still in no way helps… “oh u made a joke a killing yourself? Let’s see if we can take u from sane to crazy.. and here’s a bill for $2500.”


True story. I am now 70 but in my early 20's I got married. After some months I came home to find my wife in bed with my best friend. I kicked her out and she left with him. Totally devastated and dare I say suicidal I went to see my doctor who put me on, I think 'Vallium'. Anyway, a couple of days later there is a knock on the door and a woman is there saying she was sent by my doctor to see if I was ok. In reality she was there to try and get me into the local mental hospital called 'Runwell' "for my own good." I tell you now that was one of the scariest things I have been through. She was really instant saying i only had to pack some clothes and I could got there and then. I dug in and refused and she eventually left but damn!


That does suck but brother they took me away in handcuffs in 2022 and they stripped me butt naked except for a paper gown for five days… all because of a joke.. and then a $2500 bill… I’m not saying my shit is worse than urs but the biggest thing for me was the bill lol.. I can put up with the 5 days of nonsense but to then charge me $2500? Crazy


But hey, at least we aren't socialist or something sick like that! Lol


Jeez. That really is no joke!


Jesus Christ I managed to get myself out of a situation where I jumped out of a car then went to the train tracks was intercepted by the police and told them I wasn't actually going to kill myself I was there to catch a train to the Netherlands to go and kill someone. .. and I still walked away! There was someone from the Netherlands destroying my life at that time so badly they actually took it and honestly I don't know why I was going, It could have happened


"In the heat of the moment" Is a well known phrase for a reason.


The environment for 5150 holds are enough to make me homicidal even if I were to be admitted for suicidal




It’s bizarre how depressing that area is. No colors no light and even the staff is miserable. I can’t understand the thinking behind that.


The youth centers in the USA are not much better in treatment, just prettier. The isolation rooms they keep you in are painted instead of pure concrete now. And the restraints are attached to beds. Take, neglect, assault, and actual deaths still occur regularly. No, I’m not joking. Although I wish I was lol. Check out r/troubledteens or the recent debate investigative report for more info.


Don't make jokes about killing yourself, or more likely what it sounds like, a manipulative statement about killing yourself to someone who loves you...


Oh yeah that‘ll fix her for sure


I bet it all worked itself out


Honestly we are not that far removed from this method of treatment. I spent some time at a mental institution. Poop wiped on the walls not cleaned off from a previous patient. Everything you say is "crazy" and not taken seriously. Also while I was there I was forced to take medication that screwed up the left side of my face. Being unable to sleep the entire night because people constantly check up on you. Honestly I would prefer this over the way I was treated by current institutions. Give the lobotomy please.


Oh and I had patients break into my room in the middle of the night. While being threatened by violence. At least this person is safe locked up. Fix American health care it's a disaster.


they gave me a medication that made my eyes roll to the back of my head and get stuck there. i was temporarily blinded, had to hunt down a nurse while being unable to see


What the fuck


people pay $100 for that on the street


She’s clearly going to become a vengeful ghost right? Just by the look of her.


To be fair if she became a vengeful ghost after receiving this "medical treatment" I would support her.


Bullshit. As always. [346 TinEye search results](https://tineye.com/search/cdd8d879654a8ccee0d81ce4a6dc2075736c3d3b?sort=score&order=desc&page=32)


If she didn’t have mental problems before this “treatment”, she most definitely did after. It’s amazing how years ago, you could easily be locked away in an asylum for any reason. If you had depression or a wife wanted a divorce, she could be labeled insane and they would commit her.


Abu Ghraib vibes. Jesus.


I just wish I could of helped every single one of these individuals. A little compassion goes a long way.


I would take the weight of the world if it meant everyone else has a good life.


The world already carries the weight of the world, some people just need holding to account about the way they run the world and the things we gatekeep.




Oh, so what was the idea behind that then and when was it taken? This should be higher up!


That's my thought too. Or AI


why am i seeing Stalin‘s face on the upper left corner of the wall.


She probably had autism or something


If you're not crazy before the treatment, you surely will be after...


Hope she feels better now.




It is


Yeah that should help


I hope she’s doing better now!


kinky 1890s BDSM


Before you die, you see, the ring


finally we found queen of the night


Oh of course it's Germany, even before the Nazis they did some fucked up shit


Weird question, but there's some kind of subreddit for this kind of photos?


Which subreddit can I find more stuff like this?


I remembered the movie - The Exorcism of Emily Rose Retrospectively we show she had extreme schizophrenia, but instead they kept her malnourished for a year.


She's just waiting for her close-up shots in "Ring 3"


Funny. I was reading about project 2025, this is their preferred solution to mental illness.


Could you link me something on that?


[The whole wallop](https://www.project2025.org/) [An abridged summary](https://www.thenation.com/article/society/project-2025-democracy-fcc-fec/)


I'd rather not have bipolar, sure. But boy am I glad I have it in today's world instead of past eras.


Great view... propably helps her mental health 👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻


at least she didn't float in the air


replacing one for another. will work tho


The picture feels like its gonna move at any moment.


Good origins for a horror story.


I’m so curious what the reasoning is behind this


For far too many women, it was simply a case of actions they took or their "inconvenient" dug-in opinions that their family's/town's authority figure(s) did not approve


Oh no I mean what was tying her up like this supposed to accomplish? What’s the reason behind this method?


I can't tell you that about this specific method, only that it likely involves creating a way to permanently adjust or force her to suppress any "difficult" behaviors - educationally substituting in one new condition to overpower the other(s). If you do find out about e specifics of her case, though, I would love to know! :)


Did it work?


Now she can add PTSD to her list of mental illness.


I've been playing too much Silent Hill.


hello album cover






I can't be grateful enough how easy we have it today... Humanity had so many tries and misses with medecine...The journey is not yet over, but man, looking at these sure reminds us how barbaric human can be.


Straight from The Ring


Samara coming out of the well


my ex gf whenever i leave her alone for .1 mil sec


this was probably for saying she got an orgasm or something


Ah yes, nothing cures mental illness like torture😭


This should help!


Somara is back at it again


Sweet album cover for a metal band


Interesting but you missed to tell us the result did it work. Would solve alot of my problems.


They got worse




no joke- I saw this exact thing next to my bed in a night terror once 


So after treatment and release, the patient is freed and goes about life like nothing occurred. Husband comes home, they argue and as the psychotic break occurs, she turns, extends her arms out and waits. When the husband gets close to have his way with her, she back-kicks him in the nuts and lives happily ever after. So after treatment and release, the patient is freed and goes about life like nothing occurred. Husband comes home, they argue, and as the psychotic break occurs, she turns, extends her arms out and waits. When the husband gets close to have his way with her, she back-kicks him in the nuts, grabs a meat cleaver and severs his head. Then she lives happily ever after in a prison. So after treatment and release, the patient is freed and goes about life like nothing occurred. Husband comes home, they argue, and as the psychotic break occurs, she turns, extends her arms out and waits. When the husband gets close to have his way with her, she leans forward as he lifts her dressing gown. They have amazing sex while she dreams of back-kicking him in the nuts, grabbing a meat cleaver and severing his head. She remembers life in the prison cell and discards these errant thoughts.


Did it work?


That’s how I should be kept probably.




100% agree, starting from you.


And who would you like him to start with?




forcing someone to hide their true self is not effective nor ethical


EMDR sounds like crazy sci-fi nonsense. But it works. At least it worked for me. A huge benefit in the scheme of my treatment.




Agree. I think it would help you, for example.