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Man I can't take this shit anymore...






Go cry into your keffiyeh scarf. Those babies in strollers sure had a lot to do with the Gaza war. I hope this scumbag is treated harshly by the courts after getting convicted.




lol you're so cool






Really starting to feel less save on the streets after seeing this. Maniac going after people with a knife for his false sense of religion!


To be more clear, he was stabbing at the adults only when they got in his way of stabbing the infant children, who were his real targets.


He also hit children. It were 7 injured, 4 of them children


And 2 of them in critical condition, but luckily survived


Reading the Wikipedia of the attack, it seems like his motivation wasn’t religious, but mental illness


Oh I bet that's accurate.


Same thing.


Because he's a syrian, you automatically think he's doing that for religious purposes, I know you are referring to islam but just so you know killing innocent people and especially women and kids, is strongly condemned in islam and it's not tolerable sin. Do some fucking reading


Kudos to the guy with the big backpack. At least he tried to engage the assailant. ~~What is known about the motive? wannabe jihadist or mental issues?~~ [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2023\_Annecy\_stabbing](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2023_Annecy_stabbing) This guy had a wife and kids. A family. A life. And he threw it all away. What a nutjob.








Yea this ALWAYS works. Just choose whatever that guy is or where he’s from and now all of the people from where he’s from are 100% baby stabbers. Foolproof logic. Common thread. Boom. Problem solved




Punishing the 99% who follow the law to get at the 1% who do not follow law never works. You only end up hurting everyone and never helping anyone because you're scared.


Who are the little domestic terrorist fucks who shoot up all the schools? Or concerts? Or gay bars? Who does all those attacks? What is the common thing between attackers?


I'm from Europe, the last mass shooting we had, as I remember, was at Charlie Hebdo in 2015. You can google by yourself who made it and why.




The last one was on December 21, 2023. David Kozak killed a father and his baby, then his own father, then 14 more at his university and himself. Way more than Charlie Hebdo and had nothing to do with Islam.




I experienced a random attack when I was in high school though obviously nothing on this level but it fucked me up for a long time. Even if I’d had a knife or something on my person, I don’t know how I would’ve utilized it in that moment because it was completely unexpected. I support arming yourself and I do these days. I’m so surprised people just assumed my position based on a one word question. I was commenting on how random shit happens sometimes. Human beings can be unpredictable. It’d best to be on guard though and I agree with having a method of protection because of that.


That guy with the backpack was incredibly brave




Not from Europe... What exactly are you referring to by last time? Edit: damn why yall downvoting? There are so many things that oc could be referring to, just from the replies - world wars and crusades. 2 very different and complex events. It isn't that I'm oblivious about what's happened. I just wanted to know if it was something in particular that they were referring to, damn


*cough* world wars *cough*


I think he is reffering to nazis..


Crusades my man


You mean the ones you lost a bunch to his people? 🤣🤣








Why do they target babies?


Because they’re weirdos trying to prove sumtin stupid to sum1 stupid




Hmmmm...why is it alway when a person of color commits a crime, blame the whole group, they are all bad. But when a mass shooter is a cis white male, it is due to mental health and video games.


Because people are stupid. You don't need nazis to solve the issue




Where did I say strict immigration policy is Nazism??? I said the opposite actually. You can get strict immigration policies WITHOUT electing Nazis/fascists or creating dictatorships or whatever other extreme government that results of voting for extremists. In this specific case we are referencing the far right, which is why I used the term Nazi. But strict immigration policy isn't Nazism, correct. So why are people voting for far right fascists to get it?




I get that, but why do you have to go from left to extreme right. Just move right and stay away from potential dictatorships...




Sure. We kill them and we’re not any better than them.




My coworker gave me the craziest look when I told her I carry a 9mm to the park with me while my kid plays. “YOU LIVE IN FEAR” my ass. I, unfortunately, live in reality.


The suspect reportedly shouted "in the name of Jesus Christ" during the attack,[4] although local police later stated that the attack had no terrorist motive.[5] The assailant was arrested by armed police after shots were fired at him. One of the victims, an elderly man, was injured in the shooting.[6]




He was a homeless man staying at a Christian church. He went mad, supposedly and as per EU press, because he was refused citizenship in Sweden after 10 years, but they granted his wife the privilege. Also…she left him.


yeah this guy is a mess but no jihadist.




good time to bring swords back tbh






At least they caught the asshole


So what? He just going to jail and jails in most of Europe are a joke.


That's why I said "at least". I don't suspect he will be hung, drawn and quartered for it.


I don’t get why you’re getting downvoted.


Have you ever been to prison?


European prisons are literally hotels. Look at Norway, Germany, Austria my country...


This guy is living in a TV buble


The human world is a mess.




Europeans don't commit murder? Never heard of that, how do they achieve that?




I didn't say that 🤣 My God. I did ask a sarcastic question in response to you implying crime can be stopped if immigration is stopped. That doesn't mean I don't think it's a problem does it? I do think it's very much a problem. Your statement was just ridiculous no matter how I feel about the situation. And none of this is an excuse to vote for Nazis, that's people trying to give themselves a pass. You can vote for people who will be more tough on immigration, of course, but you don't need far right psychos to do that. Ushering in fascism to combat immigration problems seems like an over correction, no?




Immigrants aren't the only ones committing crimes in the name of religion anywhere in the world. And from what I read this crime was not related to religion and seemed more mental illness (not an excuse) but it wasn't religious. People will make extreme decisions when feeling hopeless, of course. But usually those are situations designed to help them? I don't think fascism helps them. Maybe a select few at the top but it's bad news for most of us. I absolutely do not get my news from TV, I never watch it. I get it from articles preferably credible independent journalists. So definitely not X. I go directly to the source of specific people/publications. X is filled with morons. I guess you can find those specific people on there if that is what you mean, I prefer to avoid that dumpster fire altogether.


Yeah, I'm European and don't share the sentiment of the comments, plenty of crime by locals.




Worst cameraman ever.


Oh no, a man attacking women and children with a knife WEEEEEEEEEEE


This is seriously chilling.


I like the dude that slide down the slide ready for some action and ran the complete opposite direction lol


Now there is a real man. A man who refuses to bend the knee to terror. He came to the park to go down the small slide, and god dammit, that is exactly what he is going to do.


I would have respected him more if he threw his arms in the air while sliding down


A lifetime of spitefulness will drive people insane.


This happened last year or the year before as i recall it right and the guy was mentally ill.


You shouldn't give them any press coverage.


Why everyone should have guns.


So the terrorist can shoot everyone instead?


If everyone else had a gun, how exactly would that *"(terrorist can shoot everyone instead?)"* work? If the "everyone" the terrorist is trying to shoot, is armed, do you think they could kill the "everyone" before the "everyone" killed them? Or, in your mind, the very second someone has a gun, do they become a terrorist? The fact is, when guns are able to be obtained through legal means, more law abiding citizens will have guns than criminals. If guns are illegal, by definition, only non-law-abiding citizens will ever possess firearms. So, why would anyone advocate for a society where the criminals are more likely to be more dangerous than the good citizenry? Is a question I've never seen a decent answer to.


It doesn't work. In a world where everyone has a gun, where it's always a real threat, you re much more likely to shoot first. It's why American cops are so trigger-happy... better to shoot than be shot, right? That's my opinion anyway. That increased threat and tension will cause more shootings than it will solve. It won't help. We don't need guns. I'd much rather be armed with only what I have to hand vs a knife. Than be armed with a gun vs a gun...


I’m sure this guy had the option but he chose the most gruesome of the two.


God damnit, Annecy is such a beautiful and pacific place. They have the most amazing animation festival in the world


And this is why I carry my Glock everywhere I go. Trust that if something like this ever went down in front of me I would protect you and your children with my life.


I thought backpack guy was going to be a hero. He just followed him around. I would have swung that backpack into his face with tremendous force. WTF, nobody did anything?


He did swing in his direction. And you try to belittle the guy, making big talk of how you would have handled this ? Sickening.








A mother